I can summon myself

Chapter 78 Mr. Bai Chen, you have the final say

Beside the pool at the bottom of the waterfall, everyone in Linya Village stood in front of the tomb dug by Zuo Miao.

The old village chief trembled and opened the body bag.

When a boy with a big hole in his forehead appeared in front of them.

The old village chief burst into tears instantly.

"Brother Jiutian!"

The thirteen-year-old naughty boy Lin Houer burst into tears.

Many of his peers in the Lin family compound are like him, spending their lives with names like Lin Monkey, Lin Chongzi, and Lin Yeboar.

Only Lin Jiutian, who died in front of him, had a resounding name that uniquely embodies the hope of the Lin family.

Including everyone in Linya Village, all the mountain people of the Lin family are full of expectations for him.

I hope that one day he can break out of this inaccessible mountainous area and become a big shot in the sky.

In fact, the talented Lin Jiutian did not disappoint the expectations of his tribe.

As soon as he turned twelve, he was spotted by a sixth-level powerhouse from the Jiangnan Region Awakener Association who returned to his ancestral home in the Misty Rain Mountains to visit relatives.

He became his first and only apprentice.

In just four years, Lin Jiutian went from an ordinary person to a first-order awakened person who awakened the first DNA strand.

It is different from the fifth-level awakened beings spawned by Lin's secret method at the expense of potential lifespan, such as the fifth-level strong man in Linya Village.

Lin Jiutian, who has awakened naturally, has a bright future.

His master also publicly stated more than once that Lin Jiutian lived up to his name and he would definitely lead the Lin family to soar into the sky.

However, when he saw Lin Jiutian's pale body.

The hopes of the Lin family were shattered.

The old village chief suddenly aged dozens of years at this moment.

His body became stooped and his eyes lost their sparkle.

The forest monkey howled loudly.

Although Lin Jiutian and Lin Chongzi are much closer in blood than him.

But as the son of the clan leader, Lin Jiutian was not as hostile to the people of Linya Village as Lin Chongzi was.

On the contrary, after learning what happened to Lin Houer and others.

Lin Jiutian, who was back on vacation in the Lin family compound, took the initiative to give up his yard to the Lin Houer brothers and sisters.

Although he was eventually stopped by Lin Jiutian's mother, Lin Jiutian still distributed the supplies he brought back from the Jiangnan Region Awakened Association to his brother and sister.

Lin Houer was very grateful.

Unexpectedly, his most beloved brother lost his life because of his conflict with Lin Chongzi.


The forest monkey beat the mountain wall crazily.

His hands suddenly became bloody.

The little girl with yellow hair was so frightened by her brother's madness that her eyes blurred with tears.


Zuo Miao grabbed Lin Houer's collar and threw him directly into the pool.

The cold pool water finally calmed him down.

The old village chief and all the strong men also returned to normal.

Now is not the time to dwell on grief.

In the mine occupied by the brain-eating spider, there are still thirty boys and girls from the Lin clan waiting to be rescued.

They must not make any more mistakes.

Otherwise, the Lin family would really be doomed.

"Your Excellency Mo Qianxing, what is your opinion?"

The old village chief looked at Mo Qianxing.

There is no doubt that as a seventh-level awakener, the village chief instinctively believed that she was the real talker.

Mo Qianxing retreated to Bai Chen's side.

"I listen to Bai Chen."

The old village chief looked surprised.

The mountain people also looked at Bai Chen with puzzled eyes.

This guy does look cool.

But he can't possibly make the brain-eating spider handsome to death.

The configuration of one man and three women is very similar to how Bai Chen took the three women for an outing deep in the Misty Rain Mountains.

But according to the rules of the wild, the more dangerous the place, the stronger the team member has the final say.

What qualifications does Bai Chen have to decide everything on behalf of the seventh-level master Mo Qianxing?

At this time, the forest monkey in the pool raised his hand.

"Brother Bai Chen is very strong. I saw him on the top of the mountain, and have you forgotten that it was also Brother Bai Chen who spotted me and my sister at a glance?"

A glimmer of light flashed in the old village chief's cloudy eyes.

Able to reach the top of the mountain without being detected by the brain-eating spider.

It is indeed a skill.

But Bai Chen didn't have the coercion of a high-level awakened person.

This proves that he may only have a talent for reconnaissance.

These performances are not enough to prove his strength.

If it was an ordinary matter, it would be for Mo Qianxing's sake.

He can give Bai Chen a chance to prove himself.

But now, the lives of thirty teenage girls may be taken away by brain-eating spiders at any time.

How dare he give up command to Bai Chen?

Zuo Miao glared at the old village chief angrily.

This old man actually doesn't believe his junior brother Bai Chen?

She really wanted to use a big iron rod to show these mountain people what would happen if they didn't believe in Junior Brother Bai Chen.

But I still held back.

How to successfully ascend to the top without knowing each other is also a profound knowledge.

She wanted to see how Bai Chen would respond.

Bai Chen's reaction was simple and rude.

"You guys come together."

After saying that, he rushed towards everyone in Linya Village.

"Be careful not to break the young man."

The old village chief, who has the strength of a fourth-level awakener, just finished speaking.

Then he found himself flying on the spot.

A thud.

The old village chief was kicked by Bai Chen to Lin Hou'er's side.

The third-level mountain man just picked up the shield.

Two waves of clever energy came over.

Bai Chen opened his bow and flew his feet left and right. Then he sent them to the water pool to keep company with the old village chief.

The fourth-level hunter picked up his shotgun and prepared to use it as a club.

Bai Chen, with the help of his strange steps, swayed left and right, and swiftly cut into their midst.

The fourth-level hunters all chose to sweep horizontally, but found that Bai Chen suddenly disappeared at some point.

"Be careful!"

The fifth-level man's reminder just entered their ears.

Bai Chen used a flying kick again.

The two hunters did not hold on for a second longer, and followed the footsteps of the people in the water pool.

"No more fighting!"

"I surrender!"

The strongest fifth-level strong man raised his hands together.

Although they still couldn't tell whether Bai Chen was an awakener or not, and how many DNA chains he had awakened.

But the intuition forged by years of hunting in the Misty Rain Mountains told them that this handsome young man had a stronger fighting power than his appearance.

Being stared at by Bai Chen.

It was as if they were locked by a prehistoric beast.

Bai Chen's eyes alone made them tremble and their hearts were frightened.

The fate of the four unlucky old village chiefs in the water pool perfectly proved this point.

They couldn't see Bai Chen's strength, let alone his fighting skills.

They didn't even see Bai Chen's attack route clearly.

The old village chief and the four unlucky guys were kicked into the cold water by him.

They didn't want to be the next one.

"Old village chief, do you have any objection to my junior brother's command of you?"

Zuo Miao teased the old village chief who climbed out of the pool like a drowned chicken with his hands on his waist.

The old man was shivering in the freezing water, but his face was very hot.

He didn't expect Bai Chen to be so determined.

He said to do it, and he did it.

He never dragged his feet, and even didn't bother to say polite words, and directly kicked him to prove his strength.

However, after all, he was an old guy who could sell his face for money.

He admitted his mistake very openly: "I was wrong."

"I shouldn't underestimate Lord Bai Chen."

"Now, Lord Bai Chen, you have the final say."

The old village chief expressed his full cooperation.

Bai Chen asked Linya Village to go east, and they would never go west.

Bai Chen told him to chase chickens, so he wouldn't catch dogs.

Bai Chen's words were his.

Their obedience prevented Zuo Miao from using a big iron stick to beat them for any disobedience.

Bai Chen repeated his plan in detail.

It was evening.

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