I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

It's the end of the year, ask for a ticket

Seeing that it has broken a thousand, thank you guys for your encouragement to Mengxin~ The fourth correction is being written~ Then it’s the end of the year, please ask for a ticket, and the boss who still has tickets will let Mengxin learn more~O(∩_∩ )O~

(Mainly measured the body temperature and felt a little emotional, so I posted a single chapter)

Body temperature finally returned to normal, almost moved to tears! ! ! It’s been five days, and the previous low-grade fever doesn’t count. It’s officially started from the nightmare on Saturday night and the cold sweat. Until now, every night is the most weak time... I don’t know how many times I will experience it in the future. I hope everything will go well. That side, pray.

Talk about an update. Up to now this month, 287,000 words have been updated. Except for the few days when I fell down, there are more than 10,000 words in three chapters every day. Occasionally, I will be moved by the support of the big guys to add more~ I don’t think my limit is here, so big Dude, give me more chances, a newbie like me won’t cherish words like gold like a master (manually funny


While coughing and typing these words, I feel that I am recovering, except occasionally when typing quickly, my brain is a little swollen and painful, everything feels like I am recovering.

Countdown to the new year, I wish everyone a happy new year in advance, everything goes well, all wishes come true, and from this moment on, I will all make a fortune for me! ! ! !


(Ask for a ticket, ask for a double monthly ticket at the end of the month (beep in a low voice)

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