I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 260 [270] Crazy devour! Crazy evolution! (Happy Spring Festival)

Gongsun Xuancang, Gongsun Xuantian, and Gongsun Xuanhai saw the scene where the ancestor turned into a blood mist and exploded in mid-air, and the eyes of the three of them were completely dull at this moment.

this! How can it be!

How can it be!

Who is Pei Jinye?

According to their Gongsun family's information, Pei Jinye just played the role of Lin Xiawei's little follower in the death of Qianfeng!

And it's only been a short time since joining the investigation team.

Even if Gongsun Muyang was killed with a single sword, it did bring a lot of shock to the Gongsun family, but it wouldn't mean that the ancestor could be killed with a single sword now, right?

Gongsun Xuanhai now feels that the most shocking scene in his life is obviously seeing this new member of the investigation team, who is younger than his son, burst out with unique terrifying power.

What exactly is going on?

Now in this world, how come one is more monstrous than the other?

The sound of the sword was crisp, and Pei Jinye's blood was pounding at the moment, and he understood the sword intent a lot. The invisible power centered on his body and radiated to the surroundings.

Lin Xiawei looked suspiciously.

I don't know if her perception is wrong, but the sword intent emanating from the little junior...is not the same as "One Sword Determines Life and Death".

She lowered her eyes and thought for a moment.

I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

Only the sword intent separated from the sword technique itself is the swordsman's own way.


Lin Xiawei raised her head, looking suspiciously at the back of her junior brother.

The way he wants to go...

Is it really the path of the swordsman?

Pei Jinye reminisced about the sword just now, this was the first time he seriously activated the sword intent after practicing "Hunyuan Twelve Lotus".

Swipe to pull out the properties panel.

【Qi and blood value】: 69.8-70.3,

【Physical strength】: 55-68.3;

[Spiritual Power]: 53-68.6; (Extraordinary second level 30)

The number of newly added extraordinary genes is 8.

Among them, there are three element attributes of water, thunder, and fire, which are directly fused into the master of elements, making the power of the elements eight times larger.

There are five other kinds of transcendence, two of which are spiritual networks, which are also fused.

The last three kinds of ordinary and extraordinary were all devoured by him on the spot...if it wasn't

If it weren't for the Bloodthirsty Orb, he would never be able to return to the peak of his blood at this moment.

Dare to devour at such a time, Pei Jinye also has the mentality of walking a tightrope... It's a pity that he is still too weak, otherwise he would definitely devour more than the eight extraordinary.

And devouring these eight people is quite exhausting.

Not only do you need to avoid the sight of others, but you also need to avoid being plotted against when you devour yourself...

If it weren't for Pei Jinye now having a brain comparable to an artificial computer, he wouldn't dare to do this.

"Being able to push me to this point is enough to prove your ability."

The voice of the ancestor of the Gongsun family suddenly came from the air.

Pei Jinye's body tensed up, and when he sensed something, he made a sudden move, and the sword shadow was slashed in a cloud of blood mist.

Pei Jinye's heart skipped a beat.


The blood streaks are instantly activated!

In the eyes of outsiders, it is the King Kong who has been cultivated to the extreme... In almost one ten-millionth time, Pei Jinye's figure suddenly flew into the air.

Suffered hundreds of attacks in mid-air.


Pei Jinye scolded lightly.

The invisible attack froze for a moment.

It was also at this moment that Pei Jinye fiercely slashed down with his sword.

The sword glow skyrocketed!

At the same time, he was also wrapped in the fog shadow wind blade in the sword light.

Wounds left by the Mist Shadow Wind Blade are difficult to heal.

Pei Jinye still doesn't know what secret technique the ancestor of the Gongsun family practiced, and he can't find a way to crack it for a while, so he can only use his sword to try head-on.


A blood mist exploded.

Pei Jinye slid over ten meters on the ground.

Before he landed, Gongsun Xuanhai approached quickly, the superimposed fist strength of both hands burst out, and hot air flowed from the gold silk gloves.

Pei Jinye seemed to have eyes behind him, and easily twisted his joints, and the sword in his hand landed steadily on Gongsun Xuanhai's fist under the reflection of a silvery color.


There was a dull sound of metal colliding together.

Gongsun Xuanhai grinned grinningly: "Bury my son with me!"

The two hands are like the big mouth of a crocodile, bursting out with a terrifying "bite force", trying to pinch Pei Jinye to death.

However, Pei Jinye's eyes did not change at all.

The freed left hand struck Gongsun Xuanhai's knee silently.


Gongsun Xuanhai's expression suddenly changed.

The power of this kid! how come! so scary!

The sound of bone cracking sounded instantly.

The kneecap was completely shattered, Gongsun Xuanhai couldn't help but let out a muffled snort, and his movements slowed down.

The sword in Pei Jinye's hand slashed towards his neck as quickly as lightning, and he was so frightened that he quickly blocked and grabbed it with his backhand, but Pei Jinye's sword was nowhere near as fast right now.

The neck flashed, but the shoulder was still hit by the sword, and a piece of blood dripping flesh was cut off immediately, directly exposing the snow-white shoulder collarbone inside.

Without waiting for Pei Jinye to bully him, he took a step forward and directly dropped his sword to harvest.

The figure of the white-haired old man condensed in mid-air, his hair dancing wildly, his whole body was covered in blood, and he looked extremely crazy.

"Be careful, this is the body of a blood spirit... If the blood doesn't scatter, others won't die." Lin Xiawei's voice came, and she quickly made a move to stop the domineering blow of the ancestor of the Gongsun family for Pei Jinye.

There was a "bang".

The blood mist exploded.

The walls on all sides were riddled with holes.

Lin Xiawei's figure retreated to Pei Jinye's side: "Is it okay?"

"Can fight."

"?" Lin Xiawei glanced silently, and was blown out of place in the next second.

Pei Jinye's sword suddenly cut off.

The blood mist that engulfed him seemed to have been evaporated, but in the next second, he also flew upside down.


Pei Jinye's body was embedded in the wall, and a white and delicate hand stretched out.

Pei Jinye grabbed Lin Xiawei's hand, walked out from the wall, and spat out the dust: "It's a bit difficult."

"Gongsun Long, used to be a powerhouse of the fifth rank, but now his qi and blood have declined... he is only a hair away from falling to the fourth rank." Lin Xiawei's voice was as calm as ever.

"It's still so fierce after falling to the fourth level?" Pei Jinye was a little surprised.

In fact, what he cares more about is... If the old man is devoured, will the Gongsun family's secret martial art still be able to hide from him.


"It seems a bit difficult, this old man feels stronger than Master Chang..."

"We have to find a way to kill him." Lin Xiawei said suddenly.

Pei Jinye looked at it unexpectedly, and then looked away: "I thought you don't kill, Senior Sister."

"Fifty years ago, the knights encountered a secret assassination in Xizhou, and one of the suspects... was the body of a blood spirit. This is the second time I have encountered this secret technique in fifty years." Lin Xiawei narrowed her eyes : "Am I right? Gongsun Long, among the people who participated in the Hunting Knights, there was one, right?"

"It turned out to be a member of the Knights." Gongsun Long was suspended in mid-air, with countless bloodshot wounds stretching from his body, like a monster crawling out of a sea of ​​blood.

He neither admitted nor denied it.

On the side, Gongsun Xuancang and Gongsun Xuantian supported the pale-faced Gongsun Xuanhai, and the three brothers blocked Pei Jinye and Lin Xiawei's way with eyes on their eyes.

"People in the world say that my Gongsun family has declined, and I don't deny it." Gongsun Long lowered his gaze, and his aura gradually rose, sweeping away his previous old state.

"But no matter what, it's not something you can come if you want. Even if the old Dragon King came in person today, you still won't be able to walk out of the gate of my Gongsun's house."


Lin Xiawei said calmly, holding five fingers together.

The void generates electricity.

It was as if a bright thunderbolt exploded suddenly in the misty sky.

The three brothers of the Gongsun family subconsciously closed their eyes.

It was also at this moment that Pei Jinye rushed out tacitly. In an instant, the ground shook, and countless wind dragons let out a sky-shattering roar. Their bodies were like silver meteors across the sky, and hot air waves were dragged from behind, towards Gongsun in front of them. The four members of the family slashed violently with their swords!

For a time, thrilling! Life and death are unpredictable!

Gang Yan lifted into the sky.

The moment Pei Jinye slashed out with this sword, Lin Xiawei's sword struck first, and the two sword intentions of the siblings seemed to merge into one.

The faces of the three brothers Gongsun Xuancang changed in shock. During these years of being busy with family development, they naturally gave up a lot of martial arts practice, and pinned their hopes on the next generation... But they didn't expect that they would be killed one after another by the siblings.

The three of them only felt a burst of pressure and constriction in the air, as if the gaseous air had turned into mercury, and the stagnant state made it difficult for the three of them to breathe.


A huge sword light fell.

Under the shock of the sea of ​​blood, the figures of the three brothers Gongsun Xuancang flew upside down without warning, but they seemed to see the figure in the sea of ​​blood standing still, as if standing in the boundless sea of ​​blood.

At a certain moment, it seemed as if the souls of grievances had condensed and howled mournfully.

The ancestor fell on his fingers.

The sword light and the blood glow cancel each other out.

The terrifying pressure erupted by mutual ablation caused a rapidly expanding mushroom-shaped air mass to appear extremely abruptly, and then broke through the ceiling extremely abruptly, heading straight to the sky a hundred meters above.

It wasn't until it soared into the sky that the huge roar came to my ears...

Accompanied by a large amount of cracked soil and gravel on the ground, countless screaming sounds almost pierced everyone's eardrums.


Half of Lin Xiawei's sleeve was torn, and dozens of scratches appeared on Bai Nen's arm.

She ignored the spilled blood.

Just frown suddenly.

What about the younger brother?

What about Gongsun Longren?

The conference building had been torn apart by the bombing just now, and a huge deep pit thirty meters wide appeared in the exquisite and luxurious corridor.

And here, apart from Lin Xiawei who was still standing, there were only the three Gongsun brothers who couldn't dodge and were blown away.

"Gongsun Long, you are courting death!"

The next second, Lin Xiawei went crazy and started looking for Pei Jinye's whereabouts.



Pei Jinye used all his strength and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

In the ten-thousandth of a second just now, he suddenly realized that Gongsun Long had paid great attention to him.

Although I don't know what qualities "exposed" on my body that attracted the old guy's attention.

But Pei Jinye didn't dare to stop at all.

Gongsun Long's attack just now was reserved!

The senior sister is not necessarily an opponent!

And Gongsun Long clearly set his target on him.

Pei Jinye was very angry.

Does it mean that the old guys like his little fresh meat?

Pei Jinye shot out quickly.

Gongsun Long chased after him.

The distance between the two is fifty meters, and the distance is still shortening.

Countless wind blades exploded.

Pei Jinye didn't even know how far he dodged, he had already lost Lin Xiawei's whereabouts in his perception.

There is actually another reason why he chose to escape!

With outsiders around, it is difficult for him to exert all his power.

Although Lin Xiawei treated him very well, he still didn't want to reveal his secrets.

His multi-line abilities trigger uncontrollable reveries.

Under the sky full of dust, Gongsunlong's blood spirit body exploded again, spreading over a greater distance, trying to eat Pei Jinye who was running ahead.

It's just that Pei Jinye's dodge made him dodge in a thrilling way.

The two sprinted all the way.

In the blink of an eye, it was like a bloody arc flashing across the air.


Pei Jinye sensed a mountain range in front of him, and quickly burrowed into it.

As soon as he stepped in, he realized that something was wrong here.

The dead silence is a little scary.

The red-eyed Gongsun Long also chased after him without any scruples.

next second.

Pei Jinye slashed out with a sword.


Elements activated!

Space blockade!

Ghost explosion!

Wind Blade!

The number systems were extraordinary, and the space seemed to be torn apart. Countless attacks landed on Gongsun Long crazily in a blink of an eye.

"Here! Old! Son! Die!"

Thanks to Brother Dao Xingseng and Brother Gui Ke Dao for the New Year’s Eve reward~ Stay up late to code, today is the first day of the first lunar month, I wish everyone a happy family, good health, a lot of money, and all the best!

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