I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 292 [304] My wild brother has a great background (seeking monthly tickets for recommendation

[Alert, an unknown signal is detected! warn! Unknown signal found...]

Xizhou Headquarters.

Gaia suddenly sounded the alarm.

In the middle of the night, and just in time for a shift change, even the congressmen were alarmed.


"There are only eight firewalls in total, but only five firewalls have been breached...and failed again."

Pei Jinye packed all the Internet information collected in his mind into the Hive Memory Palace, so that he could look it up at any time without affecting his main mental power.

It is a pity that he failed to break through the blockade of the brain in one fell swoop.

If the current intellectual brain can't eat it, let alone a more advanced evolutionary body in the Ephemeris Era.

"The good news is that there is still a chance to touch the core of the brain in this world. Once you touch it, you can model and evolve... When you return to reality, you will also have the opportunity to eat the brain of the Federation."

Pei Jinye narrowed his eyes and calmed down.

When he returned to the Element Club, he saw a lot of police cars galloping on the outskirts, and that was also the IP address he deliberately designed.

But these have nothing to do with him.

When he returned to the dormitory, Tang Wanfeng had returned at some point, holding a book in his arms, and was reading it with frown.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he looked up and found that it was Pei Jinye, he immediately got up enthusiastically and said, "Brother Pei."

Pei Jinye nodded: "Where are you reading?"

"I asked Meizi Xu for a practice note. Regarding the introductory skills of "Elemental Mind Method", would you like to read it together?" Tang Wanfeng warmly invited.

"Look first, I'm going to take a shower."

After Pei Jinye left, Tang Wanfeng sat back down again, frowning, puzzled.

half an hour later.

When Pei Jinye came out of the shower, Tang Wanfeng approached shyly, "Brother Pei, who...do you have time? I'm a little unfamiliar with this..."

"you say."

Pei Jinye was also easy-going.

Tang Wanfeng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. He was actually afraid that Pei Jinye would look down on a rich man like himself who had nothing but money in his family.

His father often said that the most indispensable thing in this world is rich people, but no matter how rich they are, they still can't stand on the stage for those authorities.

But after getting in touch with him for a long time, this Brother Pei doesn't have the "bad" problems of those people.

"You're like this..."

Not long.

Tang Wanfeng's exclamation came from inside the dormitory: "Yes, yes, that's it...Brother Pei, you are really amazing, you are even stronger than our senior sister."

Pei Jinye couldn't help laughing.

He just dialed it, the little brother saved at least half of the time, and it probably won't be long before he can get started.

"It will be checked in three days. Fortunately, I have you, otherwise I might not be able to get in." Tang Wanfeng expressed gratitude.

Pei Jinye just smiled.

The essence of the elemental method is to absorb the corresponding elements.

Tang Wanfeng is an element of the earth element, so he can get started by himself, but he has to dig into the corner for a while.


Three days passed in a flash.

It's time for the new members of the Element Society to check.

early morning.

Tang Wanfeng looked in the mirror, adjusted his hairstyle which he thought was good, and shouted back, "Brother Ye, are you leaving?"


Pei Jinye came out from the balcony.

Three days passed.

He was surprised to find that he didn't encounter any attribute light clusters.

It stands to reason that you can "encounter" an attribute light group once in two days.

But unfortunately, in this world, it seems that the "attribute light group" does not work.


The "virtual computer" in my mind was running wildly.

A day, up to a million runs to come up with something close to the "truth"...

The flow rate of time here is not consistent with the flow rate in the real world.

"That is to say, I have spent three days here, and the real world has not even passed two days?"


After three days, Mrs. Xiao appeared again.

Seeing that all the five disciples who entered the door had entered the door, I felt somewhat relieved.

After exhorting the five of Pei Jinye, she made the decision to share a piece of spirit beast meat among the five of them.

"I heard that the head of the hospital bought it with his own money..." the disciple next to him said in a low voice.

"The outside price is at least 50,000 yuan...the head of the hospital is willing enough."

"Suddenly felt that I started playing around after getting started, and I felt sorry for the head of the hospital."

The two boys next to me felt guilty.

Pei Jinye took a glance and then looked away. It has to be said that Mrs. Xiao's method of buying people's hearts is extremely lethal to these young boys who are not deeply involved in the world.

But he is indeed a person with a pattern.

No wonder even Mrs. Li would praise her when she mentioned her.


Pei Jinye looked around, but couldn't find Xiao Yuqing's whereabouts.

Without the help of a beautiful senior sister to solve problems, this practice is really not a taste.

After Mrs. Xiao left, news came soon.

"Wizards have appeared in Xun, Kun, and Qianyuan. In three days, they have cultivated the elemental mind to the level of great success."

"So awesome, who is it?" Tang Wanfeng immediately became interested.

"Li Ming from Kunziyuan, Wang Sijun from Qianziyuan, and Chu Ming from Xunziyuan."

"There's no Nangong Cheng?"

"I heard that he just reached Xiaocheng this morning, so he's pretty good. It's a pity that he met these three geniuses."

"You don't know yet, Li Ming from the Kunzi Academy was poisoned because he was too high-profile, otherwise he might not only be in the Dacheng realm."

"Poisoning? How ruthless is that?"

"Geniuses always arouse people's envy."

"Fortunately I'm not."

Everyone whispered.

Pei Jinye raised his eyebrows slightly.



In the backyard.

Xiao Yuqing collected all the materials including Xu Xiaoqing and five people in the courtyard, and handed them to Mrs. Xiao.

Mrs. Xiao glanced at Xu Xiaoqing's name on the first page.


The upper limit is up to level three.

Then continue to turn the page.

The upper limit does not exceed the third order.

At Tang Wanfeng's place, the upper limit is given as the fourth level.

Mrs. Xiao pondered, "The Tang family is quite well-known in Nagano. His aunt found me through your Uncle De two days ago. That probably means that she hopes Tang Wanfeng can stay."

"Is he willing to stay?" Xiao Yuqing asked.

"It seems that there is such a meaning, and it can be cultivated." Mrs. Xiao said with a smile, she seemed to be in a good mood, although the fourth-order extraordinary can only serve as a third-rank elementalist in the Elemental Association, but at any rate, it can be considered that Liziyuan can produce a middle-level elemental teacher. The top management is the backbone of Li Zi Yuan.

Turn to the last page.

Mrs. Xiao saw Pei Jinye's name.

"Elemental Heart Method" test results: Getting Started.

Potential: Unknown.

"Why is his potential unknown?" Mrs. Xiao was taken aback and looked up.

Xiao Yuqing hesitated for a while and said in a low voice: "I suspect he is keeping a low profile on purpose."

"Tell me carefully." Mrs. Xiao asked.

Xiao Yuqing told her discovery.

Mrs. Xiao would not doubt her daughter's perception.

His eyes light up slightly.

"This student named Pei Jinye, I remember he was from the inspection team... You bring him here, and I will try it myself."

"Yes." Xiao Yuqing walked briskly.

Also some can't wait.

She still remembers that when they first met, it was this guy who had the most problems.

"Pei Jinye, come with me."

As soon as Xiao Yuqing appeared, Tang Wanfeng, Xu Xiaoqing and others respectfully addressed each other as Senior Sister.

Pei Jinye followed calmly.

After he and Xiao Yuqing left.

The four of Tang Wanfeng whispered to each other.

"Why did the elder sister ask him to go there?"

"You won't be expelled?" a boy asked.

Tang Wanfeng said unhappily: "Fuck me, brother Ye got started earlier than you all. Maybe it has something to do with his identity."

"What identity?"

"Brother Ye didn't say anything, and I can't say much."

Even Xu Xiaoqing tilted his head in thought.

That boy who has always been low-key has such a big background?

The third one is delivered, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a recommendation, thank you~

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