I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 284 [296] This trip is only for killing

Half an hour later, the physical examination report came out.

Shows everything is fine.

Pei Jinye took the report and found Kui Shurao.

Kui Shurao is the captain of the seventh inspection team.

Kui Shurao read the physical examination report several times, and after confirming that it was correct, he could only sigh with emotion: "Take a good rest at ordinary times, rest will help memory recovery."

"Yes, Captain." Pei Jinye was about to leave.

But Kui Shurao suddenly stopped him, "Aren't you awakening the fire element? Now there is a training target in the team, and they call you to go. You should take a good rest these few days."

Fire element?

Pei Jinye felt a little relieved

That's right.

"Training index?" Pei Jinye collected his thoughts and pretended to ask curiously, "Team Kai, do you know what the index is?"

"Didn't you say you were envious of those elemental masters before? This time you successfully awakened the fire element, and because you completed the task well, you gave your superiors a face, and asked for a spot for you. I heard that there are only two spots in total. "

"Thank you Team Kai." Pei Jinye immediately said politely.

"Don't thank me, I'm just talking about this matter. If you get rich in the future, don't forget about our Seventh Inspection Team." Sigh, I just hope it doesn't affect anything.


After parting from Kui Shurao, Pei Jinye walked on the street alone.

Comparing the streets of Dapeng City, Pei Jinye suddenly discovered that Dapeng City, which was considered a small place by other people, could one day be labeled as luxurious.

“too poor”

Pei Jinye looked around.

I found an Internet cafe and went straight in.

"Fifty an hour." The young network manager glanced at Pei Jinye, said perfunctorily without raising his head, and continued to blew on the instant noodles without waiting to finish the mouthful of instant noodles.

A certificate was suddenly pressed in front of him.

The three hot words of the inspection team are quite dazzling.

The young network administrator almost scalded his mouth, and was about to cry out in shock when Pei Jinye said flatly, "Shut up, it's none of your business."

The network administrator rolled his throat, swallowed nervously, and said in a low voice, "Sir, what do you need? Do you need help?"

"Don't look around, go to the corner and turn on a machine for me, and pretend that I never showed up." Pei Jinye said casually.

The network administrator immediately complied, sneaking peeks at Pei Jinye from time to time.

After Pei Jinye left, he hesitated for a long time, whether to inform the boss that someone from the inspection team came to arrest people in the Internet cafe...

[Specially brewed, you won't come here to catch underage...years, right? But this is not going to let the inspection team do it, right? 】

Pei Jinye sat in front of the computer and began to search for information.

Spiritual network try to use.

It is available without any problem.

Invasion is silky smooth.

The monitoring was camouflaged in the first place.

He began to search for information in this world.


This is No. 190 Lanting Road, Nagano, Xizhou.

This moment is...

Pei Jinye wanted to see the time clearly, but found that the time was suddenly distorted, and then displayed as [solar calendar February 3, 2023]

Solar calendar?

Pei Jinye frowned.

If he remembered correctly, the solar calendar appeared four hundred years ago, that is, before the ephemeris calendar came out.

At that time, the Star Ring of the Federation had not yet evolved to the point where extraordinary genes were popularized by the whole population.

Pei Jinye was stunned.

The current inspection team will be reorganized in later generations.

That is also true.

However, it is not ruled out that the mysterious power here corrected the time.

After all, even the protagonist can be replaced by him, what else can't be done?

Started to attack Gaia secretly.

Pei Jinye's current mental power is as high as 101 points. If he wants to launch a network intrusion, he can easily do more than 1,000 attacks in one second.

Unfortunately, to his disappointment, Gaia's firewall is still impenetrable at this time.

He sighed helplessly.

Pei Jinye could only temporarily give up this opportunity.

"It's better to devour more supernatural beings of the spiritual network system and evolve as soon as possible."

"The Federation has too many secrets, and those brains must know something."

Pei Jinye was lost in thought.

At this time, the young network manager calmly brought a plate of instant noodles and snacks to Pei Jinye, and said in a low voice, "It's free, thanks to your hard work."

Pei Jinye raised his eyebrows and looked over, the young network manager had already left quickly with a plate in his hand.

He glanced at the snacks in front of him, but didn't intend to move.

If I remember correctly, when he was chatting with Zhongzhou Zhinao Xingtian, he accidentally discovered that this guy was secretly collecting information.

So Xing Tian has already given birth to his own thoughts?

Pei Jinye felt his scalp tingle with this thought.

If Xing Tian has already given birth to his own will, what about Gaia in Xizhou? So what about the brains of other continents?

What about the star ring?

As the main body of these intellectual brains, if Xinghuan has its own ideas, it is no exaggeration to say that as long as it has one idea, the entire Federation may be destroyed!

"Is it still controlling the evolution rate of this world, or is there someone else?"

Pei Jinye sighed softly.

"This game is too high-end... But I always just want to practice longevity in peace."

He narrowed his eyes.

After Pei Jinye quietly left the Internet cafe.

Not long after he walked out of the gate, he realized that he was being followed.

But instead of being angry at all, Pei Jinye felt a little inexplicably excited.

Skillfully walked into the alley.

After wandering for a while, the figure disappeared.

Not long after, there was a sound not far behind, and then, someone rushed over lightly stepping on the ground.

It is a middle-aged man with a scar on his face, dark skin, and looks powerful.

Obviously an old world.

After seeing Pei Jinye disappear, he immediately looked around vigilantly, trying to find traces.

Suddenly the middle-aged man retreated violently.

The void shook.

Pei Jinye was a little surprised.

This punch was actually dodged by someone?

Take a look at the properties panel.

Immediately cursed secretly.

【Zhuo, forget that this body is too weak. 】


【Qi and blood】: 22-103 calories;

【Physical strength】: 14-103;

【Spiritual Power】: 37-101.8;

"It's a very weak start."

Pei Jinye frowned.

An identification technique was thrown over.

A row of numbers floated above the opponent's head: [31-35]

"It's okay, but if you try harder, I won't be able to kill you."

Pei Jinye breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Let's talk. I've already explained something by bringing you here."

The middle-aged man's face changed slightly: "You have already discovered me?"


Pei Jinye said unhurriedly: "There are actually people I arranged behind you."

The middle-aged man turned his head abruptly.

The alley was empty.

Knowing that he was being bluffed, he secretly said something was wrong.

With both hands in his pockets, he picked up the lime and sprinkled it.

But he didn't expect that Pei Jinye just showed a mocking smile, and there was a sudden wind in front of the two of them, and lime flowed directly on his face with both hands.


There was a scream.

Pei Jinye clasped the opponent's shoulders close to him. If it wasn't for avoiding the traces of the scene and revealing too many extraordinary elements, he didn't even have to make a move himself.

A huge force set off.

The middle-aged man was thrown away like a carp. Although his eyes were fascinated by Lime, but he was very experienced, and instantly wrapped his hands around him, trying to wring Pei Jinye's arm off.

But unfortunately, Pei Jinye never gave him this chance.

There was a "click".

The chest of the middle-aged man sank directly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Didn't wait to catch my breath.

Pei Jinye had already clasped his shoulders, pressed his head with the other hand, and slapped him hard against the wall.

A series of misses.

The mental strength of the middle-aged man directly dropped below twenty.

Pei Jinye's timing was just right.


The word inexplicable rang in the ears of the middle-aged man.

Endless darkness enveloped directly.

Rolling memories come.


Pei Jinye breathed a sigh of relief.

"As soon as I got the spot on the front foot, someone wanted to kill me and take the spot on the back foot?"

"The Nagano Fang family, how many lives are enough for me to kill you!"

Pulling out a short blade from the middle-aged man's waist, it shines brightly in the sun.

Then a ball of fire rose from Pei Jinye's fingertips, and fell on his fingers, and the corpses on the ground were instantly burned to ashes.

In the breeze, Pei Jinye's figure gradually drifted away.

The shadow on the ground is like a tiger.

This trip kills.


Thank you Yigu Heshang for your reward and support, begging for monthly tickets, begging for recommendation tickets, really begging for data~ Check the status in these two days, and start adding updates~~

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