I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 792 [804] Eighteen years later (Thanks to Lingxian for the support)

"Sir, this is the big lobster I brought from Xizhou."

It was rare for Mu Yaoqing to see Pei Jinye, so he served him a bucket of lobster very affectionately.

"Will you do it?"

Pei Jinye looked over.

Mu Yaoqing's eyes lit up: "Excuse me, sir."

Pei Jinye couldn't help laughing.

It didn't take long.

Two large grilled lobsters were placed in front of them, along with some accompanying side dishes.

Pei Jinye's cooking skills amazed Mu Yaoqing.

"Wow, sir, you are really annoying."

Pei Jinye chuckled and sighed in his heart.

It was really a pity that I couldn't cook more for my second elder.

Suddenly he was thinking...

When he gets stronger...will he be strong enough to reverse history one day?

The Flame God Coffin can help him travel through time.

There will definitely be a chance to meet again!

"Sir? Sir?"

Mu Yaoqing shouted several times before Pei Jinye came back to his senses.

[The soul left the body and came to a different world... It still has some influence on the fundamentals, otherwise how could I have been absent for so long. 】

Pei Jinye reminded himself in his heart.

After having dinner with Mu Yaoqing.

Pei Jinye said: "I will be busy in the next period of time, so I won't have time to play with you."


Mu Yaoqing was stunned, a little reluctant to give up.

Pei Jinye shook his head and chuckled: "Although you haven't fully awakened yet, your Qi and Blood cultivation should be strengthened."

He then passed on a modified version of the Star Power technique.

"In three hours, come to my villa and teach you the exercises."

"Sir, this, this, this..."

Mu Yaoqing was really shocked.

To be honest, she had been looking forward to it when she first dealt with Pei Jinye.

But then I gave up this idea.

The more you use the simplest thoughts, the more comfortable you will be with each other.

Mu Yaoqing also didn't want her relationship with Pei Jinye to be involved in various interests.

And now...

She really regarded Pei Jinye as her teacher.

Nothing but gratitude.

Three hours later.

Pei Jinye personally protected the way and passed on this skill that combined the power of Qi, blood and stars to Mu Yaoqing.

"You haven't yet reached the time to awaken. Practicing this secret method can improve your physique in advance."

"Okay, no need to say thank you, just practice hard..."

Mu Yaoqing nodded solemnly: "I will not let you down, sir!"

All four generations of spiritual objects have grown.

In the next period of time, what Pei Jinye has to do is to recuperate his damaged body during the break between training.

A visit to another world will result in a loss of 200,000 attribute points.

[Nearly six million attribute values...that means there are still thirty opportunities to jump. 】

[Okay, okay, there’s no harm in jumping around again! 】

Under the influence of the "Fairy Rain Technique", the four generations of spiritual creatures have grown even better than in the Sandalwood Kingdom... and their attribute values ​​have even increased by 20 to 30%.

This also surprised Pei Jinye.

"I have only cultivated this "Fairy Rain Technique" to a small level, and it already has such wonderful effects. If I later practice it to a great level or break the limit... wouldn't it be true!"

Pei Jinye had a smile on his face.

No time was wasted.

After recuperating his body, Pei Jinye improved his weapon refining ability with the addition of universal extraordinary genes.

[Spirit · Weapon Refining LV9]

[Evolvable route: Qi Dao]

After one glance, Pei Jinye looked away.

Over such a long period of time, he has accumulated as many as 87 universal extraordinary genes.

Note that it is a complete extraordinary gene, not fragments of extraordinary genes.

If he hadn't just consumed two hundred pieces to improve his weapon refining ability, he would still have plenty of ammunition in his hand.

At this moment, the outside world is still immersed in the rumors of Xizhou Sword Immortal.

Chang Shanhe, the vice president of the Martial Arts Alliance, has been killed, leading to a reshuffle of power.

As the raging disputes unfolded, the wormhole in Xizhou also began to move.

Mu Yaoqing, as someone who has been through this, knows it very well.

Another year.

A second wormhole will appear in Xizhou.

At that time, the strength of the insect-men that appears will be comparable to that of an extraordinary seventh-level awakener.

Although it is only the seventh level, strong humans can still deal with it.

But starting from this year, wormholes will come more and more frequently... The human living environment will be greatly oppressed.

"Ten years from now, the number of wormholes in the world will exceed 20... Twenty years from now, the number of wormholes will reach fifty!"

"I don't have much time left."

Thinking of Pei Jinye, the luster in Mu Yaoqing's eyes softened a lot.

"Master Pei really helped me a big favor this time!"

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, eighteen years later.

Fragmented world.

The darkness was torn apart by countless streams of light, and the entire sky seemed to be divided into countless streaks by streaks of red flames.

"here we go."

Li Xiangshan raised his head and looked at the sky.

Eighteen years have passed.

The green onion on his face has long since disappeared.

Replaced by composure.

In the past eighteen years, he has been practicing the skills he learned from the precious mirror, and he has made transactions as many as ninety times.

On average, he would exchange money with Pei Jinye once every two years.

With his appetite, he would naturally not be interested in small skills.

With his qualifications and continuous improvement in swordsmanship, he is already different from what he used to be.

The more he gets from Pei Jinye, the stronger he will be and the more treasures he will plunder.

Now he has reached the peak of stellar level.

Look at the world.

He is already a first-rate master.

But Li Xiangshan knows too well... Even at the peak of the star level, it is not a safe position to face the disaster of the split star.

Therefore, in the past eighteen years, he has claimed to be no more than a planet-level peak, but in fact he has been secretly practicing the secret techniques taught by the treasure mirror.

He cultivated swordsmanship into his main skill.

From the power of the stars to the fusion with Qi and blood, he has suffered many hardships that ordinary people have never experienced.

But the progress was enough for him to ignore the troubles.

Of course, he didn't forget to exchange the escape formation from the treasure mirror.

This is also necessary.

In the span of a stick of incense, the sky was completely torn apart, and countless fireballs like meteors descended rapidly.


A mountain that had stood for hundreds of years was broken in half.

The broken stones were like deadly bullets, mercilessly killing the residents at the foot of the mountain.

The fireball crashed into the sea, setting off huge waves hundreds of meters high.

The fireballs that crashed into the ground disappeared strangely after smashing through the surface... and were replaced by existences like giant steel beasts.

Heart-rending screams sounded.

The huge weapons these steel giants grabbed out of thin air seemed to carry the power of destroying the world.

"Evil beast!!!"

Some people's eyes were about to burst when they saw it, and they rushed away with a knife.

However, the broadsword slashed at the steel giant's back, leaving only a series of sparks, but it was unable to break through the defense at all.

The hard armor makes people feel completely hopeless.


The sound of breaking bones sounded.

The steel giant's giant sword penetrated the opponent's body mercilessly, and the hot blood officially kicked off this one-sided massacre.

If anyone asks what purgatory is, this is it right now!

At seven o'clock, I ran to the new house to type, and I will supervise the work later. There will be more work around twelve o'clock. I will continue writing now. Thank you everyone for your support!

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