I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 817 [829] It’s over, something happened! (Please give me a monthly ticket and subscribe)

"Damn it, something happened!"

Ban Cuntou in the car suddenly exclaimed.

The curly-haired man known as "Master Luo" was on the phone. Hearing this, he looked over and followed the direction of his flat-headed fingers. He just happened to see Wang Shiwen slap Zhao Man to tears. He also said "fuck" A sound.

A careless voice came from the other end of the phone: "What's wrong?"

The curly-haired man came back to his senses and said with a strange expression: "Old Bai, you are really good at choosing a partner. The girl named Wang looked so weak, but she beat Zhao Man to tears."

The casual voice on the other end of the phone immediately became interested: "Interesting, send me your location and I'll go there now, haha, that's really interesting."

"Sea Whale Hotel, if you want to come, come as soon as possible. The devil from the Fu family is here too..."

"Damn, she annoys her the most, I won't go."

"...What the hell!"

Fu Xueyi was originally unwilling to come forward, but someone next to her said that Wang Shiwen had accepted the man from Liulu Mountain as his teacher, and she appeared next to Zhao Man by accident.

He stared expressionlessly at the petite girl in front of him, half a head shorter than himself.

"Wang Shiwen?"

She didn't know this name before, and it was only because someone mentioned Liulu Mountain just now that she remembered this name that she had never thought of before.

Wang Shiwen was not as cowardly as she imagined, just like she beat Zhao Man hard today without any scruples!

There is a subtle confrontation between the two women.

Fu Xueyi smiled and said: "Let me tell you, how dare you? It turns out that it is because there is a ninth level behind you. It seems that no one has it. Luo He asked the person from your family to come."

The curly-haired man had an ugly face. Although he was a direct descendant of the Luo family, compared with Fu Xueyi's status, he was still much weaker.

More importantly, Fu Xueyi is a female devil!

Anyone who dares to oppose her may be punished!

Otherwise, the famous Mr. Bai would not dare to come just because of the name.

Luo He didn't dare to disobey, but he didn't want to offend a ninth-level man for no reason. He said awkwardly: "My master has gone to Xizhou and will have to wait two days to come back."

Fu Xueyi was a little embarrassed and stared at him without saying a word.

Luo He felt guilty and did not dare to look at each other.

"If you fail to succeed, you will fail." Fu Xueyi looked away and snorted expressionlessly.

She had already seen Pei Jinye.

But she is not afraid.

Instead, he looked at Wang Shiwen with great interest: "There is no shortage of ninth-level people in this world. If you think you can ignore class by finding a ninth-level person as your backing, then you are too stupid."

"It's not me who's stupid, it's you, the second generation, who are so self-righteous. You only rely on the protection brought by your family, and you don't even know that you are weak and become useless."

After Wang Shiwen finished speaking, no one refuted.

Because they were stunned.

No one could have imagined that Wang Shiwen, who was just a harmless little white rabbit before, would dare to say such a thing.

Luo He looked over in surprise.

To be honest, he admired Wang Shiwen very much at this moment.

Because he knew Fu Xueyi too well.

This woman will really kill someone if she goes crazy.

Zhao Man actually admired her.

But it’s more fun.

In her eyes, offending Princess Fu is tantamount to asking for a short-circuit.

Fortunately, she was still thinking about how to take revenge and go back.

Isn't this a ready-made opportunity? !

"Wang Shiwen, why are you so crazy! Do you know who she is?"

Zhao Man jumped out immediately.

She wanted to show her loyalty.

Of course, what I want more is to add fire.

She couldn't wait to see Wang Shiwen, a bitch, kneeling down and begging for mercy!

It was she who shouted loudly that brought Fu Xueyi back to her senses. She stared at Wang Shiwen seriously for a long time.

She said nothing, and no one dared to speak.

Wang Shiwen didn't take her seriously at all. She turned her head and looked at Pei Jinye calmly.

It seems to be asking, if I do it later... is it okay?


Pei Jinye didn't care.

He turned his head and continued to say something to Lu Sha.

Lu Suan obviously noticed what was happening on the opposite side and frowned slightly: "These bastards are causing trouble again..."

After being silent for a while, he looked at Pei Jinye: "Do you need help?"

"The little guy can handle his own affairs."

Pei Jinye's attitude made Lu Suo nod.

Naturally, I can't listen to half of this.

The younger generation's affairs should be handled among themselves.

But if an adult comes forward, Pei Jinye will never show mercy.

Lu Suo was a little distracted.

It seemed like I was suddenly transported back to the day when I first met Pei Jinye eighteen years ago.

He is still as charming as ever!

"This time, the daughter of Commander Wang's family of the military department invited everyone to participate in the name of a birthday party. In fact, it was to stabilize the stability of Dragon City..."

Lu Suan whispered: "These people in Chaochi are developing too fast."

"Tide pool?"

Such a familiar name.

Pei Jinye was thoughtful.

In fact, he remembered.

It’s just that we really know too little about tide pools.

"Now this organization specializes in mercenary business, and occasionally helps the government fight bugs. However, its predecessor was a killer organization, and it has some grudges with some current families, so it has a lot of criticism." Lu Shang said that this kind of thing is very Being objective and not showing any personal emotions.

But Pei Jinye didn't care.

There are not many things in this world that he cares about.

But that touch of silver...

I sighed in my heart.

He still doesn't know if they are behind the tide pool.

Originally, it only took one thought to investigate everything on the Internet, but obviously the current world has learned a lesson from Star Ring and does not trust the Internet very much.

So a lot of information uses primitive methods...or they have their own separate methods.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the noise from the side.

When Pei Jinye looked over, he realized that Wang Shiwen, a thin-looking little girl, had beaten the losers around Fu Xueyi to the ground one after another.

Even Lu Suo looked over with interest, with a little more appreciation in his eyes.

"Brother Sun, that...could he be your new disciple?"


There was a hint of unknown depth in Pei Jinye's tone.

"Although his moves are a bit immature, he is brave enough to fight and his mentality is very good. Congratulations to Brother Sun on your good disciple."

Lu Shang's congratulations only made Pei Jinye smile lightly.

On the opposite side, Fu Xueyi finally couldn't stand anymore.

The losers around her were defeated one after another, which made her feel very sad.

"Destroy her! Destroy her for me!"

No one knew who she was ordering because she was the only one with her.

But there is a feeling that someone is coming.


The person coming is very strong!


The ground is shaking.

A figure as tall as a hill rushed over from the door. The ground trembled along the way, creating billowing air currents.

Someone recognized the other person and exclaimed.

"Iron-handed Zhang Kui! He is a martial artist who has entered the upper three realms and he is willing to join the Fu family!"

"It's over. This little girl from the Wang family is dead!" (End of Chapter)

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