I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 835 [847] Pei Jinye, is that you (first update, please vote for me)

"Attention all departments, the west door of the Tianlao has been broken into and the black box is missing!"

"Repeat it again! The west door of the sky prison was broken and the black box was lost!"

The moment the alarm sounded, it was destined to be a sleepless night.

Tang Lu stared solemnly at the picture emerging above the formation, and each frame began to play backwards.

A burly man approached from the side, with an incomprehensible look on his face: "The formation of Tianlao has been superimposed with nineteen layers of seals by the weapon spirit. How can someone still steal the black box?"

Tang Lu looked tense: "The incident report explained this matter."

"What did you say?" The burly man looked.

Tang Lu didn't look back, and stretched out his hand to hand over the clenched paper: "Read it yourself."

Not long after, the strong man let out a deafening roar: "There is a problem with the weapon spirit? How could there be a problem with the weapon spirit? This is the artifact left by the ancestor!"

Tang Lu turned to look to the side: "Is it useful to say this now? In short, the black box has been taken out. Yu Long, you and Yuwei have been in Tianlao for three days. You must have understood the environment that you should understand. The black box You know how important it is... Many of our people died when this thing was contained in the Heavenly Prison, and we must bring it back as soon as possible."

The strong man was about to speak when he seemed to sense something and quickly looked behind him: "Fish tail?"

A woman wearing a large black windbreaker walked over expressionlessly, with a short blade inlaid with red gems hanging from her waist.

She ignored Yu Long, but calmly stared at the shimmering formation in front of her.

Under the joint control of more than a dozen high-level formation masters, the picture of the west gate of Tianlao was displayed in front of everyone with extremely clear clarity. Even the flying insects that flashed in mid-air could clearly see the hair on its hind legs. .

Fishtail stretched out his hand and rubbed the ruby ​​on the short blade at his waist.

There is light shining in the hand.

She nodded.

Falling on the monitoring formation in front of him.

Countless pictures seemed to flash through her eyes, and the most special qi seemed to stretch through the long river of time, quickly finding its own destination.

Tang Lu asked Yu Long to stop talking and wait quietly.


A voice came from Yuwei: "Tianyun County... This is the place where the black box last disappeared. Get there as soon as possible tonight. After tonight, it will be difficult to find it. Arrange the teleportation array, and I will go now."

Tang Lu always felt that there were details that he had not discovered, but time was running out. He said in a deep voice: "The person who can break the nineteen layers of superimposed seals and take away the black box is probably not a kind person. I suggest you contact us about this matter." Senior Hai."

"Master is very busy." Yu Long rarely said.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yuwei: "Don't talk nonsense, as soon as possible. I have lost the opportunity tonight. If I want to capture the whereabouts of the black box again, I am afraid it will have to wait for a long, long time!"

Tang Lu couldn't say anything more when he saw this.

Arrange the formation master to prepare for teleportation.

Fishtail continued to lock on that ray of energy: "It is staying in Tianyun County at the moment..."

"Should we mobilize the local city defense troops?" Yu Long asked cautiously.

"No, once we alert the other party, the situation will be unfavorable to us." Yuwei said decisively.

Tang Lu took a deep look at this woman.

It was the first time that he and the other party met.

But it's clear...she's strong.

"The teleportation array has been activated and can be teleported at any time." The voice of the array master came.

All three of them came to their senses.

"Wear this and keep in touch at any time." Tang Lu handed over the two communication headsets: "Our mission is to snatch back the black box. Unnecessary fighting can be stopped at any time. But you can also rest assured that I am at the headquarters and will use All authority to help you.”


Yuwei hummed slightly, took the communication headset, and stepped into the teleportation array first.

"Let's go, brother." Yu Long quickly followed.

The two figures disappeared from the place almost instantly.

However, the light on the teleportation array platform lingered for a long time.

Tang Lu looked solemnly and murmured to himself: "To be able to break through the nineteen layers of seals, either the opponent is a high-level formation master, or the opponent's strength is above the sky! No matter which one, it is difficult to deal with!"

"found it."

Under the night, when Yuwei finished saying these words, his eyes shed tears.

Yu Long couldn't bear to see this and said in a low voice: "Yuwei, can you use this ability less or less? I'm afraid you will become blind in the future."

Yuwei ignored him and walked quickly forward.

"Lock current location."

Tang Lu's voice came from the headset: "It has been locked. This place is called Chunfeng Shili Street..."

Fishtail then said: "Is the identity of the intruder confirmed? She is a woman, 1.85 meters tall, wearing a black dress..."

"Sorry, there is too little information to lock it in." Tang Lu said regretfully, constantly searching for known masters who meet the conditions in his mind.

Yu Long's voice suddenly intervened in the chat channel between the two: "Something seems to have happened."

"What?" Tang Lu asked.

Yu Long said with a bit of pain: "I saw a stranger at the location of the black box... His energy was locked by the woman in the black dress, and I'm afraid he was also held hostage."

"?" Tang Lu was stunned.

Yu Long whispered: "What should we do? Can we save him or not?"

Tang Lu was a little confused: "Can you confirm his identity?"

"I can't confirm, I can't see his face clearly..." Yu Long said helplessly: "He is very weak. If we take action at that time, I have a premonition that he will be killed by the woman in black skirt in an instant."

"This unlucky guy may be the owner of this shop... Since he is an array master, it means that this woman in black dress is not an array master. She is very strong. I suggest you correct the task and change it to tracking. I am now Just report this matter.”

"No need." Yuwei suddenly said.

Before Tang Lu could say anything, she heard her say: "This woman's Qi is a bit weird. I suspect she has a special constitution and her cultivation is below the sky. If Yu Long and I join forces, there is still a chance."

Tang Lu was stunned and said quickly: "Keep in touch at any time."


Just when everyone was about to cut off the communication, Yu Long said anxiously: "No, you haven't said yet whether you want to save the formation master or not!"

Tang Lu had a complicated expression and took a deep breath and said: "The black box is of great importance. I must ensure that it is brought back intact. As for the rest... I can only leave it to fate."

Yu Long cut off the contact and vaguely seemed to say a word.

He turned to look at Yuwei: "What did you say?"

Yuwei also turned off his voice and said calmly: "The situation is not that bad."

However, Yu Long could hear the uneasiness in her tone, looked at her strangely, and muttered: "Anyway, I listen to you. Now, what should we do?"

"Outflank, I'll take the front, and you take the back." Yuwei said and dropped Yu Long directly.


Yu Long twitched the corner of his mouth.

But he didn't know how excited the woman in front of him was.

"Pei Jinye, is that you?"

I had a terrible headache last night and rolled into bed at around 7 o'clock. My physical condition has really deteriorated a lot since the epidemic.

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