I can summon myself

Chapter 482 Sorry to interrupt your party

"That makes sense."

"These scattered sand-like unbelievers are indeed very strange."

"Retain 35% of the power."

With its order, one-third of the alien energy remained in the underground mycelium network.

When the last two thousand unbelievers continued to appear in the mushroom forest.

Chief Wululu and James Shattered Void looked at each other, and their eyes were full of excitement that the real master had come.

Without waiting for it to order other mushroom people, it injected all the alien spiritual energy in the mycelium network into the area where the last two thousand unbelievers were located.

Although they didn't understand why these two thousand unbelievers appeared in new coordinates that were no different from other locations in the mushroom forest.

But as long as the instigator dared to show his head, they would hit the bastard who created this unbelievers invasion head-on.

"30,000 spore bombs, ready!"

"Five thousand sets of mycelium enclosures are fully charged!"

"Even if a cloud-level god comes, we are sure to keep it in place!" Wululu pointed to the gathering point of two thousand unbelievers hundreds of kilometers away, and said with high spirits.

But it just finished speaking.

A space fluctuation close to it appeared at the XYZ2333 coordinate where it and James were.

"What kind of space psychic energy is this?"

"I've never seen it before."

"Oh no, we've been fooled. These 12,000 unbelievers are just a cover. The other party's real target is us in XYZ2333!"

Skeleton James just finished speaking.

Star suckers as big as skyscrapers broke out of the ground and surrounded the mushroom where James and others were.

"Start the space array immediately!"

James reacted very quickly.

But when the light of the space teleportation array just lit up.

"Ah, ah." The sound came from the place where the space fluctuation was. Along with this sound, there was a mysterious breath that seemed to be able to destroy the world and bury the entire blue sky world.

As this breath mixed with the sound of ah ah passed through the coordinate XYZ2333, the teleportation light under James' feet suddenly went out.

The mushroom they were in was enveloped by this destructive breath, and an irresistible and irresistible feeling rose from it and the soul of every mushroom man.

"What is this?"

"The space spirit energy is out of our control."

The face of the Wululu chief was as pale as paper.

The space pattern on each bone of James also became dim.

In addition to this destructive breath.

They looked through the skylight above their heads.

The strange giant insects that could absorb all light like black holes also made them feel cold all over.

"This is a super space creature that can cross the world by nature!" James saw the extraordinary of the star-sucking insect swarm at a glance.

"Friend Bai Chen, we found the real owner."

The star-sucking insect leader who grew taller than the mushroom also recognized James Shattered Void, whose shape was extremely impressive and every bone was inlaid with space pattern patterns.

"Bai Chen?"

"Yes, it's the name Bai Chen."

"The foreign lord of the evil gold mine next door?"

The mushroom people looked at the group of Dongtu people who walked out of the space channel where the star sucking worm leader moved to the umbrella cover with horror.

Long Hantian smashed the skylight with a punch, and then the alien boss jumped in, followed by Fang Zihan.

When the three of them saw the small vine seedlings quietly coming out of the floor, they finally smiled with relief.

"Student Bai Chen, you can come over."

Three minutes later.

Bai Chen led a large group to this 400-square-meter banquet hall.

"Big bones wearing a top hat?"

"Green mushrooms?"

"Are you having a party?"

"Sorry to disturb your party."

The teachers and students looked around.

Wang Botang touched here and there.

And the foodie senior sister walked to the mushroom people's dining table and looked at the food on the table curiously, looking at the pieces of honey-like things.

There was an inexplicable brilliance in Wululu's eyes.

Just when it was planning to use mycelium to control these daring awakened humans to regain the initiative.

Waves of heaven-defying mythical auras certified by the Azure Sky World rose from them.

Although it and other mushroom people did not understand what kind of power these strange titles such as Johnny Yin Hand, Fitness Coach, and Three Thousand Years of Charcoal-grilled Ancient God represented.

But they were obviously thinking too much to use mycelium to attack these heaven-defying myths.

Wululu's eyes fell on Bai Chen, a mere "Second Level" awakener.

Is there a soft persimmon here?

The little vine seedlings that made them feel so scared returned to Bai Chen's shoulders.

Wululu was stunned.

The skeleton James, who kept measuring the strength of both sides, had a gleam in his eyes, and he tried: "Lord Baichen of the Evil Gold Mine?"

Swish, Long Hantian, Fang Zihan, and the alien boss immediately locked the skeleton James.

The little vine with two roots dangling on Bai Chen's shoulder grinned, revealing a mouthful of threatening white teeth.

Knowing that this was the real owner, James took off his hat and gave Bai Chen an impeccable salute: "Sir Bai Chen, I am James Broken Void, and this is Chief Wululu, the owner of the Mushroom Forest. May I ask how we can help you?"

Bai Chen looked at the skeleton James thoughtfully and said calmly: "The short-distance space teleportation dragon blood matrix sold by the Temple of Fortune was probably made by you."

Skeleton James nodded subconsciously.

"Yes, Sir Bai Chen."

"That's right."

"According to the long-arm jurisdiction principle reached by the Earth over the Blue Sky World, when the indigenous people of the Blue Sky World infringe upon the interests of the people on Earth, the people on Earth have the right to judge the indigenous people."

"The two-headed ogre Graham used the dragon's blood matrix you made in my territory Maple Sugar Prairie to rob the Naiu I gave to the Maple Sugar Tribe in front of me, and also wanted to steal the Maple Sugar Tribe from my people. Extortion of the so-called breeding tax.”

"According to the relevant laws of the Eastern Earth, I have the right to further trace and judge the space system pheasant god-level producer who provided Graham with the dragon blood matrix."

"In view of the above, James Broken Void, you are my prisoner."

Bai Chen said calmly.

The faces of the mushroom men suddenly became very ugly.

"You foreigners have gone too far!"

"Use your laws to govern the affairs of the Blue Sky World?"

"The two-headed ogre is seeking death in your territory. What does it have to do with James?"

The old weirdo put his hands on his hips and said, "It's just because of our big fists."

"You are not convinced?"

Wang Botang showed off his muscles in a pose.

Zuo Miao took out her big iron stick with an expressionless face.

"Want to fight?"

"Count us three!"

Yan Shuishui, Xinda, and Xinuowei lined up in a row, and there were many mushroom people who rolled up their sleeves and started fighting after just a few nonsense words.

As the star sucker transformed into the size of an ordinary person and jumped in through the skylight, the angry mushroom man suddenly became honest.

The space text on each bone of Skeleton James exudes a blue light of uncertain brightness. It opened its lower jaw and spoke to Bai Chen word for word: "Your Excellency Bai Chen, I do not accept your statement, I reject it!"

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