I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 28: Broken Tablet Mountain is with you

The big moon hangs in the air.

With a roar, a huge shadow swept across the corner of Cangshan Mountain, seeming to pounce downward.

Facing the giant shadow, a relatively small human figure leaped up into the air and punched the giant shadow in front of its chest. The visual contrast was quite strong.

It was shocked that after a short pause, the giant shadow like a small hill flew out crashingly, until it was thrown into the center of the bright moon, and it rolled a few times in the air.


The humanoid landed and twisted his wrist, looking quite relaxed.

The giant shadow that was blown into the air did not just fall to the ground. In the midair, a dazzling cluster of sword light flashed suddenly, and the sharp sword light almost woven into a petal, and then slowly disappeared.

And that huge shadow, with a bang, shattered into dozens of segments, and then rumbling to the ground, splashing thick clouds of smoke, almost obscuring the night sky.

A monster beast of such a huge size was supposed to be the king of a mountain forest. But in the hands of these people who don't know it, it is as fragile as a toy.

Another figure landed.

The punch and the sword.

The two looked at each other for a long while.

The one on the left who threw the punch was slender, with dangling eyes, and his cheeks were cut like knives, and his face was a bit fierce.

The one with the sword on the right has short stature and small eyes, and looks like he has no other characteristics except ugliness.

The two seemed to know each other, and it seemed that they met for the first time.

After a long silence, the man on the left exclaimed, "Leader Ho, why are you here?"

The person on the right called "Leader He" paused, and replied: "The night is long and sleepless, come out to hunt a monster."

He asked again: "Leader Cao, why is he here?"

The opposite person replied: "Before you killed the monster, I was already hunting it."

After such a strange conversation, the two of them were silent for a while, and suddenly smiled at each other.

The code is correct.

"I didn't expect it to be you." Cao Commander said quietly.

"I didn't expect that Commander Cao was so highly regarded, and he was actually in the same situation as me..." He Commander laughed.

"If I remember correctly, He led you up to the mountain more than ten years ago. At that time... the Golden Bodhisattva had planted spies on the mountain?" Cao led the leader.

"That's not true, but when I went up the mountain, I was just a small talk. If it weren't for the enlightenment of the King, how would I have a chance to become the leader in this life?" He commander said again: "It is Cao who is commanding you, but you are a lover of the house, what? and also……"

"What about my lover? Since I'm standing here, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. I rebelled and went up the mountain in order not to be a dog for people. No matter if it's for the emperor or for any big boss.

The Cao leader stretched his eyebrows and said sharply.

"Good ambition, haha." He Commander smiled again.

As they spoke, the two gradually approached, and then sat opposite each other under the mountain wall.

There are many heroes on Broken Tablet Mountain. Generally, the higher the reward, the greater the reputation. At the moment, these two people must be in the first row on the sea gate wall of every big city.

Zhu Xinshou, Cao Pan.

Ground Dragon, He Tu.

It's just that since these two are here tonight, it is not so pure to want to come to the anti-thief status.

"I and Wang Shiwang have long agreed that as long as we take the North Land together, I will take the lead in Broken Tablet Mountain. If we can take the whole world together, then he can mark the north and give me the king." Cao Panlang said: " If you help me, then I would like to add an arm in the mountains, and my chances of success would be much greater."

He Tuze smiled and said: "I don't have such a big heart. It's just the order of the King of Law, so I have to follow it. In fact...I am still in awe of the master in my heart. Only you and I want to dominate Broken Stone Mountain. , How easy is it?"

"That's why we want to talk about cooperation." Cao Pan said: "Didn't the Golden Bodhisattva tell you the key to the talk today?"

"Oh?" He Tu made a posture of listening respectfully.

"The King Wanshi deliberately used the tactic of driving the tiger and devouring the wolf to use the hand of the broken tablet mountain to deal with the powerful enemy, and at the same time weaken the strength of the mountain. Otherwise, the master and the unicorn will naturally be hopeless." Cao Pan said with great ambition.

"The method of my contact with the King is quite mysterious, and it does not convey too much information. For specific matters, the leader of Meng Cao will explain to me." He Tu asked: "For example, if the world is extremely tiger, then there are in the north. Who can afford this wolf?"

"It was difficult to find, but one happened to appear the day before yesterday." Cao Pan smiled coldly.

"Utsunomiya's hidden lair in Ryuujieling was unexpectedly taken away the day before yesterday, and the only one who brazenly entered it was a little Taoist from the south of the Yangtze River." Cao Pan said: "This person's background is definitely not simple. You Yanyue Sect also has two Dharma kings who died at his hands, so this time, King Wanshi wants us to stir up grievances between Broken Stone Mountain and this little Taoist priest."

"Taoist from Jiangnan..." He Tu thought for a while, frowning slightly, as if he was thinking of some rumors in Yanyue Sect.

"I'm being watched very closely by the master now, and I can't get out of my body for a while. This matter... I have to bother with the leader. If you have time, you can go to Yaowang Town. You have to do it as soon as possible to avoid him. It’s inconvenient to leave the Northland and make another move.” Cao Pan said.

He Tu thought for a while, and said: "Yaowang Town...I'm near there. It seems that there are really two hidden piles. It's just a long time without news. I don't know what happened, so I just went to take a look..."

"As for how to do it..." Cao Pan approached slightly, "Also listen to me carefully..."

He was so and so, so and so, as He Tu's face gradually showed a smile when he told it.

He couldn't help but praised: "As expected of Commander Cao, this idea is really bad."


"Oh, I said this idea is really wonderful." He Tu quickly changed his words.



In an attic room in Yaowang Town, Wang Longqi was surrounded by only a piece of cloth, and then he was tied tightly with a rope and thrown on the ground.

On the side, Girl Wenxiang stood there holding the whip, her face gloomy.

Wang Longqi trembled and whispered: "What is this...I don't like this tune. Even if I like it, I am tied to others. I am definitely not tied to me..."

His eyes were filled with confusion, and he obviously didn't think clearly about how things he had been expecting for so long suddenly became like this.

Is there something wrong?

"You thief..." Girl Wenxiang was angry, "Where did it come from!"

During the questioning, his wrist shook, and the whip shook another flower in the air with a crisp sound. Listen to that strength, if it falls on the body, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

"I'm from Yuhang Town, Hangzhou Prefecture, Jiangnan!" Wang Longqi quickly replied obediently.

"Then what are you doing in Yaowang Town?" Girl Wenxiang asked again.

"What else can I do in Yaowang Town..." Wang Longqi said weakly and weakly: "I have been poisoned, ask for medicine."

"Why do you have two Huanling bells when you come to ask for medicine?"

"What Huanling?" Wang Longqi was startled.

"Two Huanlings."

"Two bells?"


This time, the girl Wenxiang didn't repeat it, but shook her backhand.

"Don't don't don't, I really don't know what you are talking about girl." Wang Longqi really wanted to cry without tears.

Unexpectedly, this Wenxiang girl repeatedly seduce herself in order to let herself eat her whip, not...

Seeing that his expression was not fake, Wenxiang took out a small bell from his waist and shook it gently.

The jingle sound rang in the room.

The bell sounded in Wang Longqi's pile of clothes, Wenxiang stepped forward and took out the bell.

"That's it..." Wenxiang stared at him with a gloomy expression: "Where did you get it?"


Wang Longqi recalled it for a while, and then replied, "I picked it up at the gate of Yaowang Town that day."

"Pick it up?"

Wenxiang's first reaction was that he was lying. After all, this thing must have been carried by the person who joined him, so how could it be easily lost.

But after thinking about it, it is indeed carried close to the body, which makes it easier to lose...

It has been lost for so long, why didn't the connector come to look for it? Could it be that... some kind of accident has already happened.

When I looked at Wang Longqi again, I felt that his expression was wronged, he looked like a bullied dog, and he really didn't look like a city.

Thinking that she had been racking her brains to get close to this guy these days, and wasting an unknown amount of time, Wenxiang couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

But after another thought, his performance... is indeed easy to be misunderstood, and his actions today can be explained.

I say so, but I still have to get angry.

It's hard to solve the hatred in my heart if he doesn't give him a whip.

The whip in Girl Wenxiang's hand turned three times, and finally fell on Wang Longqi with a snap!

"Oh!" Wang Longqi screamed: "I really didn't lie, girl, what are you doing with me?"

The girl Wenxiang raised her eyebrows and scolded: "Have your mother taught you the principle of picking up gold?"



At the same time, in a mountain col some hundreds of miles away, someone uttered the same scream.

But the heart-piercing degree sounded much harder than Qi Shao.

A figure in a white shirt was kicked away more than ten feet away, and he threw himself to the ground, vomiting a mouthful of blood before stopping.

"Master, the little one is convicted, please forgive me..."

After this person got up, he immediately begged for mercy.


The one standing on the opposite side is not someone else, but He Tu, one of the leaders of the Broken Tablet Mountain who had a secret meeting with people in the mountain last night.

And the one who was beaten opposite him was a young man in a sword-white costume with soft feet and a familiar face.

The big brother of Yanzhaomen, the people of the rivers and lakes call Guanxi brother.

It's just that the appearance of Brother Guanxi is really miserable when he is beaten.

"You know how many things you have missed. Because of you, Yaowang Town's affairs have completely reduced our mountain to spectators, and the intelligence is completely down, and I didn't drink a sip of soup.

He Tu faced the inferior, completely lost the harmony, his complexion was gloomy, and his whole body was hostile.

"I ask you, where are your Lianghuan bells?"

"Lost... lost." Zhenguanxi replied weakly.


He Tu flew again, kicking Zhenguanxi upside down, and slid ten feet away.

"How long has it been lost?" He Tu asked after catching up.

"It's been... for seven or eight days..." Zhen Guanxi got up, but before he could stand firmly, he flew over again.

"Seven or eight days!" He Tu kicked again, and then asked angrily: "What have you done in these seven or eight days?"

"This one……"

Zhenguanxi also discovered that the safest place is to lie down wherever you fall.

So he didn't get up at all, and replied on the spot: "Nothing..."

"did nothing?"

He Tu was completely angry now.

If the previous behavior can be explained by incompetence, then this behavior of giving up treatment is simply hopeless.

He raised his foot and kicked another somersault on Zhen Guanxi, who was lying on the ground, and stood up! Then he grabbed the collar of Zhenguanxi and asked, "Do you want to do it?"

"No..." Zhenguanxi replied weakly, "Master Commander, listen to my explanation, I did nothing literally..."

"In those few days, I was put on the body fixation method, I really couldn't do anything. Even to eat, I could only eat liquid food. The first time after I recovered, I accepted your call and came to see you. I'm thinking about it, let you avenge me..."

"My heart is bitter."

Zhenguanxi was talking, but also consciously innocent, a wave of grievances welled up, and tears were immediately in his eyes.

"Do you think I am a three-year-old child?" He Tu coldly snorted, "Which person's body fixation method can fix you for seven or eight days? Which land fairy of Taoism?"

"I don't know, it's a... terribly handsome looking and terrifying cultivation base...very nasty little Taoist..."

Zhenguanxi found that when he described the enemy, he couldn't remember any negative words. Thinking about it this way, he was even more aggrieved.

Can only silently add a hateful sentence.

"Yaowangzhen...Little Taoist..." He Tu frowned, "So it's him?"

I was thinking about how to lead the contradiction to the past, but I couldn't think of... I really couldn't find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it was all effortless.

"Master leader knows him?" Zhen Guanxi asked hurriedly.

"I don't know... but I know something vaguely." He Tu smiled slightly, and then said warmly: "No matter who it is, since he dares to do something to my subordinates, he will definitely pay the price of blood, right?"

Zhen Guanxi looked at him, not daring to say yes or no for a moment.

He just wanted to remind you that you hit me yourself just now...

And the start is more ruthless than the little Taoist.

"Anyway, you can go find him for revenge." He Tu said.

"But..." Zhen Guanxi stopped talking.

"I know, you are worried that you are not his opponent." He Tu said.

"Haha." Zhen Guanxi smiled.

Qiangyan smiled.

He doesn't worry about this...because he is definitely not an opponent. People never worry about a determined failure.

What he worries about is whether the leader is the opponent of the little Taoist...

"Don't worry, I have Broken Stone Mountain behind you, and he treats you this way, he is against our whole Broken Stone Mountain, isn't it?" He Tu said, "You can reveal your identity this time, and he dare to be right. how are you?"

"Master commander means..." Zhen Guanxi was stunned, and then showed a sincere smile, "I don't need to..."

"Yes." He Tu said: "You don't need to make hidden piles anymore."

"Finally..." Zhenguanxi burst into tears for a while, "Three years and three years, it has been ten years...I finally don't have to be an undercover agent."

"Go with confidence." He Tu looked at him with a smile, "Duanbei Mountain is with you."


When Wang Longqi came back ~www.ltnovel.com~, he was silent, his mouth was flat, and his face looked like a defeated dog.

There is also a very obvious weal mark on his face.

"Yo?" Old Du asked with a smile when he saw this, "Aren't you going to send the whip, Seventh Young Master? Why are you still getting the whip?"

"You don't understand..." Qi Shao whispered, "It's all the taste of young people."

After speaking, he hurried upstairs.

I'm afraid that if I say a few more words, my tears will fall.

"Hehe." Lao Du looked at his back and whispered to Li Chu: "Master, you see, I said that it is impossible for Wenxiang girl to follow him. Men always have this weird self-confidence, thinking that other girls will Fall in love with yourself. Huh, it's all an illusion."

He looked at the world with disdain.

"Oh..." Li Chu asked, "What about Girl Fangfang?"

I saw Lao Du's proud face: "She is absolutely in love with me!"

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