I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 216 [218] Moyuan is close to the butcher's heart, if you want you to kneel, you will kn

The car accident in the Jiang family's big house caused waves in a small area.

What made many people talk about it even more was that Mr. Jiang Qingcang went to a hot pot restaurant called Pei's Haidilao. This old man usually lives reclusively, so it's surprising that he suddenly came out like this.

Of course, only certain people were shocked.

town Hall.

When Governor Zhou Weiren heard about this, the first thing he thought of was: "Does the old fox of the Jiang family also know about the relationship between the boy from the Pei family and Mr. Han?"

"This..." Secretary Lin hesitated.

He hadn't heard about it at all.

What's more, not many people know about the relationship between Pei Jinye and Mr. Han.

No one knew the content of the conversation between the two that day.

"The one from Jiang's family is an old fox..." Zhou Weiren fell into deep thought.

Secretary Lin said in a low voice: "Governor, from another perspective, if Mr. Jiang is really willing to bet on Mr. Pei, then in a sense he can be your ally. If you have his support, you will be less likely to fight corruption in the future." A lot of resistance."

Zhou Weiren looked up at him.

"Lets see."

In fact, he was also a little moved.


Jiang's back mountain.

"You mean to take care of that store?" The middle-aged butler carefully confirmed what the old man meant.

"Normal care is enough. The one from his family is the real outstanding talent to invest in..." Pei Jinye praised himself without hesitation.

He knew that there were a bunch of big shots standing behind him.

He was also worried that his trumpet status was too detached, so don't let those big guys behind him kill him.

Show some kind signals, even if you don't have to contact those people behind you...the other party will be more or less scrupulous, and won't hurt their feelings.

He wasn't worried about the senior sister's side, but the senior sister didn't care about the human relations in Dapeng City because she didn't eat fireworks.

What he cares about is Zhou Weiren.

Before he was reborn for the first time, Zhou Weiren could take advantage of the opportunity of killing the Jiang family's big house, and clean the city hall in one go.

Right now, he has personally paved another way for the other party, and he also doesn't want Zhou Weiren to have any unreasonable thoughts because of the internal strife in the Jiang family.

He still has some nostalgia for the governor.


Jiang Pinghe had a car accident on the front foot, and without waiting for the big house of the Jiang family to be shocked and furious, Jiang Xincheng personally brought people and cleaned up all the people on the list who colluded with the Wu family.

The person with the original surname of the Jiang family lost a leg, and the person with the other surname was killed directly.

During the whole process, none of the members of the Jiang family's big house dared to stop him.

Jiang Xincheng then came to the old man of Jiang's family. He still had some respect for this old man whose mental outlook was more than twice that of Jiang Qingcang...at least in his tone.

A certain younger generation of Jiang's family stepped on his feet, and he said calmly: "Old man, people live forever, family and everything prosper, do you think this is the truth?"

The old man of the Jiang family's big house kept a cold face and didn't speak.

Jiang Xincheng smiled and said, "Don't be angry with me. The one in the family told me that it's not up to outsiders to intervene in the affairs of my own family. It's okay for Jiang Pinghe to be a bit crooked. He even comes to provoke you. I thought my Jiang family was a dog, and the Wu family was the master. You have lived most of your life, so don’t make yourself unhappy at the last moment. You must know who the old man is better than me. This time is a warning, and next time It's hard to say."


He led the team and turned to leave.

The young man who was trampled on just now was so angry that he rushed up to sneak attack, but Jiang Xincheng chopped off an arm with a sword.

Amidst the screams, the people in the Jiang family's big house were full of shock and anger.

Jiang Xincheng looked around, Jiang Lingsu, the charming little girl in the past, was already trembling with fright at this moment.

Disdainful smile.

Jiang Xincheng led the team to leave.


In the big house of the Jiang family, smoke and dust billowed.

The old man waved his hand weakly: "Go and save people."

"Father, the second wife of the Jiang family has gone too far this time!" Jiang Lingsu's father said angrily.

The old man looked at him calmly, "You can't be angry, but you did it just now."

Jiang Lingsu's father immediately blushed.

The old man sighed, as if he understood it completely: "All these years, Jiang Qingcang has allowed us to develop, after all...that person never put us in his eyes. This farce... let's stop here. "

After finishing speaking, he turned around and went to the back mountain where he retreated.

Everyone in the big room looked at each other.


When Jiang Xincheng returned to the ancestral house to ask for instructions, the middle-aged butler did not dare to breathe.

How many years have passed, this time the old man's method is quite decisive.

He looked quietly.

The old man was flipping through the exercise booklet in his hand calmly.

After Jiang Xincheng reported, he bowed and retreated.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Pei Jinye slowly raised his head: "Order to make a medicinal meal."

"Good sir."

The middle-aged man went to order.

Pei Jinye put down the booklet in his hand, closed his eyes slightly, and kept modeling techniques in his mind.


Suddenly the phone vibrated.

Pei Jinye did not open his eyes.

Checked the message in my mind directly with the talent of the spiritual network.

Yinshu: 【Did you really kill the Luo Jinhu brothers? 】

Silver technique: [Bullfrog bullfrog. 】

Yinshu: [Since when did you become so powerful, it's so annoying. 】

Yinshu: [Oh yes, I almost forgot the important thing, Lou Hai came, he said that the elders are waiting for you to come over. 】

Pei Jinye: "..."

"Master..." As soon as the middle-aged butler appeared with the medicinal meal, Pei Jinye got up to leave.

"Leave it to me, you all go down."

Pei Jinye took over the ceramic steamer for medicinal meals.

The middle-aged housekeeper withdrew the people.

With one thought in mind, the ceramic steamer was stored in a private warehouse.

Putting on the mask, Pei Jinye's figure disappeared into the back mountain of Jiang's house faster than before.


Inside the bar.

Seeing Pei Jinye appearing so quickly, Yinshu was stunned: "You came so fast?"

"It just happened to be nearby." Pei Jinye said concisely, maintaining his image of aloof and cold devil king.

There was a strange head poking out of the door, and Hong Luo looked Pei Jinye up and down, then leaned closer and asked in a low voice: "Brother Demon King, can I go with you to learn more? I heard that the leader of Xihuo Alliance Now there is a five million reward for your head."

Pei Jinye looked at the words, and said in a kind tone, "Then do you want it?"

Hongluo shook her head decisively.

Lou Hai came over at this time: "Hongluo, don't make trouble. The elder still has business..."

Red sticks out her tongue.

Lou Hai looked at the Demon King: "The Xihuo League suddenly came to call for formation, the elder meant to let you practice your skills."

Pei Jinye raised his eyebrows: "Weapon?"

Lou Hai smiled and said, "Elder guesses that you will definitely ask that question, so the sword has been prepared for you. As long as you are ready, we will set off immediately."

Pei Jinye nodded: "Then make a quick decision, and go back to drink the medicine after killing."


Lou Hai laughed dryly, pretending he didn't hear anything.

The space-time tunnel opened, and when Pei Jinye was about to go in, Yinshu whispered from behind, "Come on."

Pei Jinye looked back at her, smiled silently, and then the whole person and Lou Hai disappeared in place.


"Where's the elder?"

Pei Jinye came to the small courtyard again and found that the elder was not there, so he couldn't help being curious.

"I dare not ask where the elder is going." Lou Hai shook his head and said, he led Pei Jinye to the edge of the pond, and there was a sword standing in front of the stone table.

It is Moyuan.

Pei Jinye took the sword and smiled: "Elder, you are a fastidious person."

Lou Hai twitched the corner of his mouth, not daring to answer.

Putting Moyuan back into its sheath, Pei Jinye looked up at the wind and sand that filled the sky above the courtyard.

"Go, kill people."


Yellow sand filled the sky.

Pei Jinye's convoy shuttled through this endless sea of ​​sand.

Suddenly Pei Jinye opened his eyes suddenly, as if he heard something.



With a loud noise, a fiery and dazzling sea of ​​flames burst out of this sea of ​​sand in an instant.

Accompanied by the earth-shattering loud noise, countless dust waves rolled up in the soaring flames, turning into an overwhelming sandstorm, rolling like a boundless sea of ​​anger.

At this moment, Lou Hai, who was ten kilometers away, couldn't help but look up. Looking at the scarlet flame that kept rising into the sky and blooming, his face changed completely.

Roaring loudly: "Quick, save people!"

He couldn't imagine the consequences of this matter...

But what is certain is that if the Demon King is really dead, then these people will definitely be buried with him!


After the scorching dust wave experienced its final bloom, there was still some residual warmth.

Pei Jinye slowly raised his head, looking at the flames in the sky that looked like flowers blooming on the other side, and the broken hair on his forehead rolled against the waves of fire.

Someone wants to kill him!

If it wasn't for his powerful perception to predict this, he would have dodged in time.

Then the explosion just now was not just as simple as burning his skin.

Under the rebirth of flesh and blood.

Pei Jinye's body recovered quickly.

He tore off the tattered clothes on his body, revealing his strong upper body, and directly put on the Yanling dragon armor.

under the mask.

Pei Jinye's eyes were full of killing intent.

There was a sound of "rubbing".

The Moyuan standing on the ground flew back into his hands suddenly.

Slowly raise your head.

"So what about madness, what about killing you all!"


Three kilometers away.

In the sand dunes amidst the wind and sand, two figures were wearing sand shields and holding binoculars. From time to time, they whisper to each other.

"do you died?"

"How can it be so powerful that it can't be killed!"

"I don't know who the person in the car is... If it's a senior member of the Old God Association, we've done a great job this time."

"Such a big show, it must be a big shot, and I will go digging through the corpse later."

"After guarding for so long, it can be regarded as encountering this big fish!"


A roiling heat wave rushed towards the face, and before one of them got up to brush off the falling sand on the mirror, the protective shield wrapped around his throat was pierced, and a flower of blood splashed out.


The corpse flew upside down.

The person next to him was suddenly frightened, and hurriedly retreated. A short blade in his sleeve instantly blocked the palm that Pei Jinye was grabbing.

However, he had no idea that the strength of the incoming person would be so great.

The arm holding the short blade broke just as soon as it was touched by the opponent.

The screams just sounded.

The man grabbed it with one hand, and the fierce qi directly exploded the hood, and the overbearing grab pressed his face.

Two words pronounced his doom on the spot.


I'm going to have breakfast, and there will be another chapter later~ I beg my big brothers for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support~

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