I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 742 [754] Three months later (please vote for me)

Like the sharpness of the vast stars, it filled the air, almost flooding the place.

The last will of the Golden Mother God Tree was lost in silence.

Its mistake was that it mistook Pei Jinye as its enemy.

In four days, Pei Jinye completely devoured and absorbed the Golden Mother Divine Tree.

The originally shriveled and skinny Golden Mother Divine Tree was now shrouded in the light of countless stars and disappeared in place.

Above Pei Jinye's head, golden lotuses were in full bloom.

Instead, there is a small golden tree in the lotus heart.

Breathe out turbid air.

Pei Jinye pulled out the attribute panel.

[Dharma Appearance]: Origin of Golden Mother (refining effect +1000%)

"Sure enough, the weapon refining effect has been increased..."

The golden light in your male doctor's eyes gradually dispersed.

Pei Jinye looked at the Golden Mother Divine Tree that had completely disappeared in front of him, feeling both regretful and calm.

Turn around.

Get out of the underground palace.

Everything behind him was completely destroyed, like countless earth dragons rolling around, shattering all traces here!

After returning to Sandalwood Kingdom, Pei Jinye quickly summoned Kunard.

Kunard almost ran over. As soon as he saw Pei Jinye appear, he knelt in front of him, hugged his legs and said how worried he was.

It wasn't until Pei Jinye raised his leg to kick him away that Kunard showed a smile.

"King, in the past few days since you left, although there have been some small mistakes in the country, they are basically under control... except for the Empire and the Kou State, who are jumping up and down, wanting to join forces to make a fuss."

"I see."

Pei Jinye did not continue on this topic, leaving Kunard a little confused.

He didn't know what Wang meant.

But Pei Jinye gave the order and continued to promote the plantation plan.

As for the Empire and the Kou State, these two reckless things, Pei Jinye ordered the Old Wolf King, and the Old Wolf King understood instantly.

That night.

The werewolf army arrived in both countries, shocking the whole world.

When Cunard learned about this, his jaw dropped.

"Is it a coincidence?"

Qianqiu himself had just reported to the two bad guys, the Empire and the Kou State, that night he was "visited" by the famous werewolf army. It is said that many masters died.

And at this time.

Pei Jinye was in retreat in the palace. After absorbing the golden mother's original dharma, he had more detailed ideas about refining the flying sword into a natal magical weapon.

"The Golden Mother God Tree didn't tell me the truth before. Fortunately, it absorbed it and became the source. As long as I continue to absorb the gold and wood elements... the strength of the weapon can be infinitely enhanced!"

The extraordinary gene of the weapon on the attribute panel has now been automatically upgraded to LV9, which Pei Jinye did not expect.

"The effect of the Golden Mother God Tree is indeed powerful."

He even had a feeling.

The reason why he has only reached the LV9 level is entirely because his foundation can only support him to this point. As long as his foundation improves in the future, the level of the weapon will automatically increase.

Thinking of this, Pei Jinye felt deeply grateful.

"This is probably life."

If the Golden Mother God Tree had not turned against him, he would naturally not take action.

But it's a pity that the other party chose the wrong path.

He didn't take the battle with the God of Magic Songzi seriously.

To be fair, the opponent's mental power attribute value was only a little over two million, which was stronger than the ordinary ninth level, but compared to Pei Jinye... it was weaker.

Even now, Pei Jinye's mental power attribute value is only one million.

But when the talisman bead was crushed, he immediately became a "god"!

The warriors of the little Kou Kingdom dare to shout!

Pei Jinye didn't care about the influence he had by killing Songzi, the God of Magic, and focused on promoting his own practice plan.

The plantation continued.

The countries surrounding Sandalwood Kingdom have already shown their intention to surrender.

Now even Shushen Songzi has been killed cleanly, not to mention how awed he is now.

As for what those big countries think, they have no way of thinking.

Because if they really pissed off Tanmu Country, the first one they would deal with would be the small country next door to them.

"Wang, the plantation has now been confirmed for expansion. Those guys had some objections before, but now they have no objections. They even asked us if we want to continue to expand, and they don't charge any fees."

Kunard's face was full of respect: "This is all thanks to the king. Now our Tanmu Kingdom has completely become the center of world martial arts, and the godhead is now completely fixed."

Pei Jinye felt helpless listening to his chatter along the way: "It's time to improve your strength."

When they first met, Cunard hugged his thigh and said that he could turn the tide, but in the blink of an eye, he was abused and turned into a rookie again.

Now that he said this, Cunard suddenly felt a little resentful: "King, I still have to rely on you."

Pei Jinye threw down two pills: "Take it once every half month. As long as you practice the techniques I teach you carefully, you can reach level one within a month. When you have enough knowledge in the future, I will teach you the way of a master."

Upon hearing this, Kunard knelt down in front of Pei Jinye with a "pop" sound, and was so moved that he burst into tears.

It's not that I'm being hypocritical.

Growing up, apart from his deceased old mother, only Wang was so kind to him...

"King, don't worry, even if the sky falls, I, Kunard, will never betray you!"

Pei Jinye watched silently.

Look back.

His eyes were light.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye.

A large number of third-generation medicinal materials and fruits have been transported.

Today, the Sandalwood Country is impregnable.

Even the surrounding countries have completely relied on Sandalwood Country, making no secret of it, respecting Sandalwood Country.

Within three months, the Southeastern Conference was formed.

Originally, the surrounding countries thought that Sandalwood Country would not give up such a perfect opportunity for expansion, and there were even undercurrents surging about how to protect their own interests in response to Sandalwood Country's expansion.

However, unexpectedly, Sandalwood Country had no plans to expand.

On the contrary, he led the surrounding countries to cooperate in trade, and everyone's prosperity was obvious to all.

Cunard looked at the statements on the treasury accounts and was absolutely shocked.

At first, he thought that Wang just formed an alliance on a whim, but he didn't expect that it actually made them a lot of money.

For the majority of ordinary people, martial arts can only help them strengthen their bodies, and only money can allow them to live a peaceful life.

Now that the national treasury is increasing, it means that good times are really coming for everyone.

What Cunard didn't know was.

At this moment, Wang is at his laboratory base, sometimes refining weapons and sometimes conducting biological experiments.


The vessel exploded.

Before the fire could explode in all directions, Pei Jinye stretched out his hand and pinched everything into small flames.

Although the laboratory explosion crisis was avoided, the werewolf in front of him had completely lost his breath.

But Pei Jinye didn't feel any heartache at all.

He looked at the blood-red crystal in his hand with great interest.

"This kind of crystal contained in the werewolf's body is the fundamental reason why it can really bring me blood..."

He stretched out his hand to refine it directly.

The blood-red crystal in his hand instantly turned into a wisp of essence and flowed into his body.

[Qi and blood +11]

"It's a pity that the research equipment in this world is too low-level... It seems that I need to accumulate more crystal stones and study them carefully after returning."

At this time, the Flame God's coffin vibrated, indicating that the energy was about to be exhausted.

【Return? 】(End of this chapter)

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