I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 31: My suspicion is also great!

In Yaowang Town.

A few strands of green smoke curled up, gradually converging into a clear figure, the clothes fluttering, and the fairy-like bones.

Two heads squeezed to the incense burner, as if they were about to kowtow.

That figure is exactly what Deyun has not seen for many days, Yu Qi'an.

The two who rushed to give Yu Qi'an incense were his good disciple, Sun Dulanke, and his good confidant, Wang Longqi.

"What's the matter?" The old Taoist asked leisurely: "I think of me when something happened. I don't usually burn incense and hold my feet temporarily."

"Huh..." Wang Longqi seemed to think of some unsightly scene, and quickly said: "When is the time, let's not talk about these heavy flavors."

"Where did your kid want to go." The old Taoist scolded angrily.

"If it's the Queer girl in the tenderness or the Drunken Moon girl in Taogulou, it would be almost the same for me to hold my feet." Wang Longqi replied: "The last time it has to be the beautiful feet of the Linxiang girl who is full of spring, Yu Guan Lord your feet... forget it."

"Looking at your boy who has never seen the world, you can just hold a few vulgar fans as a beautiful foot." The old Taoist shook his head and sneered, "If you have seen Fairy Mingqin from Xuanyue Pavilion or Bai Yujing... "

"The two of you don't diverge." Durranke hurriedly begged them: "Shall we talk about business first?"

Otherwise, based on his understanding of these two old and unscrupulous, he can definitely follow these girls all the way to the origin of human foot fetish.

"You also know that you have to talk about business." The old Taoist gave the two a grimace.

"That's it, Master, the big thing is not good." Durange said worriedly: "Master was taken away by the people of King Han. It is said that he will be brought back to Jixiang Mansion for interrogation."

"Why are you taking him away?" the old Taoist asked.

"Because Li Chu touched the **** of the Ninth Lady of the Han Palace." Wang Longqi said with envy.


The veteran Taoist seemed extremely shocked when he heard the words, he slapped his thigh and his eyes were full of surprise.

Dulanke and Wang Longqi met, thought it was difficult, and immediately frowned.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the old Taoist priest started to burst into tears. Couldn't help but cover his face with his sleeves and sobbed.


"Yu Guanzhu, it won't happen." Wang Longqi hurriedly waved his hand and said, "I'm still crying."

"Yes, Master, even if you sit down and molest women, you will be more serious and strict, that is, you will not be guilty of crying if you hit dozens of boards and close them for a few months." Lao Du also comforted.

"You know what a shit!"

"I'm crying with extreme joy." The old Taoist sobbed, raising his face and said: "I brought this apprentice from childhood to adulthood, and taught him for more than ten years. He has looks, talents, cultivation skills, sense of justice... in all aspects. I……"

"..." The two were speechless for a while.

"Only in the emotional aspect, he is indifferent to life and death, I am anxious!" Yu Qi'an sighed like an old father: "Now it's all right, my apprentice finally knows that the woman's is better, and he will finally touch it. The woman's ass..."

"Yu Guanzhu..." Wang Longqi grinned and said, "Although you said so, but the matter of molesting a good family woman... is not worth promoting, you are happy to be like this... It somewhat undermines the legal system. "

"That's true." Yu Qi'an nodded: "Then let him accept the sanctions of the law, and I will organize a blind date for him after he comes back. Anyway, on the terms of my apprentice, the girl who likes him must not be queued from Hangzhou Mansion to the Western Regions. what."

"Master!" Du Lanke waved his hand and had to interrupt again: "The point is, this matter has not been settled yet! My master, he is probably wronged, he has not molested a good woman! "

"Huh?" Yu Qi'an was stunned when he heard this. After a daze for a while, he sighed, "Then I'm in vain."

"Tsk tusk tusk..." Wang Longqi shook his head and sighed: "A child who has been educated by such a master, why not worry about not going to jail when he grows up."

"Hey—" Yu Qi'an was disappointed for a while before asking, "What the **** is going on? Tell me clearly."

"That's it..."

Lao Du began to tell: "Aren't we staying in Yaowang Town? There is also a Ninth Lady from Hanwangfu, Wenxiang girl. This Wenxiang girl has always been a little weird..."

"When I couldn't do it, she tried to seduce me several times, and when I did, she tied me up with a whip again." Wang Longqi interrupted in due course.

"Huh..." Yu Qi'an shook his head: "I didn't expect your kid to be okay with this bite."

"I didn't do it voluntarily." Wang Longqi added.

"It's okay, you are all sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, and there is nothing to be embarrassed about." Yu Qi'an said: "I don't have much contact with people in your circle, but I have also met several big men in the circle by chance over the years, and I will introduce them later. Give you."

"You'd better get acquainted by chance..." Wang Longqi said in an angry manner.

"Hey..." Seeing that the conversation between the two began to go down three ways again, Lao Du raised his hand to interrupt again, "Is anyone concerned about the life and death of my master?"

"You go on." Yu Qi'an's thoughts returned to the good apprentice from the big boss in the circle.

"Before, she always wanted to get close to the Seventh Young Master. Just now, she came to our attic to find my master. After talking with him, she went downstairs and suddenly rushed out, yelling indecent **** while running. It happened that King Han came to pick her up. Upon returning to the mansion, the car driver had just arrived in the attic and watched this scene straight. King Han saw the natural violent thunder, but there were two old genius doctors Changchun Shou and Xuan Hu Weng on the character platform of the master, he did not dare to immediately confront the master. Do something. So he took him back to the jail in Jixiang Mansion, saying that he must be investigated carefully and the truth must be found out."

After Durant finished speaking, he came to a conclusion.

"I feel more like a fairy jumping, or she unilaterally planted and blamed her. But the master has no grudges against her. I don't know why she did this, and she will destroy it if she doesn't get it?"

"Actually, with Li Chu's ability, those people can't help him at all." Wang Longqi continued: "But this kind of thing is not a joke. If he escapes forcibly, he will be pursued by the Han Palace in the future. , It’s tantamount to sitting down and there is a ghost in your heart. If it spreads out, but it is social death."

"If it is deliberately framed, it would be a bit vicious." Yu Qi'an rubbed his chin, "This kind of thing is not serious, but it can indeed ruin a person's entire reputation. If it is not resolved, the whole life will be in the future. All will be stained..."

"Yes." Old Du nodded repeatedly.

"Can you be sure that Li Chu did not do it?" Yu Qi'an asked at last.

"Yu Guanzhu, don't push yourself over others, okay." Wang Longqi rolled his eyes and said.

"I believe in the character of my master, he will never do such a thing." Du Lanke said seriously.

"I believe in Li Chu's looks even more. If he wants to do something, he doesn't need to do it at all." Wang Longqi also said.

"It sounds reasonable..." Yu Qi'an nodded and said: "If he is indeed innocent, then I recommend someone to you, and she should have a way to prove it."


The eyes of both people lit up.


"Madam." In the Hanwang Mansion, the little maid Fangfang approached and asked in a low voice, "Did the little master really belittle you?"

"Naturally it's fake." Wenxiang shook her head and frowned, "It's just an order from the mountain to let me deal with him like this, and I can't help it."

"Ah..." Fangfang showed an unbearable expression, "How pitiful the trail is."

"Yes, I also think I'm guilty." Wenxiang also couldn't bear it.

Thinking that that handsome face was misunderstood because of her, her heart was also entangled in every way, "But I was only able to survive by the blessing of Duanbei Mountain since I was a child. I vowed to return Duanbei Mountain. How can I disobey?"

"But why does the mountain have to deal with the trail leader?" Fangfang asked again: "He doesn't look like a bad person."

"According to the real linker, he prevented us from linking, which delayed the mission on the mountain." Wenxiang explained.

"Is it possible..." Fangfang pouted, "Is that connector a bad person?"

Her thoughts are simple, and all the masters on Duanbei Mountain must be good people. The appearance of the long trail is definitely not a bad person.

This is an elimination method, and it can only be that the connector in the middle is broken.

"You girl..." Wenxiang smiled, and said with confidence, "It makes sense!"


"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

At this moment, the connector, Kansai, also let out a frantic laugh.

"No matter how high his cultivation base is? Do you dare to get out of the cell? If he dares to escape, then he will carry the name of this good wife for the rest of his life."

"But if you don't escape, he still can't explain this matter. Even if this is not a serious crime, then King Han will never let him go. As a last resort, he still has to escape from prison."

"I'm still looking for someone to publicize this thing."

"By the time……"

"I just want him to die socially!"

"Very well done." He Tu, the leader of Broken Tablet Mountain, stood in front of him, "I just asked you to find a way to deal with him. I didn't expect you to directly think of such a wicked trick."

"They are all commanders and teaches well." Kansai brother said with a flattering smile.

It's just that this compliment doesn't seem to make the other party happy.

The smile on He Tu's face disappeared instantly.


As for how to deal with this little Taoist priest, Han Wang Ji Bangying also had a headache.

If you follow the law, it's just a few boards, and it won't hurt or itch at all for this kind of cultivator. But this little Taoist priest has some status after all. I heard from the two old genius doctors in Yaowangzhen that he had just made a great contribution and was commended by Chaoge, and he will be in the palace after a while. If you yelled and killed easily, you would have trouble with the emperor.

But just let him go, Wenxiang's butt... her face... all can't make it through.

In fact, it stands to reason that those who break the law should be dealt with by Chaotianque, and the punishment will be more severe. However, his relationship with Chaotianque has never been close. At most, the well water does not interfere with the river water. If you leave it to them, you may not be able to make a decision that satisfies you.

When he was struggling, the people from Chaotianque actually came to the door.

And it's not an ordinary person.

A white-robed leader in Chaotianque's Jixiang Mansion walked in with a significant female nun on the rivers and lakes.

"His Royal Highness..." the white-robed leader introduced: "This is the famous'snake nemesis' on the rivers and lakes, real person Ling Feng. She knows that you are about to deal with a cultivator's frivolous Ninth Lady of the Palace. Case, take the initiative to come to help."

"Mr Ling Feng." The Han Wang immediately met with a salute.

This real person Ling Feng wears a black robe, his face is not clear about his age, his facial features are correct, but he feels very cold and old-fashioned, without any aesthetic feeling. When he sees it, the look in his eyes will make people want to reflect on today. What did he do wrong about his ethics.

Her name is also quite famous in the Heluo Dynasty.

Once in the arena, the cultivators used magical powers to insult ordinary women. In the final analysis, it is because the practitioners have supernatural powers and blessings, it is too easy to invade mortals, and the evidence for the crime is difficult to find.

True person Ling Feng began to study all kinds of magical powers and instruments for such crimes decades ago. Over the years, there have been no one thousand but eight hundred prostitutes arrested by her. Thanks to her efforts, the crime of bullying and humiliating ordinary women has dropped by 60%.

The year before last, the empress dowager of the dynasty also specially commended her at the Heluo celebration and bestowed her a gold medal with great honor.

Therefore, even if it is a general prince, she must be treated with courtesy.

"After I learned about this, I made a special trip to share the worries for the prince." True person Ling Feng said straightforwardly: "Please also ask the prince to be promoted to the hall immediately. Taking advantage of the time, I have a way to confirm whether the Taoist priest is frivolous. ."

"Then there will be real man Lao." Han Wang thanked him.

Not long after, the case was promoted in the government of Jixiang Mansion. King Yihan's power in the Northland is a matter of one sentence.

A total of three people sitting in the hall were Han Wang, Chaotianque Baipao and Ling Feng.

Then, the nine ladies and the little Taoist priests were brought up.

Li Chu still looks calm and calm, and he obviously believes that the clear is clear.

The girl Wenxiang was rather frowning.

Somehow, this matter spread extremely quickly in Jixiang Mansion. It was only half a day before the people in the streets knew that there was a handsome little Taoist named Li Chu from the south of the Yangtze River, who was bold and lighthearted and the Ninth Lady of Hanwang Mansion.

As a result, a large number of people watching the trial quickly gathered in the hall.

At the forefront of the crowd were a young man in Jin Yi with thick eyebrows and a black face Taoist priest.

Wang Longqi looked at the court, and wondered: "You said that the virtue of Yu Guanzhu, how can you make friends with this gangster nemesis of the Heluo Dynasty? It stands to reason that the real person Ling Feng saw him. At first glance, should he be sentenced to be too late, right?"

"Heh." Old Du sneered: "My master's ability to deal with women is so great!"

"Good fellow." Wang Longqi shook his head and said, "You look more and more like Li Chu."

In court.

True person Ling Feng asked indifferently: "Madame Nine, you said this little Taoist priest is frivolous than you, is it true?"

"Hmm...Yes." Wenxiang nodded her head low.

"Little Taoist priest, can you plead guilty?" Ling Feng asked Li Chu again.

"No such thing." Li Chu said frankly.

"Okay..." Ling Feng stood up, "I'm here to prove this."

She walked slowly in front of Wenxiang and said, "Madam Nine, please turn around."

Wenxiang listened to her words and memorized it nervously.

Just listen to the real person Ling Feng said loudly: "I am about to use a manifestation of supernatural powers, but any other person who has touched your body within twelve hours will show traces. If he is really frivolous than you, it must be impossible to hide. "

After all, she held up a bottle of powder and didn't sprinkle too much. She just twisted her fingers, and a cluster of white powder fell on Wenxiang's buttocks evenly and evenly on her own.

Then he shouted again: "Show!"

call out--

That layer of medicinal powder actually showed fluorescence in the daytime.

What is even more amazing is that some of them are not exposed to fluorescence, and they are the mark of a slap!


The audience in the audience made an uproar.

Unexpectedly, this little Taoist looks like a dog, but there is indeed something happening?

King Han was also furious and stood up: "You Taoist priest, deny me again?"

Li Chu's complexion was still calm, and he heard the real person Ling Feng say again: "His Royal Highness, stay calm, don't worry, it is still not certain that it is the handprint of this little Taoist priest."

She turned her head ~www.ltnovel.com~ to look at Li Chu, and said, "Stretch your hand over and press it on this handprint."

"Huh?" Li Chu looked at her with a black line.

"If you want to prove your innocence, just press it." Ling Feng shouted.

Li Chu had no choice but to press his hand up, and left in a hurry.

I saw that layer of phosphor flickered, and then dimmed, as usual.

Real person Ling Feng said: "His Royal Highness, this handprint... is not his."

"Huh?" King Han's face was pale, and he was at a loss for a while.

At this moment, I saw a Wang Longqi with thick eyebrows and big eyes raised his hand and shouted: "I admit that I am also from Yaowang Town, and I am also in the attic, and my suspicion is also very high! I will test it too!"

"I am the master's apprentice, and I have always been inseparable from the master and the Seventh Young Master." A black-faced Duranke next to him also scrambled to raise his hand:

"If they are suspicious, then I can't get rid of it."

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