I can summon myself

Chapter 86 Lin's Secret Vault

I heard from everyone in Linya Village that Lin Sanmu, the patriarch of the Lin family, is an upright person.

Bai Chen did not expect that this was not just a polite remark, but the truth.

After a brief and grand welcoming ceremony.

Lin Sanmu, accompanied by a group of Lin elders, led Bai Chen and his party to a cave.

The Lin family compound is located in a small valley.

The stone buildings are arranged in layers of defense circles in an orderly manner, like jagged teeth.

The core of the defense circle is several caves lined up side by side.

"The ancestral temple is on the left, and the school is on the right."

"The one in front of us is the Lin family secret library."

"Mr. Bai Chen, Mr. Mo Qianxing, Zuo Miao, and Mr. Zhu Huan, you saved the naughty kid and saved the future of our Lin family."

"The grace of saving lives cannot be repaid."

"Today, the family secret library of our Lin family is open to the lifesavers."

"Please don't be polite, four of you."

The middle-aged patriarch who was bearing the pain of losing his son and the elders of the Lin family pushed open the door of the secret library together.

A cool breeze came out from the gap of the heavy stone door, and the mixed and powerful spiritual energy breath came to the face.

"Mr. Bai Chen, please."

Lin Sanmu's sincere eyes were a little pleading.

"Junior brother, let's go in."

Zuo Miao gave Bai Chen a look.

The Lin family's hospitality was hard to refuse, and it would not be good to refuse them like this.

Bai Chen and the other four followed the Lin patriarch into the secret library.

This is a huge warehouse with a super large area.

Plants, minerals, bones, fossils, weapons, etc. are classified.

Each has a special place.

Judging from the smell of these resources, most of them come from the Misty Rain Mountains.

It can be said that the secret library of the Lin family represents the resources of the Misty Rain Mountains, which are open to Bai Chen without any reservation.

"Our Lin family has lived and multiplied here for eight hundred years. We dare not say that we know everything about the Misty Rain Mountains, but we can be regarded as the human beings who know this place best."

"Sir Bai Chen, this is the map of the Misty Rain Mountains that our ancestors have measured step by step from generation to generation."

Lin Sanmu led Bai Chen to a map made of unknown animal skin with a length and width of more than four meters.

It depicts in detail every grass, tree, flower and animal within a radius of 100 miles with the Lin family compound as the center.

There is no doubt that for the Lin family, this map accumulated by the lives of countless Lin ancestors is their most important resource.

The upright Lin clan leader showed it to Bai Chen without reservation.


Whether it was Bai Chen, who had a photographic memory, or Mo Qianxing and Zuo Miao, who could remember everything after just a few glances.

They were all shocked by the hospitality of the Lin family.

This was too much of a waste of time to treat Bai Chen and others as outsiders.

The value of this map far exceeded the basic psychic formula that Bai Chen sold to the three major experimental equipment suppliers.

"Sir Bai Chen, please don't be polite."

"Compared to the great favor of saving my life, these are nothing at all."

Lin Sanmu said seriously.

Although he lost his eldest son, the remaining twenty or so naughty children were rescued by Bai Chen.

Not only that, the brain-eating spider group that could pose a huge threat to the Lin family was also clearly arranged by Bai Chen.

The twin spider queens stained with human blood were all killed, and the remaining ones became pets of the woman named Zuo Miao beside him.

Bai Chen dismantled a big bomb for the Lin family.

In terms of emotion and reason, he was qualified to be the most distinguished guest of the Lin family.

And whether it was Lin Sanmu or the old Lin family elders who were old and smart.

How could they not see the great potential in Bai Chen?

He suppressed the Spider Queen from beginning to end in the battle, and finally forced the Spider Queen to choose suicide to save the future.

He has a young seventh-level awakener like Mo Qianxing as a friend.

He took out a recipe casually. Although the name of the evil energy potion does not conform to the aesthetics of the Lin family, and the appearance and taste are even more inhuman like the real evil energy, it is a rare recipe for calming the mind.

It can greatly reduce the mental damage caused by the brain-eating spider group to the naughty children.

For the Lin family.

A young man like Bai Chen who can't forget his life-saving grace, who has strong combat power and profound knowledge, and is accompanied by Mo Qianxing and three other people who are obviously from an extraordinary family.

How can they not be friends?

Lin Sanmu himself is even more eager for Bai Chen and his friends to empty the secret library of the Lin family.

In this way, the Lin family has a reason to continue to interact with Bai Chen.

Bai Chen is so terrifying now, and when he grows up to be the pillar of Yanyu City. Wouldn't the Lin family, who had already relied on him for money, be able to rise to the top?

Bai Chen not only avenged Lin Sanmu's son's death.

The potential he showed made this upright clan leader choose to be unreserved.

"Sir Bai Chen, do you have any dietary restrictions?"

Lin Sanmu, who found that he made Bai Chen and others uncomfortable, found a reason to leave.


"Okay, Sir Bai Chen, I'll go out and explain."

He left.

Not only that, the elders of the Lin family outside the half-closed door also left space for Bai Chen and others together with him, the clan leader.

"This is not upright, this is stupid."

Zuo Miao, who found that there was no trace of Lin family members within 30 meters outside the secret library, was speechless.

The family secret library was laid out in front of everyone without any defense. If they had bad intentions, the Lin family would probably lose all their ancestors' capital.

"Although they know that we can't stay in the Misty Rain Mountains to compete with the Lin family, this is too generous."

Zhu Huan picked up an ancient fossil of an unknown bird.

If these broken and strange bones were brought back to the Crested Ibis Garden, the top academics specializing in the study of ancient birds would definitely start digging graves collectively.

These things that the Lin family obtained from the Yanyu Mountains are indeed worthy of the title of secret treasure.

"They come, the security."

Mo Qianxing walked to the ore warehouse with a vague guess that the Lin family wanted to use this opportunity to make friends with everyone.

High-grade psychic metals that can be used to make weapons and armors are her focus at all times.

"Junior brother, do you think this is the material on your list?"

Zuo Miao pointed to a bunch of dry plants on the wooden frame.

Bai Chen took a closer look and saw that it was not just the ones on his list.

Lin's secret library gave him an even bigger surprise.

"As expected of a family that can survive in the core area of ​​the Misty Rain Mountains."

"Senior sister, take out your mutant spider egg and use its perception to calculate what resources we need here."

"Well, what it needs, what Xiaocai needs, and what the National Treasure Team needs also count."

"And the cold snake."

Zuo Miao added.


Bai Chen really forgot about a certain snake.

"Do we really take it?"

Zuo Miao felt that this seemed a bit untrue.

"Calculate it and then trade normally."

No matter how big the secret treasury was, how much could they get? It is a win-win solution to collect the necessary statistics and then cooperate with the Lin family to bring the specialties of the Misty Rain Mountains back to the base.

"Not only the plant materials, the quality of these ores is also very good. Even if it cannot be mined on a large scale, a small amount can greatly improve the quality of the psychic alloy."

Mo Qianxing also joined the statistics ranks.

"The fossils are also very good. I even found a fossil of an ancestor of the crested ibis."

Zhu Huan said seriously.

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