I can summon myself

Chapter 479 Simple and Direct

“The plan for exploring the jungle is simple.”

"Just arm these more than 10,000 unbelievers and use the portal to deliver them to the mushroom forest. While the mushrooms react, we will directly enter the location of coordinates XYZ2333."

"And when we entered XYZ2333, we immediately started the second stage that even I was afraid of. All members of the Evil Gold Mining Area entered the temporary shelter arranged by Sally in the name of exercise, and at the same time stayed behind with the division of the East Room Sword Sect. If something bad happens if all the students are gathered on the main peak, they will immediately return to the extinct volcano island with the help of the genius center boss who stays behind. "

Bai Chen's method is simple and direct.

They used the cannon fodder of unbelievers to attract attention. After confirming that there was no mystery in the mushroom forest beyond their tolerance, they went straight to Huanglong. The teachers and students left behind in the evil gold mining area were always ready to grease their feet and run away.

"It's not a loss to exchange non-human unbelievers for a chance to get a new portal."

"The space pheasant god is so fat just thinking about it."

"Graham's set of Dragon Blood Matrix, second-level dealer Sheringham's purchase price was three hundred tons of entry-level god-level essence. The Temple of Fortune alone purchased at least five thousand sets. In other words, XYZ2333 was just in Fortune The temple took away 150,000 tons of god-level essence.”

"And their cost is ridiculously low. The most expensive part of this matrix is ​​dragon blood. There are countless hybrid dragons living from the mushroom forest to the cracks in the earth."

The teachers and students in the conference room of the extinct volcano island looked at the coordinates XYZ2333 with bright eyes.

After preliminary research on the Dragon Blood Matrix, even Zuo Guang, who was most reluctant to see Bai Chen take risks, had to admit that this mysterious space god huddled within the coordinates was indeed a super fat sheep worth taking.

Once it is captured, it will not only solve the imminent portal life problem, but also obtain a massive amount of god-level essence resources.

"As for safety."

"The star sucker swarm leads the charge."

Bai Chen looked at the star sucker leader.

The star sucker leader nodded and said: "No problem, my friend."

The other star suckers also looked eager to try.

Compared with the miserable days in the desolate world behind the Lost Contact Zone, they are now much more nourished by following Bai Chen.

The most worrying two-headed star suckers have been properly arranged. Every now and then, they can enjoy psychic feasts like Graham's, or god-level essences approved by Bai Chen.

Of course, working for Bai Chen is a matter of course.

"After you confirm it's safe, little Tengmiao, you take control of the field."

"Yeah, yeah."

Little vine seedlings emerged from Bai Chen's hair.

"We'll go over after making sure it's correct."

Even Zuo Guang nodded now.

"Here at the Genius Center, Your Excellency Wu Qingmei, you, Lao Huang, Er Huang and others are staying in the East Room Sword Sect. The Bookish Boss, the Alien Boss, Your Excellency Long Hantian, and Your Excellency Fang Zihan, these four will come with us to coordinates XYZ2333 ”

Bai Chen's purpose in calling the bookish boss was simple. If there were traces of aliens in XYZ2333, as one of the most knowledgeable scientists in the Genius Center, he would be able to immediately join in the process of determining the other party's identity.

As for Alien, Long Shaotian, and Fang Zihan, the three most powerful combat-type warriors, it's simple. They are responsible for everyone's safety.

"What about us?"

Yan Shuishui, Xinda, and Xi Nuowei raised their hands.

"Come with us."

Bai Chen said lightly.


After finalizing the most important XYZ2333, it was Zuo Guang’s turn.

"The California consortium proposed a joint research proposal using Graham, indigenous myths, unbelievers, and various creatures in the wilderness to verify the safety of Compound V."

"They are willing to provide a complete production line and all related technical information in exchange for the opportunity to experiment with Compound V on them."

"If Compound V appears in the problem, then let it go. If Compound V can achieve the effect you see on Earth, the California consortium wants to reach an agreement with us to officially promote it on a small scale in the Baichen territory such as the evil gold mining area and the maple syrup grassland. intention."

Bai Chen looked calm: "Teacher, what do you think?"

"It's not unusual for all parties on earth to use the natives of the Blue Sky World as various guinea pigs, but I didn't expect that the California consortium would do anything to promote their compound V, even the production line, formula, and even the research and development information. come out."

Zuo Guang sighed.

"However, my personal opinion is still non-committal. Anyway, we are not in a hurry. We will deal with things one by one. XYZ2333 and I myself are afraid of it are more important things."

Bai Chen laughed.

"Yeah, we're not in a hurry, we just keep delaying."

After the meeting, Long Hantian called Bai Chen to stop.

"Classmate Bai Chen, the human-dragon hybrid wants me to come over and beg for mercy. I hope their behavior will not affect your view of Long Yi."

Bai Chen looked stunned.

"Your Excellency Long Hantian, we have been in contact for a long time, right? Do you think I am the kind of person who engages in serial killings?"

"Of course not." Seeing the unsuspecting look in Bai Chen's eyes, Long Hantian quickly explained his reason: "I believe Long Yi is Long Yi, and they are them. You will definitely not get angry because of these human-dragon hybrids. As for Long Yi, the main reason why I came here to find you is because I have a rare opportunity to educate these guys with eyes and foreheads. "

"I want to use you to clean up these bastards who are flattered by the temples of the Azure Sky World."

Bai Chen looked at Long Hantian thoughtfully.

"What are you going to do?"

"Throw them into the wild area and attract the attention of the Mushroom Forest with the Faithless?"

Long Hantian showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Not really, how can they have the fighting power of the mythical level."

Bai Chen raised an arc at the corner of his mouth: "Just a joke."

In fact, Bai Chen never thought of using this group of human-dragon hybrids as cannon fodder. It's not because he cares about the attitude of the Genius Center, or the face of Long Hantian and Long Yi.

It's purely because compared with most Faithless who started as mid-level controllers, the strength of this group of human-dragon hybrids is too poor.

If it weren't for the blood of the Eastern Dragon Clan that allowed them to reach the level of controllers, Bai Chen confirmed that their human qualifications alone would not even reach the ninth level of the awakened Wu Laoguai.

At this level, let alone cannon fodder.

Bai Chen even suspected that they didn't even have the physical strength required for a temporary portal.

If they were really thrown into the temporary portal leading to the mushroom forest.

These guys might have been crushed into slag by the space turbulence in the portal as soon as they entered the temporary portal.

After confirming that Bai Chen really didn't intend to use them as cannon fodder, Long Hantian breathed a sigh of relief: "Aren't there a lot of wild, unregistered indigenous forces like Graham in the Evil Gold Mine Area and Maple Sugar Grassland? I plan to take this opportunity to let them find these wild forces one by one and register them."

"If it can't be completed in one year, it will be two years. If it can't be completed in two years, it will be five years. When this task is completed, they will be allowed to return to the East. We must temper their tempers."

Bai Chen thought about it and said readily: "Okay, let's do it."

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