I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 282 [293] Beast Familiar Talent, Advanced! Dragons are coming! (Seeking a monthly ticket for

Under the afterglow, Pei Jinye looked at the dragon shadow in the distance.

He didn't know how many other means the federation had.

In fact, when he took part in the elite assessment, he was in a fantasy world like the real world, and he had already guessed about the federation's means.

It just wasn't real at the time.

The main reason is that his strength was too low at that time, seeing the height of 100 meters and the height of 10,000 meters were equally shocking.

After hearing many things from the white-haired woman.

Not only did Pei Jinye not have a clear understanding of this world, but it became more vague.

"I heard that the Federation has been collecting ancient martial arts secrets. Are they trying to suppress casual cultivators?"

The white-haired woman looked up, her eyes were bright, and she looked over with a half-smile: "Only the weak will be suppressed."

"..." Pei Jinye twitched the corner of his mouth.

I doubt who you are connoting.

After a second thought.

He thought of something, and suddenly said calmly: "I heard a saying before that the gods in this world are actually some kind of creatures in high latitudes."

"Is it the theory of humans and ants?" The white-haired woman said with a light smile, "You have to look at how gods are defined first. The gods of war in ancient times were also marked with the word gods. Are they gods?"

Pei Jinye raised his eyebrows and looked.

He found that this woman didn't seem to have as strong an attitude towards God as the others.

"Maybe some starry space behemoths can become gods when they evolve to the ultimate state, just like the big fire dragon you saw just now, if you give it another few thousand years, it may also have a chance to become a real dragon god..."

The white-haired woman's gaze fell into a mysterious mood: "When you reach the level of a god, you will automatically lose your identity as a human... and so far, the existence of gods has only remained in legends."

She raised her head and looked at Pei Jinye: "Whether all of this may be a trick of Xinghuan, no one knows."

Pei Jinye listened calmly to the woman saying some "rebellious" words, and first ruled out the identity of the other party's Federation.

It may be a member of some rebel organization, or it may be a self-contained casual cultivator like the female sword fairy.

Pei Jinye fell into deep thought, digested what the woman said, and muttered to himself: "If there is no god in this world, then the purpose of establishing the existence of God in the Federation..."

"Evolution." The white-haired woman answered for him.

Pei Jinye's eyes were fixed: "Is the current evolution not enough?"

The white-haired woman wandered her eyes and said, "Evolution is an endless road. Now the limit of human beings is not enough to prove the existence of God."

Pei Jinye looked very quiet beside him.

For a long time, his cognition of this world has depended on the knowledge in books.

Memories devoured also have very little truth about the world.

On the one hand, those who were devoured by him were not strong.

What's more, the means of memory blockade in the hidden departments of the tribunal has exceeded his imagination.

But the more this is the case, the more it proves that the top leaders of the Federation are trying their best to block the truth of this world.

"In the end... is there anything worth blocking?"

He looked up at the white-haired woman.

The last piece of jerky has been eaten by this woman, and she clapped her palms without any image, stood up and said, "You don't need to think so much now, let's hurry up and become stronger, no matter how the world changes, the weak will not speak Quan. When you are strong enough, you will reach the other shore naturally."

On the top of the mountain where the sea of ​​clouds rolled, the woman looked at Pei Jinye and gestured with two fingers: "It's enough to become this strong."

Pei Jinye looked at the space between her two fingers and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Isn't this just the distance of four fingers?

"Young man, you still have great potential."

The white-haired woman patted Pei Jinye's shoulder, and the next moment she walked towards the edge of the cliff, submerged in the sea of ​​clouds.

Pei Jinye looked longingly.

If I can have such a strong strength, can I roam the world as I want?


Pei Jinye's expression changed: "Where's the dragon meat? Didn't you say you invited me to eat dragon meat?"

It's a pity that the figure of the white-haired woman has long since disappeared in place.

"Meet another liar."

"What a world!"

Pei Jinye patted the dust off his trouser legs, and looked at the giant eagle.

The giant eagle spread its wings slightly, and trotted awkwardly to his side. I don't know if it was because of the white-haired woman's affirmation of Pei Jinye's potential. The giant eagle's attitude towards Pei Jinye is obviously a little more intimate than before. .

Pei Jinye patted the giant eagle on the head: "Yingzi, you are very interesting as an eagle."

The sea of ​​clouds in the distance suddenly stirred.

There is golden light filling the air.

Pei Jinye rushed up to the eagle and patted the giant eagle on the back: "Come on."




Beyond the magma.

Huang Tiansheng stared at the members of the Lei family with an ugly expression.

Lei Jiwu was in a mess, but he laughed wantonly: "Huang Tiansheng, it's rare to see you so deflated. It's really rare. The fire lotus in the center of the earth will be gone, but how many people on your side can control beasts?" ? Going back this time, I'll see how you deal with your family."

Huang Tiansheng ignored him, staring at the golden pillar soaring into the sky in the distance, and said succinctly to the rest of the people around him: "Chasing after him."

Lei Jiwu also quickly ordered to chase after him.

Two groups of people and dozens of beasts, carrying billowing smoke, charged towards the direction of the golden light.


"It's him again."

Huang Tiansheng saw a figure in black armor, his face changed suddenly, and he said angrily to the troublesome Lei Jiwu: "The alien species will be snatched away, you are still holding me here, get out of here!"

"Huang Tiansheng, what my Lei family can't get, your Huang family can't get it either!"

A whistle.

There is a dragon shadow flying in the distance, approaching quickly.

Huang Tiansheng was extremely annoyed, but it was not aimed at Lei Jiwu, but at Pei Jinye.


Pei Jinye didn't care about it at all, stretched out his hand, and gathered a three-petaled strange flower in front of him together with the soil under its roots.

Seeing this scene, Huang Tiansheng's expression was almost distorted.

"I told you to put it down, didn't you hear me!"

Amidst Huang Tiansheng's roar, a terrifying physical energy burst out from his body, and he fiercely pushed the air around him, and grabbed Pei Jinye's back fiercely in the violent wind that passed by him suddenly.

If this is done properly, the entire back can be hollowed out.

Pei Jinye didn't look back.

Put away the three-petaled flower.

Stonehenge opens.

Terrifying power erupted instantly, and the ground around him suddenly collapsed.

Smoke and dust rose into the sky.

Cover up all sights around here!

Under such an earth-shattering turbulence, Pei Jinye turned around, looked directly at Huang Tiansheng, and three phantoms of golden lotus emerged above his head.

The flames soared.

Karmic fire permeates.

Huang Tiansheng's expression changed instantly.

this flame...

He actually had an inexplicable palpitation.

Hastily changed tactics.

In an instant, the trick was executed, and after the transformation, a fierce beast controlled by the Huang family was teleported in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, the fierce beast was completely burned by the raging flames from the golden lotus in front of it before it even had time to roar.

Huang Tiansheng felt his scalp go numb.

Hastily stopped the figure.

He looked with shock and anger.

this fire...

He didn't know why, but he suddenly thought of the fire lotus in the center of the earth.

However, Pei Jinye took advantage of the smoke and dust to disperse, determined to test the gap between him and the heir of the Huang family, and rushed quickly.

When the fire of karma approached, Huang Tiansheng's hairs stood on end, an unprecedented crisis arose in his heart, he didn't care about the cause and effect.

The hot air in front of him, as well as the howling wind, all reminded him.

This unknown guy is likely to hurt him!


Huang Tiansheng snarled, and a dozen or so fierce beasts in the distance suddenly flashed with light.

When it reappeared, it was suspended behind Huang Tiansheng.

The blessing of invisible power comes.

Using the gust of wind, he barely resisted the momentum from Karma Fire.


almost instantly.

The wind and fire spun into a column of air hundreds of meters high, half of which was wind, half of which was fire, surging towards the sky.

Huang Tiansheng stepped on the ground and slipped back more than ten meters.

Suspicious eyes.

The opponent's karmic fire is very strong. If he hadn't been blessed with the power of alien beasts, I'm afraid today would be a little bit precarious.

He didn't know at all that Pei Jinye's figure had disappeared in place, and two Huang family beast masters were kidnapped on the spot.

"Brother Tiansheng."

Someone exclaimed.

It's just that when Huang Tiansheng chased after him, Pei Jinye had already kidnapped him and ran away.



ten minutes later.

some hidden place.

[Surgery Beastmaster Is it synthesized to the second level? whether? 】


A huge vortex appears on the property panel.

Technique·Beast Master successfully advanced!

[Add extraordinary gene: Shu Beast Master (Tier 2)]

[Add extraordinary ability 1: Accurate Beast Familiar (increases the success rate of beast fencing)】

[Added extraordinary ability 2: Vision (can instantly grasp the vision of the beast)]


Pei Jinye let out a long breath.

"The Beast Master is finally at the second level."


"Failed to kill Huang Tiansheng."

Compared with the children of this kind of wealthy family, there is still a certain gap.

It cannot be killed, but it can be fought.

After confirming this feeling, Pei Jinye had a clear understanding of his own strength.

Tier 3 can kill, Tier 4 can fight!


A mouthful of hot air came out.

Pei Jinye looked back.

The fire dragon's huge eyes were staring at him.

Pei Jinye warmly greeted:

"Little Huozi, so you are here."

almost instantly.

He started the dodge at the speed of light, but at the same time, his original position suddenly collapsed.

Everything around was annihilated by flames.

If Pei Jinye hadn't mastered the karmic fire, he might have been turned into ashes.


"It seems that the fire lotus in the center of the earth has been swallowed by you. So..."

"Let's talk."

The voice of the fire dragon came slowly.

The second update is here, asking for a monthly ticket for recommendation, data support is urgently needed, and there is another chapter. Finally, thanks to the big brother with the tail number 7915 for the reward and support~

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