I can summon myself

Chapter 53 Not a cent

"Three-piece suits are three-piece suits. If you are interested in three-piece suits, you can talk about it later."

"The total budget is 10 million, of which the budget for experimental instruments and equipment is zero."

The conference room became so quiet that a pin drop could be heard.

Even He Gu, who was about to stop Bai Chen from adding the three-piece suit to the equipment negotiation, was frightened by his decision.

Want to get 100 million worth of experimental instruments from the three major suppliers without paying?

He Gu's only idea was that Bai Chen took the national treasures to the headquarters of the three major suppliers while the moon was dark and the wind was high...

In contrast, the three partners looked at Bai Chen's face with the eyes of their peers.

"This guy is so handsome."

"This guy is so cruel."

"This guy is so old-fashioned."

Not a penny was spent.

The water here is deep.

Behind-the-scenes operations, private transactions, and interest exchanges, one man and two women instantly thought of countless possibilities.

The look they gave Bai Chen was no longer a newbie, but an old sly man who was well versed in the rules of the circle.

Bai Chen put away the curtain and wrote a basic psychic formula on the blackboard behind it.

"The experimental instruments of the three suppliers are all developed from this formula."

"Based on my understanding of the flagship model parameters on your official website and the progress of your papers published in journals, although the expansion of this formula by the three of you is different, the highest psychic utilization rate will not exceed 35%."

"And I have a new formula that is also extended from this basic formula, with a guaranteed minimum of 40%."

Bai Chen said lightly.

The faces of the three engineers changed suddenly.

Although Bai Chen did not give the specific figures of any company.

But his judgment of 35% is indeed the upper limit of each company.

They can accurately judge the research progress of each company from the commercial flagships that do not represent their most advanced technology, and the papers that are also hidden.

Is the unknown Bai Chen a monster? What shocked them even more was Bai Chen's statement of a guaranteed minimum of 40%.

The basic psychic formula is called basic because it is the most widely used. Relatively speaking, everyone is studying it.

Let alone a 5% increase, even a 1% increase is very difficult for the three major suppliers and peers around the world, and it is considered a major upgrade worth boasting about.

But Bai Chen, who is not even heard of in the academic circle of Jiangnan District, Yanyu City, or even the Department of Flowers, Birds, Fishes and Insects of Yanyu College, actually said that his formula has reached a guaranteed 40% psychic energy utilization rate?

The first reaction of the three engineers was disbelief.

But the basic psychic formula is something like that.

Its psychic energy utilization test is not complicated.

Not to mention that they can easily do it even ordinary students in this base.

It is unlikely that Bai Chen would tell such a lie that would be exposed in front of He Gu and Professor You.

"40% guaranteed!!!"

The duo of Zhang Nangua and Hall, who had always been invisible, suddenly rushed towards Bai Chen.

Zhang Nangua, with disheveled hair, had wide eyes and a crazy look. The originally harmless science otaku, at this moment, actually looked a bit ferocious.

The burly Hall took two steps at a time and rushed to a place four meters away from Bai Chen.

Then, nothing happened.

Zuo Miao kicked Hall and Zhang Nangua to the other end of the conference room.

Zhang Nangua turned around and yelled to He Gu, "Notify the old principal immediately and terminate the negotiations immediately!"

"Is this formula important?"

He Gu reached into his pocket where his cell phone was and did not call immediately, but looked at Professor You.

Professor You smiled bitterly, "Different fields, I don't know."

"Xiao Tian?"

Tian Gang replied with a bitter face, "I don't know either."

This is embarrassing.

He Gu himself didn't know what the meaning of this basic psychic formula was.

Although there is the word "basic", since the arrival of the psychic tide.

Humans currently have more than 100,000 basic psychic formulas, and the number is increasing at a rate of 3,500 per year.

It is not the kind of true unified basic psychic formula that can unify the psychic discipline.

From the reactions of Professor You and Tian Gang, it can be seen that the formula Bai Chen mentioned may only be applicable to the experimental instrument industry where the three major suppliers and Zhang Nangua are engaged.

He Gu immediately gave up the idea of ​​notifying the old principal.

However, since Bai Chen had taken out this formula.

It seemed that he wanted to use this formula to exchange for experimental equipment worth 100 million yuan.

It was reasonable to suspend the negotiations.

"Bai Chen, we don't understand the basic psychic formula."

"But if you want to use this formula to offset the price, shouldn't you let us see the value of your formula first?"

"That's right, you can't just say 40% guaranteed."

A man and two women put forward their conditions.

"That's the truth."

Bai Chen nodded.

"Stop, you can't take out the formula. The three major suppliers are not good birds. Even if you take out half of the formula, they will use their powerful academic research and development system based on the information you leaked to further deduce the complete formula."

"By then, not only will you not get what you want, but even your formula will be registered by them first, and then they will use their team of lawyers to threaten you in return!"

Zhang Nangua roared madly.

"Oh my god, how can this guy be so proficient in the business of our three companies?"

"Is this guy also our former employee?"

"He is too familiar with our methods."

The man and two women exchanged glances.

But no one had any impression of this violent science geek.

Has he been cheated by our three companies? It must be so.

The man and two women's brains turned quickly.

Trying to find a way to let Bai Chen come up with a formula.

Suddenly Bai Chen picked up a pen, under Zhang Nangua's distressed eyes.

Brush, brush, write three variables.

Zhang Nangua kept stamping his feet.

He pointed at Bai Chen, his voice full of anger for not listening to good people.

"Why are you like this! Is there a hole in your brain!"

He Gu and Professor You were also frightened by Bai Chen's sudden behavior.

They didn't know whether the three major suppliers did such things.

However, the dirtiness in the psychic academic circle is even more than that in traditional disciplines.

From the heaven-defying masters to the ordinary people, the spiritual power has greatly developed the brains of the top students, and also improved their ability to scheme.

Every second, a newbie who has just entered the circle is cheated.

If this formula is really so important.

Professor Iga Koyou's understanding of the three major suppliers.

They can definitely do the evil of robbing Baichen's achievements.

At this time, the three front-line engineers who secretly took out paper and pen and recorded with the camera were like dogs whose tails were stepped on.

They jumped up from their chairs. Shouted: "Stop, stop now."

"Stop writing!"

"Stop it!"

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