I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 249 [257] I ask the heavens with the sea of ​​blood, the family can be destroyed, and the go

Under the bombardment of countless sword glow explosions, the terrifying wind blew out. The man in black shirt couldn't resist anymore, let out a scream, and was immediately carried away by the torrent of air.

The blood was splashed in mid-air, and the arc of the splash reflected a certain kind of cruel beauty under the brilliance of the streamer.


The huge body of the man in black shattered the rock wall behind him, and clouds of smoke and dust shot out in all directions.

This made Feng Jiao, who had just stood by the wall, a little sluggish for a moment. In the silence at this moment, she didn't dare to breathe, and watched all this happen.

Before this, she never thought that this already extremely ferocious fight would take place in such a short period of time... It seemed as if the dust had fallen to the ground.

His eyes naturally moved to the figure walking to the side...

Feng Jiao's heart shook wildly.

so amazing! so amazing!

As a passive counterattacker who fought against that man in black shirt more than ten times, how could Feng Jiao not know how terrifying this guy's martial arts strength is.


The other party has never shown him extraordinary power from the beginning to the end, and it is already so terrifying.

And it was such a murderous man who was defeated by the mysterious man sent by the old Patriarch Jiang with no fancy head-to-head!

He... who the hell?

Feng Jiao's eyes seemed to be fixed on Pei Jinye.

There was a sudden tremor on the ground.

Countless rock spears rushed towards Pei Jinye, roaring like an angry dragon.

Pei Jinye raised his hand.

Jianmang surged.

The same vast rush forward.

The two forces rushed together.

"too strong!"

Such a thought seemed to have taken root in Feng Jiao's mind, and it kept reverberating.

In the center of the scene, except for Pei Jinye and the man in black who used their supernatural powers to bombard each other, not even a single extra stone was seen.

"Who the hell are you?" The black-clothed man's voice was hoarse. He had previously injured his internal organs due to his carelessness by the opponent's sword intent. Now that he has entered the element to lock the injury, he will be fine for a while.


He didn't expect that the other party could really hurt him!

"It's not the first time I've come to Zhongzhou, who else is there besides Chu Tianye?"

"Your sword skills are a bit similar to those guys from Beizhou."

Pei Jinye remained indifferent to the words of the man in black, and the murderous intent burst out from his eyes, continuously urging the bright sword light in front of him with a powerful and domineering posture.

The air in front of him was torn apart by the beam of light formed by the terrifying sword light.

"Drill the way alone!"

An inexplicable voice roared from the mouth of the man in black.

Suddenly he was taller.

His eyes were wide open, and he let out an earth-shattering roar!

At the same time as the roar was released, a white line burst out from his mouth, and the loud noise that almost shattered the eardrums echoed in the circle of the square stone wall.

Feng Jiao was seriously injured, and was sent flying out on the spot, completely unconscious.

Violently and violently.

The invisible force suddenly rushed forward, and Pei Jinye's sword glow was instantly blocked and stopped.

But the pause was extremely short.

Just half a breath away.

But even so... After a pause of only half a breath, the man in the black shirt had turned into a giant over three meters tall, looking down at Pei Jinye who was barely halfway up to his waist, with a ferocious smile, he strangled away with both arms in an instant !

Previously, because of his own carelessness, he was injured by Pei Jinye's sword. He lost his chance and retreated in a row. This time, he caught the gap... The situation can be reversed in an instant!

For masters, technique is important, but momentum is even more important!

It's like Feng Jiao facing him, going all out and failing again and again...

In the eyes of the man in black, Pei Jinye is relying on his indomitable spirit to pursue the victory now.

From the perspective of cultivation, he is the master of refining the viscera for the seventh time!

Stabilize Pei Jinye's head!

But in the end, he was suppressed and forced to be extremely embarrassed, even kneeling in front of the opponent.

But now I have used the secret method myself! Breaking Pei Jinye's spirit, as long as he is given a little more chance, even a little bit, he can turn the situation around.

After all—now he has the upper hand!


The man in the black shirt had a hideous face.

"Let me tell you, the gap in the realm of martial arts can never be made up by relying on techniques! You are really stupid to want to kill me!"

However, at this moment, facing the man in black shirt's ferocity, Pei Jinye also responded with ferocity.

"Transformation? I can do this too!"

The smile fell into the eyes of the man in black, and suddenly his heart seemed to miss a beat, and a bad feeling immediately rose.

next moment.

Pei Jinye raised his whole body.

The scorching air waves, which were more terrifying than before, vented in all directions.

Step down.

The ground collapsed without resistance!

The man in the black shirt only felt that the world in front of him seemed to be filled with a sea of ​​blood, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he looked up subconsciously, his face changed wildly——

I saw a giant more than ten meters tall, like a demon god walking out of a sea of ​​blood.

The billowing scorching flames soared to the surroundings, the long hair of the man in the black shirt flew wildly instantly, and the muscles on his face even trembled.

This instantaneous change almost broke the worldview he had always cultivated.

Looking at the calf in front of him that was almost half as thick as his body, but he barely reached the joint of the opponent's calf.

The self-confidence built up over the years began to collapse at this moment.

"You! What the hell! What monster!"

The expression on the man's face in black has been completely distorted, under the bright light, it's like seeing a ghost.


The moment Pei Jinye's huge body disappeared, the world seemed to be divided into two, and the scorching tropical flaming air wave was like an expanding circle of flames being burned in the middle of a piece of paper. The fast speed spreads rapidly.

At the same time, there are hundreds of sword glows accompanying it!

The sky suddenly dawned!

Between lightning and flint.

A thought flashed through the mind of the man in black.

"Is he a human or a god!"

Feeling the scorching air waves blowing towards his face, he didn't want to dodge it, in fact, he didn't have time to dodge it.

But he has confidence.

Because he is in the Dirty Refining Realm!

Suddenly, with a three-meter body, he grabbed at the huge black shadow that was rushing towards him.

It is undeniable that this mysterious young martial artist from Central Continent is extremely weird in his practice.

The swordsmanship is transcendent!

Huge energy and blood!

Now it is even possible to transform into such a terrifying figure!

This tribal king who was born in the north, it is hard to imagine how the weak Central Continent in his impression could raise such a terrifying existence!


The moment the two forces came into contact, an explosion erupted, like countless divine thunders being squeezed and exploding!

"Damn it! His strength is actually..."

Under the violent impact of the sound wave, the man in black immediately sensed something was wrong, his internal organs trembled, and his passive and active figure backed away again and again.

The secret method that he has always relied on, Alone Dao, has already scratched the charging sword light, but he never expected that the moment he touched the opponent's palm, an extremely domineering force slammed into all parts of his body !

Retreating ten meters away, he slammed into the rock wall he had set up earlier, and the rocks splashed down.

He couldn't tolerate the man in black shirt thinking too much.

Because that terrifying man rushed over again!


The moment the air wave rushed in, the expression of the man in black shirt changed wildly again.

There was hardly any time to react, and the sound of thunderclap came again. Without any parry, the sword glow and the huge black shadow directly enveloped him.



The black-shirted man, who had already suffered internal injuries, received another severe blow like never before, this made the situation even worse!

The painful feeling of tearing made the man in black finally feel a sense of imminent disaster in his heart.

Such a terrifying and weird method... He has never seen it on a person.

The figure of the man in black was retreating violently, his eyes widened, and he roared wildly in his heart:

"Impossible! Impossible! How could I lose! How could I lose!"


And this is just the beginning.

Pei Jinye stared fiercely at the opponent's mental power which had dropped to 55 points.

not enough!

The huge body more than ten meters high crushed the air along the way. In the sky-shaking roar, madly followed the roaring and dodging man in black.


Stepping down the dragon with one step!

The stature is soaring.

Leaving behind a long stream of red flames.


Step again!

Follows you like a shadow - kills you while you are sick!

No matter how the black-clothed man dodges in fright and anger, Pei Jinye's figure is constantly approaching, and the terrifying sword light directly shatters the surrounding rock walls...

Then Pei Jinye reached out and pressed the back of the man in black.

The void flashed.

A violent explosion sounded instantly.

The man in black was full of anger and fear.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"


Blood was thrown in the air again, the body of the man in black shirt knocked over the green bamboos all the way, but he was so panicked that he didn't even have a chance to lie on the ground to catch his breath, and the moment he fell to the ground, he crawled and rolled on the ground in a panic , like a mad dog trying to get rid of Pei Jinye's pursuit.

Looking at the black-shirted man who was backlashed by the secret method and started to go crazy, Pei Jinye had no expression on his face.

"It can be over."

The turbulent ice on the ground shrouded away, and under the siege, the sword in Pei Jinye's hand cut down involuntarily.


Beads of blood slid down from the tip of the sword.

Pei Jinye's big hand took it down brazenly.


In the next second, endless darkness instantly enveloped the man in black.

The crazy expression also stopped abruptly.


"Only I can see the divine map! That means—"

"I, Wu Rilie, am destined to be the king of the Bunting Clan!"


"Xiong Suxin, my woman! It's a pity that she is not of my race, so I can only be a lowly maid!"


"Someone dares to kill my woman! He is provoking me, Wu Rilie, and our entire Bunting clan!"


"Ah, I'm not reconciled!!!"


The smoke and dust dispersed.

Pei Jinye slowly opened his eyes.

There are a few more lines on the property panel.


[New Extraordinary Gene: Ling Lie Boulder Body]

[Add extraordinary ability: Stone Explosion (manipulate under the rock, double the fighting power of Qi and blood techniques)]

[New skill 1: Stonehenge (entry 20%) (in Stonehenge, blood consumption is reduced by 20%)]

[New skill 2: Boulder secret storage (incomplete) (entry 1%) (inspires the limit potential of the human body, and the body size can be enlarged)]


"God map?"

Pei Jinye raised his eyebrows slightly.

This man named Wu Rilie came from an ancient tribe in Beizhou. He was killed by Jian Shi, known as the sword god of Beizhou, and disappeared from the world since then.

And the other party actually held a real ancient weapon in his hand!

Pei Jinye's eyes suddenly became hot.

Suddenly there was a bunting Japanese clan in the book of life and death.

"In the future, I will definitely come to the door to thank you!"

This is the first time that Pei Jinye participated in the battle as a giant blood nightmare!

I have to say that although the consumption is huge, it is enjoyable.

turn around.

He lifted Feng Jiao's body.

Disappeared in place in an instant.


Tenjin International.

"It is confirmed that the people of the Bunting Clan have appeared in our Central Continent. Since they disappeared, they have been out of the world for nearly a hundred years...Mr. Sang, it is time to return the things we stored in the Bunting Clan back then. "


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