I can summon myself

Chapter 65 You have to compete today even if you don’t want to.

"What majors do you four have?"

Zuo Miao said to Doctor Four.

"Insect type, insect type, bird type, insect type."

A, B, C and D said honestly.

“Who knows how to keep snakes?”

Dr. A and Dr. Ding pointed at themselves in unison.

Zuo Miao turned her head and looked at Bai Chen.

He reminded him with his eyes that these four were the professional coolies he sent to his door.

Bai Chen shook his head: "Isn't this bad?"

"If there's anything wrong with it, it's up to me."

Zuo Miao gave Bai Chen a look that said, "Senior Sister, you are relieved when you are doing something."

She was holding a big iron stick.

"Academic challenges are not impossible."

"If my junior brother loses, this land will belong to you."

"But what if you lose?"

A, B, C and D exchanged glances.

Both of them looked puzzled.

If they lose, then they lose.

Academic challenge, paper discussion only.

But I have never heard of the cost of losing as a challenger.

"you mean?"

Dr. A asked rhetorically.

Zuo Miao did not directly state her requirements, but talked about the total investment.

"Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Department, five million plus this land, Crested Ibis Garden, five million, four national treasures, Professor You, Tall Girl and a whole logistics team, the three major experimental equipment suppliers of the Sun, Moon and Stars have provided A total of 100 million experimental equipment, as well as all buildings including artificial cold rooms.”

"Is it too simplistic for you to think that you can get this land with a hard investment of more than 100 million just by relying on an academic challenge?"

A, B, C and D took a breath.

Experimental equipment worth 100 million? They haven't heard of it at all.

The fans in the live broadcast room were even more excited.

“One hundred million???!!!”

"If I hadn't known that the great devil Zuo Miao disdains lying, I wouldn't have believed the 100 million lie."

"It's outrageous enough for the department to produce five million stardust, but now it's even more so to provide Bai Chen, a prospective graduate, with 100 million experimental equipment?"

"No, even Bai Chen's master Zuo Guang can't get 100 million special funds without telling everyone, let alone Bai Chen himself."

"What's more important is that the flower, bird, fish and insect system simply don't have that much liquidity."

Academic masters can be sure that this 100 million will definitely not come from the academy.

Because they are waiting for the funds to be released, and they know very well how much money there is in the department and college.

It is absolutely impossible to withdraw such a large amount of funds as 100 million without realizing it.

But if it wasn't from the college, where did Bai Chen get such a large amount of money to buy experimental equipment?

As high-school students, they often deal with these three suppliers. Just like Tian Gang, they don't have any good impressions of these three suppliers who may not get a good look even if they give money. They also know very well that it is absolutely impossible to let these three suppliers who bring their own dry food work for Bai Chen without heavy investment. possible.

"The three of us have indeed invested so much."

At some point, Old Monster Yang, who led A, B, B, and D into the base, also arrived at the underground hall.

He handed Dr. A a newly printed business card of the on-site leader of the Baichen Laboratory construction team.

I saw the words "Quick Construction Company" among the three suppliers on the business card.

A, B, B and D felt that the representatives of the three major suppliers had no reason to deceive themselves.

"They know it too."

Zuo Miao pointed to the graduate students pretending to move bricks.

"There is such a thing."

"Director He Gu and Director Tian Gang requested confidentiality, so we can't tell."

Now the melon eaters also accepted the fact that the value of the laboratory Bai Chen was building was sky-high.

"No wonder you have to scan the QR code when entering the base. No wonder Zuo Miao is carrying her big iron stick."

Although the melon-eaters were completely wrong in their judgment, it did not prevent them from being shocked by the news of this 100 million experimental equipment.

"The junior boys today are too fierce."

"Can little boy Bai Chen use the RMB 100 million experimental equipment?"

"It can't be compared, it can't be compared. When I was Bai Chen's junior brother, I was just an errand boy in the laboratory, but Bai Chen made big news without showing any signs of it. Independent laboratory, industrial-grade experiment "Tang, with RMB 100 million worth of experimental equipment, which of these can ordinary graduates do?"

"I don't know if junior Bai Chen is a top student, but his laboratory is definitely a laboratory that can only be used by the top students among the top students."

"Looking at Bai Chen's handsome face full of natural collagen, I feel like I'm as old as a dog."

"The wave behind pushed the wave in front, and the wave in front died on the beach. Junior Bai Chen is not the wave behind, it is clearly a tsunami!"

"I don't want to be single anymore, I want to find a girl and let her kick me out in front of countless awakened people at the Psychic Plaza in Yanyu City, so that I can become stronger after being broken up with like my younger brother Bai Chen! "

In the discussion among the melon eaters.

A, B, B, and D turned their backs to Zuo Miao and they met and began to discuss.

"A hundred million yuan of experimental equipment, can I curse?"

"Yes, as long as you are not afraid of the big iron rod."

"Don't go too far. What should we do now?"

Yi, Bing and Ding's eyes fell on Dr. A's face.

"Even if we win, we won't get this land."

The experimental equipment worth 100 million even attracts A, B, B, and D more than the young lady they secretly admire. They all dream of becoming the owners of these experimental equipment.

You can tell Dr. A rationally.

They must not have such delusions.

It must end now.

"No matter where Junior Bai Chen got such a large amount of sponsorship, it is enough to show his ability."

"Even if his academic talent is really mediocre, we can't challenge him."

"Because we can't afford to offend him."

B, C, and D nodded.

They agreed with Dr. A's judgment.

Bai Chen, who can come up with a small goal.

Regardless of whether he is a top student or not, it does not prevent him from becoming someone that the four doctors cannot afford to offend.

"We won't challenge."

"We didn't know that the laboratory actually had 100 million experimental equipment."

A, B, C, and D said in unison.


"You must challenge!"

Zuo Miao said coldly.

"We apologize."

A, B, C, and D were panicked.

Zuo Miao's attitude of not giving up looked like he was going to leave the four of them here to move bricks until they died.

"If apologies are useful, what's the point of a big iron stick?"

"You have to compete today even if you don't want to!"

"If my junior loses, this piece of land will belong to you."

"If you four lose, don't leave, just work for my junior!"

Zuo Miao said with great momentum.

The paper of his junior can trap Wu Laoguai.

These four doctors who don't even have a hair look very strong.

But they are definitely not Bai Chen's opponents.

Besides, even if they lose, it's just a piece of land.

At that time, just let the red-faced old man of the three major suppliers list the construction costs.

The four doctors who can't afford this money can only return the land obediently.

No matter what the result is, Bai Chen will not lose.

"How can there be a forced academic challenge?"

"Scholars, lecturers, please say something fair."

"Are we just going to watch her force us to have an academic challenge with Bai Chen?"

The four doctors yelled at the spectators in the live broadcast room.

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