I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 210 [212] Knocking bamboo sticks, all brothers in the world (ask for monthly tickets, please

Half of Luo Jinshi's body was bloody and bloody, and without waiting for him to catch his breath, he pressed a hand on his face brazenly.


The two words are concise and concise, as if the death sentence of the falling golden lion has been pronounced.

He widened his eyes, very unwilling.

But in an instant, endless darkness swallowed his consciousness.

At the same time, a large number of memories flooded into Pei Jinye's mind.


[New extraordinary gene: Body Gangquan]

[Add extraordinary ability: Hot Sky Fist]

[New skills...]


One couldn't hold back, Pei Jinye decided to seek wealth and wealth, but just after devouring Chaofan of the Falling Golden Lion, a slash of light came to the top of his head in a blink of an eye, and was about to fall down.

But in the next second, the faceless elder appeared in front of Pei Jinye, and the light in the sky was crushed by a more domineering force.

"Inorganic!!!" Angrily shouted from afar.


Pei Jinye silently raised his head to look at the figure in front of him.

The faceless elder laughed heartily indifferently: "You Xihuomeng killed my disciple first, and now killing your two heirs counts as interest. Xihuomeng—"

"That's all!"

The last four words roared out.

These seven words echoed throughout the world.

The figures dormant in the dark along the way exploded into blood mist one after another.

Such terrifying methods also gave Pei Jinye a little more awareness of the strength of the faceless elder.

【Damn, I'm so weak】

"Good job."

The faceless elder didn't even look at the blood mist exploding nearby, and turned around to look at Pei Jinye. Although he couldn't see his face, the smile on his brows and eyes was really bright.


Pei Jinye followed the faceless elder, and behind him were a group of strong men from the Old God Association, walking mightily in the wind and sand... soon disappeared.

It wasn't until all the people from the Old God's Association disappeared that people began to show up one after another.

"When did the Old Gods have such a powerful disciple?"

"The one who protects the Dharma personally from the Old God Association, isn't this the son of God from the Old God Association?"

"The old god will have a new son?"

All around speechless.

"This new son of God... is so strong."

"...It's also very murderous!"


The leader of the Xihuo League lost two sons one after another within a day. When the news spread, half of the Western Continent began to have undercurrents.


In the courtyard.

The faceless elder was in a good mood, "You really didn't disappoint me."

He ordered: "Go and get that set of Yanling dragon armor."

Pei Jinye was curious.

But the faceless elder signaled him to return Moyuan, and Pei Jinye secretly praised him for being stingy.

The faceless elder seemed to see through what he meant, and scolded with a smile: "It's not enough to have a Shenxiao, and I still miss the old man's Moyuan. In terms of ranking, my sword is not as good as your Shenxiao, so you can be content."

After being told by the elder, Pei Jinye felt better, and refused to admit that he coveted Moyuan: "It is enough for me to have Shenxiao, really."

The faceless elder smiled lightly.

The subordinates have already brought up a set of Yan Linglong armor painted with flame patterns.

The elder motioned Pei Jinye to put it on.

"This armor can be activated by qi and blood. It is forged from the scales of the Yan Linglong. It is made of high-quality materials. Now I give it to you."

Pei Jinye circulated his qi and blood a little, and there seemed to be a flame dragon swimming inside the armor.

But what Pei Jinye cares more about is...

When he was mobilizing his energy and blood, he clearly noticed that this armor seemed to have some kind of connection with himself. He didn't know if it was an illusion, and even felt that if he worked hard, he might even summon a flame dragon.

"Elder, can this dragon...can be summoned?"

The faceless elder just smiled heartily: "Whether you can summon it or not depends on your own good fortune. Experience it carefully. Basically, you can't touch this kind of treasure in the Federation. If you don't accept the star ring in your mind You can't enjoy such a treasure at all if you put a chip in it. But my old gods will be different, heavy treasures, those who can live in it!"

Pei Jinye narrowed his gaze: "The elder is wise."

"Will you blame me for pushing you out?" Faceless Elder suddenly looked over.

Under the mask, Pei Jinye's expression didn't change at all: "It's nothing more than killing people, I have nothing to worry about."

The faceless elder was amused by Pei Jinye's words, but he didn't say anything, "I'll let Lou Hai take you back."

"That elder... the fight just now was a bit exhausting. Do you have any miraculous medicines to restore vitality or mental strength? I don't want more. Ten or eight pills can be used for some meaning."



"Lou Hai! Lou Hai!"

Not long after, Pei Jinye was brought back to Dapeng City by Lou Hai.

When the ears finally cleared up, the faceless elder sighed helplessly: "This little guy, who looks harmless to humans and animals, climbs up as soon as he is given a pole. I'm afraid he really misses my Demon Abyss."

Mosuo held the long sword in his hand.

The blade of the sword issued a crisp sword sound.

The faceless elder was thoughtful, "This kid's swordsmanship..."

Laugh softly for a moment.

"As expected of the person chosen by the oracle..."

Two figures, one gold and one silver, appeared and knelt down on one knee: "Elder, we have tracked down the retreat location where the leader of the Xihuo League is hiding."

The faceless elder has restrained his smile: "It can be killed."



Return to the bar.

Pei Jinye was holding a box in his hand, and Lou Hai was so envious... These days, there are still people who dare to knock on the elder's bamboo pole, and this person is probably the only one in front of him.

"The devil."

Seeing Pei Jinye appearing, Yinshu was obviously a little surprised: "This is?"

"The little thing the elder gave me is too outlandish. If you insist on stuffing me with some local specialties, you can't stop it." Pei Jinye laughed, and suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped the red radish away. The little hand that sneaked over.

The little girl was startled, jumped to one side, squinted at Pei Jinye angrily... "Stingy."


Pei Jinye hugged the box: "Let's talk next time, I have to go back."

"Go slowly." Lou Hai said very politely.

He is well aware of the position of the Demon King in the mind of the elders.

After Pei Jinye left.

Hong Luo leaned closer to Lou Hai and asked curiously, "What is the elder doing with the Demon King?"

"Look back and listen to the outside news more, you will know soon." Lou Hai said with emotion: "It's amazing."

He suddenly looked at Yinshu, just smiled, and then said: "I won't stay any longer, take my leave."

After finishing speaking, he drilled into the space tunnel and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"It looks so mysterious..." When Hongluo thought of the big box that Pei Jinye was holding, she couldn't help but rubbed her little hand that had just been photographed, "Stingy."

Yinshu yawned...


Jiang's back mountain.

Pei Jinye went through a lot of tricks before returning here with the big box.

The goal of the Yanling Dragon Armor is really big.

And on the bright side, Pei Jinye didn't dare to wear it.

But suddenly Pei Jinye slapped himself on the head.

"I'm a fool!"

Only then did he suddenly remember that he had a private warehouse in the Lianhua Baojian.

"Drying the frame made me stupid. I obviously had storage space but forgot to use it."

With a thought.

The large box of metal in front of him was thrown into a private warehouse.

Pei Jin's ambition moved again, and the box reappeared in front of him.

After trying several times, Pei Jinye took back the box with satisfaction, and put it in the private warehouse together with the Yanling Dragon Armor.

Although the faceless elder was reluctant, he still gave him a few bottles of internally refined pills.

Looking at the small red pill in his hand, Pei Jinye thought about it and put it away. Being cautious by nature, he felt that he should try it first.

After returning to Jiang's house.

Pei Jinye began to devour the blood spirit fruit, drinking the blue potion as a drink, and quickly recovered three attributes.

During this period, he found a middle-aged housekeeper.

"Why is this the only thing left in the blood spirit fruit?"

"Master, we are still purchasing, and now the amount in one month is comparable to the total amount in the past two or three months..." The middle-aged housekeeper quickly explained.

Pei Jinye waved his hand to signal him to back down.


Suddenly, the virus package placed in Tianshen International suddenly started to run.

Useless information was filtered out, the scope of confirmation quickly narrowed, and soon a section of dialogue messages continued to come.


"There is a problem in the laboratory... The bronze coffin excavated from the Dragon Cave is missing, and everyone in the laboratory is dead..."

"Is it an external invasion?"

"Now the headquarters suspect that the person killed in the bronze coffin..."

"Is this bronze coffin a cursed object?"

"It's not clear yet."

"Forget about what to do with so many things, we are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles from the headquarters..."

"The death of the Lin brothers...do you have any opinion?"

"Skills are not as good as people's. They were killed. It's a matter of course. Don't think too much. Look at how many years the Lin brothers have been with the surnamed Sang. Isn't it like that after death? This old guy's heart is really cold. made."

"Okay, let's cooperate with him at the headquarters... It's better not to make it too ugly."


The conversation is over.

Pei Jinye was thoughtful.

But it was quickly forgotten.

"Let me see where the warehouses of the gods are..."

"We are all brothers in the four seas, so lending me is not a problem at all."

Around seven o'clock in the evening.

Tenshen International's transport truck was hijacked on the way to the warehouse.

The scene was a mess.

This incident made the top management of Tianshen International very angry.

After so many years, there are still people looking for death to rob their gods.

This incident was also talked about by the major gangs in Dapeng City.

They all speculated on whose handwriting it came from.

Pei Jinye moved all the goods to the back mountain of Jiang's house, and the private space is already full, so there are still a lot of goods that need to be hidden here in the back mountain of Jiang's house.

If it weren't for his ability to summon shadow clones and use metal mind power, he really couldn't do it alone if he wanted to move such a thing away.

in view.

Tianshen International only added manpower for transportation, and even distributed the security personnel of the warehouse to transportation protection.

For a time, Pei Jinye thought that the warehouse supervisor of Tianshen International was his internal agent.


eight pm.

Lin Xiawei suddenly called.

"I'll give you thirty minutes to finish what you're doing. Come to the base. There's an urgent mission. Don't tell anyone else."

Pei Jinye murmured in his heart.

Lin Xiawei is not the kind of person who is aimless.

But there was no dawdling.

Within twenty minutes, he appeared in Lin Xiawei's office.

At the same time, there were several members of the investigation team that he didn't know, each with a strong aura.

Please ask for a monthly ticket~~Thank you guys~

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