I can summon myself

Chapter 51: Joint battle, Bai Chen wins

"The snake, sword, and space jade pendant are all handed over to Li Yan."

Then Zuo Miao sent a second message: "Tell me about your system and the rules."

Bai Chen smiled: "We are still waiting for the CEO to formulate the rules. This is the third system task. Senior sister, please help me take it."

Zuo Miao handed the phone to Mo Qianxing with a dark face.

"Your junior brother is really good at playing."

The next day, the three suppliers introduced by Professor You appeared at the gate of the base on time.

In order to express their importance to the national treasure project, although they knew it was a small project to improve crayfish, the three companies spontaneously sent a team of partners and a first-line engineer. After finding out that Bai Chen, who was in charge of the project, was a graduating student.

The man and two women who appeared in front of Bai Chen were all strong-mouthed kings who were proficient in various rhetoric.

As soon as they met, they approached each other in a familiar way.

"This is Bai Chen, the talented man who cultivated the improved crayfish that is loved by the national treasure."

"Amazing! Bai Chen, I won't hide it from you. When I was your age, I was still a runner with a bag following my seniors around the world to run errands to get business. I was either on a vehicle or about to board a vehicle for 365 days a year. I was a fat man weighing 300 pounds, but I was exhausted to become a bamboo pole weighing 103 pounds. But when I was running around the world, you were able to personally manage a new laboratory and become our Party A boss. It's true that ambition is not old."

"When I saw you, the top student Bai Chen, I understood what it means to be a hero in your youth."

"Thank you for giving us suppliers a meal."

The man and the two women praised Bai Chen's good work enthusiastically and sincerely.

Professor You on the side was stunned, and the tall woman felt her cheeks flushed.

As representatives of the Crested Ibis Park responsible for external contacts, they had never heard such explicit praise.

He Gu's expression remained unchanged.

Such flattery, not to mention a newbie like Bai Chen who has never dealt with suppliers, even an old hand like him could easily fall into the trap of these three eloquent and powerful kings.

In a state of euphoria, he made a promise that he should never have made.

"Xiaotian, pay attention."

Tian Gang, Bai Chen's senior brother, nodded heavily.

This man and two women are so bad that they actually use very social rhetoric on their junior brothers.

Bai Chen smiled in a formal way.

This made the man and two women who were bragging but secretly observing Bai Chen's reaction feel uneasy.

Blue Star Bai Chen, the top predator of the Blue Star academic chain, the tyrant at the top of the Blue Star science pyramid, what kind of flattery has he not seen?

Compared with the eloquent partners of the Blue Star 100 billion and 1 trillion-level consortiums, this man and two women are just beginners.

Bai Chen, who was looking for a cat, started from Mars. He was not only human, but also all kinds of strange alien cannons. He remained unmoved.

Even the relatively inexperienced 233 version of Earth itself has created a crested ibis nirvana assembly line, and three out of ten crested ibis can be reborn from the awakener level to the legendary Phoenix offspring.

Be it praise or slander.

With these three experiences, Bai Chen has already reached a state of harmony in his mind, where he is not surprised by praise or criticism and can watch the strong mouths blow and criticize.

"I admire you!"

The man among the three partners sincerely bowed to Bai Chen, saying that he was willing to admit defeat.

The two women also stopped flattering.

The eyes looking at Bai Chen were full of surprise.

The exaggerated expression disappeared instantly and was replaced by solemnity and seriousness.

In their minds, Bai Chen has become a heart of stone who would not blink even if Mount Tai collapsed.

In the first round, the strong mouth king of one man and two women was completely defeated.

Just when they were about to say some polite words and get to the point,

A middle-aged white man wearing dirty work clothes and untidy beard ran to Bai Chen panting.

"Wait, there's me too."

Behind the middle-aged man, a man in a white coat and thick glasses shouted out of breath. He was thin, with messy and fluffy long hair draped over his shoulders. His skin was unusually white. He looked like a crazy researcher who stayed in the laboratory all year round and never went out.

"He Gu, you are not kind. Since this is our new laboratory of the Department of Flowers, Birds, Fishes and Insects, there is no reason to invite only outsiders."

The man with glasses complained to He Gu.

Tian Gang quietly introduced the identities of the duo to Bai Chen: "The speaker is Zhang Nangua, an expert in experimental instrument design in the logistics department of our department, and Gongfu is his assistant, Hall, who is responsible for manufacturing the instruments."

"Because they are making special experimental equipment for the old principal, I don't think they can spare the time and energy, so I didn't notify them, but I don't know where the news leaked out and they came."

After a pause, Tian Gang continued: "The two have no problem with their skills, but the problem is that only Hall can do the work, and they are unwilling to introduce more people. The old principal has been waiting for the instruments he wants for a year and a half, and I don't know if they have completed them yet."

Bai Chen understood.

"Let's go to the conference room."

Seeing that Tian Gang had introduced the Hengha duo to Bai Chen.

He Gu led everyone to the conference room.

After the three engineers from the supplier and Zhang Nangua took out paper and pen, recorder, and turned on the laptop.

Bai Chen walked to the projector and projected the PPT prepared by Blue Star Bai Chen onto the screen.

See clearly the parameters of the experimental instruments that Bai Chen needs on the screen.

The three engineers took a deep breath at the same time.

Professor You, the tall woman, and Tian Gang's reactions were similar to those of the three engineers.

As soon as they saw the parameters on Bai Chen's PPT, the three of them were stunned.

Although Manager He and the man and two women did not understand technology, they were all smart people. They deduced Bai Chen's requirements from their reactions, which seemed a little beyond imagination.

Only Zhang Nangua and Hall picked up paper and pen and calculated frantically.

"This deity, I feel bad."

"The prophecy came true, alas."

When Bai Chen thought his requirements were beyond the supplier's capabilities.

The three engineers spoke up one after another.

"Student Bai Chen, my family can do it."

"The parameters are a bit high, but they are still within our technical reserves."

"We have no problem!"

After that, they leaned close to their partners' ears and muttered.

The man who claimed to have weighed 300 kilograms and now looked like he weighed more than 200 kilograms was the first to make a quotation.

"This instrument, 35 million stardust, three months delivery time."

"32 million, four months delivery time."

"38 million, 75 days."

The prices of the three suppliers made He Gu roll his eyes.

Professor You and the tall girl also looked like you three are teasing me.

Feeling bad, Tian Gang shook his head at Bai Chen.

Each instrument costs 35 million. You should know that although Bai Chen's laboratory is small, one or two instruments are not enough.

"Don't worry."

"Look at the rest and then quote."

Bai Chen released the second equipment.

Even if they didn't understand the technology, He Gu and the three-person team of one man and two women saw that the requirements for this instrument were much higher than the first one.

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