I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 26: Hand knife in my good dream

Hiss... Hiss... Hiss.

It's just a wide cave with no light, and there are several circular stone platforms on both sides of the cave. After experiencing the darkness for an unknown length of time, electric lights began to flash on the stone platform, accompanied by a piercing sound.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

After the light flickered for a while, figures in black robes began to appear on the stone platform. These figures are not physical, but they are extremely clear, seeing each other, and being in person is no different.


On the high platform at the forefront, the rickety figure coughed twice.

A crowd of people in black robes immediately turned around, bowed and shouted, "My King!"

"Flat body..."

That figure was not someone else, it was the so-called "king of a thousand generations" who had previously met with the Golden Bodhisattva outside Long Jueling. As for whether it was his body that was revealed, it is naturally unknown.

"I'll just say two things."

Looking down at the black robes below, King Wanshi said with a heavy tone:

"The first point is that in special times, everyone should not meet in the real world. In the future, all contacts will be made in this virtual world."


Yiying black robe nodded when he heard the sound.

Yesterday, if the little Taoist hadn't acted cautiously and hadn't rushed out of the cell, I'm afraid they might not have been able to escape with all of them. At this time, there would still be lingering fears.

After that, the King Wanshi issued an order, and the wind was very tight, and he first scattered to various places in the world, so as not to be caught by the little Taoist priest.

But not everyone is afraid.

A big man on the left said angrily: "If he hadn't taken the opportunity of the king's absence, how could he have taken Ziyuan! This guy is really mean. Now that the king is here, why should we be afraid of it? It's better to find him for revenge! There is a king who is in charge, even if you are extremely afraid of it!"


King Wan Shi was silent for a moment.

Then he said softly: "Indeed."

After finishing speaking, he said in a vague tone: "It's just...this matter needs to be considered for a long time."

"Is it necessary?" The big man continued to say angrily: "The final general is willing to take the lead, rush directly into his Laoshizi Taoist temple, and kill him all the way up and down, in order to..."

"Southern God General!" King Wan Shi suddenly called him softly.

As if to understand the temper of King Wanshi, the big man known as the Southern God shook fiercely and immediately recovered his consciousness, closed his mouth, and leaned forward to obey orders.

"I know that you and the North God General are irresistible, but... the deceased is already dead, don't lose an inch."

"The final conviction!"

Southern God bowed down with a trembling voice. Although King Wanshi didn't have a tone of reprimand, he was already terrified.

For thousands of years, they have already penetrated the temperament of King Wanshi.

The joy and anger kills, just in a flash.

"It's okay, you should be flat." King Wanshi didn't seem to care, and his voice softly said: "It's really hard to let go of the fellowship for thousands of years, but things have happened. You can only try not to think too much about sadness and look at it. Put it on the matter right now..."

"Yes!" Southern God said with tears: "At the end, I will try my best to restrain my thoughts and not think about the death of Northern God."

"Okay." Wang Shiwang nodded, and continued: "About the person who smashed into Ziyuan..."

Speaking of this, his voice seems to fluctuate somewhat.

"Since you can't use his name directly."

"I gave him a code name to avoid being watched by him. From now on, we will call it'the little Taoist who made the North God's bones disappear in an instant.'"

"Woo..." Nan Shen burst into tears in his eyes.

Zuo Tianguan next to him whispered: "Southern God General, you said good restraint... in front of the king, don't be too much."

"Okay...I know..." Nan Shen will sobbing to hold back his tears.

Seeing Zuo Tianguan turned his head, arched his hand, and said: "My lord, regarding this'the little Taoist who caused the Northern God to destroy the bones and souls in an instant,' the Weichen has a plan to offer."

"Woo..." Nanshen burst into tears for another second.

The official right next to him reminded: "It's the'Little Taoist who made the North God's bones disappear in an instant.' How can you tamper with the code name given by the king himself."

"It's the crime of a weird minister." Zuo Tianguan complained: "But... judging from that little Taoist's murderous method, it is impossible to kill the soul with a single sword. It is assumed that the North God will destroy the soul. There is nothing wrong with it."


"To put it this way, the Northern God General may have fallen into eighteen layers of hell, and will never be transcended. These can be added at will. The code name given by the king is not meaningless." You Tianguan said.


"Southern God General." Wang Shiwang's icy gaze cast again, "I told you to restrain your thoughts before, but you never heard it. Everyone is discussing important matters. How are you crying here?"

When he said this, he was obviously angry.

The Southern God General was shocked and frightened, but felt extremely wronged, holding a thousand words in his heart, but he had to take a sigh of relief and swallowed all the grievances.

"Zuo Tianguan, tell me." Wang Wanshi turned his gaze again.

"Although the little Taoist priest who left the North God's bones at this moment is quite powerful, but... as long as it is used properly, it is not necessarily a bad thing." Zuo Tianguan said meaningfully.

"You mean... driving tigers and devouring wolves?" King Wan Shi immediately understood what he meant, paused, and then said, "Tell me, which tiger is in your mind?"

"Presumably Wang Shang also has a care in his heart..." Zuo Tianguan smiled, "Above the north, which tiger is bigger than..."

"Broken Tablet Mountain."


Inside Yaowang Town.

When Durant finally drank the thick soup, he wiped his mouth and slapped his taste, "Girl Fangfang, you made this soup..."

Before I finished speaking, I felt dizzy...

"It's pretty good..."

With a thud, he fell into the grass on the porch.

Fangfang looked around, made a gesture not far away, and a beautiful figure walked into the attic.

"Connector..." Girl Wenxiang gritted her teeth, "I'll see where you run this time..."


The door was pushed open.

Wang Longqi was studying the Buddhist scriptures in his room. When he raised his head and saw the girl Wenxiang, his hairs stood upright, but he quickly took a deep breath, tried to suppress the thoughts in his heart, and took a long breath of wantlessness. Begging.

"Miss Wenxiang, you are here..." He smiled like a sage.

Wenxiang stared at Wang Longqi and said, "This time...you must give me an explanation."

"I understand, you can see me at the first glance, and I will understand." Wang Longqi nodded in response.

"Do you understand?" Wenxiang approached and said in a low voice: "Then why have you refused to give it to me?"


Wang Longqi gritted his teeth and took a breath, hurriedly moved his body back, and stepped back to the bed, trying to explain how bad he was. But after another thought, how can a man say no?

Having said that, whether the mosquito-repellent incense girl will come to see herself again is two different things...

After groaning, he raised his eyes and said intermittently, "I can naturally give you what you want. It's just...it's really not very convenient now. Some things can't be explained to you...Let's go, two days later, I will come to you. When that happens, I will naturally give you what you want, and I will give you... a lot."

Changchun old man's pill will probably be refined tomorrow, and after two days, his body must have recovered.

Although it's a bit spell...

But where can men not fight?

Wenxiang was a little strange, but she nodded her head and agreed: "If this is the case, we will wait two days."

After all, she didn't stay much, turned and left.

Just when I walked over the table, I accidentally knocked off the Buddhist scriptures on it, and the book fell to the ground with a clatter.

Wenxiang didn't think too much, so he leaned over to pick it up.

Wang Longqi looked at her clothes, his heart jumped suddenly, and he shouted, "Don't..."

But it's too late!

Wenxiang has already bent down between the electric light and flint! She was wearing a tube top dress that was cool in spring, and she was already very full. When she leaned over, she was obviously unstoppable.

Wang Longqi chanted the Buddhist scriptures in his heart, trying to control himself to close his eyes, and look no further.

Can't control it at all!

He seemed to hear a bang, like the sudden acceleration of his blood.


I've come over for the 72nd prayer, just shivering, is it still not working?

At this moment of life and death, Wang Longqi's hair was suddenly moved by the sound of a rustle.

In his heart, a sense of security has unexpectedly risen inexplicably.

The best brother is that you can trust him with your neck; the best brother is always when you need him; the best brother is that you can always trust him to help you.

That's right, his best brother of Wang Longqi is Li Chu!

And Durranke ~www.ltnovel.com~ is the little apprentice left by Li Chu, so naturally he won't let his uncle disappointed.

Wang Longqi thought so and closed his eyes peacefully.


A familiar hand knife slammed into a familiar position, as natural as a tired bird returning to its nest, and as freehand as Pao Ding Jie Niu.

Puff through.

Qi Shao's body collapsed.

Wenxiang watched in horror at the figure that he revealed after he fell.

A black-faced old Taoist priest closed his eyes tightly, clearly in a state of asleep, but his hand knife like a flying immortal in this sky...but still so stable and accurate.


After killing Wang Longqi, Lao Du also fell down. It seems that the medicinal effect of Lost Soul Dispersion is useful.

So what's going on?

I have a knife in my dream?

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