I can summon myself

Chapter 462: Master Bai Chen is really amazing

Jabs's enthusiastic smile froze.

The directors of the California consortium were also stunned by Abbett Maple Sugar's words.


"Forget it."

"For the sake of classmate Bai Chen, we won't care about aborigines like you."

Being regarded as liars, they chose to endure.

Beating a dog also depends on the owner.

If their master was not Bai Chen, the directors would have ordered the Compound V Chapter to hang these natives on street lamps to dry.

But now, no matter how angry they are in front of Bai Chen, they can only regard these grass elves as a bunch of ignorant air.

A director in charge of the business related to the California consortium directly took out a Nainiu version of the fifth generation of the biosphere.

"Inside is the latest generation of improved Nai Niu from the California consortium. Its various attributes are 115% of the previous generation. There are about 12,000 animals in this half of the plane. We can use them to test the impact of this area. Adaptability to the environment.”

Bai Chen nodded.

Wang Botang took over and familiarly activated the channel solidified on the surface of this space equipment.

The foodie senior got in first.

A minute later, she walked out leading a giant cow weighing more than two tons.

"Why are there no cow balls?"

Wang Botang, who walked behind it and observed it from an .avi perspective, looked puzzled.

"This is a heifer."

"The big bull is the kind that starts at four tons."

A director gave some information to the teachers and students of Yanyu College who knew nothing about raising Nai beef.

He walked into the passage.

Three minutes later, he drove out one after another the giant bulls with big arms and round waists and muscles all over their bodies.


"A breeding cow, a real breeding cow!"

"This physique is even bigger than what our fellow elves have seen in Amei's Ranch on Earth!"

"The indescribable thing in the indescribable part is so indescribable!"

"The World Tree is up there! Master Bai Chen is really awesome!"

Arnett Maple Sugar and other grass elves stood in circles around these big breeding cattle. Each elf's eyes were filled with burning heat that could melt everything. These guys were not liars. Bai Chen could actually do it. Let the California consortium take the initiative to offer the super breeding cattle that are embargoed to Blue Sky World!

Bai Chen, a foreigner master, is indeed unfathomable.

"Frankie, their balls are bigger than your head."

Xinuo Wei's voice sounded.

Everyone's eyes fell on the bull's hind legs and Frankie's head.

Frankie, who looked like a wild elf, suddenly had a dark face that looked like the black hole shell of a star sucker.

"Master, are you saying that these can be compared together?"

A certain director drove out 300 bulls, cows and calves at one go.

Arnett Maple Sugar, the leader of the Maple Sugar tribe, has eyes brighter than light bulbs.

She was so excited that she even forgot to say hello to Bai Chen and together with the equally excited grass elves, drove the three hundred cows towards the endless grassland outside the Maple Sugar Tribe.

"They can adapt here."

Xi Nuowei, the darling of nature, said to Bai Chen affirmatively.

She felt a very strong vitality in this group of Nai Niu. Although the upper limit of these Nai Niu was a foodie senior who was a fourth-level Awakener. But their strong bodies can definitely adapt perfectly to life in the maple grassland.

"Then let's take care of it first."

"When these twelve thousand heads are used to it, we can talk about the rest."

Bai Chen said lightly.

Jabs said with a smile on his face: "When I get back, I will notify the headquarters of the consortium and send the breeders, veterinarians and other supporting equipment."


"If we really want to raise breeding cattle among them, we will respect the relevant rules and prevent further spread."

"If anyone wants to steal it or use other means." Bai Chen turned to look at Qian Duoduo, who was making soy sauce: "Convey my next words to the chosen ones. Whoever is here in the Blue Sky World What happened to Nainiu harmed the interests of the earth, so you let them do what they want."

Qian Duoduo nodded solemnly.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, don't worry, this maple sugar grassland will be the burial place of all cattle thieves."

Even if Bai Chen didn't say anything, she would have informed everyone in the Temple of Wealth not to risk their lives to take away the essence of these bulls.

The God of Wealth is not afraid of the California consortium, but before he can figure out the details of Bai Chen, he must not do anything to make Bai Chen angry.

The same goes for other temples. No matter how greedy they are, whether they are the gods who are above them or the chosen ones who have personally experienced the fear of the gods towards the little vine seedlings in Bai Chen's hands, they will give countless instructions to remind their subordinates not to seek death.

Jabs glanced at Qian Duoduo thoughtfully.

It seems that the news sent back by Melinda is indeed good.

At least for now, Bai Chen can indeed walk sideways in the Big Blue Sky World.

By testing the latest generation of improved Nai Niu that would definitely seduce even the superior indigenous gods, he became more determined to reach an agreement with Bai Chen to bundle and sell Compound V.

Obviously, only Bai Chen has the ability to make the gods pinch their noses to recognize that Compound V is spreading in the big blue sky world.

"Student Bai Chen, since we can raise cattle here, we can raise some sheep. I think we can also raise pigs and chickens, and use their excrement to grow vegetables. It doesn't have to be a big scale. Even a small group can guarantee the needs of your Yanyu College."

Jobs suggested.

"You can try it."

Bai Chen smiled.

At this time, five powerful spiritual energy fluctuations appeared in the direction of the evil gold mining area.

A small black dot appeared in the sky.

As the distance got closer.

The spiritual energy fluctuations became weaker.

A white bird with three long tail wings appeared in everyone's sight.

On the back of this giant bird with a wingspan of more than five meters stood a bald black tree. Next to the black tree, a sharp-beaked red fox that was so old that its hair turned white stood and looked at this side like a human.

On the black tree branches above the fox's head, a pair of golden cats were also looking at Bai Chen and others with burning eyes.

As the bird got closer.

Bai Chen then discovered that the pair of big cats were not flesh and blood creatures, but stone beasts made of evil gold ore.

A quarter of an hour later.

These five strange creatures from the depths of the evil gold mining area landed in front of Bai Chen.

With a burst of light and shadow changes.

They all shrank to the size of huskies.

"Sir Bai Chen, we are the spirits of stone."

The stone cat spoke human language.

"I am an ordinary old fox."

The sharp-mouthed fox's voice was full of vicissitudes.

"I am Sanwei."

The bird's voice was crisp.

"I am Hei Mu."

The bald Hei Mu said stiffly.

The gray eagle Babu fluttered to the bare branches of Hei Mu. With its wings spread, countless faces of the spirits of the evil gold mining area appeared in front of Bai Chen again.

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