I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 35: Haha, goodbye deity!

Ivory Mountain.

A vast and deep mountain outside the city of Auspicious Mansion is named for its shape of a giant standing elephant, especially the prominent pair of giant teeth. According to legend, here is a treasure elephant deity from the deserted ancient time sitting in the world, and its body turned into mountains and rivers.

Some people even say that on the night of the full moon, they often hear the immortal cry of the treasure elephant spirit.

After all, Auspicious Mansion is the land of the city, and the Northern Kingdom Han King is in charge. Those gangs can be small and small. If they want to fight on a large scale, or even fight with great power... it would be too arrogant and tantamount to ruin.

Therefore, the unwritten rules in Jixiang Mansion, all large-scale battles will be settled in Ivory Mountain.

And the endgame after the battle, dealing with things like corpses, don't have to worry about it at all, someone will take care of it naturally, and there will be no end to the end.

The one who cleaned the battlefield was the Waning Moon Villa.

This villa has only appeared on the Ivory Mountain in the past 20 years. It is very mysterious. Inside, there are various activities such as eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, specializing in the business of quack people. Whether it is black and white or a monster, as long as you come, it will receive it.

And when the battle begins, the Crescent Moon Villa will cooperate with the formation and closure of the mountain and take care of chores, which can be described as very intimate. Thanks to this convenience, the people of the rivers and lakes of Jixiang Mansion will regard this villa as their own power and come to patronize it frequently, and the business of the villa is becoming more and more prosperous. As for those who want to deal with Wanyue Villa, they will be resisted by everyone.

The owner of Wanyue Villa is Mrs. Xie.

Everyone knows her graceful and long-sleeved dance in the rivers and lakes of the North Land, but no one knows her past. This woman was able to stir up the entire Auspicious Mansion and even the Northland in Ivory Mountain with her own power, but her past has always been a mystery.

There are many people with faces and faces admiring her, but no one can touch the corner of her clothes.

There were also people who wanted to use more aggressive means to approach her. Later, those people died and she was still alive.

This night.

The waning moon villa opened the mountain closure formation again.

This mountain-closing formation did not mean that the road to the entire Ivory Mountain was closed, and the originally agreed battle would not be able to fight.

Instead, a cloud of red clouds that obscures all auras will float, blocking all the sight of this mountain. Everyone who travels frequently will understand when they see it, and if there are wars, they will naturally not go up the mountain again.

If you are not afraid of death, you can naturally get close, but at your own risk.

Full moon night, ivory mountain top!

Within the Ain Red Cloud.

In the lobby of the Waning Moon Villa, a middle-aged man with a light overhead, and a young man with a large body, had already arrived here early.

"I always feel... a bit dangerous tonight."

The middle-aged man was sitting on a tall chair with a serious face.

Click, click...

The huge young man just took a piece of fruit and ate it quietly without talking, as if the middle-aged man was not speaking to him.

"What is your brother worried about?"

Before the words fell, a silver bell-like laughter came from outside the house.

Before people arrive, laugh first. A tall, curly middle-aged beautiful woman has already turned in. She is dressed in a purple fringed dress, her hair is high in a flying fairy bun, and she wears a few dazzling hairpins. Yinpan face, phoenix eyes and crescent eyebrows, there is a stunning charm in the beauty.

This woman is Mrs. Xie from Wanyue Villa.

And that man was actually the overlord of Jixiang Mansion, the most mysterious Uncle Kun of Xicheng!

Listening to Mrs. Xie's address to him, the relationship between the two does not seem to be simple.

If this news is released, Jixiang Mansion will probably be a little shocked.

Uncle Kun, the last name is Xie!

"I'm wondering, will this be a good time." Uncle Kun muttered, with a worried look in his eyes.

"You didn't want to annex Nanba Tian and bring Nancheng under your command. This will be an important step for you to dominate the Auspicious Mansion. If you don't have Nancheng, your power will never surpass the bald Liu and Zhao Siye."

Mrs. Xie approached and sat opposite Uncle Kun.

"But Nan Batian's network is not weak. You are worried that when you deal with him, the other two will find a chance to intervene. On the contrary, it will be difficult to handle it. That's why you stayed there for a long time."

"This time, the Lengtouqing who didn't know where he came from suddenly hit the door, and suddenly incorporated the entire force of Nanbatian...It is a good time to come here. If you don't declare war first, after a while, Bald Liu And Zhao Siye will do the same too. At that time... the piece of fat in Nancheng might be divided among everyone."

With a few words, she completely guessed Uncle Kun's mind.

"Hehe, my good sister, people say that I am strategizing. In front of you, I really don't have any secrets." Uncle Kun smiled and said: "Then do you know what I am worried about?"

"It's nothing more than..."

Mrs. Xie thought for a while, and said: "That one battle can defeat Nan Batian's kid, how high is his cultivation base. In order not to miss this opportunity, you hurriedly declare war. If his strength is really beyond imagination, then Stealing chickens won't lose their rice."

"Of course." Uncle Kun nodded and smiled.

"You don't seem to be worried anymore?" Madam Xie asked in a blink of an eye.

"Because I know, since sister, you have already thought of this layer, you will definitely help me prepare?" Uncle Kun asked with a smile.

"Haha, we are not brothers and sisters." Madam Xie also smiled: "It's just a fellowship, how do you know that I will offend others for you?"

"We are relatives anyway. Others and you are not even relatives." Uncle Kun seemed to be sure of something, and said: "I'm sure, besides me, there is no second person who will keep you after the unification of Jixiang Mansion. A force like the Waning Moon Villa, isn't it?"

"Not always……"

Mrs. Xie replied noncommitantly, and then said: "I definitely won't help you deal with others, but tonight is the night of the full moon. Legend has it that the treasure elephant war spirit of Ivory Mountain often wakes up at this time... …"

Don't say much, just click and stop.

Uncle Kun is also a wise person, and naturally understands the meaning of her words.

He couldn't help feeling confident, and smiled and said, "I have already spent a lot of money. Please ask a sword repairer of the Great Snow Mountain to take a shot to **** me. Please move like that, I shouldn't worry about it anymore. . At this time, if you... uh, it happens to be assisted by the revival of the ivory mountain, that would be a good deal."

"No matter how great the newcomer is, he can't be a land immortal, right?" Madam Xie's eyes flowed, and she was also full of self-confidence.

"There is absolutely no such possibility." Uncle Kun said firmly.

If it's a land god, why bother to spend such a week, just come to him by yourself, or nothing will stop.

After a pause, he said again: "Maybe, there is no need for these two existences at all. My own power alone is enough to defeat this stunned green."

"Oh? What is the meaning of your brother's arrangement?" Mrs. Xie asked again.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, can I hide my arrangement on the mountain from you?" Uncle Kun smiled.

"I let people vacate the road to the mountains, without any line of defense, and go straight to the Peak Villa. On the dangerous roads on the left and right sides, there are more than a thousand elite soldiers in ambush. At that time..."

There was a sinister and cunning gleam in his eyes.

"Ordinary people encounter this situation, seeing the road is clear and empty, and they dare not go straight up and down the road. They will definitely suspect that I have an ambush on the road. But as long as he walks on the road, hehe, heavy killings will begin. ."

"With your help, on this ivory mountain, the right time, the place, and the people belong to me." Uncle Kun sneered: "How can I lose?"

"Even if he can get here all the way, there is still my son here..."

He looked at the young man who was eating fruit.

At exactly this time, the fruit in his hand was finished, the man threw away the core of the fruit at will, and dug in the lap of his clothes again, and found that there was no more.

So he stood up and said, "Father, I'm going to the orchard."

"..." Uncle Kun vented his momentum, rolled his eyes and said: "I know how to eat!"

When they were having a lively conversation, suddenly, an abrupt question rang from the door of the lobby.

"Excuse me..."

"Is Uncle Kun from Xicheng here?"

Uncle Kun looked over at the sound, suddenly a violent spirit.

Standing at the door was actually a young man in Jin Yi with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Seeing that description, it was very similar to the new Nancheng speaker described by his men.


"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Uncle Kun asked sharply.

"The Seventh King, I received your declaration of war and came here specially to join the war." Li Chu replied politely.


Uncle Kun was surprised.

Looking at Li Chu's back, it was empty, there was no one, and there was some doubt.

"Only you are here?"

"Yes." Li Chu nodded, "Because I don't have many men under him. I don't want them to come for this kind of dangerous and unknown battle. It would be bad if it caused attrition."

What he said was true, but it was weird in Uncle Kun's ears.

Dangerous battles don’t want your hands to come down to fight...then what do you want them to do?

Do you just call six six six?

He asked again: "How did you come up?"

"Just... along the road, all the way up." Li Chu was also a little puzzled, why this uncle kept asking some strange questions.

But out of restraint, he answered seriously.

"Just walk up all the way? Aren't you afraid of an ambush?"

Uncle Kun suddenly became a little confused, and some didn't understand whether the person in front of him was too simple or too shrewd.

Is this stunned, really not afraid of lying in ambush?

"Why are you afraid?" Li Chu looked at him strangely, "I'm here to beat people?"

As for who it is, how many people are there, and where are they...

Is it important?

Uncle Kun looked at the person in front of him and realized that it seemed difficult to communicate effectively with him through words, so he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Aqiang! Go!"

Since you dare to go to the meeting alone, then I will break your knife! Let you, a young man, feel the sinisterness of the arena!


The huge young man next to him screamed, his muscles tensed, and his momentum suddenly rose!

When he ate the fruit just a while ago, he still looked harmless to humans and animals. But at this time, he entered a fighting state, and suddenly exuded a breath of wild beast!


A beast-like roar sounded from the depths of his throat, and with a stop on his right foot, his body ejected like a cannonball!

A ripple suddenly appeared in the air, and the figure had disappeared in place.

This shock, open the mountains and gravel!

Li Chu felt that the other party was coming fast and ruthlessly, and immediately did not dare to treat it lightly. He saw that he was engrossed, exhausted, and extremely serious... lifted a finger.



A Qiang's figure flew into the air, he suddenly stopped, and his castration disappeared. Then there was another boom, and he smashed his head to the ground.


Li Chu breathed out lightly and retracted that index finger.

so close.


Uncle Kun's own cultivation level is not high, and his eyes widened when he saw his son who had beaten invincible hands all over the city was suddenly subdued by a finger.


But at this time, it was meaningless to talk about it. He quickly gave Madam Xie, who was also shocked, a look, and then shouted: "Treasure Elephant Battle Spirit! Famous Sword Tianzun! Please do it!"


Following his order, it seemed that something ancient had walked out of the tomb.

Amid the rumbling sound, the entire lobby seemed to be blurred, the brilliance of the heavens and the stars suddenly shone in, a huge elephant soul standing upright appeared outside, and a pair of huge eyes were full of raging fire.

And Uncle Kun and Madam Xie in the lobby disappeared.

Only Li Chu is left, and only Li Chu is in its eyes!

The appearance of this treasure elephant battle spirit did not come into the real world, but dragged the entire ivory mountain into the virtual world together with Li Chu. Between the real and the real, come back from the dead! Back to the ancients!

At the same time, another bright sword light penetrated through the sky.

For the sword repairman of the declining state, it is not difficult to cross the real and the virtual. Above the sword light, seeing a man with a large robe and sleeves standing in the sky, he laughed loudly: "Haha, the deity is here too!"

It is the Daxueshan sword repairman who has spent a lot of money to invite Daxueshan sword repair!

For this level of fairy gate sword repair, you are not willing to pay a price to invite it, you must have enough contacts to recommend it. However, as long as it can be called once, it may be decisive for the life and death of one force.

This famous sword Heavenly Sovereign is considered to be one of the many people who have entered the world in Daxue Mountain Swordsmanship, and has left a lot of legends about the sage in the North. He is the direct disciple of Scarlet-Browed Sword Saint, and his strength is beyond doubt.

At the same time, Uncle Kun can invite this person, which is enough to show his strength.


The treasure elephant battle spirit roared and stared at Li Chu. The huge elephant feet had already been raised, and it was about to cover the sky and the sun to fall down!

Li Chu finally felt a trace of pressure, pointed the halberd to the sky, and shouted, "Swordsmanship!"

call out

A meteor-like silver light pierced the sky and appeared in this virtual world in a moment.


One sword!

Passing through the forehead of the battle soul of the treasure elephant, like a fish, swimming through its body, going straight all the way, and protruding from the back of the ridge in an instant!



The huge elephant foot had reached less than ten feet above Li Chu's head and was about to fall, but the body of the precious elephant battle soul suddenly froze.


Slowly dumping like a mountain!

The flames of war were gone in the twin pupils.

Kill with one sword!

The Sword Tianzun in mid-air just thought about his identity ~ www.ltnovel.com~ has not shot with the treasure chest war soul, but stood on the sword light and watched with his arms folded.

I saw this horrible scene without even thinking about it.


When the treasure elephant battle soul collapsed like a mountain in half, it collapsed suddenly and turned into a sky full of stars!

Upon seeing this, Li Chu cast his gaze to the famous sword Tianzun in mid-air.

The famous sword Tianzun's pupils shrank, his eyes condensed for a second, and then he showed the excellent mood quality of a sword repairman...He did not show the slightest panic, but suddenly waved his sleeves and laughed loudly again:

"Haha, goodbye deity!"

A sword glow left in the dust, highlighting a chic and calm, as if he was really an enthusiastic passerby who had nothing to do with it, and watched a great excitement.

A wave of his sleeves will not take away a cloud.

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