I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 41: Li Chu fell down (crying voice)

"Brother Wang..."

"It's so righteous."

When they saw Wang Qi again, Cao Pan and He Tu both had big smiles on their faces.

No way, things went so smoothly. A person you want to cheat does not need you to speak, and jump out on the initiative.

This can’t be said to be dozing off and coming to the pillow...but as soon as you opened your mouth when you yawn, someone will pour you a bowl of potent sweat medicine into your stomach, so that your wife can’t wake up even after running away.

However, when they saw Wang Qi this time, they felt a little strange.

Although this Wang Qi had thick eyebrows and big eyes, he always seemed to have a wretched temperament that he couldn't get rid of. When we met last time, the wretchedness was only superficial, and his eyes still looked serious.

But when we met again this time, his wretched temperament seemed to radiate from his bones.

Even if the wretchedness is a kind of poison, he actually has poisoned his heart in this short day?

"The two elder brothers don't have to say much." Wang Qi stared wide-eyed, and said awe-inspiringly: "To eliminate Li Chu, to eliminate harm for the people, it is urgent!"

He was wearing a brocade suit with a sword behind his back. Saying hello, Brother Crow drove over in a carriage.

"The little Taoist priest has a keen sense of consciousness. In order to prevent him from noticing, we first approached in a carriage."

Wang Qi explained this, but Duanbei Mountain felt reasonable.

The cultivators are close to each other, and of course they can use their supernatural powers faster, but once the qi fluctuations are leaked, they will be noticed more quickly.

On the carriage, Wang Qi said again: "The reason why you could not find the little Taoist priest before is because he was not in the city, but went secretly to Bohai Cliff outside the city. According to my investigation, he seems to be It was a serious injury. Every morning, I would rest on the edge of the Bohai Cliff to heal my wounds. This is a good opportunity for us."

"He was hurt?" Cao Pan's spirit was lifted again after hearing this.

They had previously thought that Wang Qi's cultivation might be inferior to Li Chu, and if Li Chu's strength was damaged, the probability that they would suffer both losses would be even greater.

He Tu glanced at him, and the two conceited ghosts showed bad smiles at the same time.

The carriage left the Fucheng and drove all the way to a high mountain outside the city. The cliffs on both sides were raised, and there were heavy mountains and ridges, which blocked the view.

Before climbing the cliff, the carriage stopped. Wang Qi looked at Brother Crow and directly ordered: "You go back first."

The crow was ordered to return.

Wang Qi raised his hand, pointed at a loft in the distance, and said, "The two commanders, the little Taoist is healing in that loft. But if you move forward here, he will definitely be aware of it. I now have two A plan..."

Cao Pan and He Tu thought at the same time that no matter what plan he proposed, they must find a way to trick him into touching the little Taoist priest alone.

The two of them didn't have the courage to line up with the little Taoist...

But before they finished thinking about it, they heard Wang Qi say: "The first plan is for me to step forward alone. I have a unique magical power that hides my breath. I can approach here slowly without him noticing it. Wait until the two of me fight. In the heart, the two of you can come out again to help out."

After hearing this, both Cao Pan and He Tu were dumbfounded.

Is this too sweet?

It's just what you want.

Just when the two wanted to quickly agree to this plan, they heard Wang Qi say again: "The second plan is that I teach the two of you the hidden unique magical power, and then the three of us approach here together. But ..."

Wang Qi showed an embarrassed expression: "But my master once told me that the magical powers of this door are top secret in the world, and they must not be easily spread. If I use this plan, I will make a huge sacrifice. Oh, this is really... …"


Cao Panyi grasped Wang Qi's hand, and said moved: "Although my brother wants to come forward with you very much, but your teacher's entrance ban is here... If the rules are broken because of my waiting, we will be dead. Redeem!"

"Brother Wang..." He Tu also had tears in the corners of his eyes, "You were here to help. How can we accept such a great sacrifice with a unique magical power? Don't hesitate. Whatever you say today, you have to face the little Taoist priest yourself. !"

"Two..." Wang Qi raised his head, feeling quite moved: "Really willing to let me come forward alone? But how sorry you should stay here if you stay here..."

"How much pain there is, I will bear it together!" Cao Pan hammered his chest heavily.

"The two elder brothers are really righteous!" Wang Qi said emotionally.

"It's okay, brother takes our share, and we are going!" He Tu raised his hand high.


Wang Qi paused, then turned around, took a breath, and walked forward.

As he walked over there, he saw a figure suddenly appeared from the attic, it was a little Taoist priest in a blue robes.

Although he couldn't see his face from a distance, at a glance, the wind blowing from there was full of handsomeness.

Who can be except that Li Chu?

He sat cross-legged at the top of the attic and began to breathe into the sky, as if he was really healing his injuries.

When Cao Pan and He Tu met the Lord, their hearts were settled, and there were no more doubts.

Next, just wait quietly for Wang Qi and Li Chu to collide with each other, when the snipe and clam will fight, and the fisherman will gain...

Both of them felt that things went so smoothly that they were unimaginable, and they looked at each other again, only to feel that each other's eyes had a jealous smile.


Sitting on the top of the attic is naturally the real Li Chu. In fact, he had already seen the situation here clearly through the far-reaching range of the mind and eye technique.

And that Wang Qi who came here is naturally the real Wang Long Qi.

Yesterday, Yu Qi'an, in the smoky haze, was talking about such a plan.

"If there is a ghost on Broken Stone Mountain, I am afraid that things will not be too simple. There must be a treacherous conspiracy. The best way to investigate clearly is actually to take a trip to Broken Stone Mountain."

"Me?" Li Chu knew, "Wang Qi, right."

"Yes." Yu Qi'an said: "The two people who came to you seem to be very problematic. Of course it is easy to get rid of them... But if you can find a way to gain the trust of these two people, you should have the opportunity to get in touch with the people behind you. Secret, that is the best. Although I have been out of the fire for many years, if I can, I will help him again..."

"If you want Wang Qi to gain their trust, there is nothing better than killing Li Chu alone." Li Chu replied immediately.

"Huh?" Liu Fufeng was startled by his words, but he immediately understood, "Dao Master Xiao Li is going to fake death?"

"Not bad." Li Chu nodded and said, "If I can make this contribution, it will not be difficult to go up the mountain to get a commanding position. Cao Pan and He Tu might also win over me..."

"It's so good." Yu Qi'an also smiled and nodded.

"The only trouble is that I went to Broken Tablet Mountain. Once the news spreads, I will inevitably be wanted. It's not a random thing..." Li Chu worried again.

"It's okay." The old Taoist waved his hand flatly and said with a smile: "It won't be your face that is wanted."

"Indeed, in this case, there is no need to worry." Li Chu nodded.

"Hehe, who is that wanted..."

While following Wang Longqi who was smirking happily, he suddenly glared.

"Don't worry, Qi Shao."

Behind him, Lao Du, who has never had a sense of existence on this matter, patted him on the shoulder, "Your wife, I raise it, don't worry about it."

"No need..." Wang Longqi said with a guilty conscience: "I haven't married a wife and had children yet..."

Old Du pondered, and said: "In this way, you should hurry up to marry a wife and children, I will figure out a way..."

"Fuck you." Wang Longqi pushed Lao Du's hand away, and looked at Yu Qi'an: "Yu Guanzhu, it doesn't matter if I sacrifice for your Taoist career, but don't you choose one person? Pit..."

"Don't worry." The old Taoist priest: "You are still my godson, how can I sell you like this. Believe me, the mountain people have their own tricks."

Wang Longqi's mouth was flat, and his face was full of belief.


From the perspective of Cao Pan and He Tu, Wang Qi slowly approached the attic step by step. When he reached the bottom of the attic, the little Taoist finally noticed him.

After seeing him, the little priest seemed to change his complexion, stood up, and then turned and escaped into the attic.

Wang Qi followed a long stride and also dashed in.

"Fight! Fight!"

Cao Pan and He Tuqiqi shouted loudly in their hearts.

After a pause, there seemed to be no movement in the attic.

"Huh?" Cao Pan was puzzled. "What are they doing?"

"Would you like to take a closer look." He Tu was also a little confused.

The perspective of where they are is really blocked, only a corner of the attic can be seen.

Just as the two hesitated, they suddenly heard a loud noise!


A red dragon broke through the wall from the attic and flew straight to the mountain next to the two!



Chilong Yaojiao, annihilated that mountain into dust in one fell swoop! The flying debris swept down, and a burst of violent and hot sand instantly enveloped the two!

"My mother..." He Tu exclaimed.

Of course, this little dust will not conceal their perception, nor will it cause any harm to them, but the shock to the two people’s hearts is unspeakable...

What kind of sword is this?

A sword is a mountain!

The two had heard that Li Chu's sword was like a red dragon before, but... they never thought it was such a big one!

Immediately, the two of them couldn't help but feel very grateful that they did not go with Wang Qi...

This random aftermath is not necessarily something they can stop...

The lingering palpitations in my heart hadn't passed, suddenly, I heard the sound of breaking the wind, and a silver glow came in the sky again!


One, a silver sword light as big as the moon!



This is Wang Qi's sword aura!

The two witnessed this sword in the battle between Wang Qi and Na Tengyang. Unparalleled in the world!

But that day, the sword that cut the soul of the three wars with one sword was not so huge.


It's like the moon falling in the sky!

However, the cultivation base of the little Taoist must be higher than that of the little heavenly king, and it is normal to fight him with more force.

But did Wang Qi still retain his strength that day?

This is too scary, right?

Just now the two thought it was silly for him to touch the little Taoist alone, but now they know that they were self-confidence!


The silver sword light crossed another strange peak above the two of them, half of the peak shook suddenly, and then slowly slipped down, faster and faster.

Break the mountain with one sword!

Cao Pan and He Tu dodge hurriedly, under the huge shadow over their heads. If they slow down the slightest, they will say that their lives are worrying.

Both of them have always been arrogant that they are masters of the rivers and lakes, and they are hardly comparable among their peers.

But the battle between these two young people is so dangerous for them to watch the battle...

A sense of absurdity flooded my mind.

As for the courage to approach, there is not a trace left.


As soon as he landed, there was another red dragon roar, and another raging sword aura burst out, Boom!



The ground is cracked!

As if the earth dragon turned over!

Then there was another silver sword light!


The mountain is broken!

The gale that didn't know where it came from was also getting wilder, the gravel was everywhere, and the wild wailing! The tragic wind and sand are charming eyes, and the fierce sword aura shakes the mountains!

Finally, the two could no longer see what happened over there. As for that fragile building, it seems to have collapsed long ago!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

In this series of fierce battles, Cao Pan and He Tu were exhausted just to avoid the aftermath.

They have a feeling at the same time.

Is it true that the only people in this world who can make this scene with them are each other? Except for the other side, I am afraid that it will be difficult for others to catch each other with a single sword?

The two of them went to Duanbei Mountain late, and they had never seen a unicorn attack or a top-notch battle, but they would not be more shocked than this.

After all, you must know that both of these people use sword energy.

Jian Xiu is recognized, killing the first.

But when it comes to the big scene, it may not be too exaggerated. It is more likely to focus the damage on one point.

If this energy radiates into other great supernatural powers, it is hard to imagine!


Fairies fight!

After thinking about it, apart from this word, nothing can describe how they feel today.

at last……

After this fierce battle lasted for a while, it suddenly fell silent.

The two people searched for a flat ground, stood firmly under their feet, and looked over there, and they saw a shocking scene.

A godless figure flew out and fell far down towards Bohai Cliff!

The cyan Dao robe, even though he can't see his face, he feels extremely handsome...

It's a little Taoist!

And the other figure is high above, soaring in the air, it is Wang Qi!

Wang Qi actually won!

When they were shocked, Wang Qi raised the sword in his palm and swung it down fiercely!


An arc-shaped sword light that was larger than before fell again~www.readwn.com~ chasing the figure thrown by the little Taoist priest, crushing it!


At the moment when the figure of the little Taoist fell into the rapids below, the sword light followed closely behind him and caught up with his body.


It's more than that!

Under the boundless ocean.

The waves are therefore broken!

Break the waves with one sword!

A high wall of water was erected on both sides, and the torrent of water instantly stretched over a hundred feet.

A huge hollow appeared under the sea, and it hadn't stopped yet, and the seabed was instantly disconnected, splitting a huge gap.

Both Cao Pan and He Tu had Ming Wu in their hearts.

No one can survive this sword!

Li Chu, fell down.

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