I can summon myself

Chapter 96 Assembly Day 2

At this time, in the building next to the air traffic control building.

Several gray-haired old men looked up at the mother nest in the sky.

"The main frame of psychic gold."

"A psychic steam engine with 80,000 horsepower."

"The total weight exceeds 3,000 tons, which is indeed worthy of the name of the mother nest."

"Gonggong Federation, it seems that Wannian No. 2 has put all his efforts into using his ancestral black technology to take the opportunity to attack our Jiangnan City."

"Unfortunately, no matter how covert their little moves are, there is no wall that is impenetrable under the sky."

These old men who have loved and killed each other for a lifetime smiled at each other.

That's right, they are the former heads of the old enemies Jiangnan Psychic Research Institute and Jiangnan University. Although they are not as powerful as Wu Laoguai in Yanyu College, they are also big figures at the level of Dinghaishenzhen needle of these two colleges.

After receiving the news from Gonggong Federation.

The two families who were originally unhappy with each other chose to join forces.

They integrated all the colleges in Jiangnan City, the provincial capital.

And opened the treasure house of the Jiangnan Regional Psychic Research Institute.

After integrating their strength and that of their friends, they took out their own foundation.

"Although the Gonggong Federation shocked everyone, there is only one Jiangnan region that is the face of the Jiangnan region, and that is our provincial capital Jiangnan!"

The old people's eyes burst into a light brighter than the sun.

"Now, it's our turn."

They collectively looked towards the main channel.

At this time, the air traffic controllers also discovered the abnormality in the sky.

"What is this?"

"A wooden board?"

"A large wooden board with a telescope on its back?"

A thousand meters above the mother nest, a giant airship made of rare psychic wood with a length of 300 meters and a width of 50 meters lifted its invisibility.

It is divided into two parts, upper and lower.

The base looks like a wooden board with a length of 300 meters and a width of 50 meters, but the dense psychic array within the thickness of 20 meters shows that it is definitely not as boring and plain as it looks.

The upper part is a telescope mounted on a 40-meter diameter and 40-meter height omnidirectional rotating base.

The mirror body is 80 meters long and the lens is 20 meters in diameter.

It sparkles in the sunlight.

A vigorous and energetic female voice appeared in the public channel.

"Hello everyone, I am Yu Meiren from the Jiangnan Region Psychic Research Institute, and I am the captain of the Jiangnan scientific research ship."

"The Jiangnan scientific research ship was jointly built by 47 colleges of the Jiangnan Psychic Research Institute and the Jiangnan University. It has a maximum speed of 865 kilometers per hour and a cruising range of 125 days. It has a psychic matrix composed of 13,750 psychic matrixes, three times the defense power of the East Earth main battleship, and three times the attack power of the East Earth main battleship."

"Forty-five master-level academic mentors."

"Let me focus on introducing this Jiangnan-type psychic detector on our research ship."

"It is the result of 25 years of research and development by our 47 colleges."

"It can detect the psychic fluctuations of the seventh-level high-level awakeners at the edge of the solar system at the farthest, and can penetrate the psychic defense of one thousand meters away. For example, there are 1,427 awakeners in the mother nest."

Yu Meiren's round face has a pair of beautiful dimples.

But for the Gonggong Federation, which wanted to take the opportunity to overthrow the throne of Jiangnan City, it was like a bolt from the blue in everyone's heart.

"Yes, there are indeed 1,427 awakened members in our mother nest at the moment."

Maggie's face was very ugly.

I thought that the great union of 108 colleges would give Jiangnan District a surprise.

Who knew that the two factions in Jiangnan City merged.

Jiangnan University, which is the strongest in building aircraft, and Jiangnan Psychic Research Institute, which has the strongest academic strength in Jiangnan District, worked together to create this terrifying existence in front of them.

The bigwigs from Jiangnan City breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the mother nest commanded by Maggie was coming fiercely, the huge size gave them considerable pressure, and the Gonggong Federation of 108 colleges seemed even more imposing.

But the Jiangnan was well-deserved as the strongest in Jiangnan as soon as it came out.

"This wooden hull is amazing!"

The bigwigs from the East Earth Ocean Fleet gave a thumbs up.

The latest battleship of the East has a 255-caliber psychic cannon that can withstand the attack of a 300-caliber psychic cannon. However, this wooden shell that looks like a rectangular brick has three times the offensive and defensive capabilities of the battleship.

If this big guy didn't know that it took a lot of rare resources to achieve such an effect, and the cost far exceeded the budget of the ocean-going fleet, he would have wanted to add the names of these two companies in Jiangnan to the list of suppliers for the next generation of battleships.

Other big guys who worked hard on reconnaissance technology after the loss of contact.

They were extremely satisfied with the performance of the Jiangnan-type psychic detector.

There is no doubt that whether it is the farthest reconnaissance capability or the closest penetration.

This psychic detector has reached the top level of the East.

The onlookers were shocked by the 45 master-level academic tutors.

Even the locals of Jiangnan City.

They dare not imagine that their city still has such a strong foundation after most of the core forces have lost contact.

The spectators from outside Jiangnan City sighed helplessly.

The Gonggong city cluster has done everything it can.

However, once the Jiangnan scientific research vessel was launched, it proved that Jiangnan City's leading position was still unshakable.

Only the people in the aircraft in Yanyu City were extremely depressed.

"Sister You, these colleges are too treacherous."

"They said they were forming teams one city at a time, but it turned out to be a lie."

"From the beginning, whether it was the Gonggong Federation or the Jiangnan, they had already planned to unite."

"This is bad. We can't rely on any of them at Yanyu College. Even if Wu Laoguai has three heads and six arms, he can't be the opponent of the mother nest and the Jiangnan."

"It's so embarrassing. This time we are embarrassing ourselves in front of the entire Jiangnan region."

The Yanyu City aircraft team, led by the Queqiao Club, looked depressed, and everyone was extremely depressed.

If, as the news came out before, one city at a time formed a team, the Yanyu College aircraft project led by classmate Bai Chen might not have no chance to compete.

After all, Bai Chen, who can control the national treasure and beat the ice man Hantian like a dog on the stage, is not only handsome in the eyes of the Queqiao Club and others, but also can create miracles.

His project is likely to surprise everyone again.

But what about now?

The Gonggong City Group, which ranked second in the world for ten thousand years, became the mother nest of 108 colleges.

The provincial capital Jiangnan was even more ruthless, merging the remaining 47 colleges. As soon as the Jiangnan, which had no idea how much black technology it had, appeared, the Gonggong Federation was silenced.

Even if Bai Chen could create miracles again.

This time, he could only be defeated in front of such an opponent.

"Before, I hoped that handsome Bai Xiaoge could bring us a surprise. Now I just hope that our Yanyu College will still be absent."

The words of the owner of the Magpie Bridge Club were agreed by all the Yanyu people.

Absence is better than embarrassment.

As soon as she finished speaking.

The anxious voice of the air traffic control director came from the public channel.

"A UFO was discovered!"

"Please prepare for defense immediately. Repeat, please prepare for defense immediately!"

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