I can summon myself

Chapter 467 Lord, there is no point in talking any more

"You are in our territory, trying to steal our Naniu."

"You are in our territory, extorting our maple syrup tribe residents."

"You are in our territory, burning, killing, looting and forcing our residents to sign a non-aggression agreement, and now you want to collect breeding taxes in our territory."

"In the end, you actually ask who we are?"

Bai Chen sneered at the huge two-headed ogre. He waved his hand, and a breath of heaven-defying mythology rose from the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy behind him.

"Humanoid self-propelled pile driver!"

"Johnny Iron Hand!"

"Dear player, I am your father."

"This ancient god can be eaten after removing its head."

"The emotionless burn rope Jio Ben."

"Who has the best fitness technology? Wang Botang of Yanyu Academy."

Feeling the heaven-defying mythology fluctuations that soared into the sky, the two heads of the two-headed ogre magician were full of shock at the refreshed world view.

They were a bunch of awakened outsiders, but they instantly became the powerful and powerful people who defied the heavens and were certified by the Heavenly Dao of the Azure Sky World?

This group of outsiders is really outrageous.

After being shocked, Graham's eyes lit up with eagerness. As a melee mage who uses the evil gold stick as a weapon and stacks buffs, the truth he believes in is that the world is big and the fist is the biggest.

"Lord, there is no point in saying more."

"Although I don't understand why you chose the maple syrup grassland where no one lives as your territory, since the purple archbishop of the Temple of Fortune is present and did not raise any objections, it means that your rule here is at least recognized by the Temple of Fortune."

"But, Lord, you want to control us wild natives, whether you rely on words or a piece of paper."

"If you want to convince us, then decide the outcome with your hands!"

Graham raised the evil gold stick high.

The natives in the grassland behind him raised their weapons and roared.




"Defeat us on the battlefield!"

Bai Chen drank the happy water in the bottle.

"Let's fight one-on-one?"

Granham's two pairs of small eyes showed a shrewdness that was absolutely inconsistent with his rough appearance. He stretched out two fingers thicker than the big iron stick on the left: "Two games, your team and our anti-sky myth team will have one first, and then I will have another game with you."

"No matter the victory or defeat, I recognize your rule over the maple syrup prairie."

The two-headed ogre magician has a simple idea.

The jurisdiction of Bai Chen and his gang of outsiders over the maple syrup prairie has become a fact, so it simply recognizes Bai Chen's identity as the lord, but just like recognizing the maple syrup tribe before, recognition is one thing, and whether to obey or not is another.

If Bai Chen and his gang of outsiders are really powerful anti-sky myths, it would be fine. In the blue sky world, it is not shameful to bow to the strong and work for the powerful lord.

But if Bai Chen and his friends were just scumbags with nothing but good looks.

Then Graham would naturally treat these weak outsiders with a worse attitude than the Maple Sugar Tribe.

Bai Chen saw the cunning on this guy's face.

He turned to Annette Maple Sugar and other grass elves and said, "Sort out all the crimes they have committed and settle them one by one later."

Annette Maple Sugar and her grass elves nodded heavily.

"Qianxing, don't kill too many."

Mo Qianxing smiled with understanding.

At this moment, the heaven-defying myths and titled legends gathered behind Graham were furious.

Bai Chen's words made them feel unprecedented insult.

"Lord, you really take yourself seriously!"

"Outsiders, you must know that the Azure Sky World cannot be bullied, and the Azure Sky World's myth of defying the heavens cannot be insulted!"

"The so-called masters of the Maple Sugar Prairie, including Arnett Maple Sugar, dare not be so arrogant in front of us!"

"Well, let us use our fists to let you outsiders know how powerful the robbers, natives, and aborigines in your eyes are!"

Muscle seniors such as Wang Botang took off their coats, revealing their strong muscles. Foodie seniors and others also put the dragon bone cards in the most convenient position.

Fellow villager Walter's eyes turned scarlet.

Just when Qian Duoduo was about to temporarily put aside the identities of the Chosen One, the Elector, and the Purple Archbishop and join the group battle with the wealthy priests.

Mo Qianxing waved her hand.

She waved a thick stack of dragon bone cards in her hand.

"These are enough."

She began to distribute these new cards with a big fist printed on the surface to teachers and students.

"Shields open!"

"Lock on the remote preparation."

"Little Qianqian, get ready for the stun."

"Don't take it lightly."

The indigenous myths of heaven-defying also began to set up their positions, with tanks standing in front, output X** running around, and healers hiding in the middle of the output.

"My group of guys have rich experience in robbing houses." Immortal King Bai Chen saw at a glance the hidden mystery in this seemingly scattered and dogmatic formation.

Anyone who really uses the front row as a meat shield will definitely be hit.

Bai Chen raised an arc at the corner of his mouth: "Everyone is an old cunt, and they are old bandits at first glance."

"What a pity, how can they know the power of psychic technology." Blue Star Bai Chen sneered.

A quarter of an hour later, both sides were ready.

"Let's get started."

Before Bai Chen finished speaking, the indigenous myths of heaven-defying started the action first.

Various fancy psychic powers lit up on the grassland.

In the skills with full light and shadow effects, the old bandits scattered, sneaking and charging. Without any open communication, they quietly locked all the teachers and students clearly.

Mo Qianxing was the first to inject psychic energy into the fist dragon bone card.

Then came Zuo Miao, Wang Botang, and the foodie senior sister.

There were no messy colors, and there was no fancy like Yes RBG who was the most beautiful kid tonight.

After the psychic energy was injected, the myth of heaven-defying fluctuations appeared. Under the effect of the evil gold matrix inside the card, it condensed into semi-transparent and semi-substantial psychic fists, just so ordinary and plain, rising from the cards in the hands of teachers and students.

They flew towards the indigenous myths of heaven-defying who were rushing forward.

"Looks familiar?"

"Isn't this the psychic fist that the East Earth Genius Center, who pretended to be a rebel army, used to deal with the evil gold thugs?"

"It's not locked?"

"It can't go in a straight line?"

The spectators looked at the first wave of fists flying directly over the heads of the indigenous myths and flew to the distant place without poetry.

"Are you outsiders here to make fun of me?"

"Hahaha, I'm laughing to death. I thought it was so powerful."

"It turns out to be a one-time psychic fist."

The natives watching laughed out loud.

Then, they saw a scene that they will never forget.

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