I can summon myself

Chapter 477 I will go back to the East to sue you!

"But this batch of unbelievers is already ours."

With a snap, Wang Botang slapped the transfer documents of more than 10,000 unbelievers in front of the human-dragon hybrids.

"See, the Cloud Gods personally certified that all the unbelievers in each temple are Bai Chen's personal slaves!"

"There is no saying that buying and selling cannot break the lease in the Azure Sky World. In other words, no matter what agreement you have reached with the various temples before, it is useless now!"

The faces of the human-dragon hybrids first turned red and then turned livid. They checked the transfer documents that Wang Botang slapped over and over again.

Only the scroll with the gods' personal signatures and the gods' marks on it was shining with divine light, and there was no possibility of fraud.

"I don't agree that you continue to complete this project." Bai Chen stabbed the human-dragon hybrids in the heart 99999 times: "I will take back all the unbelievers now and use them for other purposes. If you want to stop me, don't blame me for not reminding you that you will bear the consequences at your own risk!"

The human-dragon hybrids widened their eyes and their livid faces turned completely black as the bottom of a pot.

What they couldn't believe was that the unknown guys from Yanyu Academy dared to be so arrogant and reckless in front of them.



"Who gave you the courage to act so insolently in front of our genius center!!!"

"Do you know what you are doing? You are provoking our East Earth Genius Center!"

Red anger burned in the eyes of the human-dragon hybrids.

They stared at Bai Chen and the people from Yanyu Academy with great anger. In their view, this was a provocation to the Genius Center and an insult to their authority. It was also a self-destructive way for the indigenous gods to make fun of Dongtu and throw his face to the Blue Sky World.

"You are controlled by the indigenous people."

"You have lost your mind!"

"I will save you, a group of confused guys, on behalf of your Yanyu City."

"From now on, your Yanyu Academy is requisitioned by us."

A breath of control rose from the human-dragon hybrids. They chose the most appropriate means they thought to capture Bai Chen and his stubborn guys and pack them back to their territory.

They wanted to see how much benefit the natives had given to Yanyu Academy that made Bai Chen and others dare to speak nonsense and show off in front of these human-dragon hybrids.



"Expropriate your spicy neighbor!"

"Do you think we are easy to bully?"

The Wu Laoguai beside Bai Chen was the first to activate the Heavenly Dao Fake Letter Card of the Azure Sky World version.

The Heavenly Dao title of the ruthless pile driver Johnny Yinshou appeared on his Mediterranean afro.

The other teachers and students showed their own signs in a very formal manner.

"Don't ask, just ask the fitness coach with weaknesses from the Brave New World!"

"The blue little pill is so scary!"

"I shoulder the moral responsibility with my iron shoulders!"


"Professional charcoal grilled ancient gods for three thousand years!"

"Goldenness is a kind of aesthetics!"

A series of heaven-defying mythical auras that soared into the sky rose from behind Bai Chen.

During this period, there were also strange sounds of "ah, ah".

The eyes of the human-dragon hybrids with pot-bottom colors were wide open.

The powerful and terrifying aura of the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy gave them an ominous premonition that they would suffer a heavy loss today.

"How is it possible!!!"

"You, aren't you a group of awakened people?"

"How could we not have heard of Yanyu Academy, where everyone is a legend!"

"Don't mess around, we are the team of the Genius Center!"

The human-dragon hybrids were stern, but everyone could hear the bluff in their voices.

The God's Chosen who were watching were laughing so hard that their bellies were about to burst.

These guys who were so arrogant in the temples finally met their nemesis today.

The evil ones have to be dealt with by the evil ones, and each generation is more arrogant than the previous one.

These guys actually wanted to show off in front of Bai Chen, they simply didn't know how to live or die.

In terms of strength, although it is true that all the weirdos in Yanyu Academy are awakened, even if Xiao Tengmiao and the Star-sucking Insect Swarm do not take action, the various dragon bone cards in their hands are enough to beat these human-dragon hybrids with horns and horns, who are already covered with lumps, so that they can't take care of themselves, and even the old dragon of the East can't recognize them.

In terms of status, whether in the East Psychic Association or the East Genius Center, how can a vigorous guy like Bai Chen who has expanded the territory of the East be compared with the human-dragon hybrids who rely on the Genius Center to bully others?

The Chosen Ones are extremely happy.

These human-dragon hybrid bullies will finally be taught a lesson by classmate Bai Chen today.

"What if you mess around?"

The old monster Wu started to be sarcastic.

"They are all human dragons, but why is there such a big difference?"

"Mr. Long Hantian is so reliable, Miss Long Yi is so beautiful, but you guys have a lot of bumps on your head, but why are you so annoying?"

"Anyone who dares to show off in front of Junior Bai Chen will be beaten!"

"Psychic fist, go!"

As the foodie senior sister took out the psychic fist generator card first.

The psychic fist curtain that beat the native anti-sky myth to the ground appeared again in front of the chosen ones.

Although for the sake of the genius center, these psychic fist attacks were deliberately suppressed to the level of the human-dragon hybrid controller.

But when the overwhelming psychic fists hit the faces of the human-dragon hybrids, in less than a minute, the guys who ran to Bai Chen to challenge him let out a deafening scream.

"Damn it!"

"How dare you hit me!"

"Stop it, stop it!"

"We are from the Genius Center!"

"I will go back to the East to sue you!"

"Ah, stop hitting me!"

The human-dragon hybrids ran away.

At this time, Wu Qingmei, Long Hantian and other big guys from the Genius Center filed out of the portal.

As soon as they walked out of the hall in a hurry, they saw the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy using psychic fists to beat the human-dragon hybrids to tears.

However, no one paid attention to the human-dragon hybrids, but immediately looked for Bai Chen.

When they found that Bai Chen, who was standing among the teachers and students, was drinking happy water with a comfortable look on his face, the big guys of the Genius Center breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Chen is fine.

Wu Qingmei walked to Bai Chen.

"Classmate Bai Chen, what's wrong with them?"

Bai Chen shrugged before he could speak.

The human-dragon hybrids who also found the big guys in the genius center were like seeing a savior.

"Mister Wu Qingmei, stop those bastards from Yanyu Academy!"

"Uncle Long, Uncle Fang, avenge us."

"Lao Huang, Er Huang, those people from Yanyu Academy are controlled by the indigenous gods."

"Quick, control them, they bully people, they don't give face to our genius center!"

The human-dragon hybrids roared loudly.

But with Qian Duoduo's words that they wanted to snatch the gift given to Lord Bai Chen by the gods.

The human-dragon hybrids were completely tragic.

Long Hantian rolled up his sleeves and joined the battlefield, punching them all over their heads.

Fang Zihan raised his hand and controlled the human-dragon hybrids in the small space in front of the hall.

Lao Huang and Er Huang shook their heads and untied their belts and slapped the human-dragon hybrids fiercely.

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