I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 848 [860] Blackmail? This is obviously a bit of care for our allies (please vote for me)

"Why do I feel like you are lying to me?"

The woman in black skirt stared at Pei Jinye, the power on her body kept building up, as if a mountain of tens of millions of tons was slowly descending on Pei Jinye.

Not a moment.

Blood stains appeared on the corners of Pei Jinye's mouth.

There was no anger, just a smile, and the smile was very cold: "The aura of the black nightmare is covering you, you can take action. The more frequent you take action, the faster you will be eaten away. When the time comes, you will die in front of me, and I will not do it for you." Those who bury corpses.”

The woman in black skirt stiffened her movements.

She suddenly remembered.

Turn your head.

The black nightmare has eaten away one-fifth of her shadow.

This speed was indeed faster than she imagined.

The woman in the black dress snorted coldly and grabbed him: "So now you know where the inheritance of the Nine Ice Masters is?"

"I know, not only do I know, but I also know that Master Jiu Bing left a formation in the place of inheritance. Without me, even if you go in, you won't be able to break that formation. But you are a Yunxiao-level cultivation, I'm afraid It’s impossible to get in.”

The woman in the black dress snorted coldly and did not answer: "Since you know, then take me there now. I can guarantee that as long as you help me obtain the inheritance of the Nine Ice Masters, the previous grudges between you and me will be wiped out, and the Gu in your body will be wiped out." I will naturally help you remove the objects. From now on, the sky and the sea will be vast and you can walk wherever you want, and I will never disturb you."

"But you have already taken action in front of Yong Ye, and you even took me with you." Pei Jinye pretended not to know the plan of the woman in black skirt, and said deliberately angrily.

"This is easy to handle." The woman in the black dress smiled and said: "When the matter is completed, I will pretend to attack you, so that the people in Yongye will see it and think that I am going to kill someone and silence you. Then I will give them a chance to save you. Okay. You don’t have to lie, I kidnapped you by force and wanted the inheritance of the people on the Nine Ice. The more truthful you are, the more they will trust you."

"Since you have already written the script, what else can I say?" Pei Jinye sighed, as if he had accepted his fate.

When the woman in black skirt saw him like this, the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

The situation was firmly in her hands again!

"Okay, then we've made an agreement. From now on, we will bury the hatchet."

Bury the hatchet……

Pei Jinye snorted, but still said: "We need some materials to break the formation. I don't know much about the formations left by the Nine Ice Masters. Where is the token? Give it to me and take me on my way. I continue to research and study.”

The woman in black skirt hesitated.

Hand over the Black Nightmare Token?

She always felt like she was being plotted again.

But at this moment, Pei Jinye said disgustedly: "If you are worried about my manipulation, why not kill me now? Anyway, I am not interested at all in the inheritance of this Nine Ice Man."

"Here you go, here you go." The woman in the black dress looked a little confused and threw the Black Nightmare Token over, but she still couldn't help but said: "Why did I just sense it but couldn't detect any information at all? Are you Aren't you trying to trick me?"

Pei Jinye glanced sideways: "Do you know the formation?"

The woman in the black dress was breathing heavily.

The flames on his body jumped.

I'm so angry, I really want to kill someone.

Pei Jinye stretched out his hand, landed on the token, and then said: "Split a ray of soul."

The woman in the black skirt hesitated and did so.

A curtain of light seemed to suddenly appear in front of him.

"This is..." She was suddenly surprised.

Pei Jinye's voice sounded next to him: "This is the inheritance place of the Nine Bings. I don't know much about this area, so it's up to you to find it... This place contains formations. See those light spots Yet?"

"You see, what are these?"

"It's a formation."

"So many?" The woman in black skirt was stunned.

There were at least a hundred or so densely packed light spots.

"Don't worry, some formations have the same origin. Unlocking one is equivalent to unlocking this category. The formation on the Black Nightmare Token itself is the formation inside, I am sure." Pei Jinye said confidently: " But there’s something urgent right now.”

The woman in black skirt looked over subconsciously.

Suddenly thinking.

It would be great if this kid could always follow me.

There are so many inheritances in this world... If all of them were unlocked, wouldn't you be able to become a rich woman?

She came back to her senses and looked: "It's something important, but it doesn't matter."

"I'm hungry and need to eat some spiritual food as a supplement."


The woman in black skirt looked over with an angry expression.

Pei Jinye said angrily: "I have consumed enough along the way. If you have any pills, you can give them to me. You really think of me as a Yunxiao-level formation master."


The woman in the black skirt knew she was in the wrong and took out a bottle of pills from her arms, but she only took out one pill.

"This pill is called Bigu Pill. One pill is enough to take care of you for half a month."


Pei Jinye whispered something, and the angry woman in black skirt stretched out her hand to snatch the Bigu Pill back, but Pei Jinye had quick eyes and mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

"The feeling of hunger is gone, but my soul has been consumed too much."


The woman in the black skirt hesitated for a while, then endured the pain and took out another bright yellow pill.

"Eat it, it will replenish your soul."


Pei Jinye was just about to speak.

The woman in the black skirt gritted her teeth and interrupted: "I'm warning you, don't go too far!"

The inheritance has not yet been obtained, so it is too much to take two elixirs first!

Pei Jinye looked calmly and said: "I just want to ask you, how much do you know about the people on the Nine Bings? It would be better if we could find his descendants. Maybe we can break the formation faster."

However, the woman in the black dress shook her head: "Jiu Bingshang married a wife in his early years, but did not have any children. After his wife died of illness, he lost all worries and focused on practicing... I have never heard that he has any descendants."

Pei Jinye frowned slightly.

No descendants?

So why is such information left on the token?

"Perhaps, where are the descendants of his family?"

"A descendant of the family?"

The woman in black skirt obviously paused and said thoughtfully: "Yes."

"Let's go find him and see if we can find out anything." Pei Jinye said immediately.

However, the woman in black skirt shook her head: "No need."

Pei Jinye looked silently.

The woman in black dress said nonchalantly: "I have already killed the person."

"Kill?" Pei Jinye looked over.

It's not surprising, after all, this crazy woman has some demonic qualities in her body.

The woman in the black skirt didn't show any sign of shame and said as a matter of course: "If they don't obey, they will be killed."

He glanced at Pei Jinye's face.

The woman in the black dress said calmly: "I have also thought about your idea of ​​finding a breakthrough through the descendants of the people on the Nine Ice, but it turns out that they know nothing."

Pei Jinye had nothing to say.

Without blood as an introduction, the weapon spirits of Zhenbing Tower would not be so easy to fool.

Seeing that Pei Jinye suddenly stopped talking, the woman in black skirt fell silent herself.

After a while, he said quietly: "Did I...did I do something wrong?"


"Humph, how could I have done something wrong!"

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