I can summon myself

Chapter 444: Bai Chen's Face

"Come over here."

The reply of just five words was the most beautiful note in the world for the bigwigs in Yanyu City.

No matter men or women, old or young, everyone's hanging hearts returned to normal.

"Well, now you can queue up to enter the No. 5 channel."

Sister You breathed a sigh of relief.

"You don't have to queue up."

After confirming that these five words were indeed the reply from the dead volcano island, the dispatcher of the No. 5 airport directly put them in the first sequence.


Everyone in Yanyu City pointed at the various aircrafts lined up in a long line outside the window waiting to enter the channel.

The origin of any aircraft was far higher than theirs.

Among them were big forces such as Jiangnan District and Jiangdong District, and there were also many other teams from outside the East who wanted to reach the airspace of the dead volcano island and reunite with their relatives in the lost contact area as soon as possible.

Cutting in line in front of them.

Even if everyone present was a well-known bigwig in Yanyu City, no one had ever thought about it. The reason is very simple, that is, the forces represented by any aircraft in the sky are not them, and they are not something that Yanyu City can provoke.

The dispatcher did not answer directly, but picked up the intercom.

"Everyone, this is Airport No. 5. The aircraft of Yanyu City is preparing to go to the dead volcano island to meet with classmate Bai Chen. Do you have any objections to my queuing them to the first place in the channel?"

The reply of the queuers came quickly from the loudspeaker.

"Bai Chen's fellow Yanyu people?"

"Hurry up and come to the first place."

"It must be no problem."

"What's the big deal about cutting in line? We must give face to classmate Bai Chen!"

"Step back, let's step back collectively and make room for Bai Chen's fellow Yanyu people."

The people of Yanyu City were stunned to see the aircraft in the sky collectively take a big step back, leaving the airspace in front of Channel No. 5 empty.

Not only that, when the old aircraft of Yanyu City flew into the sky with black smoke.

Each aircraft took the initiative to greet them by lighting and broadcasting.

When Channel 5 was opened again.

The people of Yanyu City were the first to enter the channel.

"Is it Bai Chen's fellow Yanyu City native?"

The missing people with the imperial capital logo coming towards them got their confirmation.

Their very serious voices suddenly rang out in the public channel: "Please do us a favor and express our gratitude to Bai Chen. We will never forget your life-saving grace."

"Please pay our highest respects to Bai Chen on our behalf."

"Hello, Bai Chen."

"Thank you for everything Bai Chen has done for us."

Voices of gratitude came one after another.

Whether it was the missing people or their relatives, after learning the identities of their group, they all expressed their gratitude to Bai Chen in the most solemn voices.

The cheeks of these bigwigs gradually turned red.

A sense of pride brought by Bai Chen arose spontaneously.

Bai Chen made Yanyu City proud and proud.

"I didn't expect that classmate Bai Chen is so prestigious."

"Look at those big forces from big places, look at those financial groups, and foreigners from famous schools. When they mention classmate Bai Chen, they are all respectful."

"Even we, the people of Yanyu, are looked up to by them."

The faces of the people in Yanyu City were full of excitement. Not only did they feel greatly satisfied, but more importantly, Bai Chen brought great honor to Yanyu City, which benefited every Yanyu person.

The leader of the team, the old man of Yanyu City, He Lao, a big shot with great influence in Yanyu City, said: "I know that each of you has your own little calculations, and I also know that everyone wants to take a bite of the big fat meat like the Blue Sky World, but now you must understand one thing, that is, the biggest interest of Yanyu City is not Yanyu College, let alone the territory of the Blue Sky World."

"There is only one opportunity for Yanyu City to take off, and that is classmate Bai Chen."

"Holding on to classmate Bai Chen's thick thigh is the most important thing for Yanyu City."

"Therefore, don't blame me for not saying ugly words in advance. Whoever has a bad relationship with classmate Bai Chen for the interests of the Dead Volcano Island and the Blue Sky World is the enemy of my He family and the enemy of Yanyu City!"

"Bai Chen gave you a chance out of kindness, and he also has his reasons for thinking that you are not suitable!"

"What classmate Bai Chen gives you is yours, and you should not think about what classmate Bai Chen doesn't give you!"

The atmosphere in the aircraft suddenly became solemn.

"What Mr. He said is what I want to say."

"Of course, no matter how great the benefits of the Azure Sky World are, it is not as important as being familiar to classmate Bai Chen!"

"Bai Chen is so young now that he has invaded the Azure Sky World and gained a territory several times larger than Yanyu City from the natives. We are not fools, so how can we leave Bai Chen's golden thigh untouched and make him unhappy for a little profit?"

"If you want to fly and have fun with classmate Bai Chen, you must not offend Bai Chen's face!"

None of the people present who can climb to a prominent position in Yanyu City are fools. Yes, they came for the Azure Sky World.

But the most important thing is Bai Chen.

As long as they can hold Bai Chen's krypton gold thigh, let alone return empty-handed, they are willing to go bankrupt.

Just when this group of misty fellows were looking forward to meeting Bai Chen, Abbet Maple Sugar, number 0001, once again came to the main peak of the East Room Sword Sect, splitting the sky with one hand.

It's just that besides her, there are a lot of young girls dressed in 2077 from the urban-rural fringe area behind her.

They include indigenous humans, grass elves, Nagas, and various hybrids.

In addition to all being dressed in an urban-rural style, each one of them is very in line with the aesthetics of people from outside the earth.

"Are they?"

Senior Brother Tian Gang's stunning eyes couldn't help but sweep across their faces.

The bald senior was waiting for a bunch of muscular bachelors, and his eyes were wide open.

Although their dress is really not flattering.

But she has a decent face and a good figure.

Any one of them can defeat the foodie senior girl from Yanyu Academy who only knows how to eat and eat all day long.

"They are the most beautiful girls of all races."

"According to the rules of the Big Blue Sky World, it is the property of Master Bai Chen. They come here to take care of everything for Master Bai Chen."

Abbette Maple Sugar introduced their purpose.

Her face was calm, and there was no emotion like unwillingness in her clear eyes.

Because in the big blue sky world, sending the most outstanding beautiful girls to the temples of their respective faiths is a custom that has lasted for thousands of years.

Now it's just a change from the previous master like the gods to a stranger like Bai Chen.

As for why they were all dressed up in urban-rural fringe 2077, it was obviously influenced by a certain Sinowe who did not want to be named.


"Can you warm the bed?"

"Personal maid?"

The eyes of singles are brighter than light bulbs.

"Bah, a bunch of LSPs!"


"Too obscene!"

The foodie senior and other girls from Misty Rain Academy glared at Tian Gang and others.

The bald Wang Botang, not to be outdone, responded angrily: "You are engaging in gender discrimination. If they were beautiful young people, your saliva could drown the entire Dongwu Sword Sect!"

When Bai Chen came after hearing the news, what he saw was the scene of the two sides spitting at each other.

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