I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 14: Extremely surviving demon

Xuanyue Mountain.

The vegetation is colorful, the flowers are dyed and frosted.

All the plants here are extremely luxuriant, with a thin brilliance. Looking at it from a distance, it was very different from the vegetation outside.

This is probably the magic of Xiaoyao Lake in the world, even if it is slightly contaminated, it is enough to change the water and soil of a party.

Li Chu rode on the white crane, and fell with the woman with the hair to a peak in the distance.

On the top of each mountain peak on Xuanyue Mountain, there are seven-colored rainbow-like clouds and haze, which are obviously not formed naturally.

"Xiao Yaochi is on the embedded jade peak, and all of the affairs are in charge of the elders of Yaochi. Xiaodao, you are going to see the elders of our generation who is in charge of Yaochi later, and she will talk to you in detail." The woman said.

Li Chu nodded.

He also knew before coming. In Guanghan Sect, the elders of Yaochi can be compared with the suzerain, and even a position hidden above the suzerain.

Because Xiaoyao Chi can be said to be the foundation of Guanghan Sect, the person in charge of this place must be loyal enough, strong enough, and wise enough.


When the white crane crashed into the dense fog, there was a rumbling in his ears, as if the wind blowing through the sky. This spirit bird was familiar with the road, and continued to move forward steadily.

He got out again all of a sudden.

The scenery in front of me changed drastically. The sky surrounded by countless colorful birds, some big and some small; there were many strange beasts running and jumping below, some gentle and some lively; female disciples in twos and threes were walking on the road, Some wear clothes, some... wear more clothes.

The most eye-catching thing is naturally the lake like a jasper on the top of the mountain, which is like a piece of peerless jade inlaid on this mountain. No wonder it is called Mount Yufeng.

If the mountain road goes forward, it is no longer easy to ride. According to the rules of the rivers and lakes, it is quite disrespectful to fly directly to the door.

The hair-cut woman took Li Chu for half of the journey, and stopped and said, "I can't take you anymore. Walk along the stone steps, and there will be a disciple from Xiaoyaochi to pick you up."

"Okay, thanks a lot." Li Chu nodded, then turned to move forward.

The woman with the haircut did not leave immediately, but looked at Li Chu's handsome and unrestrained back, flattened her mouth, her eyes slightly resentful.

"Don't ask anyone's name..." She murmured, then turned angrily.

As soon as I turned around, I heard Li Chu shout from behind: "Girl stay."

"Huh?" The woman with the haircut immediately smiled again and turned around.

"I haven't consulted yet..." I heard Li Chu really ask: "The name of the elder Yaochi...How should I call it when I see you next time?"


The hair-binding woman was silent for a while, and then replied: "Su Xin...just call Elder Su Xin."

"Thanks a lot." Li Chu arched his hands again and sincerely thanked him, then turned and left again.

A wave of his sleeves will not take away a cloud.


After walking a hundred steps along the stone steps, turning around a gorgeous flower wall, I saw an elegant courtyard in front of me. It was previously hidden among the vegetation, and the roof was also crawling with flowers and grass, which was almost invisible from the sky.

And before the courtyard, there was an acquaintance standing unexpectedly.

"Girl Bi Luo?" Li Chu called.

Although she had known that she was a disciple of the Guanghan Sect, but it was a huge Xuanyue Mountain, but she hadn't really thought of meeting her here.

At this time, she was wearing a uniform uniform of Guanghanzong with a light blue gauze and a white lining. Without the veil, she still had that beautiful face.

"Little Li, long time no see." Bi Luo Yingying nodded, paused, and said: "You are getting handsomer."

Li Chu smiled politely, which was considered a greeting.

Bi Luo also knew his disposition, turned around and raised his hand: "Elder Su Xin is already waiting for you inside, come with me."

After all, open the courtyard door and lead the way.

Li Chu followed, and asked in a low voice: "Elder Yaochi saw me, but Bi Luo can help?"

"I was selected to practice in Xiaoyao Lake only last month, but I don't have such a great energy." Bi Luo smiled: "But...I did say some good things for you. You will know what's going on when you go in later. Now. Whether you can take away the treasures you want, it depends on your ability."

But when she said this, she didn't conceal her approving gaze, which probably meant...

I know you are capable.

When I came to the courtyard, in front of a woody pavilion, I saw a middle-aged woman with a dignified hair bun sitting under the pavilion, with white skin and expressionless face, looking indifferently at the swimming fish in the pond.

"Elder Su Xin, Dao Li Xiao Li is here." Bi Luo stepped forward and bowed his head to report.

Elder Su Xin turned around and glanced at Li Chu. There was only a slight fluctuation in Gu Jing Wubo's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

"Please sit down." She raised her finger to the other side of the pavilion.

Li Chu was not too polite, and Yiyan sat down opposite her.

"Xiao Qiao, you can withdraw first." Elder Su Xin waved to Girl Bi Luo again.

"Yes." Girl Bi Luo took her orders.

Soon, only Elder Su Xin and Li Chu were left in the pavilion. There was a moment of silence, only the words of the birds in the sky.

Li Chu listened to Elder Su Xin's voice, which was similar to the voice of warning after flying the Xuanming Mirror at that time. Being able to deal with a declining peak's power so freely, presumably this elder's cultivation base must be considered high among the land gods.

Elder Su Xin looked at Li Chu for a while, and gradually became a little curious in his eyes, "Sure enough, Xiao Qiao is right. You are really an impenetrable little Taoist priest, and even I can't see through your cultivation."

"The way of practicing is different from that of ordinary people." Li Chuqian said.

"What you want is the ice gall sacred heart lotus, you know, there is only one of this thing in my Xiaoyao Lake, it is extremely precious. It is not an exaggeration to put it elsewhere in the world, and say it is a holy thing." Elder Su Xin said again.

"I know." Li Chu nodded.

"So if you want to get it, you have to pay enough money to my Guanghan Sect."

"But it's okay to speak."

Li Chu saw that there seemed to be something in the other party's heart, and he said directly without being wordy.

"My Guanghan Sect has recently encountered a tricky thing, and it happens to need someone to help. If you can help with this, you will naturally get the Ice Gall Sacred Heart Lotus." Elder Su Xin said slowly.

"I thought about Tong Yulin before, but he belongs to Bai Yujing after all, and... Bi Luo said that your cultivation level must be better than him."

"I dare not be sure, but probably yes." Li Chu said.

"Yes, you look very confident." Elder Su Xin asked again: "Have you really killed a ghost king?"

"Hmm..." Li Chu thought about this after hearing this, and then said, "Which one?"

It didn't mean anything else, mainly these days, the size of the ghost king he had killed... I really can't remember.

But after another thought, Elder Su Xin knew that it should be the girl Bi Luo told her, and that should be the one that made trouble in Yuhang Town at the beginning.

That's it.

The weakest one.

Elder Su Xin glanced at him again, listening to the meaning of this kid's words...hasn't killed less?

Then, she smiled slightly.

"Not bad."


"Between our twelve immortal gates, there is actually a convention."

"In the early years, every time the secret realm or the treasure was unearthed, it would arouse the gathering of cultivators from all sides, causing bloodshed, and the human race's internal consumption was extremely serious."

"Shortly after the Heluo Dynasty set the tripod, the imperial court took the lead to gather the twelve immortal gates for a meeting. The final decision was to divide the world into several large areas. Each different position belongs to its own immortal gate."

Now that Li Chu was recognized, Elder Su Xin began to talk about the problems they encountered.

Li Chu also heard a little about this convention, but he didn't know much. After all, only Twelve Immortals are involved.

As for the other little schools, they are not restricted and can compete for the secret realm anywhere in the world at will.

After all, on the one hand, there are too many cultivators in the small sect and they can't manage it. On the other hand, what can we do if we let them fight?

How can they fight for the secret realm to be seen by the twelve immortals?

Like the last time Bi Luo went to Yuhang Town, the reason why he kept his name incognito and cautiously was because of the constraints of the convention, it was not very blatant.

Fortunately, Fang Fulong's secret realm is not big, and there is nothing to care about. But if there are extremely precious treasures, then it will be a taboo.

"The day before yesterday, the sky and the earth on the northern icefield changed..."

Elder Su Xin continued.

She didn't elaborate. According to Sword Sect's statement, the change was a sword light like a meteor falling to the ground, causing a huge iceberg to disappear in an instant.

The Guanghan Sect generally feels that this statement is not true... or it is simply nonsense.

"After the mutation happened, strange monsters appeared on the ice sheet. In the past, almost no creatures survived on the Arctic ice sheet. Auras were scarce, let alone transforming monsters. So this phenomenon is extremely abnormal, and it is spreading in the world..."

"Extremely high creature demon, something big must happen."

"Daxueshan sent disciples to investigate and found that an iceberg not far from the change was shaken, and it revealed a secret door! Those monsters escaped from that door!"

"In the secret realm unearthed in that location, both the Guanghan Sect and the Sword Sect are eligible to compete."

"Moreover, some of the patterns on the door of the secret realm are corroborated by some ancient books of my Guanghan Sect. It is likely to be related to the Xiaoyao Lake, and there may even be more Yaochi fairy water in it."

Fighting for secrets?

Li Chu felt a little more confident when he heard this. He was already quite adept at exploring the secret realm.

When Elder Su Xin said this, his expression suddenly became solemn.

Li Chu also listened more seriously.

"When you came here, did you think that my Guanghan Sect was sitting on a treasure on earth like Xiaoyao Chi, but I completely took it for myself, sitting and watching countless lives die without saving it, a little unkind?" she asked.

Li Chu said, "Sitting on this precious place, we are also facing many difficulties, which is understandable."

This matter, he did think about it outside.

But if you think about it, you can understand it.

Sure enough, I heard Elder Su Xin said: "In the beginning, my ancestors of the Guanghan Sect were compassionate and keen on applying medicine to save people. The more people seeking medicine came from, the treasure medicine near Xiaoyao Lake was almost It was swept away."

"Furthermore... the treasures of heaven and earth began to circulate in the arena, all of which are sold at sky-high prices. It turns out that the treasures given by the ancestors were either deceived by the seekers or robbed by the seekers. On the contrary, it caused more casualties."

"Those who are seeking medicine cry more miserably than the other, and the sect does not have enough energy to check the truth of everyone's remarks. There are even some treacherous people who will deliberately bring people who are dying, after asking for the precious medicine, But it does not rescue, but sells the precious medicine."

"What's more, even if they all really want to save people, those precious medicines are just a drop in the bucket."

"In this way, we gradually stopped the outflow of precious medicine."

"But even so, the treasure medicine is still decreasing. Thousands of years ago, my sect discovered that the fairy water in Xiaoyao Lake was gradually decreasing."

"Reduce?" Li Chu was surprised.

Does the water in Xiaoyao Lake still count?

I have never heard of it.

"Please don't tell the story about this matter." Elder Su Xin said.

"How can the water of the mortal world breed so many natural treasures in one place? The water in the Xiaoyao Lake is said to be the fairy water left by the immortal world, so it has such a magical effect."

"It's just that there are countless fairy waters. After about a thousand years, the Xiaoyao Lake here will completely become an ordinary lake."

"Therefore, the secret realm that may have something to do with Xiaoyaochi that suddenly appeared this time is simply the biggest opportunity for my Guanghan Sect." Elder Su Xin said with an eyebrow, "Never miss it."

After listening to Li Chu, he was a little puzzled.

Since it's so important, why do you want to fake hands outsiders?

Before she asked, Elder Su Xin had already said. Seeing her turn around, she was a little angry.

"But no one can think of it, this secret realm actually..."

"Only men are allowed in."


After going out of Mount Yufeng, Bi Luo led Li Chu to another lonely and quiet mountain, where the Guanghan Sect received male guests.

It looks quite deserted, and there are only a few lofts on the entire hill, all of them look like they haven't lived in a long time.

"There will be three people who entered the secret realm for my Guanghan Sect. Only two have been finalized now." Bi Luo preached: "In addition to Xiao Li, there is another brother of Qing Jianling, the saint of our sect, from Beihai Qing's family. Shimizu Sword."

As she said, she lowered her voice again and said, "The young master is a little bit competitive, Dao Li Xiao is more careful."

"I know, thanks for reminding." Li Chu said.

The Beihai Qing family can be regarded as a well-known family of cultivating immortals, and there have been several powerful figures from the ancestors.

The Qing family and Guanghan Sect have always made good friends, but women in the tribe will be sent to Guanghan Sect to practice since childhood, and men will stay in the family for training. In this way, it is generally better for women to clear the house than men.

This generation of Qing Jianling was especially stunning, and she became the saint of Guanghan Sect. As for the Qingshui Sword, it is not well known.

Girl Bi Luo sent Li Chu to the entrance of the attic, and stopped here, saying: "Then I will send it here, if Xiao Li Daochang has..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a sneer next to him.

"Hehe, have you found another one to make up?"

The tone is frivolous, with sarcasm.

Li Chu looked over and saw that in the attic next door, on the balcony on the second floor, a bravely dressed valiant young man sitting there, one hanging in the air, holding a sword in his arms.

Before Li Chu said anything, Bi Luo had already quit. She stepped forward and said, "Young Master Qing, Dao Master Xiao Li was also invited by my Guanghan Sect to help. You have to fight side by side in the secret realm together. Please be respectful."

"I said that I can do it alone, but my sister won't allow it." The young man said lazily, "You must be qualified to fight with me."

As he said, his eyes flashed, his right hand halberd pointed upwards, and he shouted: "Ten Thousand Sword Art!"

With a cry, the sword in his arms was unsheathed, and it rose into the air like a dragon, instantly turning into ten thousand lights and shadows! Cover the sky!

As his fingers turned, the ten thousand sword shadows rotated and wandered in the air, arranged in various arrays, murderous!

Finally, he gave another light pick.

Countless swords pointed downward, pointing straight to the mountain! As if the brave soldiers and horses lined up, they will join forces and kill at any time!

"Young Master Qing, I know that your Ten Thousand Sword Art has reached its peak and can evolve ten thousand sword shadows, but please don't be too presumptuous." Bi Luo frowned.

"Hmph, finally your arrogant Guanghanzong begs me, and you don't allow me to be presumptuous? Besides, I didn't target your disciples."

After all, he raised his head towards Li Chu, his eyes seemed to be demonstrating and provocative.

"If you want to participate in this matter, you need at least this strength..."

"can you?

Li Chu frowned.

On the one hand, I don't quite understand why he came up to target himself.

On the other hand, I am also a little curious.

"So..." He whispered: "The peak of the Ten Thousand Sword Art is to evolve ten thousand sword shadows?"

"Hehe." Qingshuijian shook his head and smiled: "Where are you from a hillbilly? You haven't even seen the pinnacle of Ten Thousand Sword Art before, right?"

"I haven't seen it." Li Chu nodded.

"But...I know a little too."

Although he is elegant and easy-going, he also knows that the other party is deliberately provoking for some unknown purpose. If he can't overwhelm the other party, I am afraid that similar things will happen again in the future.

As a result, Li Chu also raised his fingers and sighed softly: "Wan Jian Jue."

call out--

The pure sun sword rises into the sky like a red dragon. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com


The moment the sword shadow evolved, there was a trembling roar!

It's sky.

Suddenly it got dark.

The earth turned crimson.

The air is suddenly hot...

"It's okay?"

After a while, Li Chu looked at Qingshuijian lightly.

The other party was looking up at the sky at this time, with his lips moving constantly, as if he was afraid, but also as if he was counting...

Hearing Li Chu's words, he suddenly excited, and then looking at Li Chu, he actually smiled again.


"I was playing around with you."


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