I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 2 Chapter 69: Si Mo arena

In Slaughter City, the atmosphere is not harmonious.

The Lord of the City disappeared, which made the Eight Demons quite surprised. They had quietly searched the entire city of Slaughter Immortals without saying anything, but found nothing.

As the master of the city rises, it will be closed for decades at every turn. It hasn't left this hall for a long time, let alone the entire city of Slaughter Immortal.

This is not something a mature city owner can do.

After gathering together in the hall again, they cast their gazes on the devil's body that was standing aside.

"Did you murder our city lord?" Yao Shi Mo stood up and asked: "The whole city of Slaughter Immortals...or the whole Demon Land, now only you can threaten it!"

The Demon Sculptor gave him a cold glance and snorted coldly: "Use your flies and feces to think about it, if I have the strength to quietly kill your city lord, then why should I talk to you? condition?"

The Eight Demons looked at each other and vaguely felt that it was justified.

"What you explained makes sense..." Yao Shi Mo whispered, "But... just say it well, don't scold someone..."

Fuhuang Demon Body spit out another coldly: "Garbage."

Yakushi Mo suddenly became anxious: "Are you scolding again?"

"I'm not targeting you..." Fuhuang Demon Body said: "I think your entire Demon Earth is rubbish."


Hearing his words, the Eight Demons showed indignation. With a fierce temper like a no-phase demon, he immediately rushed out two steps to see that the posture was about to touch him.

But after taking two steps, Wuxiang Mo's footsteps stopped for a while, and he looked back twice and glared at the brothers next to him.

It seems to be blaming them with his eyes, why don't you stop yourself.

I want my brother to die, right?

"Come hit me?" Fuhuang Demon Body shrugged, provocatively.

"The most urgent thing is to find the city lord, so I won't fight you meaninglessly." Wuxiangma suddenly calmed down spontaneously.

"If the Lord Slaughter Immortal City is not there, you don't even have a backbone for this dry monster, so you don't want to listen to my orders." Fuhuang Demon Body's gaze was stunned.

"After all, it's going to come to the world. Whose command is the same?"

The Eight Demons were shocked and suspicious.

The words of the Demon Body Supporting Wasteland were clearly prepared to take away their power to slaughter the city while the city lord was away.

In fact, Mu Ren Wang's move was not considered a temporary intention.

Because his original plan was to use the power of Slaughter City to destroy Yunfu Temple and find a way to bring the power of Slaughter City back to his own.

With enough power, we can do more things.

For example, challenge Yudi, such as rebellion...

Not only an invincible demon body can do it.

But now, the Lord Slaughter City suddenly disappeared. Although it will have a certain impact on their arrival plan, but...it also reduces the difficulty of his seizure of power a lot.

After a moment of silence, the White Bone Demon said: "The Lord of the City does not know the life or death, we naturally can not betray this. And without the Lord of the City, our strength is greatly damaged, whether the plan of arrival will continue is unknown...unless you can prove it with strength, Even if the lord is not there, you can still lead us back to the world."

"Oh?" Fuhuang Demon Body raised a pair of cross-eyed eyes again, "Do you want me to prove my strength?"

"That's right." The Bone Demon replied, "But not in front of us, but in front of Yunfu Temple. As long as you can kill Na Jiang Yi, then we will put you under your command and let you enter the world."

Fuhuang Demon's body stared at the bone demon's eye sockets, pondered for a moment, and nodded slightly, "You are a clever bone frame, but...I can promise you because I'm not afraid! Hahaha!"

He laughed three times, rushed out of the hall suddenly, and broke the void with a scream, and the whole person plunged into the black hole.

After a while, the black cave in the air slowly closed.

The Eight Demons looked at him coming and going freely, and it was inevitable that they were a little envious.

Shattered Void, logically speaking, is also one of the fairy tales.

But this is very different from other immortal methods. There is no complicated operation. It only needs physical power that is strong enough to go against the sky, and then... open a path with brute force.

Only the physical body can do such a thing, and the rest, whether it is true energy or immortal energy, have different tunes.

Yao Shi Mo looked at the cave disappearing, turned his head and asked: "If he can really defeat Jiang Yi, then we really want to switch to him?"

The Bone Demon said in a deep voice, "The most urgent thing is to find the Lord City Lord quickly and let him go to Jiang Yi... It is just a stopgap measure, otherwise, who can stop him if Lord City Lord is not present?"

"If Jiang Yi wins, we can still be calm. If the wooden king wins and the city lord is not there... Then we just let him kill into the world, what can we do?"

"The problem is..." Yin Moji wondered on the side: "So the big city lord...how do you say it's gone?"


The sound of void shattering appeared above Yunfu Temple.

Jiang Yi was talking with Zen Master Chongyi, and the two suddenly stopped talking.

"Very strong devilish energy." Jiang Yi raised his eyes to the sky.

Across the roof of the monastery and the night, his eyes reflected the sky.

A boundless black mist was flowing out of the crack and sinking quickly. He felt that there was a breath of endless death in that black mist.

If it were allowed to flow into the temple, it would definitely cause great harm to ordinary disciples.


Jiang Yi said softly and stood up.

At the same time, he said to Zen Master Chongyi: "Master, gather the four elders, and start guarding the mountain."

"So serious?" Zen Master Chongyi raised his eyebrows, a little nervous.

"Be prepared."

Jiang Yi simply left a sentence, and then took another step.

If the action is late, there will be casualties.


A snow-like figure in white appeared under the black mist, gently lifting a palm.

The black mist in mid-air was instantly dissipated, and the golden Buddha light was exposed, and the dissipated black mist was instantly driven away.

Then, I saw the figure wrapped in the black mist.

It was a weak person, wearing a monk's robe, seeming to be in a coma, and after losing the support of the black mist, he fell severely from the sky.

Jiang Yi raised his hand, supported by a golden light.

Only then did he see that it was a monk in the temple guarding on the Demon Cliff in the town.

"Junior Brother Rongcheng?" Jiang Yi called out.

"Uh... Brother Easy?" The monk opened his eyes, and a strange red light flashed past his eyes.

"what happened?"

Jiang Yi asked cautiously, ready to take action immediately when he saw something unusual about him.

But he did not attack.

In the next second, the monk suddenly raised his hand, holding a black roulette in his palm. At this time, the roulette was facing Jiang Yi, emitting a black and gold light.


With a loud shout, a black halo instantly enveloped Jiang Yi.

There was a loud noise, the light in mid-air narrowed, and the two figures suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Yi only felt that he had been sucked into a powerful vortex, and when he reappeared, he was already in a space with two colors of black and gold.

Surrounded by a circle of black walls, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is engraved with countless golden runes, which seems to be some kind of seal, and it seems to be a record.

And on the opposite side of him, hundreds of feet away, stood a fierce cross-eyed eye standing in the air!

It was the demon body that helped the wilderness.

"Welcome to Si Mo Arena."

Fuhuang Demon Body laughed loudly, with a slightly cruel smile on his face.

Si Mo Arena?

Jiang Yi frowned.

He vaguely remembered the name, and seemed to have heard of this magical artifact in the Demon Earth, which was comparable to the existence of a fairy artifact.

"The rules in this arena are very simple, there are only two." Fuhuang Demon Body continued.

"Number one, I punch, you punch, no one is allowed to dodge."

"Second, only one person can go out alive..."


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