I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 851 [863] Collecting Treasures (Second update, please vote for me)


There was movement in the distance.

The guards of the Wei family suddenly stopped moving.

Wei Donglai, on the other hand, had a cold look in his eyes: "The opponent is not far away, and we will find them soon. According to the previous plan, we will join forces to form an array. We have more people, which is our advantage!"

"Yes, Master Donglai."

Soon, under the leadership of Wei Donglai, a group of people arrived at the gate.

"Sure enough, the real entrance is right here." The guards of the Wei family were suddenly surprised.

However, Wei Donglai's face looked a little ugly.

The level of this formation was not weak, yet it was broken open by someone just like that.

Presumably the person who left the explosive formation at the door was the one who broke it off!

"You are so damned!"

"These seem to be human bones?"

The woman in the black skirt did not continue to waste her energy in the Blood Dragon Pond. Instead, she followed Pei Jinye and quickly left. Soon she saw a wall filled with bone spurs.

A bone spur of this size might have killed more than a hundred people.

Then he looked at Pei Jinye.

Didn't make a sound.

But he was also thinking about Pei Jinye's identity.

This kid clearly hasn't activated his spiritual seed...

But this body technique is actually the same as his own... he can use space to move.

She has never known this kind of method on a third person.

The little old man who taught her the art of cultivation was one.

And Pei Jinye didn't want to say it, as if there was something unspeakable... If the inheritance wasn't a big deal, she would have definitely wanted to find out.

Pei Jinye stretched out his hand and took out the Black Nightmare Token.

Almost instantly.

The bone spurs on this mountain wall began to vibrate.

A layer of black mist filled the air.

The woman in the black skirt was immediately startled, thinking that this boy was up to something bad again.

But he didn't expect Pei Jinye to reach out and press it without any scruples.

Suddenly, Black Nightmare was continuously sucked into the token.

Pei Jinye's palm was wrapped in black nightmare, and it began to spread to the entire arm...

Hold back the biting pain.

He gathered strength in his hands.

He shouted: "Open!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the bone spurs in front of him retracted into the wall.

The face of the woman in black dress changed slightly.

On the huge mountain wall, the originally wildly surging black mist instantly turned into a huge circle.

As the huge circle diverges into smaller circles.

The woman in the black dress gradually began to breathe heavier: "Is this?"

She looked at the light ball appearing on the wall with clear surprise.

There is something on every ball of light.

She couldn't help but take action immediately, forcefully breaking open these light balls... dozens of ancient pills emerged.

Immediately afterwards, dozens more seeds of different sizes burst out.

When the last piece of red silk ribbon that exuded fierceness appeared, it was taken into the hands of this woman.

Pei Jinye's eyelids trembled when he saw it.

【This woman! 】

But suddenly he was startled.

This woman only wanted the red ribbon and didn't bother to look at anything else.

Pei Jinye looked at it suspiciously, stretched out his hand to take in these ancient pills, and saw that the woman in the black skirt didn't say anything to stop her, so her men moved faster.

Although it is not known what effect these ancient elixirs have, if they fall into Pei Jinye's hands, he is fully capable of conducting reverse analysis, and he may be able to take this opportunity to deduce relevant elixir recipes.

As for those seeds…

It turned out that most of them were dead seeds, and the spiritual energy contained in the few ones contained very little, which made Pei Jinye very angry.

No wonder the woman didn't even bother to take a look.

Glancing at it.

The woman in the black dress seemed to be smiling, but she immediately stopped smiling and urged: "Hurry up and continue to the next level."

If you don’t see the True Ice Tower, it means you haven’t reached the real inheritance place yet.

I just don’t know how many of these levels Jiubingshangren has set up on the periphery.

Pei Jinye formed a seal with his hands.

The Black Nightmare Token is suspended on the wall.

Emit a faint light.

Banged on the mountain wall.

Suddenly the entire mountain wall radiated light.

It suddenly sunk inwards.

Under the sound of "rumbling", a bone spur channel appeared.

A faint light emerged from the tip of each spiral bone spur, standing on the top and sides of the passage.

"Avoid the bone spurs and follow me." The woman in black skirt rarely walked in front.

Pei Jinye wasn't pretentious either.

He knew he was not strong enough.

He followed this woman happily.

Walk all the way through.

The seriousness on the face of the woman in black dress finally dissipated a little.

"It's a pity that these bone spurs were tempered into poisonous weapons... Otherwise, they could have been refined into magical weapons by taking them away."

"Poison weapon?" Pei Jinye looked inquiringly.

The woman in the black skirt said as she walked: "It is tempered with poison. These poisons can easily kill a Yunxiao-level practitioner, let alone you... I advise you not to think about them. It is very likely that these bone spurs are also poisonous. Those who enter..."

Pei Jinye did not refute.

These bone spurs are old and new.

Obviously not from the same batch.

But I can't help but have doubts in my heart... Isn't Master Jiu Bing a giant of righteousness? How could he leave such vicious poison in the land of inheritance?

Suppress the doubts in your heart.

But there was a noise from behind.

The face of the woman in black skirt instantly turned ugly: "These guys came too fast."

She originally wanted to go over and kill them all.

However, he was stopped by Pei Jinye.

"We don't have time to waste. Maybe there are others outside who are trying to get in."

Hearing what he said, the coldness on the face of the woman in black dress dissipated a little. She led Pei Jinye to the fork in the road. She stopped and looked back.

"Now...how should we go?"

Pei Jinye pointed to the entrance on the left: "This way."

The woman in black skirt didn't ask any questions.

Soon, the two came to a basin.

There are strange rocks all around.

But among these strange rocks there is a simple stone building.

The stone building looks extremely huge, but the five-meter-high space on this floor is only part of the stone building. It is impossible to tell how high the stone building is.

But the entrance door is pitifully small.

For a person as tall as Pei Jinye, it would be a little difficult for two people to pass by side by side.

"Is this the real ice building?"

Pei Jinye hesitated.

The woman in black skirt also hesitated.

This stone building seems to have nothing to do with the real ice building.

She was ready to go in and take a look.

However, having learned from the past, he stopped abruptly and urged: "Take a look, is there any formation?"

When she spoke, Pei Jinye was already watching.

Not because of this woman.

She just cares about her own life.

He walked slowly to the stone building and looked up.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

He always felt that this stone building was like a dormant beast.

The closer.

The more he had the illusion that a layer of light was flowing through the stone building... But when he looked closely, he found nothing.

"Is there no formation?"

After checking around, I couldn't find any trace of anyone else coming.

"What do you say?" the woman in black skirt asked.

"Something weird."

Pei Jinye's eyes were solemn.

But the woman in the black skirt also agreed: "It's only a few minutes' journey from the Bone Spur Passage to here. It's impossible for such a big stone building to be placed here without anyone noticing..."

There were corpses left in the bone spur passage, so it was impossible that no one could pass through.

This also shows that there is something wrong with this stone building.

"Are there any traces of the formation?" the woman in black dress asked again.

She only cares about whether there is a formation.

The formations of the Nine Ice Masters are all kinds of weird... If she is not careful, even she will have to get in.

"It's just that there are no traces of the formation, so I think it's weird." Pei Jinye turned his hand and handed over a piece of sword light, which fell into the stone tower, but there was no reaction.

When the woman in black skirt saw this, she immediately said: "Go in and take a look."

Pei Jinye nodded thoughtfully.

Always be alert and ready to run away.

But at this time, Wei Donglai and his people had already rushed forward, and they were greatly surprised.

"Okay, okay, I finally caught you!"

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