I can summon myself

Chapter 577 Global Acceleration

Europa, the underground space where the proton accelerator was originally located.

A white-robed arcanist with nine fist-sized spinning arcane balls on his head introduced the current situation to the representatives of the royal families of Europe who attended the meeting remotely.

"Although our demon seller delivered the Abyss in advance, which reduced the demon fertilizer attracted to the Abyss, in general, the arcane resources that we, the Europa Prells, have plundered from various worlds have successfully become part of the Earth's psychic energy in the process of the disintegration of the Abyss, the container of arcane resources, with the help of the Earth's defense."

The high-level mythical man named Al raised his hand, and a psychic circulation model of the Earth's deep space appeared in front of him.

"The place where our Demon Abyss collapsed is the landing point of the subspace in the eastern Pacific Ocean, but the psychic wind in the deep space will perfectly bring the arcane resources that have been cleansed by the Earth's Heavenly Dao to the sky above Europa."

"It is expected that in the next 20 years, the level of arcane psychic energy in Europa will gradually increase to 450% to 580% of the current level, and then it will stabilize again."

"Under this intensity of environmental psychic energy, the output of arcane awakeners in Europa will directly increase from the current 30 million per year to 120 million, which will be 20 million higher than the Eastern Civilization Circle with 100 million awakeners per year. This is also the highest level of arcane awakening in Europe since the advent of psychic energy. For the first time, the number of newly awakened people has surpassed that of the Eastern Civilization Circle. From now on, we will complete the first time that Europe surpasses the Eastern Civilization in terms of the number of newly awakened people! "

"Even if the Eastern Civilization knows our plan, they can't come up with resources that can change the spiritual energy intensity of the Earth's environment in a short period of time like the European Prells who have endured humiliation for generations."

"Yes, when the Demon Abyss appeared in the sky above the subspace and officially erupted the first ray of arcane spiritual energy, our global acceleration plan that has reversed the advantage of the Eastern Civilization for hundreds of years has been successful."

As the general person in charge of this generation of global acceleration plans, Al said with confidence.

"Even if the Eastern Civilization discovers our conspiracy now, they can't change the result of global acceleration by taking action against the Demon Abyss, because our Demon Abyss and the arcane resources in the Demon Abyss are also resources that can greatly increase the growth rate of the Earth Heavenly Dao. If the Eastern Civilization wants to make trouble, the Earth Heavenly Dao will be the first to not allow it!"

At this time, the projection of the nominal person in charge of Europe appeared in the remote meeting.

"Dongtu questioned why we poured the Demon Abyss full of arcane psychic energy into the subspace."

Aier raised an arc at the corner of his mouth: "Tell them in a very heavy and regretful tone that our arcane interns accidentally designed the wrong parameters when controlling the arrival of the Demon Abyss, causing the Demon Abyss to accidentally run to the location of the subspace. Now the defense of the Earth's Heavenly Dao has been triggered. We really have no choice. We have also suffered great losses. Let them rest assured that we have sent the arcane interns who made mistakes to relevant universities for retraining and credits."

The royal representatives of various countries in the projection laughed.

"It's not easy. After so many years of frustration, we can finally hold our heads high!"

"Five times the environmental psychic energy, four times the awakened arcane lineage, we finally have the opportunity to regain the power of the Earth!"

"You can tell the allies now. If they want to do something, take this opportunity to work with us to make Dongtu anxious!"

At this time, a light suddenly appeared in the sky in the north.

At dusk, when the sky was originally dark, the north of Europe was as bright as day.




An irresistible and irresistible whisper came from a Viking ruin in the north of Europe.

"Have the barbarians in the north started?"

"Let us welcome the return of the Father now!"

The ruined Temple of Olympus lit up the lights again.

The light lit up the night sky of Europe like a beam of light, and then broke through the shackles of the earth's heaven, like a lighthouse sending a signal to the vast universe requesting the return of the gods.

Sister, look, in the nest of the Gotham Consortium.

The current chairman of the consortium, Soros, picked up the phone with a sneer.

"We will keep our troops in place and speed up the excavation of the remains of the Death Star..."

Sister, look at the central part, the Mayan ruins that have been deserted for who knows how many years have heard the oracle of the ancient Mayan gods.

Even the African continent, which was shrouded in fog, has seen the roar of leaving Africa and reshaping the world for the first time.

Overnight, all kinds of strange organizations sprang up like mushrooms from other regions of the earth outside the Eastern Civilization Circle.

The originally unbreakable earth's heaven seemed to have become a sieve with thousands of holes, and countless space beacons kept sending the earth's position to the outside world.

"What's wrong with this world?"

"I just shared a night of life with a Hollywood soft girl on a red sofa, how come I woke up like this?"

Jobs, who was called back to the California consortium, is still confused.

"How should I know."

"Global acceleration, acceleration!"

"A small group of old Europeans who are not satisfied with the status quo are starting to make trouble again."

"They have been making trouble all the time, and now it's just a showdown."

The directors were also very unhappy. These damn European guys are uncomfortable if they don't make trouble.

Isn't it better to lie down?

They have to make some big news.

"Nordic, Greek, and Indian natives, why don't we have our own traditional gods?"

"Well, it must be our ancestors who are not good enough."

After rubbing his temples and taking a big sip of refreshing bitter coffee, Jobs finally regained the shrewdness that the chairman of the California Consortium should have.

"What do the old guys say?"

"What does that person say?"

The directors shrugged.

"What else can the old guys do? It's up to us to figure it out."

"It's that person who tripled the production capacity of the core raw materials of Compound V for the first time."

Looking at the reports handed over by the directors, Jobs sighed.

"Does that mean we have to speed up too?"

"It seems that the peaceful days on Earth are gone forever."

"Speed ​​up, speed up, speed up, all damn speed up, then let's speed up too!"

"Also, ask our core ally Yanyu Academy what they think about this matter, and send a copy of all the intelligence we have collected."

The California Consortium started their jump aircraft again.

That afternoon, Bai Chen received news of global acceleration and global unrest.

"There is only one person who has the final say. Who doesn't want to represent the Earth?"

Bai Chen opened a bottle of happy water. He was well aware of the small calculations of various forces that appeared on the scene.

"Unprecedented changes."

Zuo Guang in the headquarters of Yanyu College looked solemn.

"Listen to Bai Chen on major matters. You have the final say, junior brother."

Teachers and students such as Zuo Miao and Wang Botang looked indifferent.

So many storms have come, so what about these big movements in front of us?

With Bai Chen here, the entire Yanyu College has confidence.

"Master, Nuwa said she has something to report."

Bai Chen, who received a message from Sally, came to the half plane of Nuwa's brain control hall.

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