I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 37: Battle of Tianwang Mountain

On this day, the clouds were overcast.

Between the streets and lanes of Jixiang Mansion, countless black clothes emerged like a tide. On the other side, a wave formed by people in white clogged the street. The two waves finally collided in the middle of the three forks, forming a clear boundary.

And another group of men in strong red costumes were waiting here early.

For a while, a middle-aged man with a dull complexion appeared among the people in black. His left foot seemed a little uncomfortable, but the inevitable appearance on his face completely ignored his physical defects. The corners of his mouth twitched occasionally, revealing a wave of disdain.

This person is Zhao Siye, who is in awe-inspiring situation in the Auspicious Mansion.

"Tell Lao Liu to come out and see me." He said solemnly.

"Old... old fourth, why are you so anxious to see me before entering the pool?"

Before he finished his words, it seemed like a beacon, a marinated egg, and a ball...In short, a dazzling head came out of the white-clothed crowd.

This person is the bald Liu, the overlord of the East City.

"Do you... know what A Kun called us this time?" Zhao Siye asked solemnly.

"Didn't we discuss how to divide Nancheng?" Bald Liu wondered.

"Since I played last night, the corners of my mouth have been jumping." Zhao Siye said, twitching his cheeks twice, "I don't think things are that simple."

"Pull...Pull it down, your mouth has been pumping since you were born, can it be a sign?" The bald head was ruthlessly pierced.

Zhao Siye glared at him, seeming to be a little angry, but unable to refute, he paused, and finally said, "Then go in and see if he dares to have anything wrong with him, brothers..."

"Kill!" the people in black behind him roared together.

"Scare... scare who." The bald head waved his hand and said to the people behind him, "If I haven't come out in half an hour, you will rush in."

"Yes!" The people in white also roared together.

After speaking, Zhao Siye and bald Liu walked into the magnificent building in front of them together, with three large characters on the building plaque.

"Blue and White Pond".

Here, it is the place where the three have always secretly met.

After walking in, the owner of Qinghuachi was standing in the middle, with a maid, and greeted him familiarly: "The two bosses are here, Uncle Kun has been waiting in the Tianzihao pool, and only brought a young man. Come."

"Yeah, good." Zhao Siye nodded with the bald head and walked in.

When he came to the room where Tianzihao was located, he had already taken off his clothes, leaving only a towel around his body.

In the smoke, both of them saw Uncle Kun's shiny forehead on the edge of the pool.

Uncle Kun also saw the arrival of the two with that dazzling bald head.

On the contrary, it was Li Chu, who seemed looming and inconspicuous here.

"Haha, the two friends, they are too late." Seeing the two of them, Uncle Kun quickly got up to greet him.

"Hi... Yeah."

"Ha... I've been here for a long time, too."

Zhao Siye and bald Liu Hesi haha ​​went down to the pool and moved over for a long time.

The bald head smiled and said, "The three of us have not been reunited for a long time."

"When the three of us get together, it's probably nothing good." Zhao Siye said without shy.

"Haha, the fourth child is still so upright." Uncle Kun smiled.

"Huh?" Although bald Liu's eyes are small, but his eyes are sharp, he caught a glimpse of Li Chu on the side and asked, "You have changed your son?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Uncle Kun waved his hand nervously, "This one can say that it's my father."


The other two frowned, vaguely feeling that these words were a bit strange.

"Under King Seven." Li Chu came forward and said, "Actually, today, I want to see you two."

"Akun, what do you mean!"

Realizing that something was wrong, the bald head stood up at the same time as Zhao Siye, his eyes full of threats. As long as the opponent has a trace of murderous aura, they will burst out cultivation base for the first time and start the battle. Even if you can't kill the enemy in one shot, you can bring in the men from outside the door.

"I advise the two of you to sit down and take a more comfortable position." Li Chu said calmly.

"This... there is no place for you to speak!" The bald-headed Liu didn't finish speaking, suddenly his body stiffened.

At the same time, Zhao Siye's body was also set in place.

"I'm sorry, you two, in order to prevent you from doing any excessive actions, I have to talk to you temporarily in this way. I hope you two don't mind. If you do, you can bring it up."

There was silence.

"Okay, no one raised it. Now I will unlock the acupuncture points where you speak."

With that, Li Chu allowed the two to speak.

"Who are you?" Zhao Siye asked angrily as soon as he spoke.

"My name is Wang Qi, and I am the master of the Chu Clan. Besides...Uncle Kun is now a member of the Chu Clan." Li Chu said.

"Chu Men... isn't that the new little force that emerged from Nancheng?" The two looked at Uncle Kun again.

"Yes, I am a newcomer to Truman. I have a showdown." Uncle Kun spread his hands and said, "I actually lost the decisive battle with the Seventh Young Masters yesterday. The Seven Young Masters single-handedly killed the treasure elephant battle soul of Ivory Mountain , I stunned a sword repairman in Daxue Mountain, whose cultivation base is incalculable. I follow Qi Shao and I am willing."

Seeing his dogleg look, probably no one can feel it, but in fact he was reluctant at all at the time.

But now facing Zhao Siye and bald Liu, he suddenly found a kind of pleasure of flipping the two poles, and immediately accepted this new setting.

This feeling was probably best understood by Brother Crow two days ago.

"Then you called us for this kid today, just to calculate us?" Zhao Siye stared at him.

"In fact, it's not called a calculation, it's just to persuade you to join Truman together." Uncle Kun smiled.

"I want to be beautiful?" Zhao Siye said: "Today you two move me to try? No, why are you raising your hand? Put it down... I'm kidding."

Following his threat, Li Chu suddenly raised his right hand and pointed his halberd towards the sky, as if he was about to use some magical power.

Try it if you have a try.

"Huh?" Li Chu put down his hands again after hearing this, saying: "Actually, I didn't mean to offend the two men, but for some reasons, I had to unify the gang forces of Jixiang Mansion. The contradiction with the two men was really forced by the situation. "

"So I am here, very sincerely inviting two of you to lead your subordinates to join my Truman. I can guarantee that your original power and territory will remain the same, and I can even take out Nancheng and share it with you."

"Wh... what invitation... isn't it just to let us be a dog for you." Liu said with a bald head, his small eyes turned to Uncle Kun again, and said: "Same as him."

Uncle Kun looked smug, "What's the matter, I want to show you today, what's wrong with being a dog!"


When a person has made up his mind to be shameless, there is really no way for others to take him.

"If the two of you don't agree, you can actually choose to leave Jixiang Mansion. I won't have any obstacles. It's just that... if you are going to be enemies with me after you go out, then I might not keep your hands." Li Chu Say it again.

Generally speaking, it is one sentence.

Don't say it is unpredictable.

It seemed that he felt that the other party had no intention to kill, and his attitude was relatively mild. The bald Liu's eyes rolled, and then he said in a persuasive tone: "Young man, you do have two magical powers, but you have to know that the gang of Jixiang Mansion It’s not that simple."

"In short, the water here is too deep, you can't hold it..."

"Yes." Zhao Siye grinned and said, "You probably don't know who is behind us..."

"I know." Li Chu said.

"..." The two stopped together for a moment.

The mood was wrong all at once.

I know, but I am not afraid.

Does that mean?

Bald Liu sneered: "Young people, don't be too arrogant."

"You can talk about it." Li Chu raised his hand.

Zhao Siye looked at them for a long while before he said: "It's okay to tell you that I came down from Tianwang Mountain. Dragons and tigers in the north, the forces of all parties gather, I can't live here without my own outpost. If you are not To invade my power, that would undoubtedly be a declaration of war on Tianwang Mountain. This...can you afford it?"

Tianwang Mountain, one of the Twelve Immortal Gates, is also in the north, which is considered to be the edge of the north, not far from here. It is reasonable to bury a chess piece here.

And bald Liu Ye said: "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, I... I was born in Chaotianque, but the court is actually monitoring the situation in the city. The cold king's fief is full of our dark piles, and I am just the most powerful. One."

"If you pull me out, it can only be regarded as your disrespect to the court and the court..."

"Oh." Li Chu nodded when he heard the words.

What do you mean?

Are you not afraid after listening?

After the two bosses finished talking about their origins, Li Chu's reaction made them quite dissatisfied.

There is even a trace of worry.

This kid seems... really scared?

To be honest, Li Chu is really not very cold to these two forces.

After all, these two are one of the twelve immortal gates. If you understand that you are doing this to attract the Golden Bodhisattva, you won't be particularly resistant. Especially Chaotianque, what he did should have been theirs.

It's just that you can't tell them about this matter. If there are really high-level officials from Chaotianque and Tianwangshan, then you can still discuss with them.

Having said that, Li Chu simply spread his hands: "If this is the case, it is better to ask the forces behind you to send someone to talk to me...or fight."

He said this very frankly.

But for some reason, both bald Liu and Zhao Siye felt a sense of humiliation.

It's like saying...

Go back and call your adult.

Both of them felt frightened and angry when they were subjected to such humiliation, and then they said in unison: "Good!"


After this secret meeting, although the three bosses all left safely. But the bald-headed Liu and Zhao Siye both looked solemn, and only Uncle Kun was triumphant. Suddenly, the speculation about Uncle Kun in the rivers and lakes of Fucheng couldn't help becoming more mysterious.

Early the next morning, there was indeed a white robe looking for the door.

Li Chu looked at this familiar face with Chinese characters and Dabaipao, and exclaimed, "Duanbaipao?"

"It's me." This person has a hint of doubt. "Your Excellency has seen me?"

"Aren't you Duan Zhang and Duan Baipao from Hangzhou House? Haven't seen me?" Li Chu was also a little puzzled. Even if Duan Zhang couldn't recognize him, he had also seen Wang Longqi's.

"Oh, your Excellency may have admitted the wrong person. Duan Zhang is my elder brother. In the next Duan Ju, he is the white robe leader of Chaotianque Jixiang Mansion." This person arched his hands.

"Oh..." Li Chu realized that although this person and Duan Zhang look exactly like each other, their voice and speaking habits are actually quite different.

I have a destiny with this family brother.

"Your Excellency knows my brother?" Duan Ju asked again.

"There are more than one, I and the two white robe leaders Duan Zhang and Duan Geng are all good friends, and I have had a lot of dealings with Duan Lulong's elders." Li Chu said.

"Yeah, I still had my mind to explore the bottom of your Excellency today, but I want to come, but the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and I don't know my family?" Duan Ju laughed.

However, judging from the suspicious light in his eyes, the guard against Li Chu did not decrease.

"My real name is Li Chu. If you don't believe Duan Baipao, you can ask Duan Baipao of Hangzhou Mansion and Duan Baipao of Shenluo City." Li Chu said.

"Your Excellency is Li Chu? Little Li Daochang?" Duan Ju's expression suddenly became a little excited, "Hangzhou Mansion kills demons and evil spirits, the little Dao Li who killed the Dharma King outside Shenluo City?"

"Yes, it's me." Li Chu nodded.


Duan Ju's body suddenly leaned back, looking at Li Chu with an unkind look, "Although my two elder brothers highly praised Dao Li's supernatural powers during the New Year's banquet, they did not forget to mention that Dao Li did not only cultivate a high level. Absolutely, the face is unique in the world, which arouses the curiosity of the women in the family. But when I see your honor, I can say it politely...very wretched."

After listening, Li Chu nodded directly: "I don't deny this."

It is indeed very polite.


His calm look made Duan Ju a little strange.

"Because I am in a state of being possessed by the soul at this time, in the body of a good friend of mine. And my purpose of doing this is actually to plan with others to motivate the Golden Bodhisattva in this way..."

After confirming Duan Ju's identity, he simply revealed the entire plan. If the time comes to fight the Golden Bodhisattva decisively, with the help of Chaotianque, things will be easier~www.ltnovel.com~ When the two are talking, they suddenly heard a hurried knock on the door outside.

When Li Chu went out to open the door, he saw Uncle Kun personally rushing to send a message: "Seventh Young Master, something is wrong."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Li Chu asked.

"The fourth child from Tianwang Mountain, please move a little heavenly king, and personally come to challenge you!" Uncle Kun said a little hastily.

All the people who have been named the young kings on Tianwang Mountain are close to the peak of martial arts, and they may compete for the terrifying existence of the great heaven in the future.

Although Uncle Kun is very confident in Li Chu's cultivation, the realm of both is beyond his reach. Uncle Kun is really not sure whether he can defeat the Little Heavenly King.

While speaking, another letter came over.

Li Chu unfolded and saw that it turned out to be a battle book with sixteen characters written on it.

"The night of the remnant of the moon, the top of the ivory mountain. A sword comes to the west, and the sky is flying!"

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