I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 813 [825] Only he dares to use ninth-level combat power as a background wall (first update,

"Where are the people?"

Chen Gongfei hesitated.

The friend next to me asked: "Who else did you date?"

"Song Jifeng is now working as a butler for the eldest son of the Song family. We want to have a good relationship with the Song family, and he is the key."

The friend next to him heard the words and nodded silently. He reacted and whispered: "This matter is troublesome."

Chen Gongfei smiled and his phone vibrated. It was a message from Fu Xueyi. After replying a message calmly, he raised his head and said seriously: "Brother, this matter is not troublesome to me. It's just a matter of effort. It's just a matter of effort." However, I am more curious, why did you Tianshen International think of competing with the Future Group? This Future Group seems to have only been around for a few years, right? But I know the momentum is very strong."

He has learned some inside information about Future Group.

Just because he understood it, he maintained a respectful attitude towards it.

But Future Group and Tianshen International are different.

Tianshen International is a giant that has existed for many years.

That’s why he became friends with Tianshen International.

"Growing up too fast, and there is something wrong with this woman Mu Yaoqing... At present, we have no definite evidence that she is the mastermind behind the thunder explosion incident." The young man in a suit next to him sighed in a low voice.

"If so, what will you do?" Chen Gongfei raised his head and asked.

The young man in a suit moved his mouth, but did not make a sound. Then he shrugged and changed his tone to a relaxed tone: "Listen to the group's decision."

"Well...actually let me tell you, if you can take down her mother, the future group will be yours. This group will be completely controlled by this mother and daughter. Do you understand what I mean?"

"You... want me to hook up with her mother?" The young man in the suit was stunned.

Chen Gongfei shrugged: "Either her mother or her... If you are more sure..."

Before the next words could be said, the emergency phone number suddenly rang.

Chen Gongfei's expression changed instantly.

After hanging up the phone.

The young man in a suit hurriedly said: "My people said that Song Jifeng is in trouble. I will go over and take a look."

"I'll accompany you."

After all, the other party had connections with the Song family, so he couldn't just sit back and watch.

If you perform well, your future cooperation with the Song family may be smoother.

He didn't think he would be in much trouble.

He and Chen Gongfei...are two ninth-level people. If they really take action, who among ordinary people will be their opponent?

But things often happen unexpectedly.

Song Jifeng was beaten like a dead dog. Chen Gongfei's face changed wildly and he was about to attack. However, the young man in a suit wanted to show off and gave Chen Gongfei a look.

Chen Gongfei nodded, acquiescing to his idea.

The young man in a suit immediately took off his shirt and rushed over.

"No, don't..."

Song Jifeng breathlessly issued a warning.

He didn't recognize the young man in a suit who rushed over, but he knew Chen Gongfei... Seeing him appear, he felt relieved.

But the next second he realized how powerful Pei Jinye was.

It must not be underestimated!

Absolutely not!

A powerful iron fist came at him without even using the weapon.

This scene fell in Song Jifeng's eyes, and he even despaired.

There was a soft "click" sound.

Even the suit that rushed towards him didn't expect that his fist would be blocked so easily.

"how come!"

My heart skipped a beat.

In an instant, a terrifying force overwhelmed him.

Song Jifeng closed his eyes... this idiot!

At this time, Chen Gongfei's shocked and angry voice sounded: "Stop!"

The next second.

The body of the young man in a suit, like a dead dog, had been driven into the ground. Half of his body was bleeding, and soon the cracks around him were soaked.

Chen Gongfei had already rushed over at this time.

As a martial artist in the upper three realms, although he is only the first furnace of the upper three realms, the power that explodes at this moment is enough to frighten people.

At least at this moment Song Jifeng looked at Chen Gongfei as if he had found a life-saving straw.

"Brother Chen, save me!"


Pei Jinye sneered.

There were no unnecessary movements, just one step forward.


This piece of poured and compacted ground began to collapse without warning! Explode!

Chen Gongfei, who rushed over with anger, suddenly felt a wild blood rising in front of him.

This blood energy immediately cut half of the anger in his heart.

He calmed down.

The volume of this energy and blood is huge.

It was so huge that he couldn't take it lightly.

With an angry shout, he also surged his energy and blood and pushed out this palm!

The wind suddenly rises!

The surrounding walls made the sound of being beaten hard by wind and waves.

The figure left a short and rapid white wave of air in place, and the whole thing was like a cannonball, hitting hard!

In an instant, a bright light burst out from Pei Jinye's hand.

He could tell that Chen Gongfei was a martial artist from the physical arts department.

But it doesn’t matter!

Under the skill of controlling the array, Chen Gongfei was horrified to find that the distance between himself and Pei Jinye seemed to have expanded infinitely.

What formation is this?

Horrified questions flashed through his mind.

His punch exploded instantly, so naturally it could not stay indefinitely, and the momentum of his punch would drop sharply before long.

Another ray of light emerged.

Chen Gongfei was completely repulsed.


He turned over his hands and saw blood stains on his fists, and his skin showed signs of cracks from the previous confrontation.

He raised his head and said coldly: "I know who you are, the formation master from Liulu Mountain?"

Pei Jinye was noncommittal, turned his head and said to the shadow next to him: "Did you see clearly just now?"

Sun Yiran stood in the shadows and nodded, with shock still on his face.

She witnessed with her own eyes how Pei Jinye suppressed everyone at the scene.

He said blankly: "Master, what you just performed is the technique you taught me?"

"Not bad. I only used 20% of my power." Pei Jinye nodded.

Sun Yiran took a breath of cold air on the spot: "Surprisingly... so strong!"

Pei Jinye walked past Song Jifeng as if he was in an uninhabited land, and did not pay attention to the young man in a suit inserted into the ground. As he walked, he said: "What I taught you is very profound, and it is not as simple as you think..." No matter what system the opponent is in, you can target it. For example, although the opponent’s physical training is a bit inferior, it can still be used for demonstrations.”


Is a ninth-level martial artist in the third realm considered bad?

Sun Yiran felt that his world view had collapsed.

Not to mention her, even Chen Gongfei was a little angry.

No, not a little, but extremely angry!

I am a martial artist who has reached the third level, or is a ninth-level extraordinary person, and yet I am said to be inferior in strength?

Do you think you are really strong?


Chen Gongfei felt that he should teach the other party a lesson.

This time he is serious about it!

"I don't know where your confidence comes from, but now I'm really angry, so be prepared to bear my anger!"

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