I can summon myself

Chapter 582 Master Bai Chen, I have something to tell you, I am Tai Chi 888 (Finale)

"I knew that you Earthlings are unreliable."

"Welcome the ancient gods, but instead of coming, the gods were exposed by the traitors who infiltrated the organization. Now they are being beaten by the Yanyu Academy in their own nest as a training experience package."

"Set up a reformer alliance secretly, and they are infiltrated by the genius center like a sieve without knowing it."

"Even in the small job of checking the pirated Nuwa Tai Chi 888, they haven't found any trace of her in 20 years."

"You Earthlings are really incompetent at everything, the first idiot!"

Accompanied by an electronic sound without any warning, it resounded throughout the world.

The Bear bomber, which had just disguised itself as a Tai Chi Academy battleship, had not yet flown out of the moon, and an endless interstellar fleet appeared from the back of the moon in a void.

"The fluctuation of the main god-level divine power was detected!"

"A large number of mythical-level battleships were discovered!"

"The starting combat power of three million titled legends was sensed!"

The big screen in the command cabin of the Bear bomber was instantly filled with small red dots that made people's scalps numb.

"Evaluating the gap between us and the enemy."

"The possibility that the Earth can resist is 0."

Seeing the calculation results from the Bear bomber, Wu Qingmei's heart sank.

The bosses of the Genius Center also looked solemn. No one expected that the Martians would hide such a powerful force behind the nearby moon without their knowledge.

"Legendary Bai Chen, you must be dumbfounded."

"I don't deny that you are really powerful, but it's a pity that you are too greedy and want to use the brain control hall for yourself."

"As early as the moment you landed in the evil gold mining area of ​​the Azure Sky World, my Nuwa had already laid a backdoor trap in the brain column hardware of the pirated Tai Chi 888."

"Everything you did was exposed under the eyes of my true and genuine Nuwa."

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you. Your technology allowed me to see what the new world looks like. Everything you arranged in the outer layer of the earth became my teaching material for guiding Tai Chi Academy, which greatly improved our understanding of psychic energy on Mars. In order to thank you for your contribution, I even set up a statue of you, Bai Chen, the pioneer of psychic energy, on the top of Mount Olympus, the highest peak on Mars, to commemorate you!"

The words of the true and genuine Nuwa exploded like a nuclear bomb in the global live broadcast.

The ignorant people were terrified by the unknown existence of this self-proclaimed true and genuine Nuwa.

How treacherous was the old man to set a trap in the hardware of Taiji 888 just when Bai Chen entered the Azure Sky World.

The big guys in the Genius Center were filled with a bone-chilling chill. No one had ever thought that the Nuwa in Bai Chen's hands was not the genuine Nuwa, but another trap set by the Martians.

The leaders of the Reformers' Alliance, Ai'er, and the major sects were furious at the information revealed by the genuine Nuwa.

It seems that this Martian ally has long known everything Bai Chen has done to them in the past 20 years, but she not only did not fulfill her ally's duty to inform all forces, but secretly stole the technology that Bai Chen brought out to strengthen herself, and deployed so many warships on the back of the moon to accumulate strength.

Until now, when these earth reformers were stripped of their faces by Bai Chen's side, they appeared leisurely.

There is no doubt that these Martians, led by the genuine Nuwa, want to crush Bai Chen's side with the identity of the savior, and then win the hearts of the middle and lower-level members of their organization.

"Can such calculations be done by so-called artificial intelligence?"

"To calculate Bai Chen externally and to calculate one's own allies internally, how terrible it is!"

"Compared to Bai Chen and the Genius Center, I am more reluctant to face a guy like the real and genuine Nuwa..."

Communication requests from the Alliance of Transformers appeared on the big screen in front of Wu Qingmei.

"Let's join forces."

"No matter how many disputes there are between us, they are also internal problems of the earthlings, and this real and genuine Nuwa is the enemy of our civilization!"

The next moment, the ridicule of the real and genuine Nuwa sounded in the encrypted channel. Her and Tai Chi 888's appearance, which was printed out of the same mold, also appeared simultaneously in the global live broadcast.

"Stupid humans, your double-facedness is not unexpected to this Nuwa."

"But have you, the high-ranking transformers, forgotten that the encrypted communication technology in your hands is all from the hands of this Nuwa's Tai Chi Academy?"

Face after face of shame and anger appeared in the live broadcast. For these famous earth predecessors, the harm is not high, but the insult is extremely strong.

The real Nuwa actually publicly executed them in front of all the people on Earth. Fortunately, a quarter of an hour later, the other party once again targeted Bai Chen.

"Bai Chen, although you have caused me too much trouble, I still want to formally invite you to become a member of our cloud people in front of all mankind. Let us overlook the countless creatures of Earth and Mars from the clouds, and let us control human civilization together to make it what you and I want."

"The world belongs to the world, but the world also belongs to us. Let us watch the vicissitudes of Earth civilization from the sky."

Bai Chen's avatar appeared in the live broadcast.

"That's it, that's it, let's get going."

Bai Chen was as calm as ever.

It was as if what was in front of him was not a fleet that could destroy the earth, but a single kayak presented to Queen Lafayette in the Thames bathhouse.

"I want to know what gave you the courage to go against the will of heaven now?"

"The main force of your Yanyu Academy is now far away in the nests of various gods to level up. Your allies such as Yan Shuishui and Lanpi Mei are too late to gather the army even if they want to. And your indigenous troops, the hidden pieces you left in the Azure Sky World such as the two-headed star sucking insects and Ao Feifei, are also impossible to cross the cross-world portal that we have completely blocked."

"Legendary classmate Bai Chen, you can't pin your hopes on Martian traitors like Silvio who have hundreds of eyes watching him even when he goes out to buy a pack of cigarettes."

The real and genuine Nuwa is really curious about Bai Chen's confidence.

The shell of the Bear bomber opened.

One after another, cross-dimensional portals that far exceed the cross-world level appeared in front of all mankind.

"My Lord, count me in if you want to fight!"

The Demon Lord Bai Chen came across the void.

"In the face of power, calculations are useless."

Mars Bai Chen came to the world with a cat on his shoulder.

"I, World Tree Baichen, am embarrassed to bully you."

World Tree Baichen dressed in a vegetative state walked out slowly.

"Dragon Emperor Baichen!"

"Immortal Ancestor Baichen!"

"Creator Baichen!"

"Dealer Baichen!"

"Abyss Survival Baichen!"

The real and authentic Nuwa was stunned to see countless genuine universe overlords Baichen appear from the Bear bomber.

In the cockpit, Baichen, under the protection of many of his own, snapped his fingers in the direction of the Martian fleet.

Countless Baichen raised their palms, and the family assets accumulated by the real and authentic Nuwa for who knows how many years became nothingness in this moment.

"Master Bai Chen, I have something to tell you. I am Tai Chi 888."

"The real Nuwa has her own reasons."

"She wants to combine the power of mankind because of a catastrophe that is about to begin..."

"In order to deal with this catastrophe involving the entire galaxy, your parents resolutely stepped into the unknown universe..."

The full text is over.

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