I can summon myself

Chapter 99 Where is classmate Bai Chen?

"You actually pretended to be cool and ran away?"

"Where is your sense of honor in Yanyu Academy?"

"Contempt, despise, despise!"

The public channel was full of ridicule from teachers and students.

But there are heads on Poppy's side, and there are 108 college bosses on Maggie's side. But they let out a long sigh of relief.

None of the academy's top brass wanted to confront a war machine like the Bear bomber.

The Jiangnan is a scientific research ship, and combat is not its core purpose.

The Brood was put together in a hurry. The joint team composed of 108 colleges were not familiar with each other at all. It was already very good to be able to barely make the Brood fly, but where did it come from with its combat power?

"Poppy, don't make your own decisions in the future."

"Maggie, you are so impulsive."

That is to say, Yanyu Academy does not want to waste time.

Otherwise, their chances of making a fool of themselves in front of the melon-eaters are far greater than their chances of winning.

They pursed their lips and were very envious of the guy who just ran away.

The choice of commander was decided at the drop of a hat, and with the full support of the entire Misty Rain Academy, there were no constraints on him.

Bai Chen, whom they had never met before, left a deep impression on them.

"Intensify your training and strive to develop basic cooperation capabilities before entering ocean shipping lanes."

"Ignore Misty Rain Academy and the others, even if they take the first step, they still have to line up in Channel 5."

The skies in the age of psychic energy were far more violent than before the advent of psychic energy.

Ubiquitous psychic cyclones, flying behemoths that live in the clouds all their lives, and various supernatural phenomena spawned by psychic powers turn the sky into a chaotic area more dangerous than the land.

After countless generations of awakenings, Dongtu, the strongest human being, has only ensured the relative safety of the airspace within 35,000 meters of its territory.

The sky thirty-five thousand meters away is still the territory of flying creatures.

As long as you leave the territory, except for a few air channels that are accessible, the wild airspace outside the channels is full of dangers.

The closest ocean air channel to the Jiangnan region is Channel 5, a thousand kilometers away.

Therefore, even if Yanyu Academy pretends to be cool and runs away. They can only stay near Channel 5 and wait for the Jiangnan and the Brood to arrive, and then pass through in groups with teams from other regions.

Because even in relatively safe waterways, human aircraft can only form large groups to ensure maximum safety.

"Continue with the original plan and show everyone our power 360 degrees without blind spots."

"It doesn't matter if Yanyu Academy escapes, Jiangnan (Brother's Nest) is our opponent."

The Bear bombers advancing at full speed on the other side had already flown out of the Eastern continental shelf.

Everyone immediately felt the difference when they returned to an altitude of 35,000 meters.

"The psychic intensity here is fifteen times that of our Yanyu City."

"There are psychic cyclones everywhere, and terrifying psychic hurricanes everywhere."

"A level 12 psychic tornado with an average wind speed exceeding 150 meters per second, and psychic lightning with a voltage exceeding 100 million volts!"

"The psychic energy fluctuations emitted by powerful creatures can appear on our radar screen five thousand kilometers away."

“This is the legendary wild airspace, it’s so exciting!”

The teachers and students shouted excitedly.

Most of them came to this place outside human control for the first time.

Whether it was cyclones, tornadoes, lightning that were visible to the naked eye, or flying behemoths that were out of sight but left dense red dots on radars and detection arrays, they all brought an unprecedented impact to them.

For the first time, everyone discovered that the sky was so dangerous.

It turns out that there are so many areas on earth that we have never been to.

The high altitude in a psychic environment is so colorful.

This feeling is really great.

The old wizard and a group of college bosses stood side by side by the transparent porthole.

Although the world outside the window was full of destruction, the Bear bomber under their feet was flying smoothly.

Bai Chen's psychic energy text shimmered, forming a completely transparent psychic shield on the surface of the machine. This layer of bubbles that seemed to burst with a poke actually silently impacted the ubiquitous psychic energy from the outside world. of resolution.

Not only that, the matrix array with the function of hiding the breath has turned the mammoth giant bear with a wingspan of more than 200 meters into a small transparency in the eyes of the flying giants.

The old wizard and the college bosses felt very at ease.

"The sky does not produce white stars, and the mist and rain are like a long night."

The strange old wizard's emotion made the college bosses nod their heads.

Although they can't even understand the most basic psychic formulas in Bai Chenju's article, it doesn't hinder their appreciation of Bai Chen at all.

The birth of classmate Bai Chen from his own college is simply a gift from God to Yan Yu.

"By the way, where is classmate Bai Chen?"

The old monster Wu looked at Wu Huang'er who could hang soy sauce on his mouth.

Wu Huanger pointed to another porthole.

Following the direction of her finger, everyone saw a mechanical arm on the back of the machine extending beyond the shield. The spherical multi-functional compartment at the end of the mechanical arm had its metal top cover opened. Bai Chen sat with his legs crossed inside the transparent inner shell. On the alloy chair, he held a book in one hand and snacks in the other.

Violent spiritual energy from all departments poured into the multi-functional warehouse from all directions.

Bai Chen acted like a normal person.

Chewing snacks in his mouth, and from time to time he would pick up happy water and drink it happily.

The old witch narrowed his eyes.

Bai Chen, in his psychic vision state, transformed into a black hole.

Within ten meters, all the torrent of psychic energy that passed through him was completely absorbed by him.

These terrifying energies, which are incapable of being used by any normal awakener, were all accepted by Bai Chen with a smile.

"Tsk, this technique is open to all!"

"There is no sign of cultivation, but it can be operated on its own!"

Wu Laoguai and a group of college leaders were full of envy.

The spiritual energy torrent in the wild airspace at an altitude of 35,000 meters, which is extremely dangerous to humans, is like a tonic pill for Bai Chen.

No matter what the nature is, as long as it is spiritual energy, he absorbs it into his body and uses it for himself.

"Even a flying beast that lives in the clouds all its life cannot use all the energy."

"Bai Chen's bloodline is really beyond imagination."

Mo Qianxing curled her lips on the side.


Another group of unlucky people who are led astray by appearances.

However, she would not expose it, so let Wu Laoguai and others continue to misunderstand.

Wu Huang'er pulled Wu Laoguai's white coat.

"Grandmaster, can we practice here? Is there any way to separate these mixed spiritual energies and turn them into energy that we can use?"

Bai Chen's all-consuming technique made Wu Huang'er envious, and also gave birth to the idea that if Bai Chen could do it, why couldn't she.

Here is spiritual energy with 15 times the spiritual energy strength of Yanyu City.

If it can be used, all the teachers and students on the Bear bomber can benefit.

Wu Laoguai's eyes lit up.

The spiritual energy strength here is indeed enviable.

But he and a group of big guys thought about it for a long time. They didn't think of any way to separate and purify the spiritual energy here.

However, there is classmate Bai Chen.

Wu Laoguai nodded in the direction of Bai Chen: "You have to ask Bai Chen about this."

Hearing the elegant meaning of the song, the college big guys who knew that Wu Laoguai wanted to take the opportunity to get Wu Huang'er and Bai Chen closer agreed.

"We have no idea."

"Professional questions like this are exactly what Bai Chen is good at."

"You young people should communicate more."

"Go ask."

Wu Huang'er lowered her head, not wanting people to see her face, which was darker than the bottom of a pot.

Ask Bai Chen?

The better Bai Chen performed, the more it proved that she was blind, and the more heartbroken she was.

If it wasn't for Wu Laoguai's order.

She didn't even want to get on this plane.

How could she bow her head and ask Bai Chen?

At this time, the voice that appeared in the communication system relieved Wu Huang'er who was thinking hard about countermeasures.

"This is Dongtu No. 5 channel. I am Gu Shaoyi, the duty officer. Guests at 35,000 meters, please report your identification code immediately, and then stay in this airspace until we make the next instruction."

Mo Qianxing looked at Wu Laoguai.

Wu Laoguai whispered: "What is our identification code?"

"It seems that Jiangnan District didn't have time to send it to us."

Everyone in Yanyu Academy, who pretended to be cool and ran away, forgot about the identification code.

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