I Can Turn into a Fish

Vol 3 Chapter 345: Magical field

The reason why the Baiji Pirates are so many, the biggest reason is that some members are responsible for fishing. Because of the live fish, fishing is very troublesome, but the primitive tribes will give them gems. In general, The pirate group has great benefits.

Thinking of the blue fish in their mouth, Chu Xian's face was full of curiosity. After killing the three people, he hesitated and decided to go to the primitive tribe to see.

"Boss." After the battle with the White Pirates, the Tigers excitedly parked the frigates not far from the Pirate Ship.

"Tiger and Tiger II, you are waiting here, I will go to the island of the primitive tribe." Chu Xian said to them.

"Good boss." The mermaid nodded, and Chu Xian sensed the position of the sailfish and let it come here.

The four-meter-long mutant flagfish was very fast. It came to the side of the ship in less than five minutes. Chu Xian jumped into the sea, sat on the swordfish, gave it a designated position, and then quickly drove away.

The sailfish sneaked into the water and drove towards the primordial tribe's island at a terrifying speed.

"Go inside the crack." Around the island, Chu Xian pointed to a position on the swordfish.

Into the crack, Chu Xian immediately opened the sound wave inspection, and at the same time the speed of the swordfish also fell.

"The location of the crack is suddenly much deeper than the sea area just now." When Chu Xian just opened the sound wave, he felt the strangeness here.

The deepest part of the Bay of Bengal has reached more than 4,000 meters, and the location here is at least four kilometers, and in the previous position, it is about two kilometers.

Located in the middle of this crack, there are winding stone bodies on both sides. Walking here is like entering the abyss, even the mutant sailfish are carefully looking around.

"There is no fish, no sea creatures, and it seems like an abyss." Chu Xian used sound waves to look around and found that there was no vitality around, which is very rare in the ocean.

Even in the position of an active volcano, there are still many creatures in two or three kilometers.

"Right, it seems that I have not touched other creatures around the island." Chu Xian suddenly thought that when he was near the island, he also did not see the living creatures, but he did not open the sound wave inspection at that time, he did not pay attention.

The sailfish slowly drove towards the inside. Chu Xian focused on the surroundings and walked forward. About a dozen kilometers away, a blurry picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

"What happened? Sonic search turned out to be blocked in that place? Is the position of those blue fish?" Chu Xian frowned, coming down from the sailfish and heading towards the vague area.

"The yacht, there is also a fishing boat, it seems to be here." Chu Xian sensed the fishing boat ahead, speeding up some speed.

"How come so many people gathered around, and they are all primitive tribes." At this time, Chu Xian suddenly felt that, above the crack on the left, more than a hundred sturdy primitive people looked around, as if Looking for something.

Most of them hold a bow and arrow, and some have spears in their hands, and the body emits the smell of a beast.

Chu Xian saw that they were slightly frowning. He could sense the strong body of this group of people. Although they could not reach the level of mermaid, they were stronger than ordinary humans.

"Is such a strong body the reason for the beads in the mouth of the youth?" Chu Xian meditated, looking at the front.

It is here that his sound wave investigations have been hindered, and the depth here has reached a point that shocked him. The sound wave inspection does not see the bottom, and it does not bottom out, at least five kilometers.

Seen by the naked eye, in front, the water there looks very dreamy, emitting a faint blue light, as if there is another world, another space.

Chu Xian hesitated for a moment, slowly came there, his mind changed, turned into a giant form, reaching out and slowly stretching toward the inside.

Little by little, Chu Xian’s arm seems to have entered another space, and did not feel the slightest discomfort.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a cry, and the voice was very harsh.

In his mind, the pattern on the sea came.

On the sea, a small blue fish jumped out of the front area, and a strange sound was heard in the mouth.

The primordial on the left saw a blue fish jumping out of it, making a sharp scream, and each face showed a panic and angry look, as if someone had stolen their treasures.

"What is the situation?" Chu Xian was stunned by this weird situation, his face changing constantly, and his hand sticking out from the inside.

Looking at the hands without any slight damage, Chu Xian decided to enter inside to see.

"However, it is still more reliable to make the mutant flagfish in the past." Chu Xian's face showed a sinister smile, and smiled at the side of the swordfish.

The absolutely ruled swordfish did not have the ability to resist at all, and slowly swam towards this dreamy space.

Chu Xian put his own heart on the swordfish. When he swam in, he instantly felt a blank in the head of the swordfish. The scene in front of him was also mixed and chaotic. He could not see the direction and could not feel any. Something, and he found the swordfish's body slightly painful.

"What happened? How did the swordfish that entered in the moment lose all kinds of functions?" Chu Xian's face changed dramatically, and the attacking power of the swordfish was not low. After entering the inside, it seemed to enter the formation.

He did not control the sailfish out, but quietly felt the surroundings.

Soon, he found a small blue fish swimming towards the position of the swordfish. This blue fish is the strange fish that just jumped out of the water.

The blue fish had a row of sharp little teeth that looked unusually sharp. The guys saw the confused sailfish swam immediately.

A blue fish opened its mouth and bit it directly on the sailfish's body.

To Chuxian’s surprise, the blue fish easily bite off a piece of fish.

"Good sharp teeth, you can completely lick the gourmet mermaid." Chu Xian's face with a shocked look, seeing a crowd, can not feel the movement of the enemy's swordfish, immediately controlled its body to swim over.

The swordfish is 100% obedient to Chu Xian, even though he has lost all his wisdom, but it is still under control.

In the heart of the move, Chu Xian quickly controlled the swordfish quickly swam out.

After the swim, the sailfish immediately recovered, and the whole fear was seen in the mysterious place in front of you.

"The mysterious place can actually be addicted to it, and it also causes damage to other creatures. It is strange and strange. I don't know if it is the cause of the magnetic field in this place, or because of the blue fish." Chu Xian thought, not Dare to rush into the market.

If he loses his mind when he enters, he will not go out.

"The result is still to be obtained from the hominids, or to rule some fish to come and test it." Chu Xian thought, sensing the primordial people above the mind, frowning deeply.

"It seems that this group of primitive people know that there are creatures entering the neighborhood. It should be told by the blue monsters. It is strange that the fish can communicate with humans."

Chu Xian feels that this blue fish is more mysterious and has the ability to be amazing.

Can not find any method, Chu Xian's eyes looked at the position of the seabed, hesitated to sneak into the sea.

Has been following this layer of dreamy blue film, Chu Xian dive to the bottom of the sea, three kilometers, four kilometers, until six or seven kilometers, he still did not dive to the bottom.

Chu Xian frowned, and the sound wave search did not detect the bottom, as if there is unlimited space here.

"No, right." Chu Xian shook his head. He always felt that something was wrong. There shouldn't be such a deep place here, as if he was swimming in a distorted space, causing a deep bottomless feeling.

But now he has not entered this mysterious space.

Chu Xian looked at the back position and found that his back was already under the sea, but he looked at the blue film in front~www.novelmtl.com~ and found that it was still bottomless.

"It should be a problem with the magnetic field."

A magnetic field is a special kind of material that cannot be seen or touched. The magnetic field is not composed of atoms or molecules, but the magnetic field exists objectively. The magnetic field has the radiation characteristics of the wave particles. There is a magnetic field around the magnet, and the interaction between the magnets is based on the magnetic field, so the two magnets can function without contact.

The magnetic field can distort the entire space, and all kinds of incredible things happen. Combining the performance of the swordfish, the Chuxian is certain. This is the reason of the magnetic field.

"Is this a fish that emits a special magnetic field, or is it caused by this space? Is it the magnetic field caused by the blue fish, or the blue fish that is born in the magnetic field?" Chu Xian’s face showed a puzzled look.

Chu Xian, who couldn’t figure out, decided to start from this group of primitive people. They have been guarding this place and must know some secrets.

Feel the original person on the left, Chu Xian is a headache.

The biggest obstacle to contact with a strange race is from the language. According to the three of the White Pirates, even if they have been in contact with this group of primitives for more than three years, they still can’t understand their language. Gestures for simple communication.

"But they also said that they have not been to several places on the island, and they have quietly gone to see what they might find."

Thinking of this, Chu Xian’s face showed a smile, looking at the nervous primitive man on the left side, swimming to the side of the swordfish, sitting on his body and swimming towards the outside.

When they left a certain range, a blue fish jumped out of the water and made a sound, and the group of primitive people left, leaving a guard.

Ps: Thanks to the brothers and sisters who are rewarding, thank you! ! Thank you! !

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