I can summon myself

Chapter 470: Intensify the efforts

The illusory ogre god's face just emerged from Graham's body. Under everyone's stunned gaze, it turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared completely.

Graham stared at his chest dumbfounded.

Although there were no wounds on his chest, there was no trace of the ogre god's breath in his body. Along with the power given by the ogre god, his entire faith in the ogre god disappeared together with it.

"David Ham, the ogre god, you haven't given me the fucking salary I should have received as a believer last year!"

Graham roared at the spot where David Ham disappeared.

"Thirty, oh no, fifty kilograms of entry-level god-level essence, we have nothing to do with it anymore."

A mess of god-level essence fell from the sky in front of Graham, and along with it was a teaching disc from an elite cultist of the Ogre Cult with Graham's name on it.

Graham's two heads are full of the ferocious look of David Ham, your mother's sudden death on the spot.

He carefully put away this lump of god-level essence.

Then in front of Bai Chen, he tore the teaching disc that represented the identity of the former ogre believer into pieces.

"Lord, you have also seen that David Ham, the ogre god I believe in, has been scared to death by you, and now I am no longer a believer in it."

"However, I also believe in four other pheasant gods part-time. Do you want to summon them as well?"

"These four owe me three years of wages as believers. Lord, please help me get my wages."

As soon as it finished speaking, there were four more space fluctuations. Its four salaries and four "work certificates" as believers were thrown out from the air by these four pheasant gods.

Bai Chen looked ORZ on his face.

What made him even more speechless was seeing Graham take back five believers' wages in one go.

The natives who had been beaten by Bai Chen's psychic fists just a moment ago and were unable to take care of themselves, lying in the grass and rolling around in misery, stopped moaning one after another, and the carps jumped up from the ground one by one.

"Lord, we also believe in a lot of gods."

"Master Bai Chen, we are also your subjects, you must treat us equally."

"The gods we believe in are fat and fleshy. You can trick them into feeding the little vines on your shoulders."

"Help us get our salary too."

They were chatting in gibberish while putting on all kinds of weird and weird poses to pray to God, preparing to summon their respective beliefs on the spot just like Graham, who both had the same flattering head.

As a result, colorful psychic energy fluctuated.

Tuoes of large or small god-level essences appeared in front of each other without any warning.

"Yeah, yeah!"

Little Tengmiao pointed at the group of smiling natives who defied the myth of heaven, and her little eyes were full of displeasure for not being able to eat the gods.

At this time, the sound of Yan Shui Shui sounded again in the Ancient God client.

"You see, this is the reason why the pheasant gods in the Big Blue Sky World look down upon even you outsiders. As gods, they cannot protect their own believers. Naturally, most of their believers will not regard them as beliefs, and will all agree with Greenham. Mu, like these natives who are taking advantage of the opportunity to ask for wages, regards being a believer as a job that can make money."

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows: "That's not entirely true. Graham's firmness when he said that he wanted me to betray our ogre god doesn't seem to be hypocritical. Unless, what he really believes in is not the one who has been raised in his chest. David Ham has another god."

"I don't know that."

After all, Yan Shuishui was not a native of the Blue Sky World, and she had already told Bai Chen everything she knew.

"But having said that, believers can be jobs, but among countless jobs there may also be natives who turn their jobs into true beliefs. In addition, given the current situation of old men everywhere in the big blue sky world, there is a possibility that Graham and David Han Mu is actually playing a double act.”

Bai Chen agreed with Yan Shuishui's judgment.

It is not unusual to deliberately show weakness. However, what is certain at present is that although David Ham's face looks a bit as powerful as prison and divine grace as sea.

But it is not a god of the space system.

Bai Chen didn't feel any special spatial fluctuations between it and the pheasant god who threw out god-level essence.

It seems that if you want to solve the problem of the longevity of the portal, the blue dragon mentioned by Graham is a ready choice.

But Bai Chen was not prepared to listen to Feng Shiyu's rash actions, and his attention returned to Graham.

"Absorb all the power from it."

Bai Chen said to the air beside him.

Graham, who had been secretly observing Bai Chen's every move, turned around and ran away. The light of space spiritual energy emerged from its big white belly.

But the next moment, before he could initiate teleportation, the two-headed cannibal magician was surrounded by a swarm of star-sucking insects. The star suckers, which can absorb all light, clung to Graham's body. Their big mouths opened, and the psychic energy of the two-headed ogre suddenly turned into a substantial plume of smoke that was sucked into their mouthparts through the air.

Graham found that no matter how hard he struggled, he could never get rid of these strange, unheard-of bugs.

"Psychic energy."

"Divine power?"

"Wow, there are still several divine powers?"

"I didn't expect that Graham, with your thick eyebrows and big eyes, didn't really believe in the five pheasant gods before."

The unique divine light from the two-headed ogre magician made the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy look as if they had suddenly realized something.

After confirming the look in their eyes, this was another old cunt.

Both faces of Graham were filled with horror.

"Lord, stop it, tell these bugs to stop!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong, isn't it okay?"

"I shouldn't have been unable to restrain myself when I saw Naniu."

"I shouldn't have been so arrogant and pretentious in your territory."

"I shouldn't have tried to divert the blame to the blue miracle that didn't provide me with a space matrix."

"I shouldn't have worked for the five pheasant gods on the surface to hide my true beliefs."

"I was wrong, I was really wrong."

"Lord, don't let these bugs continue to suck, if they continue to suck, there will really be nothing left."

Graham lay in front of Bai Chen with snot and tears.

A feeling of regret kept rising in his heart. It shouldn't have stayed in this shabby place called Maple Sugar Prairie, and it shouldn't have dealt with this group of foreigners who looked so evil.

The Starsuckers swarm not only sucked away its spiritual energy and divine power. It also completely exposed its true nature in broad daylight without any cover or reservation.

Through these spiritual energy and divine power.

Bai Chen could easily know all its cards. Once its last underwear was stripped by the Starsuckers swarm.

Bai Chen and his group of foreigners could squeeze it to their heart's content.

Graham looked at Bai Chen eagerly, and kept bowing his head and begging for mercy.

Bai Chen seemed not to see it, and not only ignored it, but also ordered the Starsuckers swarm: "Increase the force!"

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