I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 805 【817】Special Plunder (Please vote for me and subscribe)

Three days later, Pei Jinye left Dapeng City.

Just as no one noticed him when he came, so he left calmly and calmly.

It's just a pain for Pei Nianye.

After meeting Pei Jinye, he missed his parents.

Before Pei Jinye left, he and Pei Nianye went to the cemetery to visit the two elders.

"Brother, will you come back?"

"I will come back when I have time. In these three days, I will teach you the techniques and practice them carefully. I laid the foundation for you when you were a child. You only need to practice step by step."

Pei Nianye was a little reluctant to give up.

The memories of my childhood are always there.

Now more than a hundred years have passed, and he himself is considered to be old.

Strictly speaking, he probably doesn't have many years left to live, maybe thirty years at most.

This is all Pei Jinye's credit.

If Pei Jinye hadn't cleansed his marrow since he was a child, it's unknown whether he would have survived to this day.

He was actually more afraid that this meeting would be the last time the two brothers met.

Only in front of his brother, he is not the old Mr. Pei who is alone outside.

It's the "Nian Ye" who hasn't been called for a long time.

Pei Jinye has experienced too many separations and separations, and even if his heart is calm, he will become moved in front of family affection.

There are many magic pills left behind.

There are also medicinal materials.

"Your weapons have been refined for you. Don't worry too much. I will take the time to visit you every year. You are very good and you have not let me down. I have seen those little guys. Pei Zijing and Pei Zirong can focus on their cultivation. The technique has been left behind, just like what I did to you back then, you can do it step by step."

"If you encounter any trouble, just contact me at the address above. I will reply as soon as possible."

Before leaving, Pei Jinye rarely said many words.

Early the next morning.

Mu Yaoqing arrived as promised and brought a lot of ingredients.

Eighteen years ago, Pei Jinye cooked by herself. Eighteen years later, she has fully developed her talent in cooking.

Who would have thought that the "arrogant and domineering" and unquestionable female devil would have such a virtuous scene.

"Sir, please."

After the master and apprentice finished their meal, Pei Jinye also noticed that Mu Yaoqing was worried, and said casually: "If you have any trouble, you might as well say it."

Mu Yaoqing was silent for a while and then said, "Sir, what if you say you already know the answer and you have to modify it...but there are many obstacles in front of you?"

"If this answer matters to you, get rid of all the stubbornness."

Pei Jinye raised his eyes slightly and gave a simple and straightforward answer.

Mu Yaoqing was also stunned.

However, she lost consciousness for a moment and smiled, which coincided with her.

"A senior once said that even if there are tens of thousands of people, you can go alone."

Pei Jinye's voice sounded slowly.

Mu Yaoqing's eyes suddenly brightened, and the aftertaste of this sentence made people feel enlightened from the first time they heard it.

"That's wonderful."

Mu Yaoqing bowed excitedly to Pei Jinye, waved her hand, and said without looking back: "Sir, I have some new ideas. I will bring delicious food to you after I finish handling the matters at hand!"

The girl is still as straightforward as she was when she was a child.

Pei Jinye stood there and slowly looked away.

"The good times go by too fast."


Point towards the distant void.

A figure hiding somewhere and watching seemed to be caught from the air in an instant.

"Senior, please—"

The man's horrifying words didn't even have time to be uttered before a big hand was already on his face.

[Newly added extraordinary gene: Spirit·Peeping]

[New extraordinary ability: Peeping]

[Special plunder: one-third of the body’s mental attributes]

Pei Jinye raised his eyebrows slightly.

After entering the third devouring form, although it can increase the chance of plundering other things, he has tried it and the chance is still very small at present.

Look back at the properties panel.

Mental power increased by two hundred thousand.

It was an unexpected surprise.

Pull out the properties panel.

[Qi and blood: 8.7891 million]

[Stamina: 8.7912 million]

[Mental power: 8.9266 million]

"It is necessary to strengthen the power of the soul as soon as possible. The books Makino left for me have been completely absorbed by me. The next step is to strengthen the soul! When it breaks through 10 million, I can officially borrow it."

The ancient country of Daqian.


The Lotus Treasure Mirror was thrown in front of Li Xiangshan, and the middle-aged man said expressionlessly: "Don't think that you will be safe just because the Heavenly Sword Gate is protecting you."

Li Xiangshan silently picked up the lotus treasure mirror on the ground and did not object.

As long as the secret of the Lotus Treasure Mirror is not exposed, there is nothing wrong with letting the other party show off his rhetoric.

Ever since he completely became a loner, some things have become less clear.

But there was one thing he never forgot.

Become stronger!

Then kill all the people who have bullied him!

Raising his head, he stared at the middle-aged man calmly and slowly smiled.

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes.

He hated the smile on Li Xiangshan's face at this moment.

But before he could continue to do anything, he suddenly sensed something, his face changed slightly, he raised his head and said in a deep voice: "Qi Zhongyuan!"

The person who came was none other than Qi Zhongyuan, still looking elegant and elegant. He didn't have a sword with him, or to be precise... he didn't show his sword for the time being.

"Junior Brother Li's training class will be over in two days. If there is anything else Senior Luo wants to know, you might as well ask me directly. According to the training regulations of the Xianwu Alliance, you only need to teach, and this also concerns you. rating.”

So what I hate the most are the people from Tianjian Sect!

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, took a deep look at Qi Zhongyuan, said nothing, and turned away.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Qi, for your help." Li Xiangshan cupped his fists and bowed.

Qi Zhongyuan accepted it calmly and said calmly: "Regarding the matter of my uncle, the elders have confirmed your statement. The restrictions on you will be completely lifted here. However, during this period of time, you are still practicing in the mountain gate. During this period, With the contact, I believe you also realize the gap between reality and the secret realm."

Li Xiangshan nodded.

He can't wait to exchange the Lotus Treasure Book for more powerful techniques.

"Two days, I have two more days."

And at the same time.

Qin Lang was kowtowing his head at Siguo Cliff at Wuji Gate in gratitude.

"Ancestor, this skill of mine comes from the sect's inner sect disciples. It is called "Red Star Meditation Technique". Every time the disciples practice in the later stages, they feel weak. I would like to ask my ancestors to clarify."

When Qin Lang spoke, he felt uneasy.

He didn't know if the ancestor had mastered the techniques of this kind of inner disciple.

At present, he does not know the identity of this ancestor at all, so he cannot deduce which era he is from.

If it was an ancestor from a long time ago, he definitely didn't know.

After all, the technique he practiced only had a history of two to three hundred years.

Moreover, it is only a technique practiced by inner disciples, not a core technique.

During this period of time, he practiced a lot of improved techniques from his ancestors, and his strength increased greatly. Otherwise, he would not have deliberately made a hotel mistake and came to Siguoya.

This is not a place that normal people would want to come to!

I'm so tired today. I had to catch up on a lot of sleep. I got up late. I'm sorry.

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