I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 808 [820] Do powerful people have the right to choose? Oh (please ask for monthly tickets fo

"Hey, where are you, sir? Are you going to retreat again?"

Mu Yaoqing appeared outside Pei Jinye's house, but did not see him. She subconsciously thought that her husband had gone into seclusion again.

"Sir, you are so desperate. It's so scary."

But when I thought about being told by an unscrupulous senior that my qualifications were not good today, I suddenly became very angry.

He took out a pen and paper, wrote a few lines, and then carefully stuffed it into the door.

Leaving angrily.

"I see hatred in your eyes, you want my protection..."

Pei Jinye's voice came.

The face of the woman kneeling on the ground turned paler.

"Senior, I'm really desperate... They drank a lot of wine from my sister, then strangled her alive and insulted her body... They are just a bunch of beasts."

"Not only that, in order to hide the fact that they killed someone, they also set fire to my parents and even hunted me down."

"My poor sister... just graduated this year and just received the admission notice from Longcheng Wuhan University."

The woman cried as she told the story.

She didn't curse irrationally or add insult to injury.

She could swear that she was responsible for whatever she said.

But what she didn't know was that Pei Jinye had never been a compassionate Madonna.

But things often turn around.

"I can accept you as a disciple, but you need to understand one thing in advance -"

"After one month, if you can't get in, I will take away everything from you."

Every word that fell into a woman's heart was enough to send chills all over her body.

But she still agreed.

"With your help, I'm still useless, I might as well die early!"

Pei Jinye reached out and slapped the heart of the tree directly on top of the woman's head.

The explosion of energy caused the woman's expression to freeze instantly, and her pupils began to expand.

Countless energy rays surrounded the two people.

Just over ten seconds.

The heart of the tree has been completely planted in the woman's body.

Pei Jinye could clearly sense the connection between himself and this woman, and he could take away this woman's life with just a thought.

Apparently, women get the message, too.

But she had nothing to regret.

As she said before, she has nothing to lose now.

He kowtowed to Pei Jinye and said, "Disciple Sun also pays homage to the master."

"I'm not your master yet. I'll talk about it in a month."

Pei Jinye's voice was cold.

He said this on purpose, and only in this way would the other party get rid of all thoughts and practice seriously.

Sun Yiran wiped away the tears on his face: "I will never let you down!"

Stand up and bow to say thank you.

Turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute."

A voice suddenly came from Pei Jinye.

Sun Yiran looked back in surprise, thinking that he had changed his mind and wanted to officially accept her as his disciple today.

Who knew that Pei Jinye stretched out his hand and said, "Stupid, go through the back door."

Sun Yiran quickly changed direction.

The recruitment of disciples continues.

However, he didn't meet the destined person, and Pei Jinye was distracted and looked at the attribute panel.

[Tree Heart 1]: Sun Yiran;

[Extraordinary Gene]: Spirit·Shadow Body;

[Supernatural ability]: Shadow travel;

[Inherited Skills]: Lotus Palace (combined with the weakened version of the Hunyuan Twelve Golden Lotuses and the Star-Guiding Technique)

[Feedback ability]: Increase 0.1 calories of energy and blood per second; increase 0.1 physical strength per second; increase mental power by 0.1 Hz per second;

[Negative emotion: hate]


Tree Heart will speed up Sun Yiran's practice, but it will also cause the other party to accumulate negative emotions.

"As long as she can keep her heart, the negative emotions in the early stage will become a source of strength in the end!"

Pei Jinye was thoughtful.

Sun Yiran's compatibility is obviously much higher than those of the previous ones.

This was also the basis for his change of heart.

"Increase by 0.1 every second, which is an increase of 144 attribute points in one day..."

"It seems like a small amount, but as long as the heart of the tree spreads out, it can bring me more harvest!"

"With my current ability, I can only plant 20 tree hearts at most..."

“I hope the next ones don’t disappoint me.”

As for offending the Song family in Longcheng...

Pei Jinye didn't take the other party seriously at all!

"Song Xuefeng has met his senior."



Song Xuefeng's expression changed instantly. He thought that the other party was going to let him show off, but he just took one look and said the next thing.

What the hell!

I have never been so angry!

"Senior..." Song Xuefeng said respectfully, "I am from the Song family. If senior is willing to accept me as a disciple, I guarantee that you will get more than you do now!"

If there is a ninth-level powerhouse behind him, his status in the Song family will naturally rise.

What the hell——

This old thing can't get enough oil and salt!

A light flashed.

Song Xuefeng was thrown out of the courtyard without waiting for the next words to come out.

"Hey, isn't this the boy from the Song family?"

A joking voice came from the side.

Song Xuefeng quickly covered his face and left quickly.

After he left, many people at the scene became worried.

In one of the luxury cars, the young man frowned slightly: "Is this person inside not giving the Song family any face?"

"What kind of face should I give to a collateral descendant?"

"That's true." The young man didn't take it seriously. He only cared about the threshold for admission. "So far, no one has been able to figure out what the threshold is."

The young woman next to him said calmly: "The more powerful the powerful, there are always some rules that people can't figure out..."

While the two were chatting.

The little blond girl who looked to be in her teens said coldly: "I really don't know why you have to come here to become a disciple. He is not the only one in the ninth level of Dragon City. As for him, he has mobilized so many people."

"Xiaoyi, that's not what you said. Whether there are many ninth-level people depends on whether this ninth-level person can be used by you. No one will dislike the ninth-level person they know. This will be a resource for you in the future."

The young woman spoke calmly.

But the little blond girl scoffed, closed her eyes and said, "He better be better than Uncle Chen."

It didn't take long.

Pei Jinye looked at the little blond girl in front of him. His compatibility was second only to Sun Yiran.

But he was in no hurry to recruit disciples.

Instead, he asked: "Tell me the reason why you came to me."

"In order to repay..."

Before the little blond girl could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Pei Jinye: "There's no need to say such things. Tell me your real reason."

"My family forced me to come here." The little blond girl was a little impatient.

She didn't feel the characteristics of a strong man from Pei Jinye at all, and she became more and more suspicious that this was a guy who was just trying to gain fame.

Pei Jinye smiled softly: "So you don't have a strong will."

"In the entire Dragon City, people who want to take me on as a disciple can line up from the south gate to the north gate. To be honest, you haven't made me interested yet." A smile suddenly appeared on the face of the little blond girl, with a bit of madness. Meaning: "If you can help me kill one person, I will become your disciple."

The smile on Pei Jinye's face remained unchanged: "You are very interesting, but unfortunately... the choice is not yours, but mine."

ten minutes later.

After the blond little girl walked out of the yard, the young man and woman walked forward quickly, "How are you, Xiao Yi?"

The girl's face was expressionless: "I really don't know what you two are thinking, insisting on letting me waste my time in such a bad place."

The young man and woman looked at each other, surprise flashing in their eyes.

"got rejected?"

"No, I rejected that arrogant man! What the hell!"

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