I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 843 [855] Crazy purchase of materials and accumulation of food (first update, asking for mon

The auction officially begins.

The initial bidding price for the Breaking Realm Pill was 20 Spirit Crystals, but in the end it was suddenly raised to 80 Spirit Crystals, which made Pei Jinye feel pain in his body.

"A single realm-breaking pill can actually be sold for 80 spirit crystals. I'm at a huge loss!"

Pei Jinye felt painful when he thought that his elixir was only sold for a dozen spirit crystals.

However, two Star Pills bring a profit of up to 4,000 Spiritual Crystals, which is very worthwhile.


We arrived at the [Spirit and Flesh Tomb] that Pei Jinye wanted most.

Unexpectedly, the highest price turned out to be 150 spirit crystals, so Pei Jinye immediately re-quoted 160.

The other party didn't seem to think that someone would intervene and quoted "170".

Pei Jinye was too lazy to talk nonsense and directly quoted 200.

This nouveau riche tone made the other party hesitate for a moment, and finally chose to quit.

The next auction items were not very attractive to Pei Jinye, but the Cave Heaven Pill among them was sold for 1980 spirit crystals, which was almost 20 spirit stones.

There is also cave information left by a cave-level Dzogchen monk who has also been sold for 6,000 spiritual crystals, which shows that everyone is eager for the cave-level realm.

There was a knock on the door.

A housekeeper from Haijiao Garden appeared with a graceful woman. The graceful woman held the treasure box containing the spirit and flesh tomb in her hands.

"Sir, please take a look." The middle-aged steward said politely.

He didn't seem to be worried about Pei Jinye snatching the spirit and flesh tomb in front of him.

This is great confidence.

Pei Jinye was not polite either.

Checked it carefully.

The middle-aged steward showed no sign of impatience. He waited until Pei Jinye confirmed that it was over, and then said with a gentle smile: "A total of 2,000 spirit crystals."

Pei Jinye took out two spiritual stones: "Okay?"

"Yes sir."

After the middle-aged manager accepted the spirit stone, the smile on his face became gentler: "Sir, if you need anything else, just tell us, Haijiao Garden is a national chain store... Even if our store doesn't have it, we can Sending goods from outside.”

"Can I get a discount?" Pei Jinye said straight to the point.

The middle-aged manager smiled calmly and said: "Of course, it depends on what you need to buy, sir. I still have some preferential rights."

Pei Jinye mentioned a few weapon refining materials and medicinal materials.

There were only 20 spirit stones before, so I had a little control when buying things. Now that I have a huge amount of money, I can naturally buy more.

After the middle-aged manager brought everything, he calculated the total price in front of Pei Jinye, and finally gave him a 50% discount and a small change.

Then he looked at Pei Jinye: "There are 2,100 spiritual crystals in total. Of course, they can also be exchanged for 21 spiritual stones."

"Forget 21, just 20 spiritual stones."

Pei Jinye directly slapped 20 spirit stones on the table.

The middle-aged manager smiled when he saw this and said, "Then just make a friend, 20 spirit stones."

He stretched out his hand and shook Pei Jinye's hand.

"What's your surname, sir?"

"My surname is Yang."

"Mr. Yang, do these things need to be packed?" When the middle-aged manager spoke, he also thought about the wealthy family named Yang in Tianyun County.

But it didn't seem to make any impression.

"Need not."

Pei Jinye stretched out his hand and put all these things directly into the storage ring.

The middle-aged steward didn't think there was anything strange about it.

These days, who has some money but doesn’t have a magic storage device?

"Mr. Yang, walk slowly."

Out of the business house.

Pei Jinye walked around in circles a few times, and when he finally entered the restaurant and came out again, he not only changed his clothes but also his face.

It took some effort to return to Chunfeng Shili Street.

Lao Liutou was cursing about his son at the door. He raised his head and saw Pei Jinye. He nodded reluctantly and said, "Master Pei is back?"

Pei Jinye nodded and then stepped into the store.

I haven't been here for half a day, and the walls and doors in the store have been repaired.

But the girl Wen Xiyue still didn't come.

"She is indeed a rich woman. I still have the materials. She is not worried about me running away at all."

Shake his head and chuckle.

Pei Jinye used the seal to close the storage room in the back room to isolate it.

During his trip to Haijiao Garden, he purchased a large amount of materials.

The repair of Thousand Silk Threads involves his life safety, so it is naturally a top priority, so he specially chooses a monster spider silk from this world as a replacement.

He drew out his short knife and slashed hard at the spider silk.

"Stab" sound.

The spider thread was not broken, but the short knife he brought from the federal world in his hand had a gap.

"If I didn't have Karma Fire, I probably wouldn't be able to refine it."

Bind the four broken parts of the Thousand Silk Thread with the spider silk, and then use karma fire to continuously burn it instantly.

Don't burn it for too long.

If burned for too long, these two things will not be able to withstand the temperature of the karma fire.

Taking advantage of the impending meltdown, Pei Jinye used the fire element to fuse the two together, and kept polishing them to keep the spider silk as fine as a thousand threads.

This is not a difficult task, but it also cannot be done perfunctorily.

Time passes minute by minute.

Maintaining the same movements for three hours would be somewhat boring, but with so many years of experience in refining weapons, Pei Jinye would not be impatient for this.

Three hours later.

He stopped refining.

Keep winding up the thousand threads one after another.

I bought more spider silk this time, so I strengthened the remaining thousand threads...

As he stretched out his hand.

Thousands of threads came out instantly.

Shrouded in every angle of the room.

Pei Jinye felt it carefully.

After re-refining, Thousand Silk Thread became more secretive and its firing speed was also much faster.

"This is just star-level spider silk... If I can get Yunxiao-level spider silk in the future... tsk tsk."

Pei Jinye admitted that his heart was moved at this moment.

"Master Pei?"

A crisp call came from outside the door.

Pei Jinye raised his fingers slightly, and the thousands of threads in all directions were instantly retracted.

When you press your hand, the thousand threads have been hidden.

Pei Jinye pushed open the wooden door of the back room and saw Wen Xiyue peeping her head. He waved and said, "Come in."

Wen Xiyue smiled, walked in, and closed the door.

Looked around.

Noticed the signs of repairs.

He didn't even ask about the formation. He stepped forward and asked Pei Jinye if he was okay.

"What can I do?" Pei Jinye simply smiled, then took out the special version of the spirit gathering array from the drawer: "I was waiting for you in the morning, but you didn't come."

Wen Xiyue said sheepishly: "I came here last night. Seeing that this place was blocked, I thought I would come back in the afternoon. I didn't expect that Master Pei would really come back."

Pei Jinye didn't say anything more on this matter and motioned for her to check the spirit gathering array.

"The valve is set here. Open it when you want to use it, close it when you don't want to use it... I also set up an additional replaceable area for you... If the spiritual energy is used up, just put a spiritual stone in it."

Wen Xiyue was shocked after hearing this.

"The formation can be used repeatedly???"

"Why not?" Pei Jinye asked.

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