I can summon myself

Chapter 450: Counterattack on Earth


"Sally, invite the leader of the star-suckers from the Blue Sky World."

When the reconnaissance team arrived at the white light scene where Kraao was, the star sucker leader came to the snake-haired type 5 where Bai Chen was.

"I seem to have this memory in my blood."

"This is definitely not a natural phenomenon."

The star sucker leader said firmly.

"Krao, you should withdraw from the white light area immediately."

"Inform Long Hantian and the others to be more vigilant."

Bai Chen's decisive order reached the scene.

The armored cloud whales led by Crao retreated rapidly, and the Long Hantian seven-man group also immediately entered combat mode.

The next second, a powerful wave of spatial spiritual energy emerged from the location of the white light.

With thunder and lightning, the warp barrier shattered from within.


"Watch out, something is coming out of it!"

Long Hantian directly turned into a half-dragon and half-human dragon, and the alien boss entered an alien state.

Lao Huang, Er Huang, and Fang Zihan formed a triangle formation, looking at the place where the space collapsed from a distance.

"Earth, yes, this is Earth!"

"The hometown of the strangers, the stronghold of the Twolegs!"

"Counterattack the Earth, counterattack the Earth!"

A sixty-meter-long pale giant bone dragon emerged from the subspace barrier. The powerful space energy fluctuations all over its body showed its identity as a space system.

The five natives of the Big Blue Sky World, whose faces were covered with facial lines and whose bodies were covered with jet-black metal armor, could not tell whether they were men or women, old or young, stood on the backs of the bone dragons, dancing and dancing in unknown corners of the Big Sky World. Aboriginal yelled excitedly.

"We are the Resistance Army of the Blue Sky World!"

"Our goal is to defeat the Two-legged beasts and counterattack the Earth!"

They took out a green flag with the strange and strange Blue Sky Great World text inlaid on it.

But the next moment, they saw the Long Hantian team and Kraao and other armored cloud whales who were broadcasting live for Bai Chen in the cloud.

"There's actually a Twoleg?"

"Just kill them and that's it!"

Five black-armored rebels flew up from the back of the bone dragon.

Waves around the fifteenth level of the heaven-defying myth emerged on them.

The bone dragon of around the 18th level, which defied the myth, locked onto Kraao.


"Why are there rebels in subspace?"

Although Long Hantian was confused.

But he still instinctively rushed towards the opponent.

"Krao, you retreat first, leave this to us."

Seabeard's figure emerged from the shadows in front of Crao. The shadow female Tara directly turned the area where the armored cloud whales were into a mass of shadow that could not be seen.

The war broke out.

Although the ranks of the five rebels and one dragon far surpassed Long Hantian and others, they were suppressed by the heavenly law of the earth.

The two sides actually fought back and forth.

"The hand of fate!"

“You can’t resist the power of nature!”

"Hexagonal krypton gold warriors, move out!"

"The Scourge of the Undead come to me!"

"Elemental people, please obey my call!"

Red, white, black and green.

Beasts, undead, warriors composed of divine coins, skeletons and various specialties of the blue sky world came to the battlefield of the earth outside the subspace.

They followed the path of destiny and confused Long Hantian and others' faces.

Long Hantian let out a roar.

The shadows of the Dongtu Dragon Clan were looming around him.

Countless sharp black thorns sprouted from the body of the alien boss.

The whole person was like a killing machine covered with blades, cutting into the queue of the black-armored men with all their might.

Accompanied by the brilliance of various psychic powers, the triangular group composed of Lao Huang, Er Huang, and Fang Zihan entered the battlefield from another direction.

For a time, spiritual energy flew everywhere, and big moves came out one after another.

The Seabeard couple also had a head-on confrontation with Bone Dragon. Seabeard held the front, and the shadow girl Tara kept poking the bone dragon's tail with a small dagger.

One after another powerful spiritual energy fluctuations were displayed in the live projection in front of Bai Chen.

"Want me to come over?"

The star sucker leader said eagerly.

Bai Chen shook his head.


"Sally, prepare for on-orbit psionic strike."

An endlessly charging icon suddenly appeared on the big screen in front of Bai Chen.

The colorful spiritual light beams spewing out from the extinct volcano island shine brightly, and as a large amount of god-level essence is injected into the extinct volcano island, the charging speed of the basic matrix of the extinct volcano island increases rapidly.

"The target bone dragon has been locked!"

"Black Armor No. 1 has been locked!"

Sally's electronic sounds sounded one after another, and a substantial translucent console rose from in front of Bai Chen.

The seven-colored spiritual light beam surging with spiritual energy lit up the sky like a torch.

Both Long Hantian and others, as well as the black-armored team that counterattacked the earth, subconsciously looked in the direction of the extinct volcano island.

"No, classmate Bai Chen wants to grab the monster!"

Long Hantian roared.

A long dragon roar came from his body.

His body seemed to be inflated, expanding three times, five times, ten times, thirty times, and finally turned into a 100-meter dragon man about the same size as Cloud Whale.

"Classmate Bai Chen, you must be kind!"

The alien boss shook his body, and the black thorns on his body were like cannonballs blasting towards the black-armored intruders.

Lao Huang, Er Huang, Fang Zihan and others also used their special moves.

Not to be outdone, the black armors launched their ultimate move.

The radiance of psychic energy and divine power lit up the sky.

"Locked complete!"

"On-orbit strike ready."

Bai Chen pressed down the big red button on the virtual console.

Like a substantial pillar of colorful light, it cut through the sky.

Like a brilliant neon light from the extinct volcanic island of Biubiubiu to the battlefield.

"For the great blue sky world!"

"Counterattack the Earth and kill the alien Twolegs!"

The voices of the natives of the Blue Sky World once again sounded from within the subspace barrier.

The second team of ten black armors appeared in the sight of Long Hantian and others.

"Aha, fresh Twolegs!"

"Strangers must die!"

At the same time, the black armored men were overjoyed to see Long Hantian.


"Get back, don't come out!"

These ten black armors still haven't figured out what their first teammates are talking about.

Gorgeous, dazzling, and with countless mysterious auras, the colorful beams of light descended from the sky.

Bypassing Long Hantian and others and the first batch of five armors and one dragon.

The flying rainbow that shot through the sun slammed into the subspace channel created by the resistance with an unstoppable momentum.

The second ten-bit black armor, which Bai Chen had just installed, was turned into ashes by the psychic attack of evil gold before it even had time to scream.

Not only that, even the space beacon they had just built in the subspace mezzanine was turned into the most basic particles in the world by this brilliant light beam and dissipated in the subspace mezzanine.


"Have all the space channels been destroyed by this shot?"

Looking at the subspace barrier returning to normal, Long Hantian and other big guys took a breath of cold air, and the five black-armored and one-bone dragons were completely unable to accept the facts in front of them.

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