I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 869 [881] Fusion of extraordinary genes, meeting old friends (please vote for me)

Zhang Yibai's talent is truly amazing.

After a fight, the "Sword Lotus" that is now practiced has entered the seventh level.

If Bai Hengyuan knew this, his eyes would probably fall to the ground in surprise.

After checking Zhang Yibai's body and confirming that it was correct, Pei Jinye was completely relieved.

"Master, are you leaving again?"

Zhang Yibai suddenly spoke up. Seeing Pei Jinye looking over, he took out a palm-sized wooden sculpture from his arms. On the wooden sculpture were two people, one big and one small, connected together.

It was Pei Jinye and Zhang Yibai.

"Master, this is the gift I want to give you."

I thought it would take a while to see Pei Jinye, but I didn't expect to meet him so soon, so that the part about him on the wood carving was not completely finished yet.

But when he thought about when the next meeting would be, he quickly handed it over.

Pei Jinye took the wooden sculpture, gave a rare gentle smile, and touched the little guy's head: "I'm interested."

Then he took back the wooden carving and sighed softly: "The long road to practice, the white bone steps... Good disciple, see you later."


Zhang Yibai hurriedly wanted to hug him, but Pei Jinye's figure had disappeared from the place, and the young man threw himself into the air, stunned.

That night.


When Pei Jinye arrived here, he met a group of ninth-level practitioners who were fighting for treasures. After confirming that the treasures they were fighting for were useful for the Flame God Coffin, he came directly.

"Go away -" someone yelled angrily.

"court death!"

As soon as they saw Pei Jinye directly trying to seize the treasure, everyone was immediately frightened and angered. They all changed their targets and attacked Pei Jinye.

With his back to them, Pei Jinye didn't react at all.

Just when everyone arrived in his domain, a red and dazzling star suddenly appeared.

The terrifying light enveloped everyone.



Blossoms of blood mist bloomed.

The ninth-order powerhouses who were sweeping across the outside world were like paper tigers, being ruthlessly wiped out one after another under this light.

Take the light cyan gourd into your hand.

Pei Jinye then turned around and waved his hand.

Countless blood mist was taken into his palm one after another, forming blood-colored beads.

Swallow these beads in one gulp.

Suddenly countless memories emerged.

[Newly added extraordinary gene: Body·Gang Fist]

[New extraordinary gene: Spirit·Weapon-wielding]

[Newly added extraordinary gene: form·flesh rebirth]

One after another extraordinary genetic information appeared on the attribute panel.

The attribute values ​​​​of Ten Thousand Ten Thousand are constantly declining.

But even if it fell, Pei Jinye didn't feel distressed at all.

With his current base of more than 10 million attribute values, devouring these eighth-level and ninth-level awakeners would not be enough for him to consume so many attribute values.

After studying the light green gourd, he found that it was just a magic weapon left behind by his predecessors. It was of little use to him. If he didn't need the Flame God Coffin, he wouldn't look at it at all.

He casually fed the gourd to the Flame God Coffin.

Pei Jinye left without looking back.

But at this moment, the Flame God Coffin suddenly appeared, shaking up and down.

[The breath of energy is urgently needed]

Pei Jinye said with a smile, "It's really rare to see you jumping up and down. I'll point you in the direction and take you there."


He looked up.

"Old acquaintance, it's not convenient to take it directly."

Mu Yaoqing was sitting in the office when she suddenly received a fax and handed it to the old man in front of her.

"Mr. Li, take a look."

After reading the information on the fax, the silver-haired old man looked solemnly: "First, a strong man beyond the ninth level appeared in the North Pole, and now such a tragedy has happened in Xizhou... The failure to monitor these fluctuations in time also reflects our dynamics. The energy tracking system needs to be improved.”

Mu Yaoqing nodded and said with a smile: "But Mr. Li, there is no need to be so nervous. The purpose of setting up dynamic energy tracking is to monitor wormholes. As for the powerful people who appear from outside, they are not within our monitoring range."

"But..." The silver-haired old man hesitated: "I'm worried that we will lose control in the future... Judging from the current frequency of wormholes being opened, we will only face more and more wars in the future. If such a strong man allows it... …”

Mu Yaoqing just shook her head slightly and said softly: "Under the overturned nest, there are no eggs left." "

The silver-haired old man was shocked.

"Chairman, there is a gentleman who says he is your old friend."

Mu Yaoqing was slightly puzzled.

But the secretary quickly said: "This gentleman's surname is Pei."

Mu Yaoqing couldn't sit still anymore: "Let him in quickly, no, I will go there myself."

He stood up in a hurry and said apologetically to the silver-haired old man: "Mr. Li, I'm so sorry. I have a close relative who is coming. You go ahead and do your work first. I will think of something about dynamic monitoring later."

"It's okay, you're busy." The silver-haired old man stood up and left.

It didn't take long.

When he went out, he looked at the young man next to the secretary at the front desk with some surprise. Meeting his gaze, he nodded in a friendly manner and then left.


Mu Yaoqing met Pei Jinye again, half a year had passed since the last time they were separated.

After not seeing each other for a long time, I went up and hugged him tightly.

Pei Jinye chuckled: "I saw your news on the news. Congratulations, you have achieved your goal step by step."

Mu Yaoqing blushed slightly, shook her head and didn't think it would be a big deal if she became famous overnight. She pulled Pei Jinye towards her office.

"Sir, where have you been during this time?"

"Walking around all over the world." Pei Jinye said casually.

Mu Yaoqing suddenly looked over with a smile in her eyes: "Sir, you came to me suddenly. Do you need my help with anything?"

Pei Jinye smiled softly: "As you said, am I such a philistine? But this time I come here and I really need your help."

Mu Yaoqing couldn't help laughing: "Sir, it doesn't matter. Even if you want the stars in the sky, I can pick them down for you now."

Pei Jinye couldn't help but look.

This girl.


Mu Yaoqing brought Pei Jinye to the laboratory.

The researchers who were immersed in their work just glanced at it and looked away, but they were still a little surprised. They usually didn't see this eldest lady bringing anyone here, so they couldn't help but wonder about Pei Jinye's identity.

But at this moment, Mu Yaoqing and Pei Jinye were standing in the observation room of the laboratory. There were only two of them. Mu Yaoqing looked at the purple crystal floating in the air not far away, wrapped in countless electric lights.

"Is this what you want, sir?"

"Not bad." Pei Jinye nodded and stared at the purple crystal.

The Flame God Coffin expresses a strong will. As long as the energy in it is digested, not only can you immediately go to another world, but you can also stay for a longer period of time.

Pei Jinye said unceremoniously: "This thing is an energy stone. It cannot be analyzed with your technology now. Of course, I won't ask for your thing in vain. I have spiritual stones that really contain a lot of energy, and there are also You can choose any of the two magical weapons that can obliterate the ninth level."

Without waiting for Mu Yaoqing to say anything.

Pei Jinye thought about it.

Fifty spiritual stones were suspended in front of him.

Followed by a red and black two-color flag, a two-handed blade...most of the magical weapons intercepted from the inheritance place of the Nine Ice Masters were displayed.

Mu Yaoqing could not say the next words because she was completely dumbfounded.

"Sir, this..."

Pei Jinye said understandingly: "The spirit stone can speed up your training, and I can also set up a magic circle for you. One spirit stone can last for about thirty days.

There are also these magic weapons. See if you can get your hands on them. After being refined into your own natal magic weapons, their power can easily obliterate the ninth level, including the starry sky realm. "

Mu Yaoqing's breathing suddenly became rapid.

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