I can summon myself

Chapter 55 Wu Laoguai murmured, but this script is totally wrong

"Ancestor, have you heard of Bai Chen?"

"White in the daytime, Chen in the stars, disciple of Mr. Zuo Guang."

The old witch looked like he was constipated.

Bai Chen? Didn't he go to the library to look for combat skills just to make Bai Chen understand the cruelty of the awakened world, and then use the sweet date of combat skills to arouse his motivation to become stronger?

The junior from the Wu family on the phone actually asked him if he had heard of Bai Chen?

There is still that minute performance in Bai Chen's paper, and the old man Wu is still thinking about it again and again.

There is something new to gain every time you read it.

And the all-attribute affinity of classmate Bai Chen is something that Old Monster Wu will never forget in his life.

"Bai Chen, I know."

The old weirdo would like to know where on earth this young man of his family, who is dedicated to cultivating and fighting, heard Bai Chen's name.

You know, this junior is famous for being a battle awakener.

There is no interaction at all with Bai Chen, who displays the attributes of a top student.

"Ancestor, can you introduce me to him? I want to compete with classmate Bai Chen. Well, you can call him classmate Bai Chen. I want to compete with classmate Bai Chen."

Although the old monster Wu had already cultivated himself to be calm in all things through numerous storms and waves, his emotions also fluctuated at this moment.

Has Bai Chen's legendary physique been leaked?

No, that's not right.

Bai Chen has 10% of all attributes. Even if this news spreads, it can only mean that he has entered the awakened state from an ordinary person. He is just a quasi-awakened person. Besides, there is no such thing as Bai Chen's combat ability in the information of classmate Bai Chen. Strong content.

This junior of his has already reached the middle stage of the fourth level. With the old wizard's understanding of him, he cannot do such an embarrassing thing as taking the initiative to challenge a quasi-awakened person based on his fourth level strength.

"Tell me what's going on!"

Three minutes later, Old Monster Wu received a video on his cell phone.

"Ancestor, the one with the swollen face is the famous young genius of the Awakened Association, Ice Man Hantian, who is in the fourth level."

"It's Bai Chen who keeps him wandering around like a husky."

Watching the video, Bai Chen controlled the entire arena from beginning to end, moving Han Tian from one end of the ring to the other with weird steps like a monkey.

The corners of the old monster Wu's eyes twitched. He took a deep breath and looked at it intently.

"Han Tian, ​​summon your pet and pick up your weapon!"

Hanlong's off-site reminder.

The old monster Wu's face became very ugly.

Especially when he saw the horned cold snake and the seventh-order Tianhan Sword appear.

A sharp light flashed in his eyes.

If there is anything wrong with classmate Bai Chen.

He wanted the uncle and nephew to understand what the anger of a ninth-level awakener was.


The national treasure team dropped from the sky, and the stern face of the old wizard suddenly softened a lot. He smiled and cursed: "The voice of the crested ibis is still so noisy."

When he saw that Bai Chen didn't want to speak, but directly threw out a national treasure.

The old man Wu, who never laughed very much, couldn't help laughing loudly anymore.

"The victory has been decided."

Your Excellency Bai Chen, I'm sorry for my inability to discipline Hanlong. Hanlong apologized in public, and the old weirdo curled his lips.

"The cold snake in the evolved state, the seventh-level Heavenly Cold Sword, and the ten cubic meters of space jade pendant. It is in line with the net worth of a young genius from the Jiangnan Awakening Association."

The old wizard murmured: "But this script is completely wrong."

His original intention was to follow the normal process and let Bai Chen see what a prospective graduate, even a true genius, would have to go through to own an independent laboratory.

In this process, Bai Chen gained experience in dealing with all aspects and helped him grow.

But now Han Tian, ​​the ice man who took the initiative to show his face, not only provided Bai Chen with the material of a face-slapping maniac, but also allowed Bai Chen to gain countless female fans in the Queqiao Club. The most egregious thing was that he also offered Bai Chen valuable services. Fei's three-piece suit.

The script of the strange old man Wu was completely disrupted by Hanlong Hantian, the uncle and nephew who entered the scene.

I have a three-piece suit in hand.

Bai Chen can even make monopoly companies such as the three major suppliers kneel down and call him Party A's dad.

The old man Wu, who looked irritated, had an extremely bad impression of this pair of uncle and nephew.

"Ancestor, you see that Bai Chen's combat skills are so powerful, can you make some arrangements for me?"

"You're thinking shit!"

After the old monster Wu died, he directly blacklisted this junior who was usually quite pleasing to the eye.

He has mastered the combat technique of being able to slip the famous ice man Han Tian into a husky even though he is a quasi-awakened person.

It's strange that Bai Chen could like the combat skills he found.

The old wizard's script to use combat skills to arouse Bai Chen's desire to become stronger failed again.

"Who are the parents of classmate Bai Chen?"

"His bloodline power is so powerful!"

The old wizard watched the video over and over again, but he couldn't find any clues from Bai Chen's combat skills.

This set of strange-looking but highly effective insect-based combat skills seems to be a product of another world.

It is incomparable with all the insect-based combat skills known to the old wizard.

"Other regions in Dongtu?"


"Or the Western Alliance?"

"Or are only a few high-level controllers qualified to know the combat techniques of civilizations from other worlds in the legendary space nodes?"

The old weirdo thought for a long time and was still confused.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of his small house.

The old wizard put on a white coat and walked to the door.

He opened the door and took a look.

Three old acquaintances were at the door.

The founders of the three major suppliers are three old guys from almost the same era as Wu Laoguai for a hundred years before and after.

"What wind brings you here?"

They are all old relationships that have lasted for hundreds of years.

The old monster Wu spoke very casually.

"What kind of wind? The strange old wizard's wind!"

"Old guy, you are so stupid."

"We have been friends for hundreds of years. Old monster, if you have any dissatisfaction with us, just tell us frankly. Are you going to trick us like this?"

The sun, the moon, the stars.

The three founders' businesses are as unpretentious and boring as their names.

"Old Ghost Yang, please speak clearly."

"Old man Yue, would you like to give me another try?"

"Old lady Xing, have I tricked you?"

The old wizard really didn't know why the three of them were so crazy.

"The basic psychic formula, which is guaranteed to be 40% guaranteed, is not made by you, the old wizard?"

The founder of Xingchen Experimental Equipment Supplier, whose name is Xingchen Old Lady, is actually similar to a middle-aged lady, said dissatisfied.

"That's all if you want to promote your guaranteed 40% formula, but why do you let a junior point out the core variables of our Moon Company in front of three of our partners!"

Old Man Yue, who had as many craters on his face as the moon, glared at Old Monster Wu angrily.

"Old witch, you are really going too far."

Old Ghost Yang said angrily.

The old man Wu who was pouring water for the three of them was stunned.

"Basic psychic formula that guarantees 40%?"

"Are you talking about the one in the experimental equipment?"

The old weirdo Wu looked like you three old guys had eaten enough and had nothing to do to get together and tease me.

Although he is not a big shot in this area. But we also know that the three suppliers have spent hundreds of years researching, but they have only pushed the psychic utilization rate to 35%, and they have been able to keep up with the top leaders in the industry.

Now, a new formula has emerged that guarantees a minimum of 40%?

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