I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 255 [265] Psychic Fusion Evolution! Super Invasion! (Seeking a monthly ticket for recommenda

"Hiss... Hiss hurts so much... Zhuo, put down your phone for me, surnamed Gu!"

Minglu was gasping for breath, when he suddenly saw Gu Wutong taking a picture of himself in distress with his mobile phone, he suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

However, Gu Wutong backed away with a grin, and shook his phone: "Your surname is Ming, you will call me Big Brother when you see me in the future, do you know? If you dare to trouble me again, be careful, I will let the whole of Central Continent see you. What kind of face is the third brother?"

"Zhao, villain!" Minglu was furious, and when he was about to stand up, he was about to be pushed down by Pei Jinye: "Don't move around, do you still want to kill yourself?"

Minglu didn't dare to offend Pei Jinye, so he could only close his eyes, and while enduring Gu Wutong's teasing and mocking, he slowly raised his middle finger with the other hand.

Not long.

The police car of the investigative team sped up.

Those who came were not from the second group, but the members of Gu Wutong's seventh group, led by their group leader Huangfu Hongye.

There was also an old acquaintance Pei Jinye knew by his side.

"Brother Kui." Gu Wutong waved first.

Brother Kui walked up and looked at Pei Jinye in surprise: "Xiao Peiyi is also there, are you and Xiao Gu... dating someone?"

"Accompany him for a fight, the person who fired the black gun has escaped." Pei Jinye motioned to Ming Lu who was lying on the ground, "The bullet is poisonous, take it away."

"Dead?" Brother Kui bluffed.

Minglu stretched out his hand tremblingly, indicating that he was still alive.

With a big wave of Huangfu Hongye's hand, he had Ming Lu taken away, and then he led someone to check it himself.

Pei Jinye and Gu Wutong stood by the river, watching the fat man's body being restrained.

"I didn't expect him to die..." Gu Wutong expressed regret.

Pei Jinye said calmly, "He ordered to shoot you at that time."

"Zhuo. This bastard!" Gu Wutong's expression changed, he was so angry that he wanted to go up and step on his feet: "This guy's mouth is usually too cheap, he deserves to be shot in the head."

"..." Pei Jinye raised his brows, his face changed very quickly, and he chuckled lightly, "Don't miss it anymore?"

"Where's the sniper? Made!" Gu Wutong suddenly became angry, but was called by Huangfu Hongye.

Brother Kui came to Pei Jinye: "This matter is a bit tricky..."

"What's wrong? Haven't caught the other party yet?" Pei Jinye asked.

Brother Kui nodded: "Ming Lu and the others opened the canopy. It stands to reason that if someone touches it, they will be noticed."

If other people asked him, Pei Jinye would not bother to answer.

This case has nothing to do with him, so there is no need to bother to investigate.

But after all, Brother Kui pointed out, so he asked: "After the sky is opened, who will control it?"

"Wang Haowei." Brother Kui saw that Pei Jinye was puzzled, and immediately explained: "It's that fat man."

Pei Jinye raised his eyebrows slightly: "If today's matter is a game, someone wants to stir up conflicts between the Gu family and the Ming family, but the mission fails in the middle, what would you do?"

Brother Kui was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly seemed to have figured something out, and slapped his thigh: "Kill the contactor, completely block the news!"

Pei Jinye nodded: "That's right. But all of this is based on... the premise that this is a game in itself."

"This idea inspired me, good brother, when the suspect is caught, brother will treat you to dinner." Brother Kui left in a hurry.

Pei Jinye chuckled lightly.

Fingers caressed the hilt of Qiushuang sword.

Suddenly looked up.

A young man walked over hesitantly, "My name is Wu Yong, thank you for saving the third brother's life. The previous matter... Please forgive me."

Pei Jinye withdrew his gaze calmly: "You should be glad you didn't shoot me back then."

Wu Yong's back felt cold.

However, he still bowed to Pei Jinye.

At least... there is no grudge between them.

"I don't know if Wang Haowei betrayed the third brother, but the fact that you did something to him has been seen by many people. I'm not sure if his family will trouble you..."

After speaking, he bowed slightly and left.

As for what he said about the Wang family.

Pei Jinye didn't take it seriously at all.

A farce ended with Huangfu Hongye leading the team away.

Gu Wutong was called back home, but before he left, he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, and he didn't mention Qiushuangjian at all.

And Pei Jinye didn't wait long.

Because the message from Feng Jiao arrived.



Jiang's back mountain.

"Master, there is a message from the Wu family in Nandu, clearly asking why we don't protect Master Wu Zicheng..."

Before the middle-aged housekeeper finished speaking, Pei Jinye said concisely: "Let them go. Is there anything else? If you have nothing to do, just leave."

"...It's the master." The middle-aged housekeeper bowed and left.

When Pei Jinye returned to the backyard, Feng Jiao knelt on one knee and dared not raise her head.

"If you encounter a transcendent that you can't deal with, you can compile the list." Pei Jinye said.

"Yes, Patriarch." Feng Jiao lowered her head.

Soon, the cloth bag containing the cold jade fell softly in front of her.

She bowed her head gratefully.

There was a movement in the suitcase, and the people inside seemed to wake up.

Just as Feng Jiao raised her head to look, a gust of wind blew.

The old owner and the suitcase in front of him had disappeared in place.

"The current skill of the old Patriarch!!!"

Feng Jiao's heart trembled.

How does it feel that it has improved a lot compared to before!

She got up slowly.

I didn't dare to pay too much attention to the things inside the house.

leave quickly.



[New Extraordinary Gene: Spirit·Network]

[Add extraordinary ability: Link Invasion]


[Trigger the fusion of the spiritual system, is it fused? 】

"The fusion is triggered again?"

Pei Jinye raised his eyebrows slightly.


Almost instantaneously, the spirit-super brain, spirit-poison chain, spirit-network mirror on his attribute panel quickly disappeared.

It seems that a black hole vortex appeared on the entire property panel.

The genes in the body seem to evolve through some kind of medium.

Countless phantoms flashed in Pei Jinye's opened eyes...

next second.

The properties panel appears updated.

[Add Extraordinary Gene: Spirit·Deep Sea]

[Add extraordinary ability: super intrusion (network intrusion effect increased by 400%) (extraordinary ability before fusion is retained)]


Pei Jinye's consciousness returned.

"Quadruple invasion effect?"

The stars in the night sky are not as bright as Pei Jinye's eyes at this moment.

If it is said that Pei Jinye's hacking ability was able to invade the first four of Xingtian's eighteen firewalls (to master the electronic eyes in the non-central area).

So now he can even hack into the office system of the city hall.

As for whether Xing Tian can find out...

In fact, he didn't have a certain idea in mind.

After all, Xingtian is not an ordinary brain. It itself is a subsystem copied and evolved from the star ring. After so many years of self-inspection, I don't know how far it has been upgraded and strengthened.

For now, Xing Tian's auxiliary ability shown in front of Pei Jinye has proved its high intelligence and high humanity.

Consciousness sinks.

Pei Jinye invaded the public network in an instant.

Consciousness invades, thousands of miles away in an instant.

Three seconds later.

Pei Jinye opened his eyes, "So strong."

He just tried to invade Xingtian, and launched 1.06 million attacks in an instant. On the surface, when he invaded the fourth firewall, he had already retreated.

In fact, the specular shadow left behind has been mixed to the sixth layer.

To avoid triggering Xing Tian's temporary alarm, Pei Jinye did not continue to invade. Now it is just a small test of his sword, and he roughly understands his current intrusion ability.

It is no exaggeration to say that his modeling and computing abilities have soared by more than four times.

What surprised Pei Jinye even more was...

He found that he seemed to be able to devour the master data of other computers to evolve his own network capabilities.

"A large number of databases need to be compressed and stored... If it weren't for my mental power to exceed 60 points, even if I can devour evolution, I don't have enough mental power to support it."

Pei Jinye thoughtfully tapped the table with his fingertips.

Manipulating the mental network to start devouring some host data...

Almost at the same time.

Far away in a rental house in Dapeng City.

A young man who was attacking and invading suddenly changed his expression, and the moment he stepped back, the host computer exploded a series of sparks with a "bang".

"Fuck! I was hacked???"

The young hacker hastily took out another laptop from his schoolbag. During the booting process, he rubbed his hands, full of fighting spirit.

"Dare to blackmail you, Master Wu, to let you know what technology is!"

After the icon appeared on the computer screen, the young hacker's hands and fingers typed afterimages on the keyboard for a while, and quickly chased him according to the previous link.

He was working in the backstage of a subsidiary of Hei Tianshen International, but was inadvertently crushed by another mysterious hacker directly and indiscriminately... How could he swallow this bad breath.

The subordinates typed out more than ten lines of code.

The page changes instantly.

But in the next second, the young hacker was dumbfounded.

"Where is the database???"

For a while, he thought he had come to the wrong place, but after double-checking, he realized that in just over eight seconds, the other party had bombarded all the data and information, leaving no residue.

"Who the hell is he!" The young hacker suddenly had a creepy feeling.

If the other party was really interested in him at the beginning... According to the fate of being overthrown after a face-to-face just now, the people from the night patrol department may have come by now.

"Hiss... who the hell is this person? His strength is too terrifying!"

The young hacker hurriedly started to pack his luggage, who knows if he will be affected, but after all, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

this day.

At least a quarter of the hackers active in Dapeng were spooked.


town Hall.

Holding the latest report, Zhou Weiren looked up in surprise.

"You mean, today there is a cyber hacker among the people who, with his own power, solved many of the hackers who invaded our Dapeng City?"

Secretary Lin pondered: "Perhaps my statement is not accurate, but what I received is true. The origin of the other party is very mysterious. According to incomplete statistics... the number of cyber attacks on Dapeng City today is 120,000 fewer than yesterday 2,300 times... However, while protecting the enterprise, it also caused damage and loss of the database of some enterprises."

"Some enterprises?" Zhou Weiren raised his eyebrows and looked.

"It's... some subsidiaries of Tianshen International."

After speaking, the two looked at each other.


Zhou Weiren also said softly: "Think of a way and see if we can recruit this enthusiastic citizen... In a sense, he has also offended many hackers, so we must find a way to ensure his safety."

"Governor... we can only say our best. So far, the IP address of that person has not been collected. This is still the authority given by Xingtian."

"Oh? You mean that Xing Tian also failed to find the other party's whereabouts?" Zhou Weiren suddenly became more interested: "Then this shows his ability even more."



Jiang's back mountain.

Pei Jinye opened a bottle of blue potion and poured it with his head raised.

The heaviness in his head dissipated a lot.

He exhaled lightly.

Only then did he realize that Yinju had just sent a dozen messages.

The first line at the beginning is: [Help! ! Devil! ! 】

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