I can summon myself

Chapter 437 Ding! Your Ancient God System is online

"Mr. Jiang, are you from the East Earth Psychic Association going to help Bai Chen?"

The bald, short and fat Allen is very clear about the difficulty of normal earthlings to establish effective communication with the natives of the Azure Sky World.

Not to mention the emergency handover at hand. Even if there are God's Chosen who dare not neglect the participation, the difficulty of the handover between two completely different civilizations can be seen from the crazy teachers and students of Yanyu Academy.

Allen was very surprised that the people of the East Earth Psychic Association stationed in the Azure Sky World did not have any intention of helping.

"I want to help, but I can't."

"The big guys at the Genius Center think this is a rare training opportunity."

Jiang made a helpless expression.

Of course, it was not intentional to increase the difficulty for Bai Chen.

The meaning of the Genius Center is not to train Bai Chen, but to train the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy who have no experience in dealing with the native civilizations of other worlds.

Who said Yanyu Academy really has no foundation.

Even if there is a magical student Bai Chen, the big guys still think that if there is a chance, they should train Wu Laoguai and Tian Gang, who are rubbing against Bai Chen's thick thighs.

If the people of Yanyu Academy improve a little, it will be easier for Bai Chen to lead them.

Suddenly, Allen, who was watching the main peak of Dongwu Sword Sect from a distance, found that the frowning teachers and students of Yanyu Academy suddenly changed their faces.

They were originally blown up on the spot by the natives, and they suddenly became different people for some reason.

The eyes of each member of Yanyu Academy looking at the natives were full of the meaning of a good show about to begin.

The melodious bell rang in the hall at the top of the peak.

All the native representatives were gathered in front of the hall by the bell.

The unsure Jiang Zhengshi and the bald short fat Allen and the startled God's Chosen Ones started the melon-eating and watching mode together.

As Bai Chen appeared in front of the crowd.

The whispering natives shut their mouths one by one, and their complicated eyes focused on Bai Chen. Their faces were full of awe for Bai Chen.

Bai Chen snapped his fingers, and Senior Brother Tian Gang and the bald senior came out of the hall pushing a cart.

The piles of bracelets made of evil gold on the car were emitting golden light.

The natives were even more confused.

The onlookers also widened their eyes.

"Three to four in each tribe."

"The chief, the strongest, the most intelligent, and the most potential."

Bai Chen picked up one at random.

The surface of the bracelet was smooth and round, and traces of casting could be seen. The rows of strange regular script on the inside of the bracelet proved that it was not just a simple appearance.

"This is a divine weapon."

Bai Chen said lightly.

The natives suddenly became agitated.

The onlookers also stared at this batch of products without any divine power fluctuations.

"Bai Chen is really humorous."

Allen whispered to Secretary Jiang.

Secretary Jiang stared at the bracelet in Bai Chen's hand intently, scanning it up and down, left and right, but he could not see any connection between it and the divine weapon.

"Although the aboriginals are very unsophisticated, the Azure Sky World is the world of God, and they can still distinguish what the artifacts look like." Melinda felt that Bai Chen didn't take the aboriginals seriously.

Yan Shuishui looked at him with a look of contempt, saying, "I'd be surprised if I believed your evil."

"Annette Maple Sugar."

Bai Chen waved to the grass elf matriarch of the Maple Sugar Tribe next to the Evil Gold Mine.

The selected white-haired grass elf lady with facial patterns walked in front of Bai Chen with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Sir Bai Chen, this artifact?"

She hesitated to speak.

Even if the aboriginals are now Bai Chen's people.

But using fake artifacts to deceive people will not only have no effect, but will greatly damage Bai Chen's prestige.

She really didn't understand why Bai Chen would do such a trick that even a three-year-old child wouldn't believe to deceive everyone.

"Put it on."

Bai Chen's face was calm.

Annette Maple Sugar gritted her teeth and buckled the bracelet on her left wrist.

As an indescribable, unnameable, unstoppable and irresistible breath penetrated into her body from the inside of the bracelet.

The ancient god's unique whisper suddenly rang in her ears.


"Your ancient god system is online."

"Please immediately inject your spiritual energy fluctuations, spiritual imprints, and soul origin into the bracelet!"

Anette Maple Sugar's eyes widened.

Yes, this is definitely the breath of the Old Ones.

She glanced at Bai Chen.

Bai Chen nodded and motioned her to do so.

Anette Maple Sugar made up her mind and injected these three pieces of information into the bracelet according to the system prompts.

Suddenly, the golden bracelet shone brightly.

The shadow of the earthy yellow little dog was projected in front of everyone by the bracelet.

"Number 0001, Annette Maple Sugar."

"Now you are the first official user of the Ancient God System."

"The bracelet in your hand is called the Ancient God Client of Boss Bai Chen."

"It is not only a symbol of identity, but also a bridge for your tribe to communicate with us."

Annette Maple Sugar was stunned when he heard this.

The natives were also confused as they looked at the phantom of the little dog standing on human-like legs.

What the hell is a client?

What the hell is a communication bridge?

This thing does have the breath of the Ancient God, but it is completely different from the unparalleled artifact in their impression.


The shadow of the little dog made a ding sound, focusing everyone's attention on it.

"Task 1: Send bracelets 0002, 0003, and 0004 to the grass elves in your tribe that match them."

"Task 2: After activating these three bracelets, the four of you log in to the ancient god server together."

"Task time limit: None, task reward: None."

Anette Maple Sugar subconsciously looked at his tribe.

"What are you standing there for? Hurry up and finish it."

"This is the legendary portable task system!"

"Boss Bai Chen uses it to issue tasks to your tribe. You also follow its guidance to complete the tasks and receive task rewards!"

"It doesn't matter if the worldview is different, it doesn't matter if it's a chicken talking to a duck."

"As long as you wear it, you can receive the request of Boss Bai Chen from the irresistible whisper of the ancient god."

The Internet-addicted girl Hedria, who seriously needs electric shock treatment, understood the function of the evil gold bracelet with a built-in ancient god system at a glance.

That's right, it is completely different from the traditional artifact.

But it can carry the breath of the ancient god of the little earth dog, and it is a perfect communication medium that ignores the spiritual energy corrosion of the Azure Sky World and the divine system of the Azure Sky World.

Bai Chen can use the little earth dog to give orders to his native subordinates scattered all over the Azure Sky World at any time and anywhere, without worrying about the spatial distance, spiritual energy obstacle avoidance, belief area and other difficulties that the earthlings have not been able to solve until now.

This system solves the big problems of poor communication and communication obstruction that have caused headaches for everyone.


"No. 0001, Arnett Maple Sugar, you have a new task: return to your tribe immediately and test the reliability of the system on site!"

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