I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 253 [262~263] Don't think that you are a rich lady, I'm just used to you (seek mon

"I'm fortunate to have learned it." Pei Jinye nodded.

Zhong Yumin looked at him, and slowly withdrew his gaze: "Spirit Talisman Ghost Mountain comes from Xizhou. It is a kind of talisman seal that is relatively remote, but it is also very powerful. Let me see."

Pei Jinye was also unambiguous: "Please enlighten me, Mr. Zhong."

The knot seal of the hands is quite satisfactory.


An invisible force landed in front of Zhong Yumin, and a willow branch was tapped in the little old man's hand, and a green light flashed out instantly.

Pei Jinye's spirit talisman Ghost Mountain Ning was broken in an instant.

There was a shock in the void.

Pei Jinye seemed to be taken a step back by the shock, with a look of admiration on his face: "Mr. Han said before coming here that Mr. Zhong's skills are superb, and the younger generation admires him."

"It's said that the road to the Spirit Talisman Ghost Mountain is not easy to walk, but the inheritance is incomplete. You can find out a talisman technique, which shows your talent." Zhong Lao waved the willow branch in his hand.

A soft green light fell on Pei Jinye, and he didn't dodge it.

Immediately felt a burst of relief in the whole person.

The mental strength quickly returned to its peak.

"Is this the wood element?" Pei Jinye said in surprise.

"That's right." Zhong Yumin nodded: "The essence of possessing spirits is actually to embody the core power of everything and endow it with extraordinary power. Are you a spiritual department?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhong has sharp eyes." Pei Jinye was a little moved.

"The way of cultivating talisman seals in the spiritual system does have innate and convenient conditions." Zhong Yumin said as he took out the talisman again: "It used to be an A-level sealed item, but it was a pity that it suffered indelible damage."

Remove the two yellow sheets from the drawer.

Cinnabar drops.

An invisible wind spread.

Pei Jinye clearly felt a strangely gentle force falling on the paper.

Silently model in your mind.


Modeling failed...

Modeling failed...

Modeling failed...

In the time of two breaths, more than 3,000 modeling failures in a row made Pei Jinye even sweat a little more on his forehead.

10211th modeling.

[Modeling successful! 】

[Fuli rubbing skills...]

A stream of information flooded my mind.

It was also at this time that Zhong Yumin said, "Okay."

Pei Jinye wiped away the dense sweat from his forehead without moving his expression.

Zhong Yumin stretched out his hand and said, "The power of the talisman can only sustain it for twenty blessings. In addition, I need to warn you that this sealed item itself is already damaged, and high-frequency use will only accelerate the damage of its internal structure." If it collapses, then my spirit possession will not help."

Pei Jinye was taken aback, took the talisman, and asked for advice: "Mr. Zhong, are you saying that it won't last long?"

"Unless you can find the same material as it, let the forging master re-forge it, let alone bring it back to life, it is possible to return to A-level." Zhong Yumin said with a smile: "At that time, you will come to me to possess the spirit again, and I will give it to you for free." help you."

Pei Jinye thoughtfully said: "Dare to ask Mr. Zhong, what is the material of the talisman?"

"Mysterious stone fetus." Zhong Yumin said softly: "This thing is not common. The master who forged the talisman also found it in a no-man's land in the north. If you have a chance in the future, you may wish to pay more attention to it."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhong." Pei Jinye thanked him sincerely.

"No problem." Zhong Yumin waved his hand.

Although Pei Jinye regretted not being able to deduce the powerful spirit-enchanting technique, he understood the rules and did not continue to disturb the master.

It is for the sake of Mr. Han that he can spare time to possess the spirit in his busy schedule, and there is no need for him to be annoying.

Get up and say goodbye.

The door closes.

Zhong Yumin shook his head and laughed, "This kid."

Not long after, the little horse who came to ask for resignation appeared, and Zhong Yumin suddenly gestured to the two books on the table: "Give it to him."

Xiao Ma was taken aback, the book that came into view was an explanation of spirit possession, and it was an internal general book, so it would not be circulated to the outside world at all.

"Teacher... is he also a spirit master?"

"You have to see it?" Zhong Yumin waved his hand: "Don't keep the guests waiting, go, learn more from that Mr. Han, the Ma family will still rely on you in the future."

"Student understands." Xiao Ma picked up the book on the table and left respectfully.


When the two books were handed over to Pei Jinye, he was a little surprised.

"Is this what Mr. Zhong gave me?"

"It's Mr. Zhong's meaning." Xiao Ma replied in a low voice.

"Boss Zhong is righteous."

While the two were talking, a well-dressed young man walked out of the courtyard beside him, and said with a smile, "Ma Mingwei, are you not going to work today?"

"It's on, come here temporarily." Xiao Ma hurriedly replied.

"I asked Sun Haoran and the others to go to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda for dinner, let's go together, we are all alumni." The man stepped forward and saw the book in Pei Jinye's arms, and was slightly taken aback: "This is... the new elementary school boy? "

"Pei Jinye, nice to meet you." Pei Jinye smiled and offered his hand.

Ma Ming thought that the teacher even gave Pei Jinye the internal books, so he didn't say much.

Furthermore, Pei Jinye really wanted to be Mr. Zhong's student, it was just a matter of that one word.

"Wang Hewei, it's a pleasure to meet you." The visitor smiled brightly and said, "Is this book a gift from Mr. Zhong?"

"Yeah, I haven't had time to watch it yet." Pei Jinye said kindly with a smile.

When Wang Hewei heard this, his attitude towards Pei Jinye became more enthusiastic: "I begged Mr. Zhong for a long time, but I never got this book. It was because I passed the test later that Mr. Zhong reluctantly borrowed it." Show me it for a few days... It's a pity that my mental strength is still not enough, and the success rate of spirit possession is too low."

"Let's go." Wang Hewei beckoned, "Let's go to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda together. It just so happens that everyone has also practiced the art of possessing spirits. Maybe it can give you some inspiration."

When Pei Jinye heard this, he became interested.

In fact, Ma Mingwei didn't really want to go back to the government building. Anyway, the task Mr. Han gave him was to accompany this Mr. Pei. Seeing that Pei Jinye wanted to go, he followed.

The Big Wild Goose Pagoda has seven floors and is more than 30 meters high. In the red sun, the dexterous wild geese carved on the eaves of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda are shining brightly and vividly.

The Big Wild Goose Pagoda is a famous restaurant in Liming City, and it is also one of the landmark buildings here.

The place where Wang Hewei treats guests is on the third floor of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.

Before entering the door, Wang Hewei was chatting with the person in charge of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.

Standing beside Pei Jinye, Ma Mingwei said in a low voice: "Wang Hewei is three years older than me and works in the investigation team. This area is the protected area that their team often patrols."

Hearing the word protection, Pei Jinye understood.

Unexpectedly, at the feet of the emperor, the road is even wilder.

Their investigation team didn't dare to cover certain places openly in Dapeng City.

Wang Hewei personally brought people over for the host, and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda didn't even need to give invitations, just let them go.

Two beautiful waitresses in cheongsam led the way, and the group climbed to the third floor.

As soon as I opened the door of the box on the third floor, I heard someone talking loudly inside.

"...The beginning of disaster has already appeared in Xizhou. Don't say anything else, let's just say that our Central Continent is in dire straits right now... If this continues, it will be over sooner or later!"

"Intelligent brain dormancy self-examination is just around the corner. Troubles have already occurred in Xizhou and Nanzhou. Why hasn't Xinghuan made a move... What are the plans on the ground?"

"I heard that starting next year, the population will experience negative growth..."

"Don't think too much, those people in the Financial Secretary will find a way to stabilize the situation... Among other things, there is no plan to reduce performance in Zhongzhou recently, right?"

"The city experiment has already begun on the South Continent, and Central Continent can't escape."

"It's too exaggerated. Twenty years ago, someone said that the federation's economy was about to collapse. After twenty years of collapse, I haven't seen you and I can't eat. Wang Luo, don't be fooled by some thoughtful people on the Internet."

When Pei Jinye followed Wang Hewei into the box, the noise of arguing became even louder.

"Why don't you talk about the Old God Association, I heard that this organization has been active recently."

"Not only that, my friend in Xizhou told me that recently, the entire southern part of Xizhou has been covered in smog, and the Western Fire League has been retreating steadily. Even if there is Shachi Society to help out, a lot of land has been divided up recently."

"What are the meanings of the above, why don't you catch them all?"

"How to fight? Now there are rumors that a ninth-level powerhouse has appeared in the Old God Society, and the Federation has suffered a lot, so now it has adjusted its strategy."

"The Old Gods will come aggressively this time."

It was also after walking through the gate that Pei Jinye discovered that there was something hidden behind this box. It was not just a room, but the inner field was wide enough to accommodate dozens of people.

Right now, some people are standing and some are sitting in the hall.

The person who spoke stood tall.

Ma Mingwei whispered beside Pei Jinye: "His name is Chu Yaosan. His father is a second-level arbitrator in the legal and political circles. His mother is engaged in the jewelry industry. She studied with a teacher for three years. Wait."

Pei Jinye looked up.

Chu Yaosan said with a high voice, full of confidence: "To be honest, I went to Xizhou some time ago, and I happened to meet that new son of God you mentioned before, and I saw it from afar."

"How?" Someone asked.

"The two sons of the leader of the Western Fire Alliance died at his hands. To be honest, I dare not say how strong he is... But if I really fight, I am not an opponent."

Suddenly, there was an uproar all around.

Most people don't believe Chu Yaosan's words.

"That one is so strong?"

"There was no news before, so what is the origin of this son of God newly launched by the Old God Association?"

"You, Chu Yaosan, have already cultivated the third level of spirit-enchanting skills. Are you not your opponent? Even if you want to praise the old God Association, you wouldn't belittle yourself so much, would you?"

A naturally curly young man stood up from the seat next to him and said, his eyes were cold, and there was a two-inch-long hideous scar on his forehead.

"Belittle yourself?" Chu Yaosan chuckled and shook his head, then looked at the other party and said lightly: "Just four days ago, at least one-third of the twelve halls of the Xihuo League headquarters in Xizhou were assassinated, and a total of three of the four halls were damaged. One hall master, twelve guardians... The leader who led people to kill was the mysterious god son of the Old God Society.

Even if the hall master of the Western Fire Union is not the third rank, he is definitely the leader of the second rank. You and I may not be able to kill them, let alone kill three of them in one go! "

"Fart, he didn't kill it alone!" the natural curly youth retorted.

The two confronted each other.

Pei Jinye sat on one side, silently picking up the water glass.

Tea is okay.



In order for Wang He to come forward to appease everyone, the topic gradually shifted from the battle between the Old God Society and the Western Fire League to the black list.

"Recently, I heard that people on the black list move around less... Is something wrong?"

"Is it missing? I remember that several newcomers have made it to the list this month."

"Are you talking about Dao Ba? The origin of this person is unknown. In just a few days, he has gone from an unknown person to a celebrity with 39th in the list."

"I have never experienced it, so I will not comment."

"I heard that this one is related to the one from eight hundred years ago..."

"Master and apprentice, right? That's what I heard, but what's even more curious is, that person has lived for 800 years, so has his strength not declined?"

"Sliding down? Look at the sword god in Beizhou, does he dare to change his name to No. 1 in the world? Do you know why he dare not change his name? It's because the one from eight hundred years ago was too powerful!"

"Can a person really live for eight hundred years?"

"Ordinary people definitely can't... But what if the other party's extraordinary is longevity?"

"Then how do you explain her sword skills?"

"The talent is good, what can I say...Given you eight hundred years ago, you are a pig, and you can become a master!"

"If you talk about ordinary masters, I believe it. If you talk about peerless masters, you have no talent, and no matter how long it takes, it will be useless."

Someone suddenly looked at Wang Hewei and said, "Brother Wang, I heard that you got a treasure some time ago?"

Many people looked at Wang Hewei.

Wang Hewei waved his hands with a humble look, but the pride on his face could not be concealed: "It's not a good thing, don't I usually like to grow some flowers and plants, and I just bought a spiritual magnetic field instrument from outside. ..."

"Can people practice in it?" Someone asked curiously.

Everyone is also very concerned.

Wang Hewei shook his head: "I tried, but it didn't work. After all, people and plants are not the same..."

He took it out of his arms.

After opening it, the expressions of everyone who were still a little suspicious changed one after another, and they all regretted it.

Pei Jinye was thoughtful.

Obviously...can cultivate spiritual power?

Why didn't these people notice it in the slightest?


A group of people on the third floor are discussing.

The downstairs hall of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.

Suddenly a woman in black leather wearing high-top combat boots strode in, with a dark look on her face: "Search for me!"

Behind her were three groups of members of the investigation team, a total of dozens of people, looking around with the same cold eyes.

Big Wild Goose Pagoda can be said to be the richest tavern in this area.

If you really search for it, everyone can make a lot of money today.

Of course, they wouldn't dare to conduct a high-profile search on weekdays, but today it was mainly their team leader Zou who dared to do it.

"Search?" Chu Wenhuan, the owner of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, changed his face slightly: "Group Leader Zou, if it's a routine inspection, please don't disturb my guests."

Chu Wenhuan is an outsider, but since he came to Liming City and opened the Big Wild Goose Pagoda a few years ago, his reputation has been greatly shaken.

But he himself is just an ordinary person.

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me, don't hinder me from performing official duties, get out of the way!" Zou Qingqing stared at Chu Wenhuan coldly, feeling full of oppression.


I don't know what happened just now, this young lady has an astonishingly violent temper at the moment.

"You!" Chu Wenhuan trembled with anger.

He has been working hard in Liming City for so many years, when has he ever suffered such humiliation.

I changed my mind.

He calmed down and said coldly:

"Group Leader Zou, I am doing business innocently, and I can't stop anyone from making money. You bully my Big Wild Goose Pagoda in broad daylight. Do you really think that your family is the only one in Liming City?"

"Are you threatening me?" Zou Qingqing looked suddenly, and the next moment, the whip in his hand hit the floor tiles in front of Chu Wenhuan, blowing it directly.

Chu Wenhuan's eyelids twitched wildly, feeling the burning pain on his face.

Let's make peace, the anger in his heart just now is like pouring a basin of cold water, and quickly suppresses it.

Standing there helplessly, he watched Zou Qingqing's men rush in with his men.

no way.

He is just an ordinary person.

If it really interfered with official duties, Zou Qingqing would not have killed him on the spot.

The situation is stronger than people, and this is the tragedy of the weak.

"Team Leader Zou, I know Wang Hewei from your team. We are both acquaintances. I don't know if I can save face..." Chu Wenhuan's voice softened.

"Wang Hewei? What kind of thing is he?" Zou Qingqing looked indifferent, "Search carefully for me, anyone who dares to stop him is a traitor and he will be arrested."

A group of members of the investigative team strode forward and began searching.

Just a few minutes later, there was an angry reprimand from the box on one side.

"Who, get out! Do you know who I am!"

Chu Wenhuan's face changed, it was his son.

He turned to rush over.

In an instant, a whip fell in front of him, and the heat wave from the whip made Chu Wenhuan's footsteps stop suddenly.

"If you dare to move around, I will treat you as a suspect."

Chu Wenhuan clenched his fists tightly: "Group Leader Zou, I'm just worried about my son...go over and have a look, is there any problem?"

"I said, stand still and don't make me repeat it a third time!" Zou Qingqing's face was cold, and her tone became more and more impatient.

"Group leader Zou..." Chu Wenhuan was really worried.

But as soon as the words fell, Zou Qingqing's whip was whipped directly.

"Team Leader Zou, keep people under the whip!" Wang Hewei rushed over, grabbed Chu Wenhuan and led him back, the whip fell in front of him, and the explosion blast tore his clothes and Make a big opening.

But Zou Qingqing didn't show any face, and slammed down the whip in his hand.

Wang Hewei's face changed, and the steel knife in his hand suddenly slashed horizontally. Although he blocked the lash of the whip, the tail of the whip still hit him...

With a muffled sound, the corner of Wang Hewei's mouth overflowed with blood, and he raised his head with an ugly face: "Group leader Zou, why are you so aggressive?"

"What are you!" Zou Qingqing's face turned cold.


after the crowd.

Ma Mingwei sighed and frowned in a low voice: "How dare this young lady be so foolish?"

"Who is she?" Pei Jinye asked casually while playing with the teacup in his hand.

"Miss Zou's family belongs to the military department, and she used to be a subordinate of Mr. Cui." Ma Mingwei said in a low voice: "This young lady is usually domineering, and I don't know who provoked her today. Come to us and go crazy."

"No one cares?" Pei Jinye asked curiously.

"I can't control it." Ma Mingwei smiled wryly.

Some things cannot be said too clearly.

Pei Jinye understood.

Watching the farce downstairs.

He said casually, "You belong to Mr. Han, so it doesn't work if you come forward?"

"...I dare not." Ma Mingwei shook his head.

Pei Jinye was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled.

Brother Xiao Ma was a little bit cowardly, but he was honest.

Flipping through the book on the phone, he began to read it by himself.

Not long.

Ma Mingwei suddenly said in a low voice: "Mr. Pei, can I ask you to help? You are a big celebrity next to Mr. Han, you..."

"You can't afford to provoke me, and you let me provoke you?" Pei Jinye looked over with a half-smile.

Ma Mingwei was a little ashamed.

But Pei Jinye said again: "You tell Wang Hewei that I didn't make trouble, so you just ask him... If he is willing to give me the magnetic field meter just now, I will help him solve the trouble."



Ma Mingwei went downstairs quickly, Wang Hewei's expression changed obviously, he hesitated for a moment and then nodded heavily.

next second.

Zou Qingqing, who was still mad, suddenly flew upside down.

The arena was silent.

Even Wang Hewei and Ma Mingwei were stunned.

Have no idea what happened.

Tread Tread.

There were footsteps in the stairwell.

Someone looked up.

Everyone didn't have a deep impression of Pei Jinye. At first they thought he was Ma Mingwei's younger brother, but now it seems that this person's aura is not as strong as usual.


Zou Qingqing, who fell out of the door, swung his whip and was about to rush over.

Pei Jinye's eyes were calm: "The Knights are handling the case, and people who have nothing to do with it should disperse."

Knights! ! !

Many people stared.

If the investigation team is the sharp sword of Central Continent.

Then the Knights are the sword of the Federation!

This is not a magnitude at all!

Even Zou Qingqing regained her composure in an instant, she stared angrily at Pei Jinye who was dressed in casual clothes, her beautiful eyes almost burst into flames.

"What case does the Knights come here for!"

Pei Jinye looked over unhurriedly, his eyes were calm but extremely oppressive: "It's nothing to do with others, and I'm not qualified to ask."

He threw out an exclusive badge of the knight order.

"See clearly?"

Zou Qingqing's pretty face was cold.

She dared to provoke ordinary people, and dared to suppress her own subordinates... But she really has no confidence in the Knights!

He took a deep look at Wang Hewei and Chu Wenhuan.

Take back the whip.

"For the sake of the Knights, withdraw."

Without saying a word, she waved and led the people away quickly.

Pei Jinye looked at the woman leaving in embarrassment with great interest, and she was also a bully.

He walked up to Wang Hewei.

"Thank you, sir." How could he dare to call Junior Pei Jinye at this moment, but he also complained a little bit about Ma Mingwei, and he didn't explain his origin clearly in advance. How many pretentious things he said along the way, now Think about it, you really blush.

"It's okay, just exchange at equal value." Pei Jinye said casually.

Wang Hewei was pointed out, and hurriedly offered the magnetic field meter with both hands: "If the officer hadn't acted, I'm afraid today's situation would not be good."

Pei Jinye looked at the magnetic field meter in his hand, and said casually: "There is no suppression for no reason. It's getting late, I'll take a step first."

"Sir, walk slowly." Wang Hewei accompanied him quickly.

"Sir..." Chu Wenhuan hurriedly wanted to say something to Pei Jinye, but unfortunately, Pei Jinye never gave him this chance.

With Ma Mingwei, the two got into the car and left quickly.

After the two left.

A group of people gathered around Wang Hewei, almost all of them were asking about Pei Jinye's identity.

Wang Hewei could only smile wryly.

He actually doesn't know...


"Mr. Pei, I really want to thank you for what happened today." Ma Mingwei was driving the car, watching Pei Jinye carefully.

Pei Jinye ignored him, playing with the magnetic field meter in his hand.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Are you really a member of the Knights?"

"if not."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I've admired members of the Knights since I was a child...I never thought I'd have the opportunity to come into contact with living people in this life..."

"Stop on the side of the road, I'll throw up for a while."

"... Good sir."




Somewhere in the street a window was ajar.

"Is that person really a member of the Knights?"

"The medal is not fake."

"What a pity... If it wasn't for him, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda would have changed hands today."

"Don't look for death, the Knights are not something we can provoke." Zou Qingqing said coldly: "He can protect him for a while, but he can't protect him forever."

"I know..." The young man sighed: "It's just why people from the Knights came to us... Could it be related to the previous incident?"

Zou Qingqing didn't speak.

The young man whispered: "If it's really for that matter, you and I... can't escape."

"Shut up! Wei Tao, if you mention this again, I will kill you immediately!"

Zou Qingqing left in agitation.

Not long after she left.


A figure appeared beside the young man.

"I confess that I'm not really interested in what's going on between you two."

The young man was stiff and his pupils shrank.

Neither he nor Zou Qingqing even noticed that there was a third person here.


In an instant, endless darkness engulfed him on the spot.



Three minutes later.

"Sir." Ma Ming changed clothes to see Pei Jinye appear, and hurried forward to greet him.

Pei Jinye glanced at the sky: "Find a shop on the side of the road and make another lunch. I'll treat you."

"You are too polite, sir, please."

"Well, please."


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