I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 832 [844] Is it difficult to make money (Thanks to the tail number 28739 for the reward supp

The man's heart was a little moved, but he also felt a little painful.

39 Spiritual Crystals... He brought a total of 140 Spiritual Crystals. He will also buy some talismans and healing pills later, but he is really afraid that they will not be enough.

Pei Jinye said calmly: "The store has the biggest discount within three days. Today is the last day. Wait until tomorrow. It is absolutely impossible to win 39 Spiritual Crystals."

Just as the man was about to say something, the communicator vibrated. He did not hide from Pei Jinye. After connecting, he said: "I'm buying...what? Damn it, why did the poisonous mist suddenly appear again? Then buy some more antidote pills. I know your life is important..."

He caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye.

But didn't pay attention.

When he hung up the phone, he saw several new formations with red patterns on the edges in front of him.

"This is……"

"It's not that I intentionally eavesdropped on your phone call, but the voice was indeed a bit loud." Pei Jinye changed the subject and said: "This formation is a poison-avoiding formation. When activated, it will help you block the poisonous mist. It and protection The formations are different, the protective formation can only be fixed in place, but the poison avoidance formation can be carried with you."

The man's eyes lit up: "This is a good thing."

Pei Jinye smiled.

Is this considered a good thing?

He nodded with deep approval: "Indeed, this formation embodies the hard work of several generations of formation masters..."

The surprise on the man's face gradually stiffened, and he quickly stopped Pei Jinye from what he was saying: "Let's be honest, how much does it cost?"

"A set of 18 spiritual crystals."

As soon as Pei Jinye finished speaking, the man became furious: "This is too expensive. Then I might as well buy antidote pills, one pill only costs 3 spiritual crystals."

Pei Jinye smiled and said: "The detoxification pill is only effective for a few minutes. If you want to resist the poisonous mist for a long time, it is really not as cost-effective as mine. And if you buy more, of course I will give you a bigger discount."

The man was lost in thought.

Then he cautiously asked, "What is the effective range of this formation?"

"The radius is one point and two meters." Pei Jinye said.

The man's eyes lit up: "So big?"

Pei Jinye smiled and said: "It's expensive for a reason. Of course, I object to you buying too much. It's a waste. I don't know how many of you there are?"

"Seven people..." The man's eyes flickered.

Pei Jinyequan pretended not to see it and said thoughtfully: "For seven people, three sets are enough. If you bring goods, it is best to buy four sets, a total of 72 spiritual crystals. I will give you a 10% discount before erasing them." A fraction, I’ll take you 64 spiritual crystals.”

The man's facial muscles trembled.

But I’m also grateful.

One sentence saved him 8 spiritual crystals.

"Thank you very much, really...it's just that I still need to save some money to buy some attack talismans, so...can it be cheaper?"

The man was a little ashamed.

He knew his request was too rude.

But there is really no way.

"I have an attack array here. It's very cheap. It's a small fire array. Its range is 500mm in diameter. It sells for 5 spirit crystals. If you buy two sets, I'll give you 8 spirit crystals.

There is also a small ice array, the range is also 500mm in diameter... and the price is the same. "

Listening to Pei Jinye talking about his family treasures, the man's expression gradually became serious.

Good guy!

Found a treasure!

He originally wanted to go to the store next door to buy some charms to prepare.

I accidentally saw a new formation shop here, so I wanted to try my luck. I didn't expect that this small shop had so many good things.

If it is as useful as the boss said, then there is no need to buy other things.

He said in a deep voice: "I can't make the decision on this matter yet. I need to make a phone call to ask."

"Please." Pei Jinye signaled.

Sun Mutao walked out of the shop and went to the other side of the road. He turned sideways and said something, as if he was trying to persuade his companions to admit that this was a good idea...

Pei Jinye didn't feel nervous at all.

On the other hand, the youngest son of Lao Liutou next door stood at the door, pretending to sweep the floor, and couldn't help but glance at Pei Jinye's shop.

[Hey, you didn’t smash the store? 】

He looked at the tall man hurriedly over with some suspicion.

[What kind of ecstasy soup was fed to people? 】

After the glass door was closed, it was inconvenient for Xiao Liuzi to continue staring, but Lao Liutou shouted in the store, and he could only reluctantly leave, temporarily putting aside his passion for gossip.

"Okay, a protective array with 39 spiritual crystals, four poison-proof arrays with 64 spiritual crystals, plus two small fire arrays, and two small ice arrays, for a total of 129 spiritual crystals."

It didn't take long.

Two of Sun Mutao's companions came, met him at the door, and drove away together.

Pei Jinye sat in the shop, picked up a diamond-like spiritual crystal, wiped it gently, and then put it in the air. It felt crystal clear.

"The energy contained in the spiritual crystal is too little. If you train it for me, more than a hundred spiritual realms are not even qualified to fill the gap between the teeth... I have to save money and buy some materials to refine the elixir."

No customers came to the door for half a day.

Pei Jinye didn't take it to heart. He practiced in the back room and placed a trigger array at the door to alert him whenever anyone appeared.

Unfortunately, there was no one there until the evening.

Pei Jinye looked at the time and simply closed the door.

On the other hand, people leave from time to time in Fushu Garden next door.

When it closed at 9:30 in the evening, Xiao Liuzi took a special look at Pei Jinye's store. When he saw that it was closed, he curled his lips.

"Do you really think business is so easy to do?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Old Liutou urged angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and lock the door!"

After Xiao Liuzi locked the door, he hurried forward and asked: "Dad, business was good today. We made a total of 21 spiritual crystals! If we continue at this rate, Dad, you will be able to buy that third-grade Talisman Technique next year."

Lao Liutou just hummed lightly.

There is a slight sadness in my heart.

How could it be so easy to become a third-level Talisman Master?

Even now he dare not say that he can easily refine a third-grade talisman.

If you become a third-level talisman master, you will be able to access high-level talismans. Then it will not be a problem to sell one piece for twenty or thirty spiritual crystals!

at the same time.

It's in the mountains forty kilometers away from Tianyun County.

Thick fog filled the air.

"It's poison mist!" Someone whispered: "Use the poison avoidance array bought by Da Sun."

"Is it useful?" someone beside him whispered.

Sun Mutao remained silent and took out the poison-avoiding array. After activating it, the poisonous mist that had enveloped him was immediately dispersed.

"it works."

There was an exclamation from the side.

"Go forward." The man with tattoos on his face urged.

A group of people approached the depths of the mountains.

It didn't take long.

The sound of fighting came.

The man with a grimace said in shock and anger: "It's a vine tree demon, quickly, retreat quickly!"

"Damn it!" Sun Mutao cursed secretly and subconsciously threw out the formation in his hand.

With a "tang", the flame emerged.

The originally menacing vine tree demon was instantly burned to pieces.

This scene surprised everyone present.

"Damn...this formation is a bit cruel."

"It's more than cruel!"

"Dasun, how many formations like this are there?" The grim-faced man looked at him.

Sun Mutao also survived the disaster and said: "I just bought two small fire arrays."

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed: "Damn, why are there only two of them!"

Sun Mutao took out two more small ice formations: "But there are two other types of attack formations."

Everyone was immediately excited.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

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